Unity3d and automated builds

In the previous post, we discussed Unity Remote to lessen the time taken to view constant changes on target platforms. Now, we would like to package game code once to be deployed to multiple devices. 

In this post, we use Jenkins: an open source continuous integration tool to perform automated builds. 
At the time of this writing, Jenkins is available for Android on PC and both Android / iOS on the Mac

Let's check it out! 

Windows PC 
Ensure you have the following pre-requisites installed and setup as per previous post.
 The Java SDK Environment Variables
 Android SDK USB Drivers
 Unity 3D
Also, ensure you have an SVN client installed on localhost, for example, Tortoise SVN

As an example, let's upload Angry Bots into source control (SVN) to demonstrate automated builds. 

Add the following "PerformBuild.cs" file to the "Editor" folder to help automate the Android build: 
Note: upgrade to Unity Pro licence if you would like to programmatically Build the Player Pipeline.
  1. using System;  
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;  
  3. using System.IO;  
  4. using UnityEditor;  
  5. using UnityEngine;  
  6. using Object = UnityEngine.Object;  
  8. public class PerformBuild  
  9. {   
  10.   [MenuItem("Automated/Automated Android Build")]  
  11.   static void CommandLineBuildOnCheckinAndroid()  
  12.   {  
  13.     const BuildTarget target = BuildTarget.Android;  
  15.     string[] levels = GetBuildScenes();  
  16.     const string locationPathName = "AngryBotsAndroid.apk";  
  17.     const BuildOptions options = BuildOptions.None;  
  19.     DeleteStreamingAssets();  
  20.     BuildPipelineBuildAssetBundle(target);  
  21.     BuildPipelineBuildPlayer(levels, locationPathName, target, options);  
  22.   }  
  24.   private static string[] GetBuildScenes()  
  25.   {  
  26.     List<string> names = new List<string>();  
  27.     foreach (EditorBuildSettingsScene e in EditorBuildSettings.scenes)  
  28.     {  
  29.       if (e == null) { continue; }  
  30.       if (e.enabled) { names.Add(e.path); }  
  31.     }  
  32.     return names.ToArray();  
  33.   }  
  35.   private static void DeleteStreamingAssets()  
  36.   {  
  37.     // Delete streaming assets (downloaded from source control).  
  38.     string[] filesToDelete = Directory.GetFiles(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "*.unity3d*");  
  39.     foreach (string file in filesToDelete)   
  40.     {  
  41.       File.Delete(file);  
  42.     }  
  43.   }  
  45.   private static void BuildPipelineBuildAssetBundle(BuildTarget buildTarget)  
  46.   {  
  47.     string[] assetPaths = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths();  
  49.     string pathName = Application.streamingAssetsPath;  
  50.     foreach (string f in assetPaths)  
  51.     {  
  52.       if (!f.Contains("Master Assets")) { continue; }  
  53.       Object a = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath(f, typeof(Object));  
  54.       if (a == null) { continue; }  
  56.       Object[] asset = new Object[1];  
  57.       asset[0] = a;  
  58.       string assetType = a.GetType().Name;  
  59.       if (assetType.Equals("Object")) { continue; }  
  61.       string assetName = assetType + "_" + asset[0].name + ".unity3d";  
  62.       string fullName = pathName + "/" + assetName;  
  64.       const BuildAssetBundleOptions options = BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies | BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets | BuildAssetBundleOptions.UncompressedAssetBundle;  
  66.       BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(a, asset, fullName, options, buildTarget);  
  67.     }  
  68.   }  
  70.   private static void BuildPipelineBuildPlayer(string[] levels, string locationPathName, BuildTarget target, BuildOptions options)  
  71.   {  
  72.     PlayerSettings.productName = "Angry Bots";  
  73.     PlayerSettings.bundleIdentifier = "com.studiosstevepro.angrybots";  
  74.     PlayerSettings.bundleVersion = "1.0";  
  76.     String error = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(levels, locationPathName, target, options);  
  77.     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error))  
  78.     {  
  79.       throw new System.Exception("Build failed: " + error);  
  80.     }    
  81.   }  
  82. }  
Download Jenkins Binary Installer and run. Restart computer. Navigate to http://localhost:8080

Manage Plugins 
Main dashboard | Click Manage Jenkins | Click Manage Plugins | Click "Available" tab. 
Ensure the following plugins are installed: Subversion Plugin and Unity3d plugin. 
Restart Plugins 
Start | run | services.msc. Scroll down to Jenkins. Right click. Restart. 
Configure System 
Main dashboard | Click Manage Jenkins | Click Configure System. Enter the following: 
Unity3d | Add Unity3d | Unity3d installations
 Name Unity3D
 Installation directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\

Jenkins Location 
 Jenkins URL http://buildserver:8080
 System Admin e-mail address build@mycompany.com

 Subversion Workspace Version 1.7

E-mail Notification 
 SMTP server smtp@mycompany.com

New Item 
Main dashboard | Click New Item | Enter Item name: AngryBotsAndroid. 
Click radio button next to "Build a free-style software project". Click OK. 
 Project Name AngryBotsAndroid

Source Code Management
 Subversion Modules Checked
 Repository URL https://mycompany.com/svn/AngryBots
 Check-out Strategy Use 'svn update', with 'svn revert'
Note: you may be prompted to enter SVN source control credentials at this point. 
Credentials | Click Add button | Add SVN source control Username and Password. 

Build | Add build step | Invoke Unity3d Editor
 Unity3d installation name Unity3D
 Editor command line arguments: 
 -quit -batchmode -executeMethod PerformBuild.CommandLineBuildOnCheckinAndroid

Build | Add build step | Execute shell
 Command echo ${WORKSPACE}

Post-build Actions | E-mail Notification
 Recipients Enter email distribution list

Click Apply button | Click Save button | Click Build Now. 

Note: during build job, Unity may prompt you to select Android SDK path. Choose D:\Android\sdk 

Main dashboard | Click AngryBotsAndroid | Build History | Click DateTime link | Console Output. 

Scroll to bottom: note the absolute path to AngryBotsAndroid build job workspace entered there. 
For example, it may be C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\AngryBotsAndroid\workspace 

Connect Android device to PC. Launch command prompt, navigate to Android APK file and install: 
Start | run | cmd | cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\AngryBotsAndroid\workspace" 
adb install -r AngryBotsAndroid.apk 

Congratulations! Angry Bots should be installed on your Android device ready to play. 

Apple Mac 
Ensure you have the following pre-requisites installed and setup as per previous post.
 The Java SDK Environment Variables
 Android SDK USB Drivers
 Unity 3D Xcode
Also, ensure you have an SVN client installed on localhost, for example, svnx for Mac. 

In order to deploy code to an iOS device, this post assumes you have an Apple Developer ID
This post also assumes you have a Provisioning Profile setup via the Apple Developer portal. 

Automated builds may actually benefit from archiving final packaged products to a network file share. 
That way, packages can be deployed from mounted network file share on to multiple devices directly. 

Mount Drive 
For example: there is a Shared/builds folder on ARCHIVE-SERVER for automated builds. 

Finder | Go menu | Connect to Server... Enter the following Server Address: smb://username:password@ARCHIVE-SERVER/Shared. Click Connect button. 

Launch Terminal window to manually mount drive. Type the following (as root): 
sudo su | cd /mnt | mkdir builds | cd builds 
mount_smbfs //ARCHIVE-SERVER/Shared/builds /mnt/builds 

Root User 
Important: Jenkins must run as root user in order to have copy permission to mount drive. 
Launch Terminal window to elevate Jenkins privileges as root user. Modify configuration: cd /Library/LaunchDaemons | vi org.jenkins-ci.plist | Find <key>UserName</key> 
Change <string>Jenkins</string> TO <string>root</string> | Type !wq to Save. 

Update the "PerformBuild.cs" file that exists in the "Editor" folder to help automate the iOS build: 
Note: upgrade to Unity Pro licence if you would like to programmatically Build the Player Pipeline.
  1. public class PerformBuild  
  2. {  
  3.   [MenuItem("Automated/Automated iOS Build")]  
  4.   static void CommandLineBuildOnCheckinIOS()  
  5.   {  
  6.     const BuildTarget target = BuildTarget.iPhone;  
  8.     string[] levels = GetBuildScenes();  
  9.     const string locationPathName = "iOSbuild";  
  10.     const BuildOptions options = BuildOptions.None;  
  12.     DeleteStreamingAssets();  
  13.     BuildPipelineBuildAssetBundle(target);  
  14.     BuildPipelineBuildPlayer(levels, locationPathName, target, options);  
  15.   }  
  17.   // same code as before.  
  18. }  
Download Jenkins Binary Installer and run. Restart computer. Navigate to http://localhost:8080

Note: if you receive warning "Jenkins.pkg can't be opened because from unidentified developer" 
Choose: System Preferences | Security & Privacy | Click "Open anyway" button | Install. 

Manage Plugins 
Main dashboard | Click Manage Jenkins | Click Manage Plugins | Click "Available" tab. 
Ensure the following plugins are installed: Subversion, Unity3d and the Xcode plugin. 

Restart Plugins 
The Jenkins Installer sets up a launch daemon listening on port 8080 for all incoming requests. 
Therefore, launch Terminal window to manually restart daemon. Type the following (as root): Manually stop daemon: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist 
Manually start daemon: sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist 

Configure System 
Main dashboard | Click Manage Jenkins | Click Configure System. Enter the following: Configuration 
 Home directory /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home

Unity3d | Add Unity3d | Unity3d installations
 Name Unity3D
 Installation directory /Applications/Unity/Unity.app

Xcode Builder
 xcodebuild executable path /usr/bin/xcodebuild
 agvtool executable path /usr/bin/agvtool
 xcrun executable path /usr/bin/xcrun

Jenkins Location 
 Jenkins URL http://buildserver:8080
 System Admin e-mail address build@mycompany.com

 Subversion Workspace Version 1.7

E-mail Notification 
 SMTP server smtp@mycompany.com

New Item 
Main dashboard | Click New Item | Enter Item name: AngryBotsIOS. 
Click radio button next to "Build a free-style software project". OK. 
 Project Name AngryBotsIOS

Source Code Management
 Subversion Modules Checked
 Repository URL https://mycompany.com/svn/AngryBots
 Check-out Strategy Use 'svn update', with 'svn revert'
Note: you may be prompted to enter SVN source control credentials at this point. 
Credentials | Click Add button | Add SVN source control Username and Password. 

Build Triggers 
For example, poll build server every 10 minutes for any source code revisions.
 Poll SCM Checked
 Schedule H/10 * * * *

Build | Add build step | Invoke Unity3d Editor 
 Unity3d installation name Unity3D
 Editor command line arguments: 
 -quit -batchmode -executeMethod PerformBuild.CommandLineBuildOnCheckinIOS

Xcode | General build settings 
 Target Unity-iPhone
 Clean before build? Checked
 Configuration Release
 Pack application and build .ipa? Checked
 .ipa filename pattern AngryBotsIOS

Xcode | Code signing & OS X keychain options 
 Code signing & OS X keychain options iPhone Distribution
Note: leave blank if you do not wish to override the code signing identity in project. 

Xcode | Advanced Xcode build options 
 Xcode Project Directory iOSbuild
 Build output directory ${WORKSPACE}/output

Build | Add build step | Execute shell. Enter the following shell script: 
  1. # This is the output IPA file.  
  2. filename="AngryBotsIOS.ipa"  
  4. echo "Copying $filename to /mnt/builds now STARTING..."  
  5. echo "Running as :"  
  6. whoami  
  8. # Navigate to destination.  
  9. cd /mnt/builds  
  11. # Remove current file if exists.  
  12. if [ -f "$filename" ]; then rm "$filename"; fi  
  14. # Copy latest version of file.  
  15. cp ${WORKSPACE}/output/"$filename" .  
  17. # Create archive directory if necessary.  
  18. testdate=${BUILD_ID}  
  19. filedate=`echo "$testdate" | cut -d '_' -f1`  
  21. if [ -d "$filedate" ]; then echo "$filedate" exists; else mkdir "$filedate"; fi  
  22. cd "$filedate"  
  24. # Remove archive file if exists.  
  25. archfile=${SVN_REVISION}_"$filename"  
  26. if [ -f "$archfile" ]; then rm "$archfile"; fi  
  28. # Copy archive version of file.  
  29. cp ${WORKSPACE}/output/"$filename" ./"$archfile"  
  31. echo "Copying $filename to /mnt/builds now COMPLETE..."  
  32. echo Finished  
Click Apply button | Click Save Button | Click Build Now. 

iOS automated builds may encounter errors if the build server is not completely setup. 

Code Sign Errors 
There are no valid certificate/private key pairs in the default keychain 
Open "Keychain Access" application. Finder | Applications | Utilities | Keychain Access 

Click login tab (top right) | Right click "iPhone Developer YOUR NAME" | Choose Copy 
Click System tab | Right click in area | Choose Paste 2 items 

Note: you may need to repeat with the "iPhone Distribution YOUR NAME" certificate. 

Provisioning profile 'xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx' can't be found 
Copy your username mobile device provisioning profile to the shared Jenkins folder: 
Launch Terminal window to copy provisioning profile. Type the following (as root): 

Copy /Users/username/Library/MobileDevice folder TO /Users/Shared/Jenkins 
Copy /Users/username/Library/MobileDevice folder TO /System/Library 

FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL 
If you encounter this error then Jenkins wants to run as its own private user instead of Mac OS/X. 
Create slave node on Jenkins thus the Unity process can connect as Mac OS/X user accordingly: 

Main dashboard | Click Manage Jenkins | Click Manage Nodes | New Node
 Node name Unity3D
 Dumb slave Checked

 Name Unity3D
 # of executors 2
 Remote root directory /Users/username/JenkinsNode
 Usage Leave this machine for tied Jobs only
 Launch method Launch slave agents via Java Web Start
 Availability Keep this slave on-line as much as possible

UnityException: Launching iOS project via Xcode4 failed. Check editor log for details 
If you are using Unity 4.3.* and Xcode 5.1.* then you may possibly receive this error. 

Manually edit Xcode plugin metadata Info.plist file for Unity and add the missing key: 
Launch Terminal window. Type the following (as root): 

cd /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/BuildTargetTools 
cd iPhonePlayer/Unity4XC.xcplugin/Contents 

vi Info.plist | Search for DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs | Add key: 

UnityException: Launching iOS project via Xcode4 failed. Check editor log for details 
If you are using Unity 4.5.* and Xcode 6.0.* then you may possibly receive this error. 

Manually edit Xcode plugin metadata Info.plist file for Unity and add the missing key: 
Launch Terminal window. Type the following (as root): 

cd /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/PlaybackEngines 
cd iOSSupport/Tools/OSX/Unity4XC.xcplugin/Contents 

vi Info.plist | Search for DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs | Add key: 

After the iOS build is successful, deploy packaged game code once to multiple devices: 

Connect an iOS device to your PC | Launch iTunes | Click the top left drop down arrow 
Add File to Library...| Navigate to \\ARCHIVE-SERVER\Shared | Double click AngryBotsIOS.ipa Click iPhone button | Click Apps button | Click Install button (next to AngryBots) | Click Apply button. Congratulations! Angry Bots should be installed on your iOS device ready to play. 

The only automated build option outstanding here is an Android build deployed on the Mac. 
Fortunately, this is simple: clone iOS build job, remove Xcode build step and modify script. 

Clone iOS build 
Main dashboard | Click New Item | Enter Item name: AngryBotsAndroid. 
Click radio button next to "Copy existing Item". Enter "AngryBotsIOS". 

Build | Add build step | Invoke Unity3d Editor
 Unity3d installation name Unity3D
 Editor command line arguments: 
-quit -batchmode -executeMethod PerformBuild.CommandLineBuildOnCheckinAndroid

Remove Xcode build step 
Scroll down to Xcode | General build settings | Click Delete button. 

Modify script. 
Make the following changes to shell script to accommodate Android packaged game code:
  1. # This is the output APK file.  
  2. filename="AngryBotsAndroid.APK"  
  4. echo "Copying $filename to /mnt/builds now STARTING..."  
  5. echo "Running as :"  
  6. whoami  
  8. # Navigate to destination.  
  9. cd /mnt/builds  
  11. # Remove current file if exists.  
  12. if [ -f "$filename" ]; then rm "$filename"; fi  
  14. # Copy latest version of file.  
  15. cp ${WORKSPACE}/"$filename" .  
  17. # Create archive directory if necessary.  
  18. testdate=${BUILD_ID}  
  19. filedate=`echo "$testdate" | cut -d '_' -f1`  
  21. if [ -d "$filedate" ]; then echo "$filedate" exists; else mkdir "$filedate"; fi  
  22. cd "$filedate"  
  24. # Remove archive file if exists.  
  25. archfile=${SVN_REVISION}_"$filename"  
  26. if [ -f "$archfile" ]; then rm "$archfile"; fi  
  28. # Copy archive version of file.  
  29. cp ${WORKSPACE}/"$filename" ./"$archfile"  
  31. echo "Copying $filename to /mnt/builds now COMPLETE..."  
  32. echo Finished  
In conclusion, Continuous Integration has many advantages; one of which of course is stability: an automated build process constantly checks state of the code and immediately reports build errors. 

The timeliness of this feedback is critical for maintaining stable code. Especially for software being regularly deployed to multiple devices; most of which avail to frequent online mobile store updates!




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