Life Situation Two

一 Before leaving home 


1,某人为啥做某事 ; 妆扮打扮 ; 在去..的路上 ; 穿着的 ; 问某人准备做...;  大多数;错过...;不要紧,无论怎样;记得做;

2,单词默写: 宴会 ; 极好的 ; 妆容 ; 项链 ; 钻石,方块; 


单词: banquet 宴会   make-up 化妆  ,妆容  fabulous  极好的    perfect 完美   necklace 项链  diamond 钻石;菱形卡牌


A: Susan  good evening why are you so dressed up?    

B: I am on my way out to a New Year's banquet , How do I look?  is my make-up  ok?       

A: You look great , your make-up is perfect .

B: Do you think I should wear a different dress ?
A: No, the one you have on looks fabulous , especially with your hair like that .    

B Thanks for saying. Do  you have any ideas which necklace I should wear?         

A: With that dress I'd  say your white diamond necklace would look  perfect .     

B:Thanks for helping out . Now that I'm ready , what are you doing tonight?

A:Not much,  just a house party with some friends 

B: Sounds fun. Anyone I know ?

A:Yeah , most of the people are from our office .

B:Sounds like I'm missing out on a good time . Oh well , there is always  next year .

A: I am sure you will have fun no matter where you go , Remember to take your bag .

知识:1, why  are you  so + adj 表示为啥这么...     why are you so late? We were worried  to death about you.

why are you so tired?

2,dress (sb)up 打扮 妆扮     My sister loved to dress me up.

3,on my way  已经在路上 Mom,I `m on my way to school .

4, have on = be dressed in  穿上  ;抓住某人的把柄 证据

5,Thanks for doing (sth) 因....而感谢     Thanks for your help

6, miss out 错过 ,遗漏掉   If you don`t check carefully , maybe you will miss out something.

7, no matter  不管怎样,不介意,不要紧   No matter what you do, your mom always love you .

No matter where you go , I will accompany you.

8, remember to do   记得要做某事           Remember to  do your homework.


二:After Getting Home 


1,有许多...东西;太多 ;  在..前面, 在..内部前; 有一点(种)...表示性格 ;  毕竟 ;尝试去做;

2,默写单词: 批判  ;真相 ; 无聊 ;大概 ; 放屁; 精疲力尽的;绝对的 ;表示否定的也;同意;后背


单词::  though 虽然 ;尽管  (放句尾可做补充说明,把语气减弱)          favorite 最爱的,最喜欢的     criticize (v)批判,挑剔 

critical (adj)批判性的,至关重要的    truth (n) 真相,真理,真实     true (adj)真实的 

either  任何一个;放在否定词后表示“也...”    boring 无聊的,无趣的    active 有活力的 

 behind 在...之后        back 后背,脊柱       probably 大概,很可能         fart (v)放屁  (n)讨厌的人,蠢人

absolute (adj)绝对的,完全的,无疑的            agree 同意       exhausted 精疲力尽的


A: Home at last.  Tonight we have a lot of homework though. 

B:Are you saying we don`t have time to watch our favorite show tonight? 

Jane, you know I really don`t like our teacher all that much. He gives far too much homework.

He criticizes me  in front of everyone all the time .

A:To tell the truth, I don`t really like him either. He`s kind of boring and not very active.

He always looks unhappy too .

B:Yes, and he also ...

A:Do you think we should be talking about him like this behind his back?

B:Probably not . After all he is our teacher. We should try to find something nice to say.

If you can`t say something nice you shouldn`t say anything at all.

A:I absolutely agree. It`s getting dark. We should finish our homework now.

B:All right. I want to take a shower first . I`m exhausted.


1,  at last  最终   Only consist to promote yourself , at last you can win the game.

2,  have time / money to do sth   有时间(金钱)做  You have many time to do your homework , but  utill 11:30 pm, you don`t finish it.

3,   in front of  在(外部的)前面       in the front of 在(内部的)前面

My father in the front  of his car , and I in front of the car.

4,  To tell the truth 说实话      just now  刚刚      To tell the truth , I just now  farted  

5, be kind of  有点儿 

6, After all  毕竟 ,终究    He lose her after all.      

After all , he doesn`t finish his work,so he should be criticized.

7, try to do  尝试 ,努力去做

三 Cooking 


1,参与 投入;开玩笑 ;询问数量(可数与不可数) ;愿意做; 穿上; 从...中拿;  切丁 ;切片; 看一看;和...一样...;

2,单词默写 : 力度程度 投掷 ; 特殊 ; 马铃薯 ; 打蛋器; 烧开 ; 甜椒 ; 切丁 ;薄片; 削皮机; 储物柜 ;靴子

单词: pitch (n) 力度,程度;(v)投掷   joke (n)笑话,玩笑         special 特殊的   apron (n)围裙;停机坪

boil (v) 烧开,使沸腾      whisk (v)搅拌 ,迅速带走 (n)打蛋器 搅拌器       potatoe 土豆   fridge (n)冰箱 

bell pepper 甜椒,柿子椒          dice  (n) 骰子 色子  (v) 把...切成丁   slice (n)薄片,餐桌里的小铲 (v)切成..薄片

peeler (n)削皮机   cabinet  碗柜 储物柜     boot 靴子     bench 长凳子

A:I`d like to help pitch in with dinner.           B:Really? You`re joking.

A:No, I`d like to do something special for you on your birthday.   B: I`d like that. Alright , put on this apron first .

A:OK... Now how can I help , hon?            B:Hmm, let me see ... Boil some water and then whisk two eggs.

A:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed. .....    Done~

B:Not bad . Okay , now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge.

A:How many potatoes do you need?

B: Three. And bring four bell peppers.

A:Gotcha...OK .Here they are .  

B: Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers .Then slice the meat .

A: Where`s the peeler?

B: It`s in the cabinet ... Adam, the gas cooker doesn`t work .

A: What? Oh shit ! I cut my finger

B: Let me take a look at that ... I can`t stop the bleeding.  We need to go to the hospital .

A: I  guess cooking is not as easy as I thought.


1, pitch in  参与;协力做 ;投入     We have prepare supper for the team and they all pitch in .

2, you are joking 你在开玩笑 

3,would like to do something 愿意做,要做某事            Would  you like to marry me?

4, put on  穿上,戴上,涂抹  Put on your coat , outside is cold . 

5, take ... from...      从...拿    Please take your boot from the bench        

6,with +sth +v 表示sth所处的状态        I was shocked with my mouth open.

7, how many +可数名词复数 表示多少       how much + 不可数名词 

How many children in the car ?           How much maney you had spend on this blouse? 

8, dice sth 把...切丁          slice sth 把...切片

9,take a look at  看一看      I`ll have to take a look at that .

10, as +adj +as  和.. 一样 ..       This animal as important as panda

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