




Program name Report title
CHAP0101 Chapter 1: How to define types and data objects
CHAP0102 Chapter 1: A Few Simple Examples
CHAP0103 Chapter 1: Working with database tables and internal tables
CHAP0104 Chapter 1: Designing a report
CHAP0301 Chapter 3: The Syntax of ABAP Programs
CHAP0401 Chapter 4: Three approaches to define data objects
CHAP0402 Chapter 4: Types, data, constants
CHAP0403 Chapter 4: Character types
CHAP0404 Chapter 4: Numbers
CHAP0405 Chapter 4: Date and time
CHAP0406 Chapter 4: Hexadecimal (or binary) data
CHAP0407 Chapter 4: Records and internal tables
CHAP0408 Chapter 4: Complex Non-Elementary Types and Data Objects
CHAP0409 Chapter 4: Using system fields
CHAP0501 Chpater 5: Working with tables from the Dictionary
CHAP0701 Chapter 7: Copying fields
CHAP0702 Chapter 7: Simple examples of field conversion
CHAP0703 Chapter 7: Converting character fields
CHAP0704 Chapter 7: Converting number fields
CHAP0705 Chapter 7: Converting date fields
CHAP0706 Chapter 7: Copying structured objects
CHAP0707 Chapter 7: Arithmetic Expressions and Mathematical Functions
CHAP0708 Chapter 7: String Operations
CHAP0709 Chapter 7: Special conversions
CHAP0801 Chapter 8: Using the Basic Layout Formats
CHAP0802 Chapter 8: Customizing pages
CHAP0803 Chapter 8: Skipping lines
CHAP0804 Chapter 8: Setting the layout position of fields
CHAP0806 Chapter 8: Using symbols and icons
CHAP0807 Chapter 8: Using colors
CHAP0808 Chapter 8: Type-Specific Output Options
CHAP0809 Chapter 8: Multi-Language Support
CHAP0901 Chapter 9: External flow of control (events)
CHAP0902 Chapter 9: Internal flow of control (if, case, do, while)
CHAP1001 Chapter 10: Simple form (local subroutine of a program)
CHAP1002 Chapter 10: Local data in a form
CHAP1003 Chapter 10: Using static variables
CHAP1004 Chapter 10: Using interface parameters of a form
CHAP1005 Chapter 10: Classifying parameters
CHAP1006 Chapter 10: Using table parameters
CHAP1007 Chapter 10: Type check for form parameters
CHAP1008 Chapter 10: Form parameters withour type reference
CHAP1009 Chapter 10: Form parameters with generic types
CHAP1010 Chapter 10: Calling a function
CHAP1011 Chapter 10: Recursive calls
CHAP1101 Chapter 11: A simple query
CHAP1102 Chapter 11: Using an alternative work area
CHAP1103 Chapter 11: Using internal tables as snapshots of database tables
CHAP1104 Chapter 11: Using where clauses
CHAP1105 Chapter 11: Reading single entries
CHAP1106 Chapter 11: Selecting single fields
CHAP1107 Chapter 11: Getting statistical information
CHAP1108 Chapter 11: Ordering query results
CHAP1109 Chapter 11: Using Select Options
CHAP1110 Chapter 11: Using a dynamic table name
CHAP1111 Chapter 11: Obtaining data with nested select loops
CHAP1112 Chapter 11: Using Internal Tables for Selection Criteria
CHAP1201 Chapter 12: A simple internal table
CHAP1202 Chapter 12: Internal tables with header lines
CHAP1203 Chapter 12: Filling an internal table from a database table
CHAP1204 Chapter 12: Appending single lines
CHAP1205 Chapter 12: Appending multiple lines
CHAP1206 Chapter 12: Inserting lines at a specified position
CHAP1207 Chapter 12: Inserting lines at a specified position
CHAP1301 Chapter 13: Inserting single entries in a database table
CHAP1302 Chapter 13: Inserting multiple lines in a database table
CHAP1303 Chapter 13: Updating single entries in a database table
CHAP1304 Chapter 13: Updating multiple entries in a database table
CHAP1305 Chapter 13: Modifying single entries in a database table
CHAP1306 Chapter 13: Modifying multiple entries in a database table
CHAP1307 Chapter 13: Deleting single entries from a database table
CHAP1308 Chapter 13: Deleting multiple entries from a database table
CHAP1401 Chapter 14: Exporting to the ABAP Memory
CHAP1402 Chapter 14: Importing from the ABAP Memory
CHAP1501 Chapter 15: Using select statements
CHAP1502 Chapter 15: Using a Logical Database
CHAP1503 Chapter 15: Using the events start-of-selection and end-of-selection
CHAP1504 Chapter 15: Working with get events
CHAP1601 Chapter 16: Parameters on the selection screen
CHAP1602 Chapter 16: Working with Select-Options
CHAP1603 Chapter 16: Selection screen events
CHAP1701 Chapter 17: Double-clicking
CHAP1702 Chapter 17: Clicking on a hotspot area
CHAP1703 Chapter 17: Pop-up Screens
CHAP1704 Chapter 17: Working with the hide command
CHAP1705 Chapter 17: Tabular lists
CHAP1801 Chapter 18: Sample report with selection criteria
CHAP1802 Chapter 18: Running a report
CHAP1803 Chapter 18: Displaying the selection screen
CHAP1901 Chapters 19-22: Sample dialog program (flight reservation)
CHAP2301 Chapter 23: Dynamic sort command
CHAP2302 Chapter 23: Dynamic sort command with several sort criteria
CHAP2303 Chapter 23: Dynamic read table command
CHAP2304 Chapter 23: Dynamic subtotals
CHAP2305 Chapter 23: Dynamic Open SQL Commands: table name
CHAP2306 Chapter 23: Dynamic Open SQL Commands: table name
CHAP2307 Chapter 23: External perform (caller)
CHAP2308 Chapter 23: External perform (called form)
CHAP2309 Chapter 23: Dynamic external perform (call back form)
CHAP2310 Chapter 23: Dynamic external perform
CHAP2401 Chapter 24: Working with Field Symbols
CHAP2402 Chapter 24: Using Field Symbols for variable parts of fields
CHAP2403 Chapter 24: Using Field Symbols for components of a structure
CHAP2501 Chapter 25: Working with temporary programs
CHAP2502 Chapter 25: Syntax errors in temporary programs
CHAP2503 Chapter 25: A real life example for using a temporary program
CHAP2504 Chapter 25: Generating a persistent program
CHAP2601 Chapter 26: Transferring data to a file
CHAP2602 Chapter 26: Reading data from a file
CHAP2603 Chapter 26: Transferring data to a file (presentation server)
CHAP2604 Chapter 26: Reading data from a file (presentation server)
CHAP2801 Chapter 28: Sample program for OLE Automation

30天学会ABAP程序 学习ABAP并不难,有人说SAP系统重在管理思想,不在技术,通常对有编程经验的读者不用任何培训参考一些相关资料就可立即上手. 简单介绍下ABAP/4的一些特征: 1.和SAP紧密结合,尤其在开发报表方面,坦率地讲,除了和SAP集成的好处,.我定认为ABAP在报表开发上比Crystal report Tool要高效简单. 2.和VB一样 ,ABAP是解释形的,如读者精通VB,学习ABAP应该豪不费力,倒是既然SAP是企业管理解决方案,ABAPer必须对企业管理流程熟悉. 解释性的另一好处是可以很好跟踪程序逻辑(使用/H),这对了解业务逻辑的实和追踪错误很有效. 和VB不同的是,VB跟踪时允许程序运行指针随意往回或往全拉而ABAP程序去不行, 但是ABAP程序允许在运行时修改变量的值,这是编译程序不能做到的. 当然通常编译比解释执行的速度会更快. ABAP程序执行并不直接读取源代码,而是执行内部经过“生成”的描述,对于ABAP/4字典的修改激活后将触发内部描述的重新生成,如程序并没激活就执行原版本,或者出现错误(程序没激活可能造成ABAP Dumping ABAP). 3.在对数据库处理方面,除了可直接执行SQL(使用native sql,缺点是错误处理很难控制,相当于有开发环境将SQL 语句直接传给DB去执行),SAPABAP开发环境层还提供了一套Open SQL访问底层数据库. 4. 程序员都知道Windows平台下开发都支持事件驱动,Windows系统本身也支持事件驱动,ABAP也提供了事件驱动,这表现在Dialog编程方面,但是ABAP在此方面并不强,而且相对讲也比较难于掌握(在后面会讨论). 5.基于面向对象的风靡,ABAP在此方面也有相当反应,在SAP强大的软件包中提供了大量可重复使用的程序,读者也可定义类并使用它快速建立新的对象. 6.类似Java,ABAP开发的程序能运行于任何操作系统(Java有Java虚拟机,ABAP也有ABAP processor),多种数据库(比如在ABAP字典中实现了透明表对各种底层数据库表的映射,这样在ABAP层看到的透明表就和具体数据库无关),各种网络系统.




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