
  • 中断系统原理
    外设中断标志位的清除,需要将与该中断相关的外设寄存中的中断标志位 置1。
    当外设产生中断事件,相关中断标志位置位,中断使能位使能之后,外设就会把中断请求提交给我们的PIE模块。PIE模块将96个外设和外部引脚的中断进行了分组,分为12组,每组8个中断,分别是PIE1-PIE12。每个组的中断被多路汇集进入1个CPU中断,例如PDPINDA,PDPINDB,XINT1,XINT2,ADCINT,TINT0,WAKEINT这7个中断都在PIE1组内,这些中断都汇集到CPU中断的INT1。 和外设级类似的,PIE控制器中的每个组都会有一个中断标志寄存器PIEIFRx和和中断使能寄存器PIEIERx,当然x=1…..12。每个寄存器的低8位对应于8个外设中断,高8位保留。
    PIE应答寄存器 PIEACK相关位的清除,以使得CPU能够响应同组的其他中断。
    CPU也有标志寄存器IFR和使能寄存器IER。当某一个外设中断请求通过PIE发送到CPU时,CPU级中与INTx相关的中断标志位就会被置位。例如,T1的周期中断T1PINT的请求到达CPU这边时,与其相关的INT2的标志位就会被置位。这时候,该标志位就会被所存在IFR中,这时候,CPU不会马上去执行相应的中断,而是等待CPU使能IER寄存器的相关位,并且对CPU寄存器ST1中的全局中断屏蔽位做适当的使能。如果IER中的相关位被置位了,并且INTM的值为0,则中断就会被CPU响应。在T1PINT里,当IER的第2位即INT2被置位,INTM为0,则CPU就会响应定时器T1的周期中断。 CPU接到了终端的请求,就得暂停正在执行的程序,转而去响应中断程序,但是此时,它必须得做一些准备工作,以便于执行完中断程序之后回过头来还能找到原来的地方和原来的状态。CPU会将相应的IER和IFR位进行清除,EALLOW也被清除,INTM被置位,就是不能响应其他中断了,CPU向其他中断发出了通知,正在忙,没空来处理你们的请求了,得等到处理完手上的中断之后才能再来处理你们的请求。然后,CPU会存储返回地址并自动保存相关的信息,例如将正在处理的数据放入堆栈等等,做好这些准备工作之后,CPU会从PIE块中取出对应的中断向量ISR,从而转去执行中断子程序。

  • 中断相关寄存器

  • PIE头文件DSP2833x_PieCtrl.h程序如下:
// TI File $Revision: /main/1 $
// Checkin $Date: August 18, 2006   13:52:24 $
// FILE:   DSP2833x_PieCtrl.h
// TITLE:  DSP2833x Device PIE 控制寄存器定义.
// $TI Release: DSP2833x/DSP2823x C/C++ Header Files V1.31 $
// $Release Date: August 4, 2009 $

#ifndef DSP2833x_PIE_CTRL_H
#define DSP2833x_PIE_CTRL_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// PIE 控制寄存器定义:
// PIECTRL: 控制寄存器位定义:
struct PIECTRL_BITS {      // bits 描述
   Uint16  ENPIE:1;        // 0    PIE向量表使能位
   Uint16  PIEVECT:15;     // 15:1 PIE中断向量

   Uint16                 all;
   struct PIECTRL_BITS  bit;    //PIECTRL: 控制寄存器

// PIEIER: 中断使能寄存器位定义:
struct PIEIER_BITS {       // bits 描述
   Uint16 INTx1:1;         // 0    INTx.1
   Uint16 INTx2:1;         // 1    INTx.2
   Uint16 INTx3:1;         // 2    INTx.3
   Uint16 INTx4:1;         // 3    INTx.4
   Uint16 INTx5:1;         // 4    INTx.5
   Uint16 INTx6:1;         // 5    INTx.6
   Uint16 INTx7:1;         // 6    INTx.7
   Uint16 INTx8:1;         // 7    INTx.8
   Uint16 rsvd:8;          // 15:8 保留

union PIEIER_REG {
   Uint16              all;
   struct PIEIER_BITS  bit; //PIEIER: 中断使能寄存器

// PIEIFR: 中断标志寄存器位定义:
struct PIEIFR_BITS {       // bits 描述
   Uint16 INTx1:1;         // 0    INTx.1
   Uint16 INTx2:1;         // 1    INTx.2
   Uint16 INTx3:1;         // 2    INTx.3
   Uint16 INTx4:1;         // 3    INTx.4
   Uint16 INTx5:1;         // 4    INTx.5
   Uint16 INTx6:1;         // 5    INTx.6
   Uint16 INTx7:1;         // 6    INTx.7
   Uint16 INTx8:1;         // 7    INTx.8
   Uint16 rsvd:8;          // 15:8 保留

union PIEIFR_REG {
   Uint16              all;
   struct PIEIFR_BITS  bit; //PIEIFR: 中断标志寄存器

// PIEACK: 中断应答寄存器位定义:
struct PIEACK_BITS {       // bits 描述
   Uint16 ACK1:1;          // 0    CPU响应PIE中断 1
   Uint16 ACK2:1;          // 1    CPU响应PIE中断 2
   Uint16 ACK3:1;          // 2    CPU响应PIE中断 3
   Uint16 ACK4:1;          // 3    CPU响应PIE中断 4
   Uint16 ACK5:1;          // 4    CPU响应PIE中断 5
   Uint16 ACK6:1;          // 5    CPU响应PIE中断 6
   Uint16 ACK7:1;          // 6    CPU响应PIE中断 7
   Uint16 ACK8:1;          // 7    CPU响应PIE中断 8
   Uint16 ACK9:1;          // 8    CPU响应PIE中断 9
   Uint16 ACK10:1;         // 9    CPU响应PIE中断 10
   Uint16 ACK11:1;         // 10   CPU响应PIE中断 11
   Uint16 ACK12:1;         // 11   CPU响应PIE中断 12
   Uint16 rsvd:4;          // 15:12 保留

union PIEACK_REG {
   Uint16              all;
   struct PIEACK_BITS  bit; //PIEACK: 中断应答寄存器

// PIE 控制寄存器文件:
struct PIE_CTRL_REGS {
   union PIECTRL_REG PIECTRL;       // PIE 控制寄存器
   union PIEACK_REG  PIEACK;        // PIE 应答寄存器
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER1;       // PIE int1 IER 中断使能寄存器  
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR1;       // PIE int1 IFR 中断标志寄存器
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER2;       // PIE INT2 IER 中断使能寄存器  
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR2;       // PIE INT2 IFR 中断标志寄存器
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER3;       // PIE INT3 IER 中断使能寄存器   
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR3;       // PIE INT3 IFR 中断标志寄存器
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER4;       // PIE INT4 IER 中断使能寄存器               
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR4;       // PIE INT4 IFR 中断标志寄存器
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER5;       // PIE INT5 IER 中断使能寄存器  
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR5;       // PIE INT5 IFR 中断标志寄存器
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER6;       // PIE INT6 IER 中断使能寄存器   
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR6;       // PIE INT6 IFR 中断标志寄存器  
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER7;       // PIE INT7 IER 中断使能寄存器   
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR7;       // PIE INT7 IFR 中断标志寄存器  
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER8;       // PIE INT8 IER 中断使能寄存器  
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR8;       // PIE INT8 IFR 中断标志寄存器  
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER9;       // PIE INT9 IER 中断使能寄存器    
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR9;       // PIE INT9 IFR 中断标志寄存器  
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER10;      // PIE int10 IER 中断使能寄存器   
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR10;      // PIE int10 IFR 中断标志寄存器
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER11;      // PIE int11 IER 中断使能寄存器   
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR11;      // PIE int11 IFR 中断标志寄存器
   union PIEIER_REG  PIEIER12;      // PIE int12 IER 中断使能寄存器  
   union PIEIFR_REG  PIEIFR12;      // PIE int12 IFR 中断标志寄存器

#define PIEACK_GROUP1   0x0001      //PIE中断应答清零 1
#define PIEACK_GROUP2   0x0002      //PIE中断应答清零 2
#define PIEACK_GROUP3   0x0004      //PIE中断应答清零 3
#define PIEACK_GROUP4   0x0008      //PIE中断应答清零 4
#define PIEACK_GROUP5   0x0010      //PIE中断应答清零 5
#define PIEACK_GROUP6   0x0020      //PIE中断应答清零 6
#define PIEACK_GROUP7   0x0040      //PIE中断应答清零 7
#define PIEACK_GROUP8   0x0080      //PIE中断应答清零 8
#define PIEACK_GROUP9   0x0100      //PIE中断应答清零 9
#define PIEACK_GROUP10  0x0200      //PIE中断应答清零 10
#define PIEACK_GROUP11  0x0400      //PIE中断应答清零 11
#define PIEACK_GROUP12  0x0800      //PIE中断应答清零 12

// PIE 控制寄存器外部引用 & 函数声明:
extern volatile struct PIE_CTRL_REGS PieCtrlRegs;

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* extern "C" */

#endif  // end of DSP2833x_PIE_CTRL_H definition

// End of file.
  • 默认PIE控制文件DSP2833x_PieCtrl.c程序如下:
// TI File $Revision: /main/1 $
// Checkin $Date: August 18, 2006   13:46:35 $
// FILE:    DSP2833x_PieCtrl.c
// TITLE:   DSP2833x Device PIE 控制寄存器初始化函数.
// $TI Release: DSP2833x/DSP2823x C/C++ Header Files V1.31 $
// $Release Date: August 4, 2009 $
// InitPieCtrl: 
// 改函数将PIE控制寄存器初始化到一个已知状态.
void InitPieCtrl(void)

    // 禁止PIE模块
    PieCtrlRegs.PIECTRL.bit.ENPIE = 0;

    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER2.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER3.all = 0;    
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER4.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER5.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER6.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER7.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER8.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER10.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER11.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER12.all = 0;

    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR1.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR2.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR3.all = 0;    
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR4.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR5.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR6.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR7.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR8.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR9.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR10.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR11.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR12.all = 0;


void SetPieCtrl(void)

    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.all = (M_INT4 | M_INT7);
                                   //使能XINT1, Timer0中断寄存器
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER2.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER3.bit.INTx1 = 1;  //使能ePWM1中断寄存器  M_INT1
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER4.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER5.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER6.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER7.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER8.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.all = (M_INT1 | M_INT2);
                                   //使能SCIRXINTA, SCITXINTA中断寄存器
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER10.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER11.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER12.all = 0;

    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR1.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR2.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR3.all = 0;    
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR4.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR5.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR6.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR7.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR8.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR9.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR10.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR11.all = 0;
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEIFR12.all = 0;


void EnableInterrupts()
    PieCtrlRegs.PIECTRL.bit.ENPIE = 1;          
    PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = 0xFFFF;  


// End of file.
  • 默认中断头文件DSP2833x_DefaultIsr.h程序如下:
// TI File $Revision: /main/1 $
// Checkin $Date: August 18, 2006   13:45:37 $
// FILE:    DSP2833x_DefaultIsr.h
// TITLE:   DSP2833x Devices 默认的中断服务例程定义.
// $TI Release: DSP2833x/DSP2823x C/C++ Header Files V1.31 $
// $Release Date: August 4, 2009 $

#ifndef DSP2833x_DEFAULT_ISR_H
#define DSP2833x_DEFAULT_ISR_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// 默认中断服务程序声明:
// 下面的函数原型
// 默认的ISR例程使用默认的中断向量表
// 这个默认的中断向量表在DSP2833x_PieVect.h中 
// 文件

// 非外部中断:

// Group 0 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void INT13_ISR(void);     // XINT13 or CPU-Timer 1
interrupt void INT14_ISR(void);     // CPU-Timer2
interrupt void DATALOG_ISR(void);   // Datalogging interrupt
interrupt void RTOSINT_ISR(void);   // RTOS interrupt
interrupt void EMUINT_ISR(void);    // Emulation interrupt
interrupt void NMI_ISR(void);       // Non-maskable interrupt
interrupt void ILLEGAL_ISR(void);   // Illegal operation TRAP
interrupt void USER1_ISR(void);     // User Defined trap 1
interrupt void USER2_ISR(void);     // User Defined trap 2
interrupt void USER3_ISR(void);     // User Defined trap 3
interrupt void USER4_ISR(void);     // User Defined trap 4
interrupt void USER5_ISR(void);     // User Defined trap 5
interrupt void USER6_ISR(void);     // User Defined trap 6
interrupt void USER7_ISR(void);     // User Defined trap 7
interrupt void USER8_ISR(void);     // User Defined trap 8
interrupt void USER9_ISR(void);     // User Defined trap 9
interrupt void USER10_ISR(void);    // User Defined trap 10
interrupt void USER11_ISR(void);    // User Defined trap 11
interrupt void USER12_ISR(void);    // User Defined trap 12

// Group 1 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void  SEQ1INT_ISR(void);   // ADC Sequencer 1 ISR
interrupt void  SEQ2INT_ISR(void);   // ADC Sequencer 2 ISR
interrupt void  XINT1_ISR(void);     // External interrupt 1
interrupt void  XINT2_ISR(void);     // External interrupt 2
interrupt void  ADCINT_ISR(void);    // ADC
interrupt void  TINT0_ISR(void);     // Timer 0
interrupt void  WAKEINT_ISR(void);   // WD

// Group 2 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void EPWM1_TZINT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-1
interrupt void EPWM2_TZINT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-2
interrupt void EPWM3_TZINT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-3
interrupt void EPWM4_TZINT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-4
interrupt void EPWM5_TZINT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-5
interrupt void EPWM6_TZINT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-6

// Group 3 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void EPWM1_INT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-1
interrupt void EPWM2_INT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-2
interrupt void EPWM3_INT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-3
interrupt void EPWM4_INT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-4
interrupt void EPWM5_INT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-5
interrupt void EPWM6_INT_ISR(void);    // EPWM-6

// Group 4 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void ECAP1_INT_ISR(void);    // ECAP-1
interrupt void ECAP2_INT_ISR(void);    // ECAP-2
interrupt void ECAP3_INT_ISR(void);    // ECAP-3
interrupt void ECAP4_INT_ISR(void);    // ECAP-4
interrupt void ECAP5_INT_ISR(void);    // ECAP-5
interrupt void ECAP6_INT_ISR(void);    // ECAP-6

// Group 5 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void EQEP1_INT_ISR(void);    // EQEP-1
interrupt void EQEP2_INT_ISR(void);    // EQEP-2

// Group 6 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void SPIRXINTA_ISR(void);   // SPI-A
interrupt void SPITXINTA_ISR(void);   // SPI-A
interrupt void MRINTA_ISR(void);      // McBSP-A
interrupt void MXINTA_ISR(void);      // McBSP-A
interrupt void MRINTB_ISR(void);      // McBSP-B
interrupt void MXINTB_ISR(void);      // McBSP-B

// Group 7 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void DINTCH1_ISR(void);     // DMA-Channel 1
interrupt void DINTCH2_ISR(void);     // DMA-Channel 2
interrupt void DINTCH3_ISR(void);     // DMA-Channel 3
interrupt void DINTCH4_ISR(void);     // DMA-Channel 4
interrupt void DINTCH5_ISR(void);     // DMA-Channel 5
interrupt void DINTCH6_ISR(void);     // DMA-Channel 6

// Group 8 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void I2CINT1A_ISR(void);     // I2C-A
interrupt void I2CINT2A_ISR(void);     // I2C-A
interrupt void SCIRXINTC_ISR(void);    // SCI-C
interrupt void SCITXINTC_ISR(void);    // SCI-C

// Group 9 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void SCIRXINTA_ISR(void);    // SCI-A
interrupt void SCITXINTA_ISR(void);    // SCI-A
interrupt void SCIRXINTB_ISR(void);    // SCI-B
interrupt void SCITXINTB_ISR(void);    // SCI-B
interrupt void ECAN0INTA_ISR(void);    // eCAN-A
interrupt void ECAN1INTA_ISR(void);    // eCAN-A
interrupt void ECAN0INTB_ISR(void);    // eCAN-B
interrupt void ECAN1INTB_ISR(void);    // eCAN-B

// Group 10 PIE 中断服务程序:

// Group 11 PIE 中断服务程序:

// Group 12 PIE 中断服务程序:
interrupt void  XINT3_ISR(void);     // External interrupt 3
interrupt void  XINT4_ISR(void);     // External interrupt 4
interrupt void  XINT5_ISR(void);     // External interrupt 5
interrupt void  XINT6_ISR(void);     // External interrupt 6
interrupt void  XINT7_ISR(void);     // External interrupt 7
interrupt void  LVF_ISR(void);       // Latched overflow flag
interrupt void  LUF_ISR(void);       // Latched underflow flag

// 全方位为测试保留位置:
interrupt void PIE_RESERVED(void);       // Reserved for test
interrupt void rsvd_ISR(void);           // for test
interrupt void INT_NOTUSED_ISR(void);    // for unused interrupts

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* extern "C" */

#endif    // end of DSP2833x_DEFAULT_ISR_H definition

// End of file.
  • 默认中断向量表配置文件DSP2833x_PieVect.c程序如下:
// TI File $Revision: /main/1 $
// Checkin $Date: August 18, 2006   13:46:38 $
// FILE:    DSP2833x_PieVect.c
// TITLE:   DSP2833x Devices PIE 向量表初始化函数.
// $TI Release: DSP2833x/DSP2823x C/C++ Header Files V1.31 $
// $Release Date: August 4, 2009 $

#include "DSP2833x_Device.h"     // DSP2833x Headerfile Include File
#include "DSP2833x_Examples.h"   // DSP2833x Examples Include File

const struct PIE_VECT_TABLE PieVectTableInit = {

      PIE_RESERVED,  // 0  Reserved space
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 1  Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 2  Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 3  Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 4  Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 5  Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 6  Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 7  Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 8  Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 9  Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 10 Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 11 Reserved space 
      PIE_RESERVED,  // 12 Reserved space 

      INT13_ISR,     // XINT13 or CPU-Timer 1
      INT14_ISR,     // CPU-Timer2
      DATALOG_ISR,   // Datalogging interrupt
      RTOSINT_ISR,   // RTOS interrupt
      EMUINT_ISR,    // Emulation interrupt
      NMI_ISR,       // Non-maskable interrupt
      ILLEGAL_ISR,   // Illegal operation TRAP
      USER1_ISR,     // User Defined trap 1
      USER2_ISR,     // User Defined trap 2
      USER3_ISR,     // User Defined trap 3
      USER4_ISR,     // User Defined trap 4
      USER5_ISR,     // User Defined trap 5
      USER6_ISR,     // User Defined trap 6
      USER7_ISR,     // User Defined trap 7
      USER8_ISR,     // User Defined trap 8
      USER9_ISR,     // User Defined trap 9
      USER10_ISR,    // User Defined trap 10
      USER11_ISR,    // User Defined trap 11
      USER12_ISR,    // User Defined trap 12

      SEQ1INT_ISR,     // 1.1 ADC  
      SEQ2INT_ISR,     // 1.2 ADC  
      rsvd_ISR,        // 1.3
      XINT1_ISR,       // 1.4     
      XINT2_ISR,       // 1.5
      ADCINT_ISR,      // 1.6 ADC
      TINT0_ISR,       // 1.7 Timer 0
      WAKEINT_ISR,     // 1.8 WD, Low Power

      EPWM1_TZINT_ISR, // 2.1 EPWM-1 Trip Zone
      EPWM2_TZINT_ISR, // 2.2 EPWM-2 Trip Zone
      EPWM3_TZINT_ISR, // 2.3 EPWM-3 Trip Zone
      EPWM4_TZINT_ISR, // 2.4 EPWM-4 Trip Zone
      EPWM5_TZINT_ISR, // 2.5 EPWM-5 Trip Zone
      EPWM6_TZINT_ISR, // 2.6 EPWM-6 Trip Zone                        
      rsvd_ISR,        // 2.7
      rsvd_ISR,        // 2.8

      EPWM1_INT_ISR,   // 3.1 EPWM-1 Interrupt
      EPWM2_INT_ISR,   // 3.2 EPWM-2 Interrupt
      EPWM3_INT_ISR,   // 3.3 EPWM-3 Interrupt
      EPWM4_INT_ISR,   // 3.4 EPWM-4 Interrupt
      EPWM5_INT_ISR,   // 3.5 EPWM-5 Interrupt
      EPWM6_INT_ISR,   // 3.6 EPWM-6 Interrupt                        
      rsvd_ISR,        // 3.7
      rsvd_ISR,        // 3.8

      ECAP1_INT_ISR,   // 4.1 ECAP-1
      ECAP2_INT_ISR,   // 4.2 ECAP-2
      ECAP3_INT_ISR,   // 4.3 ECAP-3
      ECAP4_INT_ISR,   // 4.4 ECAP-4            
      ECAP5_INT_ISR,   // 4.5 ECAP-5     
      ECAP6_INT_ISR,   // 4.6 ECAP-6          
      rsvd_ISR,        // 4.7      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 4.8      

      EQEP1_INT_ISR,   // 5.1 EQEP-1
      EQEP2_INT_ISR,   // 5.2 EQEP-2
      rsvd_ISR,        // 5.3      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 5.4           
      rsvd_ISR,        // 5.5      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 5.6      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 5.7      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 5.8   

      SPIRXINTA_ISR,   // 6.1 SPI-A
      SPITXINTA_ISR,   // 6.2 SPI-A
      MRINTA_ISR,      // 6.3 McBSP-A
      MXINTA_ISR,      // 6.4 McBSP-A
      MRINTB_ISR,      // 6.5 McBSP-B
      MXINTB_ISR,      // 6.6 McBSP-B
      rsvd_ISR,        // 6.7 
      rsvd_ISR,        // 6.8                  

      DINTCH1_ISR,     // 7.1  DMA channel 1    
      DINTCH2_ISR,     // 7.2  DMA channel 2
      DINTCH3_ISR,     // 7.3  DMA channel 3      
      DINTCH4_ISR,     // 7.4  DMA channel 4           
      DINTCH5_ISR,     // 7.5  DMA channel 5      
      DINTCH6_ISR,     // 7.6  DMA channel 6      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 7.7      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 7.8   

      I2CINT1A_ISR,    // 8.1  I2C    
      I2CINT2A_ISR,    // 8.2  I2C
      rsvd_ISR,        // 8.3      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 8.4           
      SCIRXINTC_ISR,   // 8.5  SCI-C
      SCITXINTC_ISR,   // 8.6  SCI-C      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 8.7      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 8.8    

      SCIRXINTA_ISR,   // 9.1 SCI-A
      SCITXINTA_ISR,   // 9.2 SCI-A
      SCIRXINTB_ISR,   // 9.3 SCI-B
      SCITXINTB_ISR,   // 9.4 SCI-B
      ECAN0INTA_ISR,   // 9.5 eCAN-A
      ECAN1INTA_ISR,   // 9.6 eCAN-A
      ECAN0INTB_ISR,   // 9.7 eCAN-B
      ECAN1INTB_ISR,   // 9.8 eCAN-B

      rsvd_ISR,        // 10.1      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 10.2
      rsvd_ISR,        // 10.3      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 10.4           
      rsvd_ISR,        // 10.5      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 10.6      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 10.7      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 10.8    

      rsvd_ISR,        // 11.1      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 11.2
      rsvd_ISR,        // 11.3      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 11.4           
      rsvd_ISR,        // 11.5      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 11.6      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 11.7      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 11.8

      XINT3_ISR,       // 12.1      
      XINT4_ISR,       // 12.2
      XINT5_ISR,       // 12.3      
      XINT6_ISR,       // 12.4           
      XINT7_ISR,       // 12.5      
      rsvd_ISR,        // 12.6      
      LVF_ISR,         // 12.7      
      LUF_ISR,         // 12.8   

void InitPieVectTable(void)
    int16   i;
    Uint32 *Source = (void *) &PieVectTableInit;
    Uint32 *Dest = (void *) &PieVectTable;
    for(i=0; i < 128; i++)
        *Dest++ = *Source++;    //中断服务程序映射到中断向量表中

    PieCtrlRegs.PIECTRL.bit.ENPIE = 1;  


// End of file.
  • 默认中断配置函数DSP2833x_DefaultIsr.c文件程序如下:
// TI File $Revision: /main/1 $
// Checkin $Date: August 18, 2006   13:46:06 $
// FILE:    DSP2833x_DefaultIsr.c
// TITLE:   DSP2833x Device 默认中断服务例程.
// This file contains shell ISR routines for the 2833x PIE vector table.
// Typically these shell ISR routines can be used to populate the entire PIE 
// vector table during device debug.  In this manner if an interrupt is taken
// during firmware development, there will always be an ISR to catch it.  
// As develpment progresses, these ISR rotuines can be eliminated and replaced
// with the user's own ISR routines for each interrupt.  Since these shell ISRs
// include infinite loops they will typically not be included as-is in the final
// production firmware. 
// $TI Release: DSP2833x Header Files V1.01 $
// $Release Date: September 26, 2007 $

#include "DSP2833x_Device.h"     // DSP2833x Headerfile Include File
#include "DSP2833x_Examples.h"   // DSP2833x Examples Include File

// Connected to INT13 of CPU (use MINT13 mask):
// Note CPU-Timer1 is reserved for TI use, however XINT13
// ISR can be used by the user. 
interrupt void INT13_ISR(void)     // INT13 or CPU-Timer1
  // ISR代码插入这里

  // 下两行仅供调试处理器时使用
  // 插入ISR代码后删除
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// Note CPU-Timer2 is reserved for TI use.
interrupt void INT14_ISR(void)     // CPU-Timer2
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void DATALOG_ISR(void)   // Datalogging interrupt
   // Insert ISR Code here

   // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
   // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void RTOSINT_ISR(void)   // RTOS interrupt
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void EMUINT_ISR(void)    // Emulation interrupt
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void NMI_ISR(void)       // Non-maskable interrupt
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void ILLEGAL_ISR(void)   // Illegal operation TRAP
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm("          ESTOP0");


interrupt void USER1_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 1
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


interrupt void USER2_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 2
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


interrupt void USER3_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 3
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void USER4_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 4
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void USER5_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 5
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void USER6_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 6
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void USER7_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 7
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void USER8_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 8
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void USER9_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 9
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void USER10_ISR(void)    // User Defined trap 10
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void USER11_ISR(void)    // User Defined trap 11
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void USER12_ISR(void)     // User Defined trap 12
 // Insert ISR Code here

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 1 - MUXed into CPU INT1
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT1.1 
interrupt void SEQ1INT_ISR(void)   //SEQ1 ADC
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code

  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT1.2 
interrupt void SEQ2INT_ISR(void)  //SEQ2 ADC

  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code

  asm("   ESTOP0");

// INT1.3 - Reserved

// INT1.4
interrupt void  XINT1_ISR(void)
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT1.5
interrupt void  XINT2_ISR(void)
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT1.6
interrupt void  ADCINT_ISR(void)     // ADC
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1; 

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT1.7
interrupt void  TINT0_ISR(void)      // CPU-Timer 0
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1; 

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT1.8
interrupt void  WAKEINT_ISR(void)    // WD, LOW Power
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1; 

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 2 - MUXed into CPU INT2
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT2.1
interrupt void EPWM1_TZINT_ISR(void)    // EPWM-1
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP2;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT2.2
interrupt void EPWM2_TZINT_ISR(void)    // EPWM-2
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP2;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT2.3
interrupt void EPWM3_TZINT_ISR(void)    // EPWM-3
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP2;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT2.4
interrupt void EPWM4_TZINT_ISR(void)    // EPWM-4
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP2;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT2.5
interrupt void EPWM5_TZINT_ISR(void)    // EPWM-5
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP2;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT2.6
interrupt void EPWM6_TZINT_ISR(void)   // EPWM-6
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP2;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT2.7 - Reserved
// INT2.8 - Reserved

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 3 - MUXed into CPU INT3
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT 3.1         
interrupt void EPWM1_INT_ISR(void)     // EPWM-1
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP3;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT3.2
interrupt void EPWM2_INT_ISR(void)     // EPWM-2
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP3;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT3.3
interrupt void EPWM3_INT_ISR(void)    // EPWM-3
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP3;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT3.4
interrupt void EPWM4_INT_ISR(void)    // EPWM-4
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP3;  

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT3.5
interrupt void EPWM5_INT_ISR(void)    // EPWM-5
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP3;  

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT3.6
interrupt void EPWM6_INT_ISR(void)    // EPWM-6
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP3;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT3.7 - Reserved
// INT3.8 - Reserved

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 4 - MUXed into CPU INT4
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT 4.1
interrupt void ECAP1_INT_ISR(void)    // ECAP-1
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP4;  

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT4.2
interrupt void ECAP2_INT_ISR(void)    // ECAP-2
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP4;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT4.3
interrupt void ECAP3_INT_ISR(void)    // ECAP-3
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP4;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT4.4
interrupt void ECAP4_INT_ISR(void)     // ECAP-4
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP4;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT4.5
interrupt void ECAP5_INT_ISR(void)     // ECAP-5
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP4;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");
// INT4.6
interrupt void ECAP6_INT_ISR(void)     // ECAP-6
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP4;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");
// INT4.7 - Reserved
// INT4.8 - Reserved

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 5 - MUXed into CPU INT5
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT 5.1
interrupt void EQEP1_INT_ISR(void)    // EQEP-1
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP5;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT5.2
interrupt void EQEP2_INT_ISR(void)    // EQEP-2
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP5;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT5.3 - Reserved
// INT5.4 - Reserved
// INT5.5 - Reserved
// INT5.6 - Reserved
// INT5.7 - Reserved
// INT5.8 - Reserved

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 6 - MUXed into CPU INT6
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT6.1
interrupt void SPIRXINTA_ISR(void)    // SPI-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP6;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT6.2
interrupt void SPITXINTA_ISR(void)     // SPI-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP6;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT6.3 
interrupt void MRINTB_ISR(void)     // McBSP-B
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP6;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT6.4
interrupt void MXINTB_ISR(void)     // McBSP-B
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP6;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT6.5
interrupt void MRINTA_ISR(void)     // McBSP-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP6;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT6.6
interrupt void MXINTA_ISR(void)     // McBSP-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP6;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT6.7 - Reserved
// INT6.8 - Reserved

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 7 - MUXed into CPU INT7
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT7.1
interrupt void DINTCH1_ISR(void)     // DMA
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP7;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT7.2
interrupt void DINTCH2_ISR(void)     // DMA
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP7;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT7.3
interrupt void DINTCH3_ISR(void)     // DMA
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP7;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT7.4
interrupt void DINTCH4_ISR(void)     // DMA
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP7;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT7.5
interrupt void DINTCH5_ISR(void)     // DMA
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP7;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT7.6
interrupt void DINTCH6_ISR(void)     // DMA
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP7;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
   asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT7.7 - Reserved
// INT7.8 - Reserved

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 8 - MUXed into CPU INT8
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT8.1
interrupt void I2CINT1A_ISR(void)     // I2C-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP8;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT8.2
interrupt void I2CINT2A_ISR(void)     // I2C-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP8;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT8.3 - Reserved
// INT8.4 - Reserved

// INT8.5
interrupt void SCIRXINTC_ISR(void)     // SCI-C
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP8;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT8.6
interrupt void SCITXINTC_ISR(void)     // SCI-C
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP8;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT8.7 - Reserved
// INT8.8 - Reserved

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 9 - MUXed into CPU INT9
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT9.1
interrupt void SCIRXINTA_ISR(void)     // SCI-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP9;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT9.2
interrupt void SCITXINTA_ISR(void)     // SCI-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP9;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT9.3
interrupt void SCIRXINTB_ISR(void)     // SCI-B
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP9;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT9.4
interrupt void SCITXINTB_ISR(void)     // SCI-B
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP9;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT9.5
interrupt void ECAN0INTA_ISR(void)  // eCAN-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP9;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT9.6
interrupt void ECAN1INTA_ISR(void)  // eCAN-A
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP9;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT9.7
interrupt void ECAN0INTB_ISR(void)  // eCAN-B
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP9;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT9.8
interrupt void ECAN1INTB_ISR(void)  // eCAN-B
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP9;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 10 - MUXed into CPU INT10
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT10.1 - Reserved
// INT10.2 - Reserved
// INT10.3 - Reserved
// INT10.4 - Reserved
// INT10.5 - Reserved
// INT10.6 - Reserved
// INT10.7 - Reserved
// INT10.8 - Reserved

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 11 - MUXed into CPU INT11
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT11.1 - Reserved
// INT11.2 - Reserved
// INT11.3 - Reserved
// INT11.4 - Reserved
// INT11.5 - Reserved
// INT11.6 - Reserved
// INT11.7 - Reserved
// INT11.8 - Reserved

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// PIE Group 12 - MUXed into CPU INT12
// -----------------------------------------------------------

// INT12.1
interrupt void XINT3_ISR(void)  // External Interrupt
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP12;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT12.2
interrupt void XINT4_ISR(void)  // External Interrupt
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP12;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT12.3
interrupt void XINT5_ISR(void)  // External Interrupt
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP12;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT12.4
interrupt void XINT6_ISR(void)  // External Interrupt
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP12;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT12.5
interrupt void XINT7_ISR(void)  // External Interrupt
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP12;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// INT12.6 - Reserved
// INT12.7
interrupt void LVF_ISR(void)  // Latched overflow
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP12;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// INT12.8
interrupt void LUF_ISR(void)  // Latched underflow
  // Insert ISR Code here

  // To receive more interrupts from this PIE group, acknowledge this interrupt 
  // PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP12;

  // Next two lines for debug only to halt the processor here
  // Remove after inserting ISR Code
  asm ("      ESTOP0");


// Catch All Default ISRs: 

interrupt void EMPTY_ISR(void)  // Empty ISR - only does a return.


interrupt void PIE_RESERVED(void)  // Reserved space.  For test.
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

interrupt void rsvd_ISR(void)      // For test
  asm ("      ESTOP0");

// End of file.

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