spark 2.1 TaskContext

object TaskContext

object TaskContext {
   * Return the currently active TaskContext. This can be called inside of
   * user functions to access contextual information about running tasks.
  def get(): TaskContext = taskContext.get

   * Returns the partition id of currently active TaskContext. It will return 0
   * if there is no active TaskContext for cases like local execution.
  def getPartitionId(): Int = {
    val tc = taskContext.get()
    if (tc eq null) {
    } else {

  private[this] val taskContext: ThreadLocal[TaskContext] = new ThreadLocal[TaskContext]

  // Note: protected[spark] instead of private[spark] to prevent the following two from
  // showing up in JavaDoc.
   * Set the thread local TaskContext. Internal to Spark.
  protected[spark] def setTaskContext(tc: TaskContext): Unit = taskContext.set(tc)

   * Unset the thread local TaskContext. Internal to Spark.
  protected[spark] def unset(): Unit = taskContext.remove()

   * An empty task context that does not represent an actual task.  This is only used in tests.
  private[spark] def empty(): TaskContextImpl = {
    new TaskContextImpl(0, 0, 0, 0, null, new Properties, null)

 * Contextual information about a task which can be read or mutated during
 * execution. To access the TaskContext for a running task, use:
 * {{{
 *   org.apache.spark.TaskContext.get()
 * }}}
abstract class TaskContext extends Serializable {
  // Note: TaskContext must NOT define a get method. Otherwise it will prevent the Scala compiler
  // from generating a static get method (based on the companion object's get method).

  // Note: Update JavaTaskContextCompileCheck when new methods are added to this class.

  // Note: getters in this class are defined with parentheses to maintain backward compatibility.

   * Returns true if the task has completed.
  def isCompleted(): Boolean

   * Returns true if the task has been killed.
  def isInterrupted(): Boolean

   * Returns true if the task is running locally in the driver program.
   * @return false
  @deprecated("Local execution was removed, so this always returns false", "2.0.0")
  def isRunningLocally(): Boolean

   * Adds a (Java friendly) listener to be executed on task completion.
   * This will be called in all situation - success, failure, or cancellation.
   * An example use is for HadoopRDD to register a callback to close the input stream.
   * Exceptions thrown by the listener will result in failure of the task.
  def addTaskCompletionListener(listener: TaskCompletionListener): TaskContext

   * Adds a listener in the form of a Scala closure to be executed on task completion.
   * This will be called in all situations - success, failure, or cancellation.
   * An example use is for HadoopRDD to register a callback to close the input stream.
   * Exceptions thrown by the listener will result in failure of the task.
  def addTaskCompletionListener(f: (TaskContext) => Unit): TaskContext = {
    addTaskCompletionListener(new TaskCompletionListener {
      override def onTaskCompletion(context: TaskContext): Unit = f(context)

   * Adds a listener to be executed on task failure.
   * Operations defined here must be idempotent, as `onTaskFailure` can be called multiple times.
  def addTaskFailureListener(listener: TaskFailureListener): TaskContext

   * Adds a listener to be executed on task failure.
   * Operations defined here must be idempotent, as `onTaskFailure` can be called multiple times.
  def addTaskFailureListener(f: (TaskContext, Throwable) => Unit): TaskContext = {
    addTaskFailureListener(new TaskFailureListener {
      override def onTaskFailure(context: TaskContext, error: Throwable): Unit = f(context, error)

   * The ID of the stage that this task belong to.
  def stageId(): Int

   * The ID of the RDD partition that is computed by this task.
  def partitionId(): Int

   * How many times this task has been attempted.  The first task attempt will be assigned
   * attemptNumber = 0, and subsequent attempts will have increasing attempt numbers.
  def attemptNumber(): Int

   * An ID that is unique to this task attempt (within the same SparkContext, no two task attempts
   * will share the same attempt ID).  This is roughly equivalent to Hadoop's TaskAttemptID.
  def taskAttemptId(): Long

   * Get a local property set upstream in the driver, or null if it is missing. See also
   * `org.apache.spark.SparkContext.setLocalProperty`.
  def getLocalProperty(key: String): String

  def taskMetrics(): TaskMetrics

   * ::DeveloperApi::
   * Returns all metrics sources with the given name which are associated with the instance
   * which runs the task. For more information see `org.apache.spark.metrics.MetricsSystem`.
  def getMetricsSources(sourceName: String): Seq[Source]

   * Returns the manager for this task's managed memory.
  private[spark] def taskMemoryManager(): TaskMemoryManager

   * Register an accumulator that belongs to this task. Accumulators must call this method when
   * deserializing in executors.
  private[spark] def registerAccumulator(a: AccumulatorV2[_, _]): Unit



private[spark] class TaskContextImpl(
    val stageId: Int,
    val partitionId: Int,
    override val taskAttemptId: Long,
    override val attemptNumber: Int,
    override val taskMemoryManager: TaskMemoryManager,
    localProperties: Properties,
    @transient private val metricsSystem: MetricsSystem,
    // The default value is only used in tests.
    override val taskMetrics: TaskMetrics = TaskMetrics.empty)
  extends TaskContext
  with Logging {

  /** List of callback functions to execute when the task completes. */
  @transient private val onCompleteCallbacks = new ArrayBuffer[TaskCompletionListener]

  /** List of callback functions to execute when the task fails. */
  @transient private val onFailureCallbacks = new ArrayBuffer[TaskFailureListener]

  // Whether the corresponding task has been killed.
  @volatile private var interrupted: Boolean = false

  // Whether the task has completed.
  @volatile private var completed: Boolean = false

  // Whether the task has failed.
  @volatile private var failed: Boolean = false

  override def addTaskCompletionListener(listener: TaskCompletionListener): this.type = {
    onCompleteCallbacks += listener

  override def addTaskFailureListener(listener: TaskFailureListener): this.type = {
    onFailureCallbacks += listener

  /** Marks the task as failed and triggers the failure listeners. */
  private[spark] def markTaskFailed(error: Throwable): Unit = {
    // failure callbacks should only be called once
    if (failed) return
    failed = true
    val errorMsgs = new ArrayBuffer[String](2)
    // Process failure callbacks in the reverse order of registration
    onFailureCallbacks.reverse.foreach { listener =>
      try {
        listener.onTaskFailure(this, error)
      } catch {
        case e: Throwable =>
          errorMsgs += e.getMessage
          logError("Error in TaskFailureListener", e)
    if (errorMsgs.nonEmpty) {
      throw new TaskCompletionListenerException(errorMsgs, Option(error))

  /** Marks the task as completed and triggers the completion listeners. */
  private[spark] def markTaskCompleted(): Unit = {
    completed = true
    val errorMsgs = new ArrayBuffer[String](2)
    // Process complete callbacks in the reverse order of registration
    onCompleteCallbacks.reverse.foreach { listener =>
      try {
      } catch {
        case e: Throwable =>
          errorMsgs += e.getMessage
          logError("Error in TaskCompletionListener", e)
    if (errorMsgs.nonEmpty) {
      throw new TaskCompletionListenerException(errorMsgs)

  /** Marks the task for interruption, i.e. cancellation. */
  private[spark] def markInterrupted(): Unit = {
    interrupted = true

  override def isCompleted(): Boolean = completed

  override def isRunningLocally(): Boolean = false

  override def isInterrupted(): Boolean = interrupted

  override def getLocalProperty(key: String): String = localProperties.getProperty(key)

  override def getMetricsSources(sourceName: String): Seq[Source] =

  private[spark] override def registerAccumulator(a: AccumulatorV2[_, _]): Unit = {





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