专业英语笔记(Install and Use MySQL)

Last time I asked the commissary in charge of studies to give me the roll of our class next week. But she says she forgot to take the roll to the classroom. I required her not to forget next time. Just now, she counted the number of our class and told me that everyone was here.

Read (silently - loudly) --> Understand --> Express (spoken form, written form, action) --> Communicate --> Cooperate

Task: Translate the idiom "行胜于言" into English.  (You can use Microsoft Translator App.)

In SQL, there is a function called count() to return the number of records that meet a certain condition in the table.

Now, supposed we have a student table, and the task is to find all the boy students in the table. What shall we do?

Let me write the SQL statement to complete the task.   

SELECT COUNT(*) AS "男生人数" 
     FROM student
     WHERE gender = '男';


1. SELECT clause is used to choose the fields (columns) or expressions to display.

2. FROM clause is used to specify the data source for the query, which may be one or many tables (views).

3. WHERE clause is used to designate the condition that the query meets.

First let me visit the official website of MySQL and download this software onto my computer.

We need a little patience to wait for the completion of the download.

Now you can see the installer file has been downloaded onto my computer.

What does "5.7.21" mean?

5 -- major version

7 -- minor version

21 -- the twenty-first update

Double-click the file to start the installation of the software. Something wrong with the installation. 

The installation of this MySQL version requires .NET Framework 4.5, so I have to first install this framework.

After completing the installation of .NET Framework 4.5.2, I can go on installing the MySQL software.

You can see the following Liscense Agreement dialogbox.

In the above dialogbox, tick the checkbox "I accept the liscence terms", and the click Next button.

Here we choose the Developer Default option and click the Next Button.

Here we cannot firt click the Next button but the Execute button.

I tick the checkbox and click the Install button to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013.

Click the Execute Button to start the installation of MySQL components:

Click the Next button to enter the Product Configuration dialogbox:

Click the Next button:

Here the port number (3306) is very important. It will appear in the connecting string in our application.

After you click the Execute button, you will see the Finish button in the Apply Configuration dialogbox. That means the installation is successful.

Now we can use MySQL to create databases and tables and operate on them.

We choose "MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client".

Task 1. List all the databases on the MySQL server.       

There are four databases on the server, among which the table mysql is more important for us, because there are some key tables in the database, such as user table.

Task 2. Display all the users in MySQL.

Task 3. Create a new database named Student.

A qualified programmer must have SQL skills.

SQL: Structured Query Language

(1) DDL: Data Definition Language

(2) DML: Data Manipulation Language

(3) DCL: Data Control Language

(4) TCL: Transaction Control Language

 Task 4. Create a t_student table in the Student database.

Task 5. Display the structure of t_student table.

CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete (增删改查)

Task 6. Insert four records into the t_student table.

Task 7. Display all the boy records in the t_student table.

Task 7. Display the girls whose age is greater than 19.

 Task 8. Update "李晓红" to "李小红".

The Update statement without where clause will operate on all the records.

The old value should be put in the where clause, while the new value should be put in the set clause.

Let me exmine whether the record has been updated successfully.

Just list all the records and take a look.

Task 9. Find all the records whose names start with "张".

Now let me insert another record whose name starting with "张".

Carry out Task 9 once again:

Task 10. Find the records whose names start with "张" and consist of two characters.

Task 11. Find the records whose names start with "张" and consist of three characters.

Task 12. Delete all the boy records in the table.

Task 13. Delete the t_student table.

Task 14. Delete the Student database.


Why do we need division of labor?  For high efficiency. 

Based on the division of labor, cooperation is necessary and important. 

The foundation of the modern society is division of labor and cooperation. 

That means nothing can be done without these two things. 

Question: Why is competion unavoidable in the world?

Because the resources are always limited in this world, if you want to get more resources, you have to fight with others.

body -- weapon -- brain (thinking - wisdom). --> to have stronger competitive force

The society has changed a lot, the success is depending more and more on the knowledge and wisdom.

In this competitive society, those people or organizations without efficiency will be eliminated sooner or later.

If you want to survive and even live a good life, you have to exert your strong points and avoid your weak points.

strong points -- strengths -- advantages

weak points -- weaknesses -- disadvantages

As a rational person, he should weigh the advantages and disadvantages before he makes a big decision.

No matter what you do in your study, work and life, there is always a tradeoff problem.  (Mencius: You cannot have your cake and eat it.)

Tradeoff is the first principle in economics.

If we want to learn English well, the only way is to practice more.

There is an idiom that goes like this: Practice makes perfect.

Use Microsoft Translator App to translate the above idiom in speech mode.

Don't be so serious in learning English. Just have fun!!!

This morning it began to rain. I forgot to take umbrella, so I got wet in the rain.

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