大学英语精读第三版(第五册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——6B -Feels Like Spring(感觉就像春天一样)

Unit 6B - Feels Like Spring

Feels Like Spring

Milton Kaplan

I stop at the corner drugstore for a breakfast of doughnuts and coffee, and then I race to the subway station and gallop down the steps to catch my usual train. I hold on to the strap and make believe I'm reading my newspaper, but I keep glancing at the people crowded in round me. I listen to them talk about their troubles and their friends, and I wish I had someone to talk to, some to break the monotony of the long subway ride.

As we approach the 175th Street station, I begin to get tense again. She usually gets into the train at that station. She slips in gracefully, not pushing or shoving like the rest, and she squeezes into a little space, clinging to the people and holding on to an office envelope that probably contains her lunch. She never carries a newspaper or a book; I guess there isn't much sense in trying to read when you're smashed in like that.

There's a fresh outdoor look about her and I figure she must live in New Jersey. The Jersey crowd gets in at that stop. She has a sweet face with that scrubbed look that doesn't need powder or rouge. She never wears make-up except for lipstick. And her wavy hair is natural, just a nice light brown. And all she does is hold on to the pole and think her own thoughts, her eyes clear-blue and warm.

I always like to watch her, but I have to be careful. I'm afraid she'd get angry and move away if she catches me at it, and then I won't have anyone, because she's my only real friend, even if she doesn't know it. I'm all alone in New York City and I guess I'm kind of shy and don't make friends easily. The fellows in the bank are all right but they have their own lives to lead, and besides, I can't ask anyone to come up to a furnished room; so they go their way and I go mine.

The city is getting me. It's too big and noisy --- too many people for a fellow who's all by himself. I can't seem to get used to it. I'm used to the quiet of a small New Hampshire farm but there isn't any future on a New Hampshire farm any more: so after I was discharged from the Navy, I applied for this position in the bank and I got it. I suppose it's a good break but I'm kind of lonesome.

As I ride along, swaying to the motion of the car, I like to imagine that I'm friends with her. Sometimes I'm even tempted to smile at her, and say something like "Nice morning, isn't it?" But I'm scared. She might think I'm one of those wise guys and she'd freeze up and look right through me as if I didn't exist, and then the next morning she wouldn't be there any more and I'd have no one to think about. I keep dreaming that maybe some day I'll get to know her. You know, in a casual way.

Like maybe she'd be coming through the door and someone pushes her and she brushes against me and she'd say quickly, "Oh, I beg your pardon," and I'd lift my hat politely and answer, "That's perfectly all right," and I'd smile to show her I meant it, and then she'd smile back at me and say, "Nice day, isn't it?" and I'd say, "Feels like spring." And we wouldn't say anything more, but when she'd be ready to get off at 34th Street, she'd wave her fingers a little at me and say, "Good-by," and I'd tip my hat again.

The next morning when she'd come in, she'd see me and say "Hello," or maybe, "Good morning," and I'd answer and add something to show her I really knew a little about spring. No wise cracks because I wouldn't want her to think that I was one of those smooth-talking guys who pick up girls in the subway.

And after a while, we'd get a little friendlier and start talking about things like the weather or the news, and one day she'd say, "Isn't it funny? Here we are talking every day and we don't even know each other's name." And I'd stand up straight and tip my hat and say, "I'd like you to meet Mr. Thomas Pearse." And she'd say very seriously, "How do you do, Mr. Pearse. I want you to meet Miss Elizabeth Altemose."

"Thomas," she'd say, as if she were trying out the sound of it.

"What?" I'd ask.

"I can't possibly call you Thomas," she'd say. "It's so formal."

"My friends call me Tommy," I'd tell her.

"And mine call me Betty."

And that's the way it would be. Maybe after a while I'd mention the name of a good movie that was playing at the Music Hall and suggest that if she weren't doing anything in particular.

And she would come right out with, "Oh, I'd love it!" I'd knock off a little earlier and meet her where she worked and we would go out to dinner somewhere. I'd ask some of the men at the bank for the name of a good restaurant. And I would talk to her and tell her about New Hampshire and maybe mention how lonesome I got, and if it's a really nice place and it's quiet and cozy, maybe I'd tell her how shy I was, and she'd be listening with shining eyes and she'd clasp her hands and lean over the table until I could smell the fragrance of her hair and she'd whisper, "I'm shy, too." Then we'd both lean back and smile secretly, and we'd eat without saying much because, after all, what's there to say after that?

And after the movie, I'd take her home. She wouldn't want me to travel all the way out. "I live in New Jersey," she'd say. "It's nice of you to offer to take me home but I couldn't ask you to make a long trip like that. Don't worry, I'll be all right." But I'd take her arm and say, "Come on, I want to take you home. I like New Jersey." And we'd take the bus across the George Washington Bridge with the Hudson River flowing dark and mysterious below us, and then we'd be in New Jersey and we'd see the lights of small homes and she'd invite me in but I'd say it was too late and then she'd turn to me and say, "Then you must promise to come for dinner this Sunday." And I'd promise and then.

The train is slowing down and the people are bracing themselves automatically for the stop. It's the 175th Street station. There's a big crowd waiting to get in. I look out anxiously for her but I don't see her anywhere and my heart sinks, and just then I catch a glimpse of her, way over at the other side. She's wearing a new hat with little flowers on it. The door opens and the people start pushing in. She's caught in the rush and there's nothing she can do about it. She bangs into me and she grabs the strap I'm holding and hangs on it for dear life.

"I beg your pardon," she gasps.

My hands are pinned down and I can't tip my hat but I answer politely, "That's all right."

The doors close and the train begins to move. She has to hold on to my strap; there isn't any other place for her.

"Nice day, isn't it?" she says.

The train swings around a turn and the wheels squealing on the rails sound like the birds singing in New Hampshire. My heart is pounding like mad.

"Feels like spring," I say.










比如,也许她正穿过车门走进来,有人推了她一下,她碰到我身上,于是她会立刻说,“哦,对不起”,而我则会彬彬有礼地举一举帽子,回答说,“没关系”,并冲她微微一笑,表示我真的不介意,然后她会对我报以微笑,说,“天气很好,是吗?”我会说,“感觉就像春天一样”。接下去我 们不会再多说什么,但当她准备在34街下车时,她会朝我轻轻挥挥手说,“再见”,于是我会再一次举一举帽子。


过了一段时间,我们会更友好一点,开始谈论天气、新闻之类的事。于是有一天她会说, “有意思吗?我们每天都在这儿交谈,但连彼此的姓名还不知道。”于是,我便挺直身子站起来, 举一举帽子说,“我想让你认识托马斯·皮尔斯先生。”而她也会很严肃地说,“你好,皮尔斯先生,我想让你结识伊丽莎白·阿尔特莫斯小姐。”


“什么? ”我会问。 






看完电影,我会送她回家。她准不会让我送那么多路。“我住在新泽西,”她会说,“你真客气,说要送我回家,但我不能让你走那么长的路。别担心,我不会有事的。”但我会挽住她的手臂说,“走吧,我想送你回家,我喜欢新泽西。”我们会乘上公共汽车,驶过乔治·华盛顿桥,任幽暗的哈德逊河在我们的下面神秘地流淌。接着,我们到达新泽西,看见一幢幢小屋里的灯光。 她会邀请我进屋,但我会说太晚了。然后她转过身来对我说,“那你必须答应这个星期天来吃饭。”我会答应,然后……





“天气很好,是吗? ”她说。 



Key Words:


adv. 优雅地;温文地

approach       [ə'prəutʃ]

n. 接近; 途径,方法

v. 靠近,接近,动

monotony     [mə'nɔtəni]    

n. 单调,枯燥,无味

figure     ['figə]     

n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

except     [ik'sept]  

vt. 除,除外

prep. & conj.

envelope        ['enviləup]     

n. 信封,封皮,壳层

pole        [pəul]     

n. 杆,柱,极点

v. (用杆)支撑

powder   ['paudə] 

n. 粉,粉末,细雪,火药

pardon   ['pɑ:dn]  

n. 原谅,赦免

vt. 宽恕,原谅

freeze     [fri:z]      

v. 冻结,冷冻,僵硬,凝固

fragrance       ['freigrəns]    

n. 香味

clasp       [klɑ:sp]  

n. 扣子,钩,紧握

v. 扣紧,紧握,密切合

flowing   ['fləuiŋ]  

adj. 流动的;平滑的;上涨的 v. 流动;起源;上涨

whisper  ['wispə]  

n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音

vi. 低声

mysterious     [mis'tiəriəs]    

adj. 神秘的,不可思议的

pardon   ['pɑ:dn]  

n. 原谅,赦免

vt. 宽恕,原谅

automatically [.ɔ:tə'mætikəli]      

adv. 自动地,机械地


  1. http://www.kekenet.com/daxue/201612/46705shtml
  2. 大学英语精读(第三版) 第五册: unit6B Feels Like Springy(2)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  3. 大学英语精读(第三版) 第五册: unit6B Feels Like Springy(3)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  4. http://www.kekenet.com/daxue/201612/46706shtml
  5. http://www.kekenet.com/daxue/201612/46706shtml

大学英语精读(第三版) 第五册: unit6B Feels Like Springy(6)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语

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