现代大学英语精读第二版(第四册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——10B - None of This Is Fair(毫无公平可言)

Unit 10B - None of This Is Fair

None of This Is Fair

Richard Rodriguez

My plan to become a professor of English—my ambition during long years in college at Stanford, then in graduate school at Columbia and Berkeley—was complicated by feelings of embarrassment and guilt. So many times I would see other Mexican-Americans and know we were alike only in race. And yet, simply because our race was the same, I was, during the last years of my schooling, the beneficiary of their situation. Affirmative Action programs had made it all possible. The disadvantages of others permitted my promotion; the absence of many Mexican-Americans from academic life allowed my designation as a "minority student."

For me opportunities had been extravagant. There were fellowships, summer research grants, and teaching assistantships. After only two years in graduate school, I was offered teaching jobs by several colleges. Invitations to Washington conferences arrived and I had the chance to travel abroad as a "Mexican-American representative." The benefits were often, however, too gaudy to please. In three published essays, in conversations with teachers, in letters to politicians and at conferences, I worried the issue of Affirmative Action. Often I proposed contradictory opinions. Though consistent was the admission that—because of an early, excellent education—I was no longer a principle victim of racism or any other social oppression . I said that but still I continued to indicate on application for financial aid that I was a Hispanic-American. It didn't really occur to me to say anything else, or to leave the question unanswered.

Thus I complied with and encouraged the odd bureaucratic logic of Affirmative Action. I let government officials treat the disadvantaged condition of many Mexican-Americans with my advancement. Each fall my presence was noted by Health, Education and Welfare Department statisticians. As I pursued advanced literary studies and learned the skill of reading Spenser and Wordsworth and Emerson, I would hear myself numbered among the culturally disadvantaged. Still, silent, I didn't object.

But the irony cut deep. And guilt would not be evaded by averting my glance when I confronted a face like my own in a crowd. By late 1975, nearing the completion of my graduate studies at Berkeley, I was so wary of the benefits of Affirmative Action that I feared my inevitable success as an applicant for a teaching position. The months of fall—traditionally that time of academic job-searching—passed without my applying to a single school. When one of my professors chanced to learn this in late November, he was astonished, then furious. He yelled at me: Did I think that because I was a minority student jobs would just come looking for me? What was I thinking? Did I realize that he and several other faculty members had already written letters on my behalf? Was I going to start acting like some other minority students he had known? They struggled for success and then when it was almost within reach, grew strangely afraid and let it pass. Was that it? Was I determined to fail?

I did not respond to his questions. I didn't want to admit to him, and thus to myself, the reason I delayed.

I merely agreed to write to several schools. (In my letter I wrote: "I cannot claim to represent disadvantaged Mexican-Americans. The very fact that I am in a position to apply for this job should make that clear.") After two or three days, there were telegrams and phone calls, invitations to interviews, then airplane trips. A blur of faces and the murmur of their soft questions. And, over someone's shoulder, the sight of campus buildings shadowing pictures I had seen years before when I leafed through Ivy League catalogues with great expectations. At the end of each visit, interviewers would smile and wonder if I had any questions. A few times I quietly wondered what advantage my race had given me over other applicants. But that was an impossible question for them to answer without embarrassing me. Quickly, several persons insisted that my ethnic identity had given me no more than a "foot inside the door": at most, I had a "slight edge" over other applicants. "We just looked at your dossier with extra care and we liked what we saw. There was never any question of having to alter our standards. You can be certain of that."

In the early part of January, offers arrived on stiffly elegant stationery. Most schools promised terms appropriate for any new assistant professor. A few made matters worse—and almost more tempting—by offering more: the use of university housing; an unusually larger starting salary; a reduced teaching schedule. As the stack of letters mounted, my hesitation increased. I started calling department chairmen to ask for another week, then 10 more days—"more time to reach a decision"—to avoid the decision I would need to make.

At school, meantime, some students hadn't received a single job offer. One man, probably the best student in the department, did not even get a request for his dossier. He and I met outside a classroom one day and he asked about my opportunities. He seemed happy for me. Faculty members beamed. They said they had expected it. "After all, not many schools are going to pass up getting a Chicano with a PhD in Renaissance literature," somebody said, laughing. Friends wanted to know which of the offers I was going to accept. But I couldn't make up my mind. February came and I was running out of time and excuses. (One chairman guessed my delay was bargaining ploy and increased his offer with each of my calls.) I had to promise a decision by the 10th; the 12th at the very latest.

On the 18th of February, late in the afternoon, I was in the office I shared with several other teaching assistants. Another graduate was sitting across the room at his desk. When I got up to leave, he looked over to say in an uneventful voice that he had some big news. He had finally decided to accept a position at a faraway university. It was not a job he especially wanted, he admitted. But he had to take it because there hadn't been any other offers. He felt trapped, and depressed, since his job would separate him from his young daughter.

I tried to encourage him by remarking that he was lucky at least to have found a job. So many others hadn't been able to get anything. But before I finished speaking I realized that I had said the wrong thing. And I anticipated his next question.

"What are your plans?" he wanted to know. "Is it true you've gotten an offer from Yale?"

I said that it was. "Only, I still haven't made up my mind."

He stared at me as I put on my jacket. And smiling, then unsmiling, he asked if I knew that he too had written to Yale. In his case, however, no one had bothered to acknowledge his letter with even a postcard. What did I think of that?

He gave me no time to answer.

"Damn!" he said sharply and his chair rasped the floor as he pushed himself back. Suddenly, It was to me that he was complaining. "It's just not right, Richard. None of this is fair. You've done some good work, but so have I. I'll bet our records are just about equal. But when we look for jobs this year, it's a different story. You get all of the breaks.''

To evade his criticism, I wanted to side with him. I was about to admit the injustice of Affirmative Action. But he went on, his voice hard with accusation. "It's all very simple this year. You're a Chicano. And I am a Jew. That's the only real difference between us."

His words stung me: there was nothing he was telling me that I didn't know. I had admitted everything already. But to hear someone else say these things, and in such an accusing tone, was suddenly hard to take. In a deceptively calm voice, I responded that he had simplified the whole issue. The phrases came like bubbles to the tip of my tongue: "new blood"; "the importance of cultural diversity"; "the goal of racial integration." These were all the arguments I had proposed several years ago—and had long since abandoned. Of course the offers were unjustifiable. I knew that. All I was saying amounted to a frantic self-defense. I tried to find an end to a sentence. My voice faltered to a stop.

"Yeah, sure," he said. "I've heard all that before. Nothing you say really changes the fact that Affirmative Action is unfair. You see that, don't you? There isn't any way for me to compete with you. Once there were quotas to keep my parents out of certain schools; now there are quotas to get you in and the effect on me is the same as it was for them."

I listened to every word he spoke. But my mind was really on something else. I knew at that moment that I would reject all of the offers. I stood there silently surprised by what an easy conclusion it was. Having prepared for so many years to teach, having trained myself to do nothing else, I had hesitated out of practical fear. But now that it was made, the decision came with relief. I immediately knew I had made the right choice.

My colleague continued talking and I realized that he was simply right. Affirmative Action programs are unfair to white students. But as I listened to him assert his rights, I thought of the seriously disadvantaged. How different they were from white, middle-class students who come armed with the testimony of their grades and aptitude scores and self-confidence to complain about the unequal treatment they now receive. I listened to them. I do not want to be careless about what they say. Their rights are important to protect. But inevitably when I hear them or their lawyers, I think about the most seriously disadvantaged, not simply Mexican-Americans, but of all those who do not ever imagine themselves going to college or becoming doctors: white, black, brown. Always poor. Silent. They are not plaintiffs before the court or against the misdirection of Affirmative Action. They lack the confidence (my confidence!) to assume their right to a good education. They lack the confidence and skills a good primary and secondary education provides and which are prerequisites for informed public life. They remain silent.

The debate drones on and surrounds them in stillness. They are distant, faraway figures like the boys I have seen peering down from freeway overpasses in some other part of town.









我只是同意了会给几个学校写信。(在信里我写道:“我不会声称自己代表弱势的墨西哥裔美国人。事实是,我有能力申请这份工作,这点需要明确。”)两三天后,我便收到通知面试的电报、电话和邀请函,然后便是飞机旅程。再就是一片模糊的脸庞以及他们并不太难的问题的低语声。然后,越过某个人的肩膀,我看到校园中隐映的建筑的画面,这种画面我曾在多年前满怀希望地快速翻阅常青藤学校目录时见过。在每次面试的最后,面试者都会微笑着问我是否有问题要问。有几次我轻声地问,相对于其他申请者,我的种族带给了我什么优势。 但是,如果他们回答起来,那是一个不可能不使我尴尬的问题。很快,几个人便坚持说我的种族身份只不过让我“一只脚踏入了大门”而已;至多,我只比其他申请者有“略微的优势”。“我们只是在看你的档案时额外留意了一下,我们喜欢我们所看到的。绝对不存在改变我们的标准的问题。你可以确信这一点。”


此时,在学校,一些学生并未得到任何工作邀约。有位学生,大概是系里最好的学生,他甚至未得到一个要他的档案的请求。有一天,我和他在一个教室外面遇见了,他问起我的那些机会。看起来他为我感到高兴。教职工们也满面笑容。他们说他们早就预料到了会是这样。“毕竟, 很少有学校会拒绝一位拥有文艺复兴文学博士学位的奇卡诺人(墨西哥裔美国人),”有个人笑着说。朋友们想知道我会接受哪个学校的邀约。但是我无法做决定。二月份来了,我用尽了时间和借口。(有位系主任以为我的拖延是讨价还价的策略,便在我每次打电话时都增加了他的邀约筹码。)我不得不许诺会在10号前做出决定;最晚是12号。














Key Words:

bureaucratic   [bjuə.rəu'krætik]   

adj. 官僚的,繁文缛节的

dossier   ['dɔsi.ei] 

n. 档案材料,人事材料,记录文件,记录,卷宗

renaissance    [rə'neisəns]    

n. 文艺复兴,再生

accusation     [.ækju'zeiʃən]

n. 控告,指控,非难

testimony      ['testiməni]    

n. 证明,证据


  1. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U10B None of This Is Fair(1)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  2. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U10B None of This Is Fair(2)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  3. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U10B None of This Is Fair(3)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  4. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U10B None of This Is Fair(4)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  5. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U10B None of This Is Fair(5)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  6. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U10B None of This Is Fair(6)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语
  7. 现代大学英语精读(第2版)第四册:U10B None of This Is Fair(7)_大学教材听力 - 可可英语




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