现代大学英语精读第二版(第四册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——15A - A Letter to American Jews)(致美国犹太人的一封信)

Unit 15A - A Letter to American Jews (and Other Friends of Israel)

A Letter to American Jews (and Other Friends of Israel)

Assaf Oron

Passover Eve, 2002

Dear People,

Yesterday I was informed that a peace-supporting Jewish organization called Tikkun published an ad in favor of us, the Israeli-reservist refuseniks, and was immediately bombarded with hate mail and phone calls from other American Jews. This is nothing new to me. Over the past two months since we came out with our public pledge to refuse, I've heard and read so many arguments about our actions, and the moment you refute them, new arguments sprout up like mushrooms.

The general theme is the tribal theme. A very loud voice keeps shouting that we are in the midst of a war between two tribes: a tribe of human beings, of pure good—the Israelis—and a tribe of sub-human beings, of pure evil—the Palestinians. To those who find this black-and-white picture a bit hard to believe, the same voice shouts that this is a war of life and death. Only one tribe will survive, so even if we are not purely good, we must lay morality and conscience to sleep, shut up and fight to kill—or else, the Palestinians will throw us into the sea.

Does this ring a bell to you? It does to me. As a little child growing up in Israel under Golda Meir and Moshe Dayan, all I heard was that the Arabs are monsters who want to throw us into the sea, they understand only force, and since our wonderful IDF has won the Six Day War, they know not to mess with us any more—or else. And, of course, we must keep the "liberated" Territories to ourselves, because there's no one to talk with. Then came the 1973 war, and for a child of 7 it was the perfect proof that indeed the Arabs want to throw us into the sea, and what a great opportunity it was for our glorious IDF to teach them a good lesson.

A few years passed and a funny thing happened: those throw-us-into-the-sea Arabs came to talk with us, and in exchange for all of Sinai they would sign a full peace. The IDF chief of staff shouted that it was a hoax, that we should not believe Sadat. Already a teenager, I went and protested against the withdrawal from Sinai. After all, it was a purely logical issue: the Arabs are not to be trusted, that's what we've learned from day one. Well, lucky for the country, the government and the majority of the people employed a different logic, and the peace with Egypt was not missed.

But the throw-us-into-the-sea paradigm immediately found new fields for play. There was an inconvenient reality on the Northern border, and even though the forces on the other side had strictly adhered to a secret cease-fire for about a year, they were Arabs and therefore could not be trusted. So we talked ourselves into invading Lebanon and setting up a friendlier regime there. The mastermind was defense minister Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres, then leader of the opposition, voted together with his party in favor of the invasion. Only later, when it turned sour, and after many refuseniks already sat in jail, would the main opposition turn against the whole affair. For me at 16 it was also a turning point. When I understood that the government had lied to me in order to sell me this war, I turned from "center-rightist" to "leftist." Sadly enough, it has taken me almost 20 more years, in a slow and painful process, to understand how deeply the lies and self-delusion are rooted in our collective perception of reality.

Anyway, when Peres withdrew most of our forces from Lebanon in 1985, the Arabs could still not be trusted. And so, to soothe our endless paranoia and suspicion, we created that perpetual source of death and crime ironically known as "the Security Zone." It took many years, a lot of blood and Four Mothers—against almost all politicians, generals, and columnists—to finally pull us out of Lebanon. In the long and hard way, we learned that even the Lebanese are human beings whose rights must be respected.

But not the Palestinians. Because the Palestinians are too painfully close, like a rival sibling, we have singled them out for a special treatment. We have perfected our treatment in this strange no-man's-land created in 1967, and known as the Occupied Territories. There we have created an entirely hallucinatory reality, in which the true humans, members of the Nation of Masters, could move and settle freely and safely, while the sub-humans, the Nation of Slaves, were shoved into the corners, and kept invisible and controlled under our IDF boots.

I know. I've been there. I was taught how to do this, back in the mid-1980's. I did and witnessed as a matter of fact, deeds that I'm ashamed to remember to this day. And fortunately for me, I did not have to witness or do anything truly "pornographic," as some friends of mine experienced.

Since 1987, this cruel, impossible, unnatural, insulting reality in the Territories has been exploding in our face. But because of our unshakable belief that the Palestinians are monsters who want to throw us into the sea, we reacted by trying to maintain what we've created at all costs. When a fledgling and hesitating peace process tried to work its way through this mess, one major factor (perhaps THE factor) that undermined it and voided its meaning was our establishment's endless fear and suspicion of The Other. To resolve this fear and suspicion, we chose the insane route of demanding full control of The Other throughout the process. When The Other felt cheated out of his freedom, violence erupted again, and all our ancient instincts woke up. There they are, we said in relief, now we see their true face again. The Arabs want to throw us into the sea. There's no one to talk with ("no partner" in our beloved ex-prime minister's words) and they understand only force. And so we responded as we know and love, with more and more and more force. This time, the effect was that of putting out a fire with a barrel of gasoline. And that's the moment when I said to myself, "No, I'm not playing this game anymore."

But what about the existential threat, you may ask? Well, have you not eyes? Don't you see our tanks strolling in Palestinian streets every other day? Don't you see our helicopters hovering over their neighborhoods choosing which window to shoot a missile into? What type of existential need are we answering in trampling the Palestinians?

Prevention of terror, I hear you say. Let me use the words of my friend Ishay Rosen-Zvi: "You are 'fighting against terror'? What a joke. The policies of Occupation have turned the Territories into a greenhouse for growing terror!!!" You know what? When you treat millions of people like sub-humans for so long, some of them will find inhuman strategies to fight back. Isn't that what the Zionists, and other Jewish revolutionaries, argued about a hundred years ago in order to explain the questionable strategies of survival that Jews used in Europe? Didn't our forefathers say, "Let us live like human beings, and see how we'll act just like other human beings"?

So here's the deal. I don't buy the "they want to throw us into the sea" crap. It's a collective self-delusion of ours. But more importantly, I don't see tribes. I see people, human beings. I believe that the Palestinians are human beings like us. What a concept, eh? And before everything else, before EVERYTHING else, we must treat them like human beings without demanding anything in return. And no, throwing them a couple of crumbs in which they can set up pitiful, completely controlled Bantustans in between our settlements and bypass roads, and believing it to be a great act of "generosity," does NOT come close to answering this basic requirement. This requirement is NOT negotiable; moreover, in a perfect demonstration of historical justice, it is a vital requirement for the survival of our own State.

In the meanwhile, I refuse to be a terrorist in my tribe's name. Because that's what it is: not a "war against terror," as our propaganda machine tries to sell it. This is a war OF terror, a war in which, in return for Palestinian guerrilla and terror attacks, we employ the IDF in two types of terror. One type is quite visible: violent acts of killing and destruction, those which some people still try to explain away as "surgical acts of defense." But the worse type of terror is the silent one, which has continued unabated since 1967 and through the entire Oslo process. It is the terror of Occupation, of humiliation on a personal and collective basis, of deprivation and legalized robbery, of alternating exploitation and starvation. This is the mass of the iceberg, the terror that is itself a long-term greenhouse for counter-terror. And I simply refuse to be a terrorist and criminal, even if the entire tribe denounces me.

This, indeed, is how our establishment has received us so far—denunciation and short prison terms. We are protected from worse by important voices of public support in Israel and abroad. The moment the government or IDF staff thinks the lights are out, and no one sees or cares—they will find or invent the "legal" clause and throw some of us in for long jail terms.

But that's nothing, because the moment our government senses a "lights out" situation—such as a huge terror attack—there will be a horrible bloodbath in the Territories, compared to which the last year and a half will be remembered as a happy picnic.

Last week, Jose Saramago visited the Occupied Territories with a delegation of world famous writers, and compared the reality there to the Nazi concentration camp. This is of course an exaggeration, and Jews worldwide and in Israel fervently denounced Saramago. The denouncers seem to pay much less attention to what some powerful forces inside Israel are saying, planning and doing.

Parties that support the essentially Nazi idea of deporting all Palestinians have been part of our Knesset and our "legitimate" political map since 1984. Recent opinion polls show that 35% of the Jewish public now supports this "solution," as it is sometimes called. Last weekend, General Effi Eitam, fresh out of the military, received a flattering cover story in the Haaretz supplement, unfolding his chilling ideology, calling to expel those Palestinians who don't want to remain here as our serfs to Jordan and Egypt. And he said this: why should we, the country poorest in land resources, bear the burden of solving the Palestinian problem? Well I don't know about you, but I remember some of the Nazi rhetoric in that dark period before the war, when Jews were expelled from Germany but could find no safe haven anywhere else. When I see a retired IDF general and rising political star use the exact same Nazi rhetoric on Israel's most "liberal" newspaper, without any criticism—I feel hair-raising horror.

My friend, Captain Dan Tamir, decided to refuse to serve in the Territories about a year ago. He realized that in his last reserve duty as an intelligence officer, he laid out the plans to convert a large Palestinian town into a closed ghetto. The vast majority of Palestinians in the Territories now starve in such ghettos. One of the top commanders in the Territories is now quoted in Haaretz as saying that in order to prepare for potential battles in dense urban neighborhoods, the IDF must learn, if necessary, how the German army "operated" in the Warsaw ghetto. A week later, the reporter confirmed this quote, stating that this is a widespread opinion in the IDF. Almost no one in the Jewish world was interested in following up on this story, and it died down. Where were all these holy souls, scolding anyone who dares allude to the Nazi horror, when a senior IDF officer proudly called, "in order to beat the Palestinians, let's do what the Nazis did"?

I have little hope that the Israeli public will wake up in time to prevent all that's to come. The Israeli public, in its fear and confusion, wants to go to sleep and wake up only "after it is all over." But it won't be over, because while our mind sleeps our muscles tighten the death grip, instead of doing the only sensible thing—which is to let go. Will you guys join the hypocrite mobs singing lullabies to Israel, and pouncing upon the refuseniks, upon Tikkun, upon Saramago, to shut us up? Or will you finally take responsibility and be the true friends that Israel needs now—even if it means not being "nice" to Israel for a while?

As you sit tonight at the Seder table, please remember the dozen or so refuseniks who spend this Seder in a military jail. More importantly, please remember the thousand or so people, three-quarters Palestinians and one-quarter Israelis, who were here with us a year ago and have been murdered. Most of them could have been here with us, if you and we had acted sooner. We have now acted, done what little we can do. Please think of the many thousands that may be doomed soon, if you continue sitting on the fence.

May you have a happy Holiday of Freedom.













但巴勒斯坦人另当别论。令人苦恼的是,巴勒斯坦人和我们实在太像了,和我们就像是同室操戈的兄弟,所以我们把他们挑出来予以特殊对待。1967年,在那块被称为“占领区” 的奇怪的无人区里,我们把对待他们的方式发挥到了极致。我们在那里创造了一个完全是幻象的世界。在这个世界里,那些真正的人——自己当家做主的国度里的子民们——可以自由安全地搬过来定居,而那些次等人,那些奴隶的国度的成员,则被赶到角落,在我们国防军铁蹄的控制下,让世界感觉不到他们的存在。


自1987年以来,在占领区里,一系列残酷的、让人难以置信的、违背常理的、侮辱性的事情在我们面前不断发生。但是因为我们坚信巴勒斯坦人都是想把我们扔进海里的魔鬼,所以我们不惜一切代价地维持我们创造的一切。那时,解决这一混乱的和平进程刚刚起步,正踌躇发展,但很快被破坏,变得毫无意义。这当中的一个主要原因(也许是唯一原因)在于我们的当权派对于“他人”永无休止的恐惧和怀疑。为了消除这种恐惧和怀疑,我们选择了那条愚蠢透顶的出路,要求在整个和平进程中保持对对方的完全控制。当对方感到他的自由被骗走时,暴力冲突就再次爆发了,而我们所有古老的本能也就苏醒过来。他们就是这个样子,我们如释重负地说,现在我们又一次看到他们的真面目了。阿拉伯人想把我们扔进大海。我们没有可谈判的对象(按我们亲爱的前任首相的话来说就是“没有合作伙伴”),他们只懂得暴力。因此我们以自己所熟知和钟爱的方式用非常非常非常多的暴力对此事进行了回应。 这一次,产生的效果就如同火上浇油。我就是在那个时候对自己说:“不干了。我再也不玩这个游戏了。”














Key Words:

refute     [ri'fju:t]   

vt. 驳斥,反驳,证明

hoax       [həuks]  

v. 欺骗,哄骗,愚弄

paradigm       ['pærədaim]  

n. 范例,示范,典范,[语]词形变化表

paranoia [.pærə'nɔiə]   

n. 偏执狂,妄想狂

bypass    ['baipɑ:s]

vt. 绕开,忽视

humiliation    [hju:.mili'eiʃən]      

n. 耻辱,丢脸

exploitation    [.eksplɔi'teiʃən]     

n. 开发,开采,利用

terror      ['terə]     

n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物

hypocrite       ['hipəkrit]

n. 伪君子,伪善者

allude     [ə'lu:d]   

vi. 暗示,暗指


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