显示连续的几个快照点之间的top-n event 可以根据v_rownum来控制显示排名前几的等待事件
v_b_id number; v_e_id number; v_instance_number number; v_dbid number; v_twt number; v_tcpu number; v_rownum number;
cursor mycur(i_b_id number,
i_e_id number, i_dbid number, i_instance_number number, i_twt number, i_tcpu number, i_rownum number) is select event, waits, time, pctwtt from (select event, waits, time, pctwtt from (select e.event event, e.total_waits - nvl(b.total_waits, 0) waits, round((e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro, 0)) / 1000000, 0) time, round(decode(i_twt + i_tcpu * 10000, 0, 0, 100 * (e.time_waited_micro - nvl(b.time_waited_micro, 0)) / (i_twt + i_tcpu * 10000)), 2) pctwtt from stats$system_event b, stats$system_event e where b.snap_id(+) = i_b_id and e.snap_id = (i_e_id) and b.dbid(+) = i_dbid and e.dbid = i_dbid and b.instance_number(+) = i_instance_number and e.instance_number = i_instance_number and b.event(+) = e.event and e.total_waits > nvl(b.total_waits, 0) and e.event not in (select event from stats$idle_event) union all select 'CPU time' event, to_number(null) waits, round(v_tcpu / 100, 0) time, round(decode(i_twt + i_tcpu * 10000, 0, 0, 100 * i_tcpu * 10000 / (i_twt + i_tcpu * 10000)), 2) pctwait from dual where v_tcpu > 0) order by time desc, waits desc) where rownum <= i_rownum;
function get_date(i_b_snap_id number) return varchar2 is
v_date varchar2(50); begin select to_char(snap_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') into v_date from stats$snapshot a where instance_number = v_instance_number and snap_id = i_b_snap_id; return v_date; end get_date;
function SYSDIF(i_name varchar2, i_b_snap_id number, i_e_snap_id number)
RETURN number is v_val number; begin select (b.value - a.value) into v_val from (select * from stats$sysstat where name = (i_name) and snap_id = i_b_snap_id) a, (select * from stats$sysstat where name = (i_name) and snap_id = i_e_snap_id) b where a.name = b.name and a.instance_number = b.instance_number and a.instance_number = v_instance_number; return v_val; end sysdif;
function TOTAL_EVENT_TIME(i_b_snap_id number, i_e_snap_id number)
return number is bwaittime number; ewaittime number; cursor WAITS(i_snap_id number) is select sum(time_waited_micro) from stats$system_event where snap_id = i_snap_id and dbid = v_dbid and instance_number = v_instance_number and event not in (select event from stats$idle_event); begin if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS(i_b_snap_id); end if; fetch WAITS into bwaittime; if WAITS%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Missing start value for stats$system_event'); end if; close WAITS; if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS(i_e_snap_id); end if; fetch WAITS into ewaittime; if WAITS%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Missing end value for stats$system_event'); end if; close WAITS; return ewaittime - bwaittime; end TOTAL_EVENT_TIME;
/* 初始化 v_b_id :开始的snap_id v_e_id :结束的snap_id v_dbid v_instance_number v_rownum 以上变量可以从这条SQL获取 select * from stats$snapshot */ v_b_id := 46450; v_e_id := 46456; v_dbid := 2136217699; v_instance_number := 1; v_rownum := 5;
for i in 1 .. (v_e_id - v_b_id) loop
v_twt := TOTAL_EVENT_TIME(v_b_id, (v_b_id + 1)); v_tcpu := SYSDIF('CPU used by this session', v_b_id, (v_b_id + 1)); dbms_output.put_line('Top 5 Timed Events ' || get_date(v_b_id) || ' ----> ' || get_date((v_b_id + 1)) || ' snap: ' || v_b_id || ' -----> ' || (v_b_id + 1)); dbms_output.put_line('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'); dbms_output.put_line('Event Waits Time (s)' || ' Total Ela Time %'); for v_re in mycur(v_b_id, (v_b_id + 1), v_dbid, v_instance_number, v_twt, v_tcpu, v_rownum) loop dbms_output.put_line(RPad(v_re.event, 52, ' ') || rpad(nvl(to_char(v_re.waits), ' '), 10, ' ') || rpad(v_re.time, 10, ' ') || rpad(v_re.pctwtt, 8, ' ')); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(' '); v_b_id := v_b_id + 1; end loop; end; |