import numpy as np
import yaml, os
import torch
import numba as nb
from mmdet.datasets.builder import PIPELINES
from .loading_nusc_occ import voxel_transform
import pdb
Instructions from PanopticNuScenes:
A ground truth label file named {token}_panoptic.npz is provided for each sample in the Panoptic nuScenes dataset.
A .npz file contains the panoptic label array (uint16 format) of the corresponding points in a pointcloud.
The panoptic label of each point is: (general class index * 1000 + instance index).
Note here general class index (32 classes in total) rather than the challenge class index (16 classes in total) is used.
For example, a ground truth instance from car class (general class index = 17), and with assigned car instance index 1,
will have a ground truth panoptic label of 1000 * 17 + 1 = 17001 in the .npz file.
Since these ground truth panoptic labels are generated from annotated bounding boxes,
points that are included in more than 1 bounding box will be ignored, and assigned with panoptic label 0:
class index 0 and instance index 0. For points from stuff, their panoptic labels will be general class index 1000.
To align with thing classes, you may think the stuff classes as sharing an instance index of 0 by all points.
To load a ground truth file, you can use:
from nuscenes.utils.data_io import load_bin_file
label_file_path = /data/sets/nuscenes/panoptic/v1.0-mini/{token}_panoptic.npz
panoptic_label_arr = load_bin_file(label_file_path, 'panoptic')
class LoadNuscPanopticOccupancyAnnotations(object):
def __init__(
self.is_train = is_train
self.is_test_submit = is_test_submit
self.cls_metas = cls_metas
with open(cls_metas, 'r') as stream:
nusc_cls_metas = yaml.safe_load(stream)
self.learning_map = nusc_cls_metas['learning_map']
self.data_root = data_root
self.bda_aug_conf = bda_aug_conf
# voxel settings
self.grid_size = np.array(grid_size)
self.point_cloud_range = np.array(point_cloud_range)
# for semantickitti, the transformer center is not (0, 0, 0) and makes the transformation a bit more complex
self.transform_center = (self.point_cloud_range[:3] + self.point_cloud_range[3:]) / 2
self.unoccupied_id = unoccupied_id
# create full-resolution occupancy labels
self.voxel_size = (self.point_cloud_range[3:] - self.point_cloud_range[:3]) / self.grid_size
def sample_3d_augmentation(self):
"""Generate 3d augmentation values based on bda_config."""
rotate_bda = np.random.uniform(*self.bda_aug_conf['rot_lim'])
scale_bda = np.random.uniform(*self.bda_aug_conf['scale_lim'])
flip_dx = np.random.uniform() < self.bda_aug_conf['flip_dx_ratio']
flip_dy = np.random.uniform() < self.bda_aug_conf['flip_dy_ratio']
flip_dz = np.random.uniform() < self.bda_aug_conf.get('flip_dz_ratio', 0.0)
return rotate_bda, scale_bda, flip_dx, flip_dy, flip_dz
def __call__(self, results):
# for test-submission of nuScenes Panoptic Segmentation
if self.is_test_submit:
imgs, rots, trans, intrins, post_rots, post_trans, gt_depths, sensor2sensors = results['img_inputs']
bda_rot = torch.eye(3).float()
results['img_inputs'] = (imgs, rots, trans, intrins, post_rots, post_trans, bda_rot, gt_depths, sensor2sensors)
pts_filename = results['pts_filename']
points = np.fromfile(pts_filename, dtype=np.float32, count=-1).reshape(-1, 5)[..., :3]
points_label = np.zeros((points.shape[0], 1)) # placeholder
lidarseg = np.concatenate([points, points_label], axis=-1)
results['points_occ'] = torch.from_numpy(lidarseg).float()
return results
# 打上断点运行每一行
panopticseg_file = results['lidarseg'].replace('lidarseg', 'panoptic')
panopticseg_file = panopticseg_file.replace('.bin', '.npz')
panopticseg_file = os.path.join(self.data_root, panopticseg_file)
panoptic_labels = np.load(panopticseg_file)['data']
semantic_labels = panoptic_labels // 1e3
# perform learning mapping
# np.unique 按类处理
for semantic_label in np.unique(semantic_labels):
# 筛选同一类的所有点,将这类点的mask设为true
semantic_mask = (semantic_labels == semantic_label)
# 找到这类点的真实id
mapped_id = self.learning_map[int(semantic_label)]
# 将这类点的id更新
semantic_labels[semantic_mask] = mapped_id
cls_panoptic_labels = panoptic_labels[semantic_mask] - semantic_label * 1e3
# 新的panoptic_labels=class id *1000 + cls_panoptic_labels
panoptic_labels[semantic_mask] = mapped_id * 1e3 + cls_panoptic_labels
panoptic_labels = panoptic_labels.reshape(-1, 1)
points = np.fromfile(results['pts_filename'], dtype=np.float32, count=-1).reshape(-1, 5)[..., :3]
# 把点和标签拼接起来,一共为4列
lidarseg = np.concatenate([points, panoptic_labels], axis=-1)
if self.is_train:
# 是为了计算旋转矩阵
rotate_bda, scale_bda, flip_dx, flip_dy, flip_dz = self.sample_3d_augmentation()
# 最后得到的bda_rot矩阵为
# [[-1., 0., 0.],
# [ 0., -1., 0.],
# [ 0., 0., 1.]] 不是很懂为什么
_, bda_rot = voxel_transform(None, rotate_bda, scale_bda, flip_dx, flip_dy, flip_dz)
bda_rot = torch.eye(3).float()
# transform points
points = points @ bda_rot.t().numpy()
# 更新点
lidarseg[:, :3] = points
''' create voxel labels from lidarseg '''
eps = 1e-5
# 得到网格中的体素索引
points_grid_ind = np.floor((np.clip(lidarseg[:, :3], self.point_cloud_range[:3],
self.point_cloud_range[3:] - eps) - self.point_cloud_range[:3]) / self.voxel_size).astype(np.int)
# 将每个点的体素索引和每个点的标签拼接起来
label_voxel_pair = np.concatenate([points_grid_ind, lidarseg[:, -1:]], axis=1)
# 按照x,y,z进行多级排序,最后以z为主
label_voxel_pair = label_voxel_pair[np.lexsort((points_grid_ind[:, 0], points_grid_ind[:, 1], points_grid_ind[:, 2])), :]
label_voxel_pair = label_voxel_pair.astype(np.uint16)
# 0: noise, 1-16 normal classes, 17 unoccupied
# empty_id=17000
empty_id = int(self.unoccupied_id * 1e3)
processed_label = np.ones(self.grid_size, dtype=np.uint16) * empty_id
processed_label = nb_process_label(processed_label, label_voxel_pair)
# print("processed_label", processed_label)
# convert label_0 to label_65535 (ignored)
processed_label[processed_label == 0] = 65535
# convert empty to label id 0
processed_label[processed_label == empty_id] = 0
''' save results'''
results['gt_occ'] = torch.from_numpy(processed_label.astype(np.float32)).long()
results['points_occ'] = torch.from_numpy(lidarseg).float()
imgs, rots, trans, intrins, post_rots, post_trans, gt_depths, sensor2sensors = results['img_inputs']
results['img_inputs'] = (imgs, rots, trans, intrins, post_rots, post_trans, bda_rot, gt_depths, sensor2sensors)
return results
# 将每个体素里面出现最多次数的标签作为当前体素的标签
@nb.jit('u2[:,:,:](u2[:,:,:], u2[:,:])', nopython=True, cache=True, parallel=False)
def nb_process_label(processed_label, sorted_label_voxel_pair):
ignore_index = 0
label_size = 256 * 256
counter = np.zeros((label_size,), dtype=np.uint16)
# counter[0]=1
counter[sorted_label_voxel_pair[0, 3]] = 1
cur_sear_ind = sorted_label_voxel_pair[0, :3]
for i in range(1, sorted_label_voxel_pair.shape[0]):
cur_ind = sorted_label_voxel_pair[i, :3]
if not np.all(np.equal(cur_ind, cur_sear_ind)):
counter[ignore_index] = 0
processed_label[cur_sear_ind[0], cur_sear_ind[1], cur_sear_ind[2]] = np.argmax(counter)
counter = np.zeros((label_size,), dtype=np.uint16)
cur_sear_ind = cur_ind
counter[sorted_label_voxel_pair[i, 3]] += 1
processed_label[cur_sear_ind[0], cur_sear_ind[1], cur_sear_ind[2]] = np.argmax(counter)
return processed_label