PEP 492 – Coroutines with async and await syntax

PEP 492 – Coroutines with async and await syntax





The growth of Internet and general connectivity has triggered the proportionate need for responsive and scalable code. This proposal aims to answer that need by making writing explicitly asynchronous, concurrent Python code easier and more Pythonic.


It is proposed to make coroutines a proper standalone concept in Python, and introduce new supporting syntax. The ultimate goal is to help establish a common, easily approachable, mental model of asynchronous programming in Python and make it as close to synchronous programming as possible.


This PEP assumes that the asynchronous tasks are scheduled and coordinated by an Event Loop similar to that of stdlib module While the PEP is not tied to any specific Event Loop implementation, it is relevant only to the kind of coroutine that uses yield as a signal to the scheduler, indicating that the coroutine will be waiting until an event (such as IO) is completed.


We believe that the changes proposed here will help keep Python relevant and competitive in a quickly growing area of asynchronous programming, as many other languages have adopted, or are planning to adopt, similar features: [2], [5], [6], [7], [8], [10].

我们相信这里提出的这些改变将让Python在快速增长的异步编程领域保持紧密连系和强劲的竞争力,就像其他语言那样,已经采用或者计划采用类似的功能: [2], [5], [6], [7], [8], [10]

API Design and Implementation Revisions


  1. Feedback on the initial beta release of Python 3.5 resulted in a redesign of the object model supporting this PEP to more clearly separate native coroutines from generators - rather than being a new kind of generator, native coroutines are now their own completely distinct type (implemented in [17]).

    关于Python 3.5的初始beta版收集的反馈导致重新设计了支持此PEP的对象模型,以更清楚地将原生协程从生成器中分离 - 而不是作为一种新的生成器,原生协程现在已经拥有了属于它们自己的完全不同的类型(实现于[17])。

    This change was implemented based primarily due to problems encountered attempting to integrate support for native coroutines into the Tornado web server (reported in [18]).

    这种改变主要是为了应对在试图将原生协程整合进Tornado网络服务时候遇到的问题(报告于 [18])。

  2. In CPython 3.5.2, the __aiter__ protocol was updated.


    Before 3.5.2, __aiter__ was expected to return an awaitable resolving to an asynchronous iterator. Starting with 3.5.2, __aiter__ should return asynchronous iterators directly.


    If the old protocol is used in 3.5.2, Python will raise a PendingDeprecationWarning.


    In CPython 3.6, the old __aiter__ protocol will still be supported with a DeprecationWarning being raised.


    In CPython 3.7, the old __aiter__ protocol will no longer be supported: a RuntimeError will be raised if __aiter__ returns anything but an asynchronous iterator.


    See [19] and [20] for more details.

    更多信息见[19] 和[20]

Rationale and Goals


Current Python supports implementing coroutines via generators (PEP 342), further enhanced by the yield from syntax introduced in PEP 380. This approach has a number of shortcomings:

目前的Python支持通过生成器(PEP 342)实现协程,并且通过PEP 380中引入的yield from语句得到进一步增强。这种实现途径具有许多缺点:

  • It is easy to confuse coroutines with regular generators, since they share the same syntax; this is especially true for new developers.


  • Whether or not a function is a coroutine is determined by a presence of yield or yield from statements in its body, which can lead to unobvious errors when such statements appear in or disappear from function body during refactoring.

    一个函数是否是一个协程取决于其函数体中是否存在yieldyield from语句,这可能导致在重构期间因这些语句从函数体中添加或移除而产生一些难以察觉的错误。

  • Support for asynchronous calls is limited to expressions where yield is allowed syntactically, limiting the usefulness of syntactic features, such as with and for statements.


This proposal makes coroutines a native Python language feature, and clearly separates them from generators. This removes generator/coroutine ambiguity, and makes it possible to reliably define coroutines without reliance on a specific library. This also enables linters and IDEs to improve static code analysis and refactoring.


Native coroutines and the associated new syntax features make it possible to define context manager and iteration protocols in asynchronous terms. As shown later in this proposal, the new async with statement lets Python programs perform asynchronous calls when entering and exiting a runtime context, and the new async for statement makes it possible to perform asynchronous calls in iterators.

原生协程和关联的新语法功能使得可以在异步术语中定义上下文管理器和迭代协议。就像稍后在此提议中所示,新的async with语句让Python程序在进入和退出运行时上下文时实现异步调用,并且新的async for语句使得在迭代器中执行异步调用成为可能。



This proposal introduces new syntax and semantics to enhance coroutine support in Python.


This specification presumes knowledge of the implementation of coroutines in Python (PEP 342 and PEP 380). Motivation for the syntax changes proposed here comes from the asyncio framework (PEP 3156) and the “Cofunctions” proposal (PEP 3152, now rejected in favor of this specification).

本规范假定了你对Python提案(PEP 342PEP 380)中的协程实现知识已经有所了解。这里提出的语法变化的动机来自Asyncio框架(PEP 3156)和“Cofunctions”提案(PEP 3152,已经被拒绝,转而赞同本规范)。

From this point in this document we use the word native coroutine to refer to functions declared using the new syntax. generator-based coroutine is used where necessary to refer to coroutines that are based on generator syntax. coroutine is used in contexts where both definitions are applicable.

从本文档中的这一点来看,我们使用单词“原生协程”来指代使用新语法声明的函数。“基于生成器的协程”被用于指代那些基于生成器语法创建的协程。 在两个定义都适用的上下文中将会使用“协程”。

New Coroutine Declaration Syntax


The following new syntax is used to declare a native coroutine:


async def read_data(db):

Key properties of coroutines:


  • async def functions are always coroutines, even if they do not contain await expressions.

    所有使用async def定义的函数都是协程函数,即使它们不包含await表达式。

  • It is a SyntaxError to have yield or yield from expressions in an async function.

    在一个async函数中使用yieldyield from表达式会抛出SyntaxError异常。

  • Internally, two new code object flags were introduced:


    • CO_COROUTINE is used to mark native coroutines (defined with new syntax).


    • CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE is used to make generator-based coroutines compatible with native coroutines (set by types.coroutine() function).


  • Regular generators, when called, return a generator object; similarly, coroutines return a coroutine object.


  • StopIteration exceptions are not propagated out of coroutines, and are replaced with a RuntimeError. For regular generators such behavior requires a future import (see PEP 479).

    StopIteration异常不会在协程函数中出现,并由RuntimeError取代。对于通常的生成器函数,这种行为需要在未来进行考量(见PEP 479)。

  • When a native coroutine is garbage collected, a RuntimeWarning is raised if it was never awaited on (see also Debugging Features).


  • See also Coroutine objects section.



A new function coroutine(fn) is added to the types module. It allows interoperability between existing generator-based coroutines in asyncio and native coroutines introduced by this PEP:


def process_data(db):
    data = yield from read_data(db)

The function applies CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE flag to generator- function’s code object, making it return a coroutine object.


If fn is not a generator function, it is wrapped. If it returns a generator, it will be wrapped in an awaitable proxy object (see below the definition of awaitable objects).


Note, that the CO_COROUTINE flag is not applied by types.coroutine() to make it possible to separate native coroutines defined with new syntax, from generator-based coroutines.


Await Expression


The following new await expression is used to obtain a result of coroutine execution:


async def read_data(db):
    data = await db.fetch('SELECT ...')

await, similarly to yield from, suspends execution of read_data coroutine until db.fetch awaitable completes and returns the result data.

awaityield from语句类似,它暂停了read_data协程的执行,直到可等待对象db.fetch执行完毕并返回结果数据。

It uses the yield from implementation with an extra step of validating its argument. await only accepts an awaitable, which can be one of:

它通过使用一个额外的参数验证步骤复用了yield from的实现,await仅接受一个可等待对象,包括下面的其中之一:

  • A native coroutine object returned from a native coroutine function.


  • A generator-based coroutine object returned from a function decorated with types.coroutine().


  • An object with an __await__ method returning an iterator.


    Any yield from chain of calls ends with a yield. This is a fundamental mechanism of how Futures are implemented. Since, internally, coroutines are a special kind of generators, every await is suspended by a yield somewhere down the chain of await calls (please refer to PEP 3156 for a detailed explanation).

    所有的yield from调用链都以yield结束,这是一个Futures实现的基本机制。在Python内部,协程函数是一种特殊的生成器函数,wait调用链上的每一个await都是被yield暂停(更多详细解释请参考PEP 3156 )。

    To enable this behavior for coroutines, a new magic method called __await__ is added. In asyncio, for instance, to enable Future objects in await statements, the only change is to add __await__ = __iter__ line to asyncio.Future class.


    Objects with __await__ method are called Future-like objects in the rest of this PEP.


    It is a TypeError if __await__ returns anything but an iterator.


  • Objects defined with CPython C API with a tp_as_async.am_await function, returning an iterator (similar to __await__ method).

    使用带有tp_as_async.am_await函数的CPython C API定义的对象,返回一个迭代器(类似于__await__方法)。

It is a SyntaxError to use await outside of an async def function (like it is a SyntaxError to use yield outside of def function).

async def定义的函数之外使用await将产生SyntaxError异常(就像在def函数之外使用yield会产生SyntaxError一样)。

It is a TypeError to pass anything other than an awaitable object to an await expression.


Updated operator precedence table


await keyword is defined as follows:


power ::=  await ["**" u_expr]
await ::=  ["await"] primary

where “primary” represents the most tightly bound operations of the language. Its syntax is:


primary ::=  atom | attributeref | subscription | slicing | call

See Python Documentation [12] and Grammar Updates section of this proposal for details.

有关详细信息,请参阅本提案的Python文档 [12]Grammar Updates部分。

The key await difference from yield and yield from operators is that await expressions do not require parentheses around them most of the times.

关键字await不同于yieldyield from操作符的地方在于await表达式大多数时候不需要使用括号包裹。

Also, yield from allows any expression as its argument, including expressions like yield from a() + b(), that would be parsed as yield from (a() + b()), which is almost always a bug. In general, the result of any arithmetic operation is not an awaitable object. To avoid this kind of mistakes, it was decided to make await precedence lower than [], (), and ., but higher than ** operators.

此外,yield from允许任何表达式作为参数,包括类似于yield from a()+b()这样的表达式,这将被解析为yield from (a() + b()),这几乎是一个bug。一般来说,算术运算的结果不会是一个可等待对象。为了避免这种错误,await的优先级被定义为低于[]()、和.,但是高于**操作符。

yield x, yield from xYield expression
lambdaLambda expression
ifelseConditional expression
orBoolean OR
andBoolean AND
not xBoolean NOT
in, not in, is, is not, <, <=, >, >=, !=, ==Comparisons, including membership tests and identity tests
|Bitwise OR
^Bitwise XOR
&Bitwise AND
<<, >>Shifts
+, -Addition and subtraction
*, @, /, //, %Multiplication, matrix multiplication, division, remainder
+x, -x, ~xPositive, negative, bitwise NOT
await xAwait expression
x[index], x[index:index], x(arguments...), x.attributeSubscription, slicing, call, attribute reference
(expressions...), [expressions...], {key: value...}, {expressions...}Binding or tuple display, list display, dictionary display, set display

Examples of “await” expressions


Valid syntax examples:


ExpressionWill be parsed as
if await fut: passif (await fut): pass
if await fut + 1: passif (await fut) + 1: pass
pair = await fut, 'spam'pair = (await fut), 'spam'
with await fut, open(): passwith (await fut), open(): pass
await foo()['spam'].baz()()await ( foo()['spam'].baz()() )
return await coro()return ( await coro() )
res = await coro() ** 2res = (await coro()) ** 2
func(a1=await coro(), a2=0)func(a1=(await coro()), a2=0)
await foo() + await bar()(await foo()) + (await bar())
-await foo()-(await foo())

Invalid syntax examples:


ExpressionShould be written as
await await coro()await (await coro())
await -coro()await (-coro())

Asynchronous Context Managers and “async with”

异步上下文管理器和"async with"

An asynchronous context manager is a context manager that is able to suspend execution in its enter and exit methods.


To make this possible, a new protocol for asynchronous context managers is proposed. Two new magic methods are added: __aenter__ and __aexit__. Both must return an awaitable.



class AsyncContextManager:
    async def __aenter__(self):
        await log('entering context')

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
        await log('exiting context')

New Syntax


A new statement for asynchronous context managers is proposed:


async with EXPR as VAR:

which is semantically equivalent to:


mgr = (EXPR)
aexit = type(mgr).__aexit__
aenter = type(mgr).__aenter__

VAR = await aenter(mgr)
    if not await aexit(mgr, *sys.exc_info()):
    await aexit(mgr, None, None, None)

As with regular with statements, it is possible to specify multiple context managers in a single async with statement.

与常规with语句一样,可以使用单个async with语句指定多个上下文管理器。

It is an error to pass a regular context manager without __aenter__ and __aexit__ methods to async with. It is a SyntaxError to use async with outside of an async def function.

将没有实现__aenter____aexit__方法的普通上下文管理器传递给async with是一个错误。在async def函数之外使用async with也会产生一个SyntaxError



With asynchronous context managers it is easy to implement proper database transaction managers for coroutines:


async def commit(session, data):

    async with session.transaction():
        await session.update(data)

Code that needs locking also looks lighter:


async with lock:

instead of:


with (yield from lock):

Asynchronous Iterators and “async for”

异步迭代器和"async for"

An asynchronous iterable is able to call asynchronous code in its iter implementation, and asynchronous iterator can call asynchronous code in its next method. To support asynchronous iteration:


  1. An object must implement an __aiter__ method (or, if defined with CPython C API, tp_as_async.am_aiter slot) returning an asynchronous iterator object.

    对象必须实现__aiter__方法(或者由使用tp_as_async.am_aiter的CPython C API定义)并且返回一个异步迭代器对象。

  2. An asynchronous iterator object must implement an __anext__ method (or, if defined with CPython C API, tp_as_async.am_anext slot) returning an awaitable.

    异步迭代器对象必须实现__anext__方法(或者由使用tp_as_async.am_anext的CPython C API定义)并返回一个可等待对象。

  3. To stop iteration __anext__ must raise a StopAsyncIteration exception.


An example of asynchronous iterable:


class AsyncIterable:
    def __aiter__(self):
        return self

    async def __anext__(self):
        data = await self.fetch_data()
        if data:
            return data
            raise StopAsyncIteration

    async def fetch_data(self):

New Syntax


A new statement for iterating through asynchronous iterators is proposed:


async for TARGET in ITER:

which is semantically equivalent to:


iter = (ITER)
iter = type(iter).__aiter__(iter)
running = True
while running:
        TARGET = await type(iter).__anext__(iter)
    except StopAsyncIteration:
        running = False

It is a TypeError to pass a regular iterable without __aiter__ method to async for. It is a SyntaxError to use async for outside of an async def function.

将没有实现__aiter__的普通可迭代对象传递给async for是一个TypeError。在async def函数之外使用async for是一个SyntaxError

As for with regular for statement, async for has an optional else clause.

和普通的for语句一样,async for有一个可选的else块。

Example 1


With asynchronous iteration protocol it is possible to asynchronously buffer data during iteration:


async for data in cursor:

Where cursor is an asynchronous iterator that prefetches N rows of data from a database after every N iterations.


The following code illustrates new asynchronous iteration protocol:


class Cursor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.buffer = collections.deque()

    async def _prefetch(self):

    def __aiter__(self):
        return self

    async def __anext__(self):
        if not self.buffer:
            self.buffer = await self._prefetch()
            if not self.buffer:
                raise StopAsyncIteration
        return self.buffer.popleft()

then the Cursor class can be used as follows:


async for row in Cursor():

which would be equivalent to the following code:


i = Cursor().__aiter__()
while True:
        row = await i.__anext__()
    except StopAsyncIteration:

Example 2


The following is a utility class that transforms a regular iterable to an asynchronous one. While this is not a very useful thing to do, the code illustrates the relationship between regular and asynchronous iterators.


class AsyncIteratorWrapper:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self._it = iter(obj)

    def __aiter__(self):
        return self

    async def __anext__(self):
            value = next(self._it)
        except StopIteration:
            raise StopAsyncIteration
        return value

async for letter in AsyncIteratorWrapper("abc"):

Why StopAsyncIteration?

Coroutines are still based on generators internally. So, before PEP 479, there was no fundamental difference between

在Python内部,协程函数依然基于生成器函数。所以在PEP 479之前,下面的两种示例没有本质上的区别

def g1():
    yield from fut
    return 'spam'


def g2():
    yield from fut
    raise StopIteration('spam')

And since PEP 479 is accepted and enabled by default for coroutines, the following example will have its StopIteration wrapped into a RuntimeError

由于PEP 479被默认接受并启用了协程函数,因此以下示例将StopIteration包裹在RuntimeError

async def a1():
    await fut
    raise StopIteration('spam')

The only way to tell the outside code that the iteration has ended is to raise something other than StopIteration. Therefore, a new built-in exception class StopAsyncIteration was added.


Moreover, with semantics from PEP 479, all StopIteration exceptions raised in coroutines are wrapped in RuntimeError.

此外,通过 PEP 479的语义,协程函数中抛出的所有StopIteration异常都被RuntimeError包裹。

Coroutine objects


Differences from generators


This section applies only to native coroutines with CO_COROUTINE flag, i.e. defined with the new async def syntax.

本节仅适用于带有CO_COROUTINE标志的原生协程函数,即用新的async def语法定义。

The behavior of existing *generator-based coroutines* in asyncio remains unchanged.


Great effort has been made to make sure that coroutines and generators are treated as distinct concepts:


  1. Native coroutine objects do not implement __iter__ and __next__ methods. Therefore, they cannot be iterated over or passed to iter(), list(), tuple() and other built-ins. They also cannot be used in a loop.


    An attempt to use __iter__ or __next__ on a native coroutine object will result in a TypeError.


  2. Plain generators cannot yield from native coroutines: doing so will result in a TypeError.

    普通的生成器函数不能yiedl from原生协程函数:这样做会导致TypeError

  3. generator-based coroutines (for asyncio code must be decorated with @asyncio.coroutine) can yield from native coroutine objects.

    基于生成器的协程函数(对于asyncio代码必须使用@asyncio.coroutine进行装饰)可以使用yield from关联原生协程对象。

  4. inspect.isgenerator() and inspect.isgeneratorfunction() return False for native coroutine objects and native coroutine functions.


Coroutine object methods


Coroutines are based on generators internally, thus they share the implementation. Similarly to generator objects, coroutines have throw(), send() and close() methods. StopIteration and GeneratorExit play the same role for coroutines (although PEP 479 is enabled by default for coroutines). See PEP 342, PEP 380, and Python Documentation [11] for details.

在内部,协程函数基于生成器函数,因此他们共享实现。与生成器对象类似,协程对象具throw()send()close()方法。 StopIterationGeneratorExit在协程中扮演了相同的角色(尽管在PEP 479默认为协程启用了)。有关详细信息,请参见 PEP 342PEP 380和Python文档[11]

throw(), send() methods for coroutines are used to push values and raise errors into Future-like objects.


Debugging Features


A common beginner mistake is forgetting to use yield from on coroutines:

对于协程,通常最先出现的错误是忘记使用yield from

def useful():
    asyncio.sleep(1) # this will do nothing without 'yield from'

For debugging this kind of mistakes there is a special debug mode in asyncio, in which @coroutine decorator wraps all functions with a special object with a destructor logging a warning. Whenever a wrapped generator gets garbage collected, a detailed logging message is generated with information about where exactly the decorator function was defined, stack trace of where it was collected, etc. Wrapper object also provides a convenient __repr__ function with detailed information about the generator.


The only problem is how to enable these debug capabilities. Since debug facilities should be a no-op in production mode, @coroutine decorator makes the decision of whether to wrap or not to wrap based on an OS environment variable PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG. This way it is possible to run asyncio programs with asyncio’s own functions instrumented. EventLoop.set_debug, a different debug facility, has no impact on @coroutine decorator’s behavior.

唯一的问题是如何启用这些调试功能。由于调试设施应该是生产模式的NO-OP,因此@Coroutine装饰器决定是否基于OS环境变量PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG包裹或不包裹。这样就可以使用Asyncio自己的函数来运行Asyncio程序。 EventLoop.set_debug,一个不同的调试设施,对@coroutine装饰器的行为没有影响。

With this proposal, coroutines is a native, distinct from generators, concept. In addition to a RuntimeWarning being raised on coroutines that were never awaited, it is proposed to add two new functions to the sys module: set_coroutine_wrapper and get_coroutine_wrapper. This is to enable advanced debugging facilities in asyncio and other frameworks (such as displaying where exactly coroutine was created, and a more detailed stack trace of where it was garbage collected).


New Standard Library Functions


  • types.coroutine(gen). See types.coroutine() section for details.

  • inspect.iscoroutine(obj) returns True if obj is a native coroutine object.

    inspect.iscoroutine(obj) 如果obj是一个原生协程对象,返回True

  • inspect.iscoroutinefunction(obj) returns True if obj is a native coroutine function.

    inspect.iscoroutinefunction(obj) 如果obj是一个原生协程函数返回True

  • inspect.isawaitable(obj) returns True if obj is an awaitable.


  • inspect.getcoroutinestate(coro) returns the current state of a native coroutine object (mirrors inspect.getfgeneratorstate(gen)).

    inspect.getcoroutinestate(coro) 返回原生协程对象的当前状态(inspect.getfgeneratorstate(gen)的镜像方法)。

  • inspect.getcoroutinelocals(coro) returns the mapping of a native coroutine object’s local variables to their values (mirrors inspect.getgeneratorlocals(gen)).

    inspect.getcoroutinelocals(coro) 返回原生协程对象的局部变量对其值的映射(inspect.getgeneratorlocals(gen)的镜像方法)。

  • sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(wrapper) allows to intercept creation of native coroutine objects. wrapper must be either a callable that accepts one argument (a coroutine object), or None. None resets the wrapper. If called twice, the new wrapper replaces the previous one. The function is thread-specific. See Debugging Features for more details.

    sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(wrapper)允许拦截原生协程对象的创建。wrapper必须是一个接受一个参数(协程对象)的可调用对象,或者NoneNone会重置这个包装器。如果调用两次,新的包装器会取代之前的那一个。这个函数是线程特定的。更多详情参考Debugging Features

  • sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() returns the current wrapper object. Returns None if no wrapper was set. The function is thread-specific. See Debugging Features for more details.

    sys.get_coroutine_wrapper()返回当前包装器对象。如果没有设置包装器对象,返回None。这个函数是线程特定的。更多详情参考 Debugging Features

New Abstract Base Classes


In order to allow better integration with existing frameworks (such as Tornado, see [13]) and compilers (such as Cython, see [16]), two new Abstract Base Classes (ABC) are added:

为了允许与现有框架(例如Tornado,见 [13])和编译器(如Cython,请参阅 [16])更好地集成,添加了两个新的抽象基类(ABC):

  • ABC for Future-like classes, that implement __await__ method.抽象基类用于类期货类,实现了__await__方法。

  • ABC for coroutine objects, that implement send(value), throw(type, exc, tb), close() and __await__() methods.抽象基类用于协程对象,实现了send(value)throw(type,exc,tb)close()__await__()方法。

Note that generator-based coroutines with CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE flag do not implement __await__ method, and therefore are not instances of and ABCs:


def gencoro():

assert not isinstance(gencoro(),

# however:
assert inspect.isawaitable(gencoro())

To allow easy testing if objects support asynchronous iteration, two more ABCs are added:


  • – tests for __aiter__ method.
  • – tests for __aiter__ and __anext__ methods.



Native coroutine function


A coroutine function is declared with async def. It uses await and return value; see New Coroutine Declaration Syntax for details.

使用async def定义的协程函数。使用awaitreturn value;更多详情参考 New Coroutine Declaration Syntax

Native coroutine


Returned from a native coroutine function. See Await Expression for details.

从原生协程函数中返回。更多详情参考 Await Expression

Generator-based coroutine function


Coroutines based on generator syntax. Most common example are functions decorated with @asyncio.coroutine.


Generator-based coroutine


Returned from a generator-based coroutine function.




Either native coroutine or generator-based coroutine.


Coroutine object


Either native coroutine object or generator-based coroutine object.


Future-like object


An object with an __await__ method, or a C object with tp_as_async->am_await function, returning an iterator. Can be consumed by an await expression in a coroutine. A coroutine waiting for a Future-like object is suspended until the Future-like object’s __await__ completes, and returns the result. See Await Expression for details.

实现了__await__方法的对象,或实现了tp_as_async->am_await方法的C对象,并通过该方法返回一个迭代器。可以被用于协程中的await表达式。协程将会在等待类期货对象的时候暂停,直到类期货对象的__await__执行完毕,并返回结果。更多详情见Await Expression



A Future-like object or a coroutine object. See Await Expression for details.

类期货对象或协程对象。更多详情见 Await Expression

Asynchronous context manager


An asynchronous context manager has __aenter__ and __aexit__ methods and can be used with async with. See Asynchronous Context Managers and “async with” for details.

异步上下文管理器拥有__aenter____aexit__方法,并且可以和async with一起使用。更多详情见Asynchronous Context Managers and “async with”

Asynchronous iterable


An object with an __aiter__ method, which must return an asynchronous iterator object. Can be used with async for. See Asynchronous Iterators and “async for” for details.

实现了__aiter__的对象,该方法必须返回一个异步迭代器对象。可以和async for一起使用。更多信息见Asynchronous Iterators and “async for”

Asynchronous iterator


An asynchronous iterator has an __anext__ method. See Asynchronous Iterators and “async for” for details.

异步迭代器拥有__anext__方法。更多信息见 Asynchronous Iterators and “async for”

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