basic4|Retelling climate change and strange phenomena


Climate change and strange phenomena

Retelling|climate change and strange phenomena

1. 先查官方给的生词

2. 听第一遍,做复述/交传(抓框架)

3. 听复述/交传录音,总结漏点和错点

4. 听第二遍,做交传(抓细节)

5. 听第三遍,做交传(抓表达)

6. 听第四遍,做影子跟读+整理框架

7. 查找语篇背景资料和平行文本、积累生词和表达


Hello, I'm Helen Campbell. Today I'm going to talk to you about climate change and some strange phenomena. We've had(hear英 /hɪə/) a(an) awful lot about climate change, global warming, and great dangers. We've seen sad photos  (of polar)英 /bɪə(r)/ beers(bears英 /beə(r)/) floating on chunks of ice (停顿不足)when we are in the middle of the winter, it is really hard for us to believe that we are having global warming and steel(still) in North America, the recent winters were(have been ) very harsh.

The winter in 2013 to 2014 is an excellent example. The eastern half of North America is play. (改口)It's plunged in ice for months on end and actual and in fact, 90% of lakes (Great Lakes)there (froze)were frozen. And the average temperature of North America. It's1°below the 20th centuries average, yet in Europe, we have(had) a rather mild winters. There's hardly snow days.  And freezing temperature(s). But this is not a good thing. Actually, we need freezing days. Otherwise, plagues microbes, virus(viruses) will bleed in multiplying(breed and multiply)(停顿不足) in summer we would have a place insects then destroying our talks(plants). Yes. If there is cold days, it would have them, it would cause disruption. It is hard for us to travel.  We would have to turn up eating(heating) and that is expensive. But remember, when there is a cold day in a it would have(there is) a good reason for it.  The question is that is there really global warming studies that are red. Tell me that the answer is yes. And why? That is because of a phenomenon, phenomenon.  Take(arctic) amplification that is the far North is warming up foster than the rest of the globe. And the white eyes cover reflecting sunlight. It's replaced by dark ocean. And that absorbing heat.  The trend is that we are the globe is getting warmer, even though we we have cold winters to come.

So after that, the scientists said the experts. And after that, facts would tell us that the acts of us are cracked.(After that, the experts may well turn out to be quite correct. )


Hello. My name is Helen Campbell. I'm going to talk to you today about climate change and some strange phenomena. And I'm going to start now.

We hear an awful lot about global warming and climate change, great dangers. And we see sad photographs of polar bears floating on chunks of ice. But when we're in the middle of winter. It does seem hard to believe that there is something like warming going on at all. Still, if we look at North America and the recent winters there, they have been very, very harsh. The winter of 2013 to 14 was a good example. The eastern half of North America was plunged in ice for months on end. In fact, 90 % of the Great Lakes froze over there. The average temperature in North America was one degree below the 20th century average.

And yet in Europe, we had rather mild winters, virtually no snow at all, no freezing temperatures, but that actually is bad. You need to have some freezing days as well. Otherwise, all the microbes and viruses will of course breed and multiply. And in summer, we had all sorts of plagues, infestations of insects, flies, and even ladybirds and aphids /'eifid/ all destroying our plants.

Now it's true to say that harsh winters and snow and ice cause all sorts of disruption, dreadful nuisance, hard to travel. You can't drive. You have to turn up your heating and that's expensive. So, we should remember that when it's cold there, is a very good reason for it.

Question now, is there really a warming on our planet? Now, everything I read tells me that the answer is actually “yes, there is”. And why? Because of a new phenomenon. This is called arctic amplification. Arctic amplification means the Far North is warming up faster than the rest of the globe. The white snow cover reflecting sunlight is replaced by dark ocean, and that absorbs heat. So the trend will be towards warming, even though we can expect some cold winters to come. After that, the experts may well turn out to be quite correct. We have global warming.

  • 北极放大效应:指随着全球气温升高,北极地区的气温升高速度比全球平均气温升高速度更快的现象。

lead in: climate change and some strange phenomena

facts: news;polar bears;north America harsh winters;Europe mild winters

good points and nuisance of cold winters

answer: trend will be towards warming despite cold winters

cause: arctic amplification




🔷 plunge V. 使突然前冲(或下落); (of prices, temperatures, etc. 价格、温度等 ) 暴跌;骤降;突降

plunge (sb / sth) into sthphr v
1. to suddenly experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, or to make someone or something do this(使某人/某物)陷入(遭受)某种情况:

A strike would plunge the country into chaos.罢工会让国家陷入混乱。
The house was suddenly plunged into darkness .房子一下子陷入黑暗之中。

🔷 on end 连续地

🔷 microbe(s) /'maɪkrəʊb/ 微生物

🔷 plague 瘟疫;传染病

🔷 infestation(s) of … (虫害)侵扰

🔷 dreadful nuisance 糟糕的麻烦事

🔷 Far North 遥远的北方,指北极

🔷 ladybird 瓢虫

🔷 aphid 蚜虫/'eɪfɪd/

🔷 arctic amplification 北极气温放大效应

🔷 white snow cover 白色积雪

🔷 dark ocean 深色海洋

拍死它--害虫 pest

 害虫--拍死它 pest

评论 1




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