Retelling|Gadgets for communication purposes and our attachment to them


Gadgets for communication purposes and our attachment to them

Retelling|Gadgets for communication purposes and our attachment to them


Helen Campbell for my DJ interpretation European Commission and I'm going to talk about forms smart phones. I got you said attachment to them. Now we are all very attached to our forms of blueberries, iPhones, iPad.  Car chips for commission communication part of this example,

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Helen Campbell, formerly of DG interpretation European Commission. I’m going to talk to you today about telephones, mobile phones, gadgets and our attachment to them. Now, we are all very attached to our mobile phones, our smartphones. Blackberries, iPhones, iPads, gadgets英 /ˈɡædʒɪt/ in general for communication purposes.

 女士们,先生们,我叫海伦·坎贝尔(Helen Campbell),曾任欧盟委员会口译总司司长。我今天要和你谈谈电话、手机、小玩意儿以及我们对它们的依恋。现在,我们都非常依恋我们的手机,我们的智能手机。黑莓,iPhone,iPad,一般用于通信目的的小工具。

at·tach·ment / E5tAtFmEnt ; E5tAtFmEnt /noun
1. C,Ua feeling that you like or love someone or something and that you would be unhappy without them喜爱,爱慕,依恋:
[+ to / for ]

a child's attachment to its mother孩子对母亲的依恋

they will see children aged at 5 or 6 years old and they all seem to have their own smart phones.  I personally I'm also a very attached to my phones and sometimes at a meeting which is probably not that much interesting, I would be tempted to look at my messages and perhaps send a couple of messages. 

We see children nowadays aged five and six years and they all seem to have a mobile phone now. Now I must say that I am also attached to my phone, and I am indeed sometimes in meetings for example, which may not always be very interesting, sometimes tempted to have a look at my messages, perhaps sent a couple of messages. But I do try to do so discreetly. But not everybody is as discreet英 /dɪˈskriːt/ as me.

aged / edVd ; eIdVd /adjective
1. aged 5 / 25 etc 5 etc years old5 岁 / 25 岁等:
[+ between ]

Police are looking for a man aged between 30 and 35.警察正在寻找一个年龄介于 30 到 35 岁之间的男子。
The course is open to children aged 12 and over.本课程面向 12 岁及 12 岁以上的儿童。


 di·screet / dI5skrit ; dI5skri:t /adjective
1. careful about what you say or do, so that you do not offend, upset, or embarrass people or tell secrets谨慎的,审慎的;ANTindiscreet

He assured her that he would be discreet.他向她保证会谨慎行事。
I stood back at a discreet distance.我谨慎地拉开一段距离站在后面。

2. small and showing good taste or judgment – use this to show approval雅致的〔含褒义〕:

discreet jewelry雅致的珠宝

I'm thinking of a particular woman who always carry a number of forms 英 /fɔːm/with her and which are all and she would talk with others on the phone calls. And they're sending messages during a meeting.  In other words, he seems to care about nothing, but half not only have one, which is a little bit implied英 /ɪm'plaɪd/ to me. I would check messages during a meeting discreetly, but it seems that more may not have the people would do that as great as me.

I am thinking of one particular person, a lady of some renown, in the field of conference interpreting, who carries with her a number of mobile phones英 /fəʊn/, which are on all the time. This lady is quite likely to be talking to someone right the way through a meeting or answering the phone and sending messages. In general, she takes not much notice of anything except the phones.


 1. when you are famous and a lot of people admire you for a special skill, achievement, or quality名誉,声誉;SYNacclaim
international / public etc renown

He has won world renown for his films.他因为他的电影享誉全球。
He achieved some renown as a football player.他作为一名足球运动员小有名气。

But it is actually, I find it is actually a common phenomenon. A lot of people want to do that is do so even politicians. If you look at a debate at the House of Commons,  you will find many pages. You don't live with the air force sending messages and to turning on their phones at the royal wedding earlier this year,  you were to find a delay to come on our prime minister send the messages.
So in this is his form. And so as I can join.  You have I guess you would make me feel out of the place,

phe·nom·e·non / fI5nBmE7nBn ; fI5nRmEnEn /noun (plural phenomena

I find this terribly impolite英 /ɪmpə'laɪt/ myself, but I realized that it's really quite common after all. It's not just her, it's lots of people, even politicians. If you look at the debate in the House of Commons you will see a lot of MPs fiddling with their phones, tweeting, sending messages. Not polite in my view, but it's a reality.

MP / 7Zm 5pi ; 7em 5pi: /noun C
1. Member of Parliament someone who has been elected to a parliament to represent people from a particular area of the country议员:

Ken Newton, MP肯·牛顿,下议院议员
a Labour MP工党议员

[+ for ]

She's the MP for Liverpool North.她是代表利物浦市北区的议员。

And at the royal wedding earlier this year we even saw the Prime Minister of the UK, David Cameron, sending messages during the ceremony. Not only David Cameron was doing that, so was Elton John. So, we can see that people all over the place, regardless of the circumstances, do want to use their phones, do want to send messages. I personally find it as I said a little perhaps out of place sometimes. 

在今年早些时候的皇室婚礼上,我们甚至看到英国首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)在仪式上发来了信息。不仅大卫·卡梅伦(David Cameron)这样做,埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)也是如此。所以,我们可以看到,各地的人们,无论在什幺情况下,都想使用他们的手机,确实想发送消息。我个人觉得它,正如我所说,有时可能有点不合适。

19. out of place
a. not suitable for a particular situation or occasion不适当的; 不相称的:

He never seemed to feel out of place at social functions.社交聚会时他似乎从不觉得自己格格不入。
The paintings looked strangely out of place.那些画看上去古里古怪的,很不相称。

b. not in the correct or usual position不在适当(通常)的位置上:

The kitchen was spotlessly clean, with nothing out of place.厨房一尘不染,井井有条。

but I feel it made me feel about the plan to fans do those by the use of the forms of the school students who are not to be a success tells the idea of finding students using their forms by switching off their phones are keeping their phones outside of the classroom or not only one making, yes. Or makes make the students feel uncomfortable without reforms beside and their parents go to object to Beijing.  This will be a plan that will I want certainly not come about

But it also makes me think that the plan to ban mobile phones for schoolchildren is not likely to be very successful. The idea is to stop children using their phones during classes by making them switch off the phones or leaving them outside the classroom. I suspect this will get nowhere fast I think that not only will children feel uncomfortable without their phones beside them, but their parents will probably object as well as. So I think that's one plan that will certainly not come about, thank you. 


ob·ject / Eb5dVZkt ; Eb5dVekt /verb
1. Ito feel or say that you oppose or disapprove of something反对,不赞成:

If no one objects, I would like Mrs Harrison to be present.如果没人反对的话,我想请哈里森夫人出席。

object to (doing) sth

Robson strongly objected to the terms of the contract.罗布森强烈反对合同中的条款。
I objected to having to rewrite the article.我不赞成重写这篇文章。

I object ( = used in formal arguments, for example in a court of law )我反对〔用于法庭等正式辩论中〕

Mr. Chairman, I object. That is an unfair allegation.主席先生,我反对。 这项指控不公正。

2. Tto state a fact or opinion as a reason for opposing or disapproving of something提出…作为反对的理由; 反对说:
object that

The group objected that the policy would prevent patients from receiving the best treatment.该团体反对说这一政策会使病人得不到最佳的治疗。
'My name's not Sonny,' the child objected.“我的名字不叫小家伙。”那孩子反驳道。


come about
1. to happen, especially in a way that is not planned发生; 产生〔尤指未经计划地〕:

The opportunity to get into computing came about quite by accident. 进入计算机行业是一个很偶然的机会。
How did this situation come about? 这种情况是怎么发生的?

2. if a ship comes about, it changes direction〔船只〕改变航向


topic:phones and attachment

examples:children aged 5 and 6 have their phones

personal example--discreetly

a woman politicans examples

conclusion:all over the place, regardless of the circumstances, do want to use their phones

the plan to ban mobile phones for schoolchildren is not likely to be successful



英 /gæ,dʒets/



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