Google documents show hopes for big gains in non-search revenue 谷歌2013年超过35%的收益将来自非搜索业务

Google projected back in October 2010 it would get more than 35% of its 2013 revenue from outside its search operation, anticipating three non-search businesses, including e-commerce, would generate over $5bn each, according to internal company documents filed in court.



Display advertising would generate $8bn in revenue in 2013, e-commerce would bring in $5bn, while YouTube and Google TV would combine for $5bn, according to documents revealed during the high-stakes trial of Oracle Corp against Google over smartphone technology. Search, meanwhile, had been pegged to generate $34bn, the 2010 projections say, giving a forecast total revenue of $52bn for 2013.

根据甲骨文公司对谷歌公司关于智能手机技术的高风险诉讼中披露的文件显示,展示广告业务2013年将会产生80亿美元的收益,电子商务业务将带来50亿美元收益,同时 Google TV和YouTube总共会有50亿美元收入。同时,2010年的预测声称公司已经确定产生340亿美元收益的搜索业务预计将在2013年获得520亿美元的总收益。


"He nailed down/nailed/pegged(succeed in obtaining a position) a spot at Harvard"

Those may turn out not to be far off. Official revenue figures suggest that Google is on track to generate more than $40bn in total revenues this year, having reported first-quarter revenues of $10.6bn earlier this month, up 24% on the same period in 2011.

这些预测可能最后不会有太大的偏差。官方的收益数据显示, 谷歌公司今年的总收益达到400亿美元,本月早些时候报告的第一季度收益为106亿美元,比2011年同期收益增长24%


Company staffers compiled the documents in October 2010 for a Google board presentation, according to testimony in a US district court in San Francisco on Wednesday.



Oracle attorney David Boies briefly referred to the October 2010 documents on Wednesday while questioning Android mobile software chief Andy Rubin, but Boies did not delve into the projections. However, a full copy of the internal documents has been formally admitted into evidence in the case.

甲骨文公司律师 大卫·博伊斯周三在提问谷歌安卓手机软件总裁 安迪·罗宾 的时候简要的提到过谷歌2010年10月的文件,但是他并没有深入提问这些预测。然而,这些内部文件的一个完整的副本已经正式获准成为案件的证据。


The 2010 documents show that Google's search business generated $19.2bn in 2009, while the display business brought in $3.2bn that year. YouTube made $300m, while e-commerce brought in no revenue.

这份2010年文件显示谷歌的搜索业务在2009年产生192亿美元的收入,同时广告展示业务在那年带来了32亿美元的收益,You Tube带来了3亿美元的收益,然而电子商务还没有任何盈利。


Enterprise software was projected to generate $2bn in revenue in 2013. Overlaying all of the business units are Google's Android and Chrome platforms, the documents said.



"Android and Chrome platforms critical assets for their success, " the documents say.



Other documents entered as evidence come from an internal July 2010 presentation given by Rubin. They reveal that the company got advertising revenue of just $16.8m from Android handsets in 2009, but by mid-year of 2010 that had grown to $132.1m from ads on the fast-growing handset market – though Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad using Google's search and maps generated $281m, or more than twice as much in total.



Average ad revenues from Android handsets were higher, at $9, than from Apple devices, at $6.70, because Google has to pay a share of the revenues back to Apple.



The detailed breakdown of figures from Rubin's presentation show that after the costs of sales, marketing, engineering, product management and legal expenses were taken into account, the overall Android division was not expected to become profitable until 2011, by which time it was forecast to generate nearly $500m in adverts. However, sales of Android handsets have grown far more quickly than Rubin was forecasting at the time, suggesting that Google's Android revenues are far ahead of those figures. Google has told the media that the figures "don't reflect our current thinking about our business operations".

对罗宾报告中数字的详细分解显示,把销售、市场营销、工程、产品管理和法律费用的成本都考虑进去之后,整个Android部门预计在2011年以前是不会盈利的,到2011年预计将会有5亿美元的广告收入。然而安卓手机的销售速度远远超过的罗宾当时的预测,这意味着谷歌Adroid部门的收益远远高于这些数字。谷歌公司已经对媒体表示“这些数字并不反映我们对我们的业务目前的想法 。”


The two sets of documents provide a rare glimpse into Google's mindset in 2010, as the company does not break down the percentage of its revenue that comes from search advertising versus its other businesses in official filings. Google had fought in pre-trial hearings to exclude such commercially sensitive data from the public trial, but was overruled by the judge.



Estimating the ratio is complicated because of the limited information Google discloses about its various businesses. Analysts' estimates for Google's non-search business currently range from 10% of the company's revenue to as much as 25%.



"Their core business has done better than they were forecasting. Search is growing faster than 10% a year, " said Colin Sebastian, an analyst at RW Baird. However, Google still has work to do in areas like commerce, he said, adding that Google's mobile wallet product has not made as much progress as it hoped.

“他们的核心数据运营地比他们预想的好,搜索业务年增速在10%以上” 来自RW Baird的分析师科林·塞巴斯蒂安说。谷歌在商业领域仍然有工作要做,他补充说道,谷歌手机钱包产品并没有像预想的那样取得进展。


"This document suggests those businesses may not be meeting Google's initial expectations, " Sebastian said.



Google spokesman Jim Prosser said: "Our industry continues to evolve incredibly fast and so do our aspirations for our various products and services."



The Rubin presentation from July 2010 indicated that Google hoped that 10m Android tablets would be sold in 2011, and that it would achieve a 33% share of the market.



Overall, Rubin outlined an aggressive plan to generate more than $1.2bn in total revenue from adverts and app sales on Android phones by 2013, although after costs such as revenue shares from adverts were subtracted, the contribution to Google's bottom line would be closer to $500m.



But the rapid takeoff of Android sales since Rubin made his presentation, when there were just 20m Android handsets in operation – compared to more than 100m now – suggests that those targets may have been met sooner than was forecast.



Rubin outlined some causes for concern at the time, including "Apple momentum with iPad, iPhone 4" [then newly launched] and that Google was "behind [Apple and Amazon] on music, video, books". He also noted a "low rate of app purchases".

罗宾描述了一些担心的原因,包括“苹果公司iPad和iPhone 4(之后发售)的势头”以及谷歌在音乐、视频和图书方面落后于苹果和亚马逊。他还指出“手机应用的低购买率”。


At the time Android handsets were being activated at the rate of 180, 000 per day. The figure now is more than 700, 000.



Oracle has accused Google of violating its intellectual property rights to the Java programming language. An Oracle spokeswoman declined to comment on the figures. In pre-trial settlement talks, Oracle had suggested that Google should pay a small percentage of ongoing Android revenues in settlement of another part of the trial dispute, in which Oracle claims its patents have been infringed.











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