My English Capability is so poor.

    Last month, I was surprised by my score of administration joint-examination. I got total 200 points which is over my expectation. However, I can't belieive my English got 59 points which is a flunked score.

   I didn't read English book at all when I was preparing the assess as my tutor Arvin told we have much better base on English since we worked for a foreign company so many years. However, forgot to "Seek truth from Facts". Actually, my English capability is much poor than Arvin knows. Actually, I should spend more time on preparing English assess.

Therefore, I started to improve this skill. Write blog in English and read English magazine. These days, I read a report for U.S. National Security Strategy. The subject is "Trump: U.S. Can't Guard its Interests abroad if it doesn't 'protect prosperity' at home". Here I excert some some key sentence:

A nation that is not prepared to win a war is a nation not capable of preventing a war. A nation that is not proud of it's history, can't be confident in it's future and a nation is not certain on its value can't summon the will to defend them.

The strategy is widely inconsistent wiht Trump administration behavior.

It's unusual for a president to deliver a speech about the document, which is required by Congress but usually of interest mainly to specialists.

The president is looking to linnk his foreign policy to the country's soaring stock market and GDP(Gross Domestic Product) grouth.

Economic vitality, growth and prosperity at home is absoletely necessary for American power and inluence abroad. Any nation that trades away his prosperity at home for security will end up with losing both. That's why this national security strategy emphasizes more than ever before the critical steps we must take to ensure the prosperity of our nation for a long, long time to come.

On China,k Trump labels the country a strategic competitor because of it's use of political, economic, militery and information efforts not seen elsewhere in the word. It's a carefully crafed approach that takes into account the fact the U.S. still needs Beijing's help to deal with North Korea(Democratic People's Republic of Korea).

It's not mutually exclusive. we are working together to cooperate and at the same time that competition exists as well.

We've still seen a lot of areas where our interests either don't align or directly conflict.

Trump's vision on the issue of agenda regarding climate change now says, "U.S. leadership is indispensable to countering the anti-growth energy agenda that is detrimental to U.S. economic and energy security interests."





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