Golang笔记 6.1.1 HTTP 客户端


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1 库的介绍

Go 内置的 net/http 包提供了最简洁的 HTTP 客户端实现,我们无需借助第三方网络通信库(比如 libcurl)就可以直接使用 HTTP 中用得最多的 GET 和 POST 方式请求数据。

2 基本方法

net/http包的 Client 类型提供了如下几个方法,让我们可以用最简洁的方式实现 HTTP 请求:

func (c *Client) Get(url string) (r *Response, err error)
func (c *Client) Post(url string, bodyType string, body io.Reader) (r *Response, err error)
func (c *Client) PostForm(url string, data url.Values) (r *Response, err error)
func (c *Client) Head(url string) (r *Response, err error)
func (c *Client) Do(req *Request) (resp *Response, err error)
  • http.Get()


    resp, err := http.Get("http://example.com/")
    if err != nil {
        // 处理错误 ...
    defer resp.Body.close()
    io.Copy(os.Stdout, resp.Body)


  • http.Post()

要以POST的方式发送数据,也很简单,只需调用http.Post()方法并依次传递下面的3个参数即可:请求的目标 URL、将要 POST 数据的资源类型(MIMEType)、数据的比特流([]byte形式)


    resp, err := http.Post("http://example.com/upload", "image/jpeg", &imageDataBuf)
    if err != nil {
        // 处理错误
    if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
        // 处理错误
// ...

3 高级封装

除了基本HTTP操作, Go语言标准库也暴露了比较底层的HTTP相关库,让开发者可以基于这些库灵活定制HTTP服务器和使用HTTP服务。

自定义 http.Client

前面我们使用的http.Get()、 http.Post()方法其实都是在http.DefaultClient的基础上进行调用的,比如http.Get()等价于http.DefaultClient.Get(),依次类推。


type Client struct {
	// Transport specifies the mechanism by which individual
	// HTTP requests are made.
	// If nil, DefaultTransport is used.
	Transport RoundTripper

	// CheckRedirect specifies the policy for handling redirects.
	// If CheckRedirect is not nil, the client calls it before
	// following an HTTP redirect. The arguments req and via are
	// the upcoming request and the requests made already, oldest
	// first. If CheckRedirect returns an error, the Client's Get
	// method returns both the previous Response (with its Body
	// closed) and CheckRedirect's error (wrapped in a url.Error)
	// instead of issuing the Request req.
	// As a special case, if CheckRedirect returns ErrUseLastResponse,
	// then the most recent response is returned with its body
	// unclosed, along with a nil error.
	// If CheckRedirect is nil, the Client uses its default policy,
	// which is to stop after 10 consecutive requests.
	CheckRedirect func(req *Request, via []*Request) error

	// Jar specifies the cookie jar.
	// The Jar is used to insert relevant cookies into every
	// outbound Request and is updated with the cookie values
	// of every inbound Response. The Jar is consulted for every
	// redirect that the Client follows.
	// If Jar is nil, cookies are only sent if they are explicitly
	// set on the Request.
	Jar CookieJar

	// Timeout specifies a time limit for requests made by this
	// Client. The timeout includes connection time, any
	// redirects, and reading the response body. The timer remains
	// running after Get, Head, Post, or Do return and will
	// interrupt reading of the Response.Body.
	// A Timeout of zero means no timeout.
	// The Client cancels requests to the underlying Transport
	// as if the Request's Context ended.
	// For compatibility, the Client will also use the deprecated
	// CancelRequest method on Transport if found. New
	// RoundTripper implementations should use the Request's Context
	// for cancelation instead of implementing CancelRequest.
	Timeout time.Duration


    client := &http.Client {
        CheckRedirect: redirectPolicyFunc,
    resp, err := client.Get("http://example.com")
    // ...

    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://example.com", nil)
    // ...
    req.Header.Add("User-Agent", "Our Custom User-Agent")
    req.Header.Add("If-None-Match", `W/"TheFileEtag"`)
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

自定义 http.Transport

在http.Client 类型的结构定义中,我们看到的第一个数据成员就是一个 http.Transport 对象,该对象指定执行一个 HTTP 请求时的运行规则。

type Transport struct {
	idleMu     sync.Mutex
	wantIdle   bool                                // user has requested to close all idle conns
	idleConn   map[connectMethodKey][]*persistConn // most recently used at end
	idleConnCh map[connectMethodKey]chan *persistConn
	idleLRU    connLRU

	reqMu       sync.Mutex
	reqCanceler map[*Request]func(error)

	altMu    sync.Mutex   // guards changing altProto only
	altProto atomic.Value // of nil or map[string]RoundTripper, key is URI scheme

	connCountMu          sync.Mutex
	connPerHostCount     map[connectMethodKey]int
	connPerHostAvailable map[connectMethodKey]chan struct{}

	// Proxy specifies a function to return a proxy for a given
	// Request. If the function returns a non-nil error, the
	// request is aborted with the provided error.
	// The proxy type is determined by the URL scheme. "http",
	// "https", and "socks5" are supported. If the scheme is empty,
	// "http" is assumed.
	// If Proxy is nil or returns a nil *URL, no proxy is used.
	Proxy func(*Request) (*url.URL, error)

	// DialContext specifies the dial function for creating unencrypted TCP connections.
	// If DialContext is nil (and the deprecated Dial below is also nil),
	// then the transport dials using package net.
	// DialContext runs concurrently with calls to RoundTrip.
	// A RoundTrip call that initiates a dial may end up using
	// a connection dialed previously when the earlier connection
	// becomes idle before the later DialContext completes.
	DialContext func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)

	// Dial specifies the dial function for creating unencrypted TCP connections.
	// Dial runs concurrently with calls to RoundTrip.
	// A RoundTrip call that initiates a dial may end up using
	// a connection dialed previously when the earlier connection
	// becomes idle before the later Dial completes.
	// Deprecated: Use DialContext instead, which allows the transport
	// to cancel dials as soon as they are no longer needed.
	// If both are set, DialContext takes priority.
	Dial func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)

	// DialTLS specifies an optional dial function for creating
	// TLS connections for non-proxied HTTPS requests.
	// If DialTLS is nil, Dial and TLSClientConfig are used.
	// If DialTLS is set, the Dial hook is not used for HTTPS
	// requests and the TLSClientConfig and TLSHandshakeTimeout
	// are ignored. The returned net.Conn is assumed to already be
	// past the TLS handshake.
	DialTLS func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)

	// TLSClientConfig specifies the TLS configuration to use with
	// tls.Client.
	// If nil, the default configuration is used.
	// If non-nil, HTTP/2 support may not be enabled by default.
	TLSClientConfig *tls.Config

	// TLSHandshakeTimeout specifies the maximum amount of time waiting to
	// wait for a TLS handshake. Zero means no timeout.
	TLSHandshakeTimeout time.Duration

	// DisableKeepAlives, if true, disables HTTP keep-alives and
	// will only use the connection to the server for a single
	// HTTP request.
	// This is unrelated to the similarly named TCP keep-alives.
	DisableKeepAlives bool

	// DisableCompression, if true, prevents the Transport from
	// requesting compression with an "Accept-Encoding: gzip"
	// request header when the Request contains no existing
	// Accept-Encoding value. If the Transport requests gzip on
	// its own and gets a gzipped response, it's transparently
	// decoded in the Response.Body. However, if the user
	// explicitly requested gzip it is not automatically
	// uncompressed.
	DisableCompression bool

	// MaxIdleConns controls the maximum number of idle (keep-alive)
	// connections across all hosts. Zero means no limit.
	MaxIdleConns int

	// MaxIdleConnsPerHost, if non-zero, controls the maximum idle
	// (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host. If zero,
	// DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost is used.
	MaxIdleConnsPerHost int

	// MaxConnsPerHost optionally limits the total number of
	// connections per host, including connections in the dialing,
	// active, and idle states. On limit violation, dials will block.
	// Zero means no limit.
	// For HTTP/2, this currently only controls the number of new
	// connections being created at a time, instead of the total
	// number. In practice, hosts using HTTP/2 only have about one
	// idle connection, though.
	MaxConnsPerHost int

	// IdleConnTimeout is the maximum amount of time an idle
	// (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing
	// itself.
	// Zero means no limit.
	IdleConnTimeout time.Duration

	// ResponseHeaderTimeout, if non-zero, specifies the amount of
	// time to wait for a server's response headers after fully
	// writing the request (including its body, if any). This
	// time does not include the time to read the response body.
	ResponseHeaderTimeout time.Duration

	// ExpectContinueTimeout, if non-zero, specifies the amount of
	// time to wait for a server's first response headers after fully
	// writing the request headers if the request has an
	// "Expect: 100-continue" header. Zero means no timeout and
	// causes the body to be sent immediately, without
	// waiting for the server to approve.
	// This time does not include the time to send the request header.
	ExpectContinueTimeout time.Duration

	// TLSNextProto specifies how the Transport switches to an
	// alternate protocol (such as HTTP/2) after a TLS NPN/ALPN
	// protocol negotiation. If Transport dials an TLS connection
	// with a non-empty protocol name and TLSNextProto contains a
	// map entry for that key (such as "h2"), then the func is
	// called with the request's authority (such as "example.com"
	// or "example.com:1234") and the TLS connection. The function
	// must return a RoundTripper that then handles the request.
	// If TLSNextProto is not nil, HTTP/2 support is not enabled
	// automatically.
	TLSNextProto map[string]func(authority string, c *tls.Conn) RoundTripper

	// ProxyConnectHeader optionally specifies headers to send to
	// proxies during CONNECT requests.
	ProxyConnectHeader Header

	// MaxResponseHeaderBytes specifies a limit on how many
	// response bytes are allowed in the server's response
	// header.
	// Zero means to use a default limit.
	MaxResponseHeaderBytes int64

	// nextProtoOnce guards initialization of TLSNextProto and
	// h2transport (via onceSetNextProtoDefaults)
	nextProtoOnce sync.Once
	h2transport   h2Transport // non-nil if http2 wired up


    tr := &http.Transport{
        TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{RootCAs: pool},
        DisableCompression: true,
    client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
    resp, err := client.Get("https://example.com")

4 示例 - 短连接 POST 请求

DisableKeepAlives 默认是 false,表示开了长连接,如果我们不需要的话,可以改为 true,表示短连接。

如下是一个短连接的 POST 方法。

	client := http.Client{
		Timeout:   timeout,
		Transport: &http.Transport{DisableKeepAlives: true},
    resp, err := client.Post(url, "application/json", buffer)

5 小结

综上示例讲解可以看到, Go语言标准库提供的 HTTP Client 是相当优雅的。一方面提供了极其简单的使用方式,另一方面又具备极大的灵活性。

Go语言标准库提供的HTTP Client 被设计成上下两层结构。

一层是上述提到的 http.Client 类及其封装的基础方法,我们不妨将其称为“业务层”。之所以称为业务层,是因为调用方通常只需要关心请求的业务逻辑本身,而无需关心非业务相关的技术细节,这些细节包括:

  • HTTP 底层传输细节
  • HTTP 代理
  • gzip 压缩
  • 连接池及其管理
  • 认证(SSL或其他认证方式)

之所以 HTTP Client 可以做到这么好的封装性,是因为 HTTP Client 在底层抽象了 http.RoundTripper 接口,而 http.Transport 实现了该接口,从而能够处理更多的细节,我们不妨将其称为“传输层”。 HTTP Client 在业务层初始化 HTTP Method、目标URL、请求参数、请求内容等重要信息后,经过“传输层”,“传输层”在业务层处理的基础上补充其他细节,然后再发起 HTTP 请求,接收服务端返回的 HTTP 响应。

一句话:Go语言标准库提供的 HTTP 客户端相当优雅,一方面可以极其简单的使用 Get、Post 方法,另一方面又具备极大的灵活性(可以详细设置业务层和传输层的细节)。


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