c++ - c++ mutable members

In the previeous post,     c++ special member functions- const and volatile members we have discussed some speical members, such as the constant members and the volatile members, now let's see a special members - which is called the mutable members. 



when we are talking about the mutable members,  we have to talk aobut the const members, when const object calls the const members, one constraint imposed by the const member classes is that they does not allow to modify the class members. such as 



const Screen cs(5, 5)

char ch = cs.get();


However, the move method does change the internal state of the object



inline void Screen::move(int r, int c) 
   if (checkRange(r, c) ) { 
    int row = (r - 1) * _width;
    _cursor = row + c - 1;


you will end up in the compiler time error. 


to allow a class member to be modified even though it is the dat member of a const object. we can declare the data member as mutable.



such as 



	// from the above declaration below, to allow the move method to be called from a const object
	//string::size_type _cursor;
	mutable string::size_type _cursor;



below is the full declaration of the Screen class which you can try on your c++ code on the const and mutable classes.


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>

using std::string;
using std::fstream;
using std::copy;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cerr;
using std::strcpy;
using std::strcat;
using std::istream;
using std::ostream;

class Screen 
	// constructor
	inline Screen(int hi = 8, int wid = 40, char bk = '*');

	void home() { _cursor = 0; } 
	void move(int, int); 

	void move(int , int ) const;
	char get() { return _screen[_cursor]; } 
	inline char get(int, int );
	bool checkRange(int, int) const;
	int height() { return _height;  } 
	int width() { return _width;} 

	// not defined, we might go to that later. 
	friend istream& operator >>(istream &, Screen &) ;
	friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, const Screen &) ;

	void copy(const Screen & obj);

	inline void set(const string &s);
	inline void set(char s);

	inline int remainingSpace();

	string _screen;
	// from the above declaration below, to allow the move method to be called from a const object
	//string::size_type _cursor;
	mutable string::size_type _cursor;
	int _height;
	int _width;

	/*static const int _height = 24;
	static const int _width =80;*/

void Screen::copy(const Screen &obj) 
	/// fif this Screen object and objs are the same objcet
	// no copy necessary 
	/// we look at hte 'this ' pointer 
	if (this != &obj) { 
		_height = obj._height;
		_width =obj._width;
		_cursor = 0;
		// create a new string 
		// its content is the same as obj._screen
		_screen = obj._screen;

bool Screen::checkRange(int row, int col) const { 
	if (row < 1 || row > _height || 
		col < 1 || col > _width ) { 
			cerr << "Screen coordinates (" 
				<< row << ", " << col
				<< " ) out of bounds.\n";
			return false; 
	return true;
	// a  better way is to write as such 
	//return !((row < 1 || row > _height || col < 1 || col > _width));

inline void Screen::move(int r,  int c) 
  // move _cursor to absolute position
	if (checkRange(r, c) ) { 
		int row = ( r - 1) * _width; // row location 
		_cursor = row + c - 1;

inline void Screen::move(int r, int c) const 
	// can we directly call the Screen::move method or can we ask the Screen::move(int r, int c) to call the (Screen::move(int r, int c) const" method
	if (checkRange(r, c)) { 
		int row = (r - 1) * _width;
		_cursor = row + c - 1; // because now the _cursor is mutable members, it does not matter if you call it from a const contetxt

// a side note, inline declaration should be placed 
// in the header file. normally you will carry the inline keyword with you . 
inline char Screen::get(int r, int c) {
	move(r, c);
	return get();

inline void Screen::set(const string &s) {
	// write string beginning at current _cursor position 
	int space = remainingSpace();
	int len = s.size();
	if (space < len) {
		cerr << "Screen: warning: truncate: " 
			<< "space: " << space 
			<< "string length: " << len << endl;

inline void Screen::set(char ch) {
	if (ch == '\0') { 
		cerr << "Screen: Warning: " 
			<< "Null character (ignored).\n";
	} else { 
		_screen[_cursor] = ch;
inline int Screen::remainingSpace() { 
	 // currrent position is no longer remaining
	int sz = _width * _height;
    return (sz - _cursor);

inline Screen::Screen(int hi, int wid, char bk) : 
    _height (hi),
	_screen(hi * wid, bk) 
	// all the work is done with the number initialize list 

void test_screen1() 
	Screen sobj(3, 3); 
	string init("abcdefghi");

	cout << "Screen object )" 
		<< sobj.height() << " , "
		<< sobj.width() << " ) \n\n";

	// Set the content of hte screen 
	string::size_type initops = 0;
	for (int ix = 1; ix <= sobj.width(); ++ix) {
		for (int iy = 1; iy <= sobj.height(); ++iy) {
			sobj.move(ix, iy);

	// print the conent of the screen
	for (int ix = 1; ix <= sobj.width(); ++ix) {
		for (int iy = 1; iy <= sobj.height(); ++iy) { 
			cout << sobj.get(ix, iy);
		cout << "\n";


void test_const_mutable()
	const Screen cs(5, 5);

	// however, now you cannot call the move method, because the move method change the _cursor 
	// to make that happen, you have to change the type of the _cursor
	// from
	//     string::size_type _cursor;
	// to 
	//     mutable string::size_type _cursor;
	cs.move(3, 4);







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