ext3.0 dwrproxy 兼容2.x dwrproxy用法

经测试 可以用,并且做了修改可以兼容以前的代码格式

/** * @class Ext.ux.data.DwrProxy
* @extends Ext.data.DataProxy
* @author loeppky
* An implementation of Ext.data.DataProxy that uses DWR to make a remote call.
* Not all of Ext.data.DataProxy's configuration options make sense for Ext.ux.data.DwrProxy.
* The following constructor sample code contains all the available options that can be set:
* <code><pre>
* new Ext.ux.data.DwrProxy({
* // Defined by Ext.data.DataProxy
* api : {
* read : DwrInterface.interfaceMethodName
* },
* // Defined by Ext.Observable
* listeners: {
* 'beforeload': function(dataProxy, params) {
* // DwrProxy knows to pull parameters for the Dwr call from params[dataProxy.loadArgsKey].
* params[dataProxy.loadArgsKey] = [
* // arg1 for DwrInterface.interfaceMethodName
* // arg2 for DwrInterface.interfaceMethodName
* // etc...
* ];
* }
* },
* // Defined by Ext.ux.data.DwrProxy
* loadArgsKey : 'newLoadArgsKey' // This configuration option should almost never need to be set
* });
* </pre></code>
* Note that currently only the "read" operation is supported. Support for the rest of the CRUD options will be added soon.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config A configuration object where the following can be set:
* - api: as defined in {@link Ext.data.HttpProxy#api}. This is where the DWR function for a given CRUD operation is specified.
* Note: only "read" is currently supported.
* - listeners: as defined in {@link Ext.Observable#listeners}
* - loadArgsKey: as defined in {@link Ext.ux.data.DwrProxy#loadArgsKey}
Ext.ux.data.DWRProxy = function(config) {
// Set loadArgsKey if its defined.
// We do this manually since Ext.data.DataProxy doesn't call Ext.apply with the config object.
if (config && config.loadArgsKey) {
this.loadArgsKey = config.loadArgsKey;
if(config && config.dwrFunction){
Ext.ux.data.DWRProxy.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
Ext.extend(Ext.ux.data.DWRProxy, Ext.data.DataProxy, {
* @cfg {String} loadArgsKey Defines where in the params object passed to the load method
* that this class should look for arguments to pass to the "dwrFunction".
* The order of arguments passed to a DWR function matters.
* Must be set before calling load.
* See the explanation of the "params" parameter for the load function for further explanation.
loadArgsKey: 'dwrFunctionArgs',
* DwrProxy implementation of DataProxy#doRequest.
* This implementation attempts to mirror HttpProxy#doRequest as much as possible.
* Requests are done using configured "DWR function" for the provided "action".
* In the "read" case, the response data object is read into a block of Ext.data.Records using the passed {@link Ext.data.DataReader},
* and the records are then passed using to the provided callback.
* @param {String} action The crud action type (create, read, update, destroy). Note: only "read" is currently supported.
* @param {Ext.data.Record/Ext.data.Record[]} records If action is "read", records will be null.
* @param {Object} params An object containing properties which are to be used as parameters for the request to the remote server.
* Params is an Object, but the "DWR function" needs to be called with arguments in order.
* To ensure that one's arguments are passed to their DWR function correctly, a user must either:
* 1. call or know that the execute method was called explictly where the "params" argument's properties were added in the order expected by DWR OR
* 2. listen to the "beforeload" and/or "beforewrite" events and add a property to params defined by "loadArgsKey" that is an array of the arguments to pass on to DWR.
* If there is no property as defined by "loadArgsKey" within "params", then the whole "params" object will be used as the "loadArgs".
* If there is a property as defined by "loadArgsKey" within "params", then this property will be used as the "loagArgs".
* The "loadArgs" are iterated over to build up the list of arguments to pass to the "DWR function".
* @param {Ext.data.DataReader} reader The Reader object which converts the data object into a block of Ext.data.Records.
* @param {Function} callback A function to be called after the request.
* The callback is passed the following arguments:<ul>
* <li>records: Ext.data.Record[] The block of Ext.data.Records handled by the request.</li>
* <li>params: The params object passed to this doRequest method</li>
* <li>success: Boolean success indicator</li>
* </ul>
* @param {Object} scope The scope in which to call the callback.
* @param {Object} options An optional argument which is passed to the callback as its second parameter.
* @private
doRequest : function(action, records, params, reader, callback, callbackScope, options) {
var dataProxy = this;
var loadArgs = params[this.loadArgsKey] || params;
// the Array or Object to build up the "dwrFunctionArgs"
var dwrFunctionArgs = [];
// the arguments that will be passed to the dwrFunction
if (loadArgs instanceof Array) {
// Note: can't do a foreach loop over arrays because Ext added the "remove" method to Array's prototype.
// This "remove" method gets added as an argument unless we explictly use numeric indexes.
for (var i = 0; i < loadArgs.length; i++) {
} else {
// loadArgs should be an Object
for (var loadArgName in loadArgs) {
dwrFunctionArgs.push(this.createCallback(action, params, reader, callback, callbackScope, options));
this.api.read.apply(Object, dwrFunctionArgs); // the scope for calling the dwrFunction doesn't matter, so we simply set it to Object.
* Helper method for doRequest which returns a callback function for a DWR request.
* The returned callback function in turn invokes the provided callback function.
* This mirrors HttpProxy#createCallsback.
* DWR is unique though in that it allows one to define a callback function for success and callback function for an exception.
* This exceptionHandler callback parallels Ext's "remote exception" case.
* This method thus returns two callback functions groupded as a single object that can be appended to the DWR function arguments as required by DWR.
* @param {String} action See doRequest#action.
* @param {Ext.data.Record/Ext.data.Record[]} records See doRequest#records.
* @param {Object} params See doRequest#params.
* @param {Ext.data.DataReader} reader See doRequest#reader.
* @param {Function} callback See doRequest#callback.
* @param {Object} scope See doRequest#scope.
* @param {Object} options See doRequest#options.
* @private

createCallback : function(action, params, reader, callback, callbackScope, options) {
return {
callback: function(response){
if (action === Ext.data.Api.actions.read) {
this.onRead(action, params, reader, callback, callbackScope, options, response);
} else {
exceptionHandler : function(message, exception) {
if (action === Ext.data.Api.actions.read) {
// @deprecated: Fire loadexception for backwards compatibility.
// The event is supposed to pass the response, but since DWR doesn't provide that to us, we pass the message.
this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, params, message, exception);
// The event is supposed to pass the response, but since DWR doesn't provide that to us, we pass the message.
this.fireEvent("exception", this, 'remote', action, params, message, exception);
callback.call(callbackScope, null, options, false);
* Helper method for createCallback for handling the read action.
* After creating records from the provided response, it calls the provided callback function.
* This mirrors HttpProxy#onRead.
* @param {String} action See doRequest#action.
* @param {Ext.data.Record/Ext.data.Record[]} records See doRequest#records.
* @param {Object} params See doRequest#params.
* @param {Ext.data.DataReader} reader See doRequest#reader.
* @param {Function} callback See doRequest#callback.
* @param {Object} scope See doRequest#scope.
* @param {Object} options See doRequest#options.
* @param {Object} response The response from the DWR call. This should be an Object which can be converted to Ext.data.Records.
* @private
onRead : function(action, params, reader, callback, callbackScope, options, response) {
var records;
try {
// Call readRecords verses read because read will attempt to decode the JSON,
// but as this point DWR has already decoded the JSON.
records = reader.readRecords(response);
} catch(e) {
// @deprecated: Fire loadexception for backwards compatibility.
this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, params, response, e); t
his.fireEvent('exception', this, 'response', action, params, response, e);
callback.call(callbackScope, null, options, false);
this.fireEvent("load", this, params, options);
callback.call(callbackScope, records, options, true);
* Helper method for createCallback for handling the create, update, and delete actions.
* This mirrors HttpProxy#onWrite
* TODO: implement
* @private
onWrite : function() {
throw new Exception('create, update, and delete actions are not implemented yet.')
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