TOEIC Speak 真题

1-2: Read a text aloud :

注意一点的就是: 平时练习的时候一般是A, B and C..但是这次考试却是: A, B, C and D…很多人在C的时候就down了

don't speak too slower and too fast, coz I think when you finished speaking, there is still 10s left, that's normal, 

3: Describe a picture:


many people out there, don't have to cover them all, just focus on one or two people after the general description, and i remember one guy is taking photos of a couple,
4-6: Respond to questions:

who is responsible for purchurse frozen food in your ***

who is usually buy frozen food for your familiy or something,.


7-9: Respond to questions using information provided: 

agenda或者说schdule,跟平时练习的差不多. 但是一定要听清楚问题..时间有点紧.但即使没听清楚问题或者还不了解agenda的内容,也要按照套路说几句话…

10: Propose a solution

[这个题已考了三次] the 10th question is about a tour/outing, I guess, one member is afraid of riding a horse, she asked for a alternative and other suggestions from you.
11: Express an opinion:




1-2: Reading loudly,


3: Describe a picture.

The picture shows a cart shop which is selling a lot of multi-colorful hats. The shopkeeper is serving the consumers in the shop and in front of the shop there are three ladies and one man are standing to choose goods. And the season might be autumn or winter, because all trees have no any leaves and the characters are wearing sweaters.


4-6: response


Q4: what exercise are popular with youth, and what exercise are popular with elders?

Q5: what are the benefits of taking exercise at home?

Q6: if you have more time, will you do more exercise? Why and Why Not


7-9: agenda

Schedule looks like a city major and his colleagues will do a presentation.

The question involves the start time, the votes date and activities (two).


Q10: requirement

A female customer named Emily rent an opening area in a hotel (not sure) to hold a party to celebrate something. And the attendants included children. However, she checked the weather broadcast and found it was going to rain. And she required what would be a backup plan if it was really a rainy day.


Q11: presentation

The question asked your opinion about: Would you prefer to receive a job doing the same task or a variety of tasks. Why.


Q1,Q2  Read a text aloud  


             段落比较短, 里面有陌生的地点名。 两个段落都有 list, 但没有 question( 疑问句)。


Q3       Describe a picture



里面的人在做表演,几个男的在前面跳舞 ( 面带微笑 ) 3 个男的在舞台上弹乐器(两个在弹吉他,另外一个看不清弹什么)。舞台不大,跳舞的人不在舞台上跳。 图片右下角有

两张椅子(可能有更多椅子,只是照片照不到而已) . 一个观众坐在椅子上(只照到这位观众的手臂) ,也可能有更多观众,只是照片照不到而已。


Q4~6   大约是这样的,记忆力有限,可能有出入 :


Q4       你每个星期工作或学习多少个小时? ( 一个问题里有两个子问题,第二个子问题我忘了。 )

Q5       你在白天工作还是在晚上工作? 你愿意星期六上班吗?

Q6       你喜欢固定一成不变的计划( fixed schedule) 还是灵活机动的计划 (flexible schedule) ? 为什么?


Q7~9    展现的是一个地方五月份被预订的情况,(有点像 Emily 做的记录,某个 meeting room 哪一天 什么时间被预订了, 各举行些什么活动)。


            问题是就这个列表来提问,,例如什么时间是不是 available 等,具体的我也记不清了。


Q10    Propose a solution


             一个人要参加 interview, 需要摄影师和相机,但原来约好的那个人那天( Wednesday) 刚好有事(有什么事我听不清楚)来不了,但参加 interview 的那个人在那天的确需要相机,希望提供解决方案。(为什么 interview 需要相机我就听不清楚了。 )


Hello, This is a message for... This is Sayler from ... returning your call.I got your message regarding the fact that that the cameraman is not available in Wednesday...You know, we can do our interview without him, so would you come at Monday or Friday,  the cameraman is free at those two day.If this is ok with you, pls call me immediately and I can inform the cameraman. Thanks a lot.


Q11   Express an opinion


           你喜欢小的房子 (flat,apartment) 还是大些的房子( a larger house)?


Well, I would prefer a larger house,  the first reason is that it's much quite living in a lager house, I remember once I live in a plat ,my neighborhood listen music till the later evening, which make me hard to fall asleep. Which never happen in a large house.  Also large house have more space. However. compare to flat, larger house is somehow expensive, but this doesn't change what I think about large house. All thing considerd I would say I like a large house.



 Describe a picture task

       Q3 .This picture was taken in park.

        一个背着包的男的,他脚边有个婴儿车但没有 Baby ,背包男正看小孩玩旋转木马,看不到脸因背对着相机,离他不远处有个女的,抱着小孩,她面前有辆婴儿车,她在哄着小孩,脸面对相机镜头,在这女的后面有几个小孩在玩旋转木马之类 . 不知道是春天还是秋天,因为有些人穿的少有些人穿得多。

Question tasks Q4---Q9


      Q4 主要看什么杂志和多少钱一份?

      Q5 通常什么时候看杂志,为什么喜欢看?

      Q6 杂志比书的优点在什么地方?

    给出的是一个关于 Garden seminar 的一些安排

     主要是以 outdoor view indoor view 划分成两部分(每部分有三个节目),时间在下午一点到 5 点,地点某某酒店 .

       Q7 主要是为这个活动的时间和地点?

       Q8 忘记了

       Q9 大概是叫你描述 outdoor view 的安排,有三项,得逐一罗列。


Q10 Voice-mail task:


      Restaurant/Hotel reservation concern:





Q11 Opinion task:


      What are two important qualities do you think to be sucessful?



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