高二英语牛津版必修5 Unit1单元测试题

高二英语牛津版必修5 Unit1单元测试题
   高二英语牛津版必修5 Unit1单元测试题
  高二年级英语教材Book5 单元测试题
  1、―Did you enjoy the movie last night?
  ― Yes , I didn’t expect it _______ wonderful.
  A. most B. as C. most D. much
  2. On the opposite wall ________ dozens of pictures _______ two maps of China.
  A. hang; including B. is hung; together with
  C. are hanged; with D. are hanging; as well as
  3. The year 1959________the first appearance of a real flying ship in the world.
  A. saw B. watched C. came D. took
  4. Poor Clarissa wanted nothing _________ to have someone to talk to.
  A. rather than B. more than C. better than D. other than
  5. I’ve worked with children before, so I know what ________in my job.
  A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects
  6. He bought a ship and was going to make a _______ round the world.
  A. trip B. travel C. voyage D. journey
  7. The idea of achieving _______ health and happiness by taking ______ exercise has been widely accepted.
  A. / ; the B. / ; / C. the ; the D. the ; an
  8. We stayed in a quiet hotel, _________.
  A. next to it was a thick wood B. next to which was a thick wood
  C. next to it there was a thick wood D. next to which a thick wood was
  9. They have produced _______ they did last year.
  A. twice more grain as B. twice as much grain as
  C. twice as many grain as D. as twice many grain as
  10. ―The exam was easy , wasn’t it ?
  ―Yes ,but I don’t think ______ could pass it .
  A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody
  11. _______ students should be given more free time is suggested by many experts and welcomed by kids in school.
  A. What B. Why C. Whether D. That
  12. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ________ I thought was a dangerous speed .
  A. as B. which C. what D. that
  13. The bell ______ the end of the period rang, _______ our heated discussion.
  A. indicating; interrupting B. indicated; interrupting
  C. indicating; interrupted D. indicated; interrupted
  14. ―Liu Xiang has won the men’s 110m hurdle final in 19.91 seconds .
  ―________! He never got such a good result before.
  A. Congratulations B. What a good news C. My goodness D. How exciting the race
  15. The research is so designed that once _______ nothing can be done to change it.
  A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun
  The Creightons were very proud of their son, Frank. After his graduation from university, Frank was drafted into the army and soon after that, he received his call to go to the 16 .
  At first the parents heard from him every week and were 17 for his well-being but then a telegram came,saying,“We regret to inform you that your son has been 18 for three weeks and may have been killed in 19 .”The parents were shocked and grieved (伤心的). They felt very 20 without Frank. About three weeks later, 21 , the phone rang. A voice on the other 22 said, “Mother,it’s Frank. They 23 me,and I’m going to be all right. I’m in the United States and I’m coming home soon. "
  Mrs. Creighton was overjoyed, 24 tears running down her cheeks,“Oh,that’s just wonderful, Frank!”
  There was 25 for a moment, and then Frank said,“Mother, I want to ask you something important to me. While I’ve been in the 26 , I’ve made some real 27 friends. There is one fellow I would like to bring home to meet you and Dad. And I would like to know if it would be all right if he could stay with us. He has 28 else to go.”
  His mother assured him it would be all right.
  Then Frank said,“You see, he was 29 in battle. His face is all disfigured. He lost his 30 , and his right hand is missing. So you see,he feels 31 about how others will 32 him.”
  Frank’s mother stopped to think a minute. Then she said,“Sure Frank, you bring him home―for a 33 ,that’s it. About him staying with us permanently(永久地), well, we’ll have to think about that.” Frank said, “Okay, Mother,” and hung up.
  A week went by without any 34 from Frank,and then a telegram arrived, “We regret to inform you that your son has 35 his life. We would like you to come and identify the body.”
  “Why had he done this?” When they walked into the room to identify the body of their son, they found a young man with a disfigured face, one leg missing, and his right hand gone.
  16. A. camp B. front C. airport D. scene
  17. A. pitiful B. painful C. hopeful D. thankful
  18. A. wounded B. gone C. missing D. dead
  19. A. action B. crash C. bomb D. crime
  20. A. crazy B. scared C. lonely D. panic
  21. A. otherwise B. however C. besides D. therefore
  22. A. hand B. side C. end D. part
  23. A. found B. attacked C. discovered D. caught
  24. A. in B. by C. for D. with
  25. A. a noise B. laughter C. a whisper D. silence
  26. A. war B. army C. country D. battle
  27. A. dear B. close C. new D. old
  28. A. everywhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. somewhere
  29. A. injured B. hurt C. killed D. destroyed
  30. A. hand B. foot C. arm D. leg
  31. A. uneasy B. upset C. eager D. curious
  32. A. accept B. judge C. understand D. recognize
  33. A. stop B. stay C. call D. visit
  34. A. word B. sound C. information D. sign
  35. A. sacrificed B. taken C. killed D. lost
  When you stretch out in the sun you can do one of three things. You can use no sun tan oil. You can use ordinary sun tan oil. Or you can use Bergasol.
  If you don't use any sun tan oil at all when you're in sun that is stronger than you're used to, you will burn surprisingly quickly. If you use an ordinary sun tan oil you will protect your skin to a lesser or greater degree. How much depends on the 'protection-factor(系数)number' on the bottle.
  Some of these oils block out so many of the sun's rays you can stay in the sun all day without burning-but you won't get very brown, either.
  Bergasol will protect your skin like ordinary sun tan oil. But Bergasol oil also has a tan accelerator(加速剂)which comes from the oil of the Bergamot fruit.
  It speeds up the rate at which the sun activates(激活) the skin cells that produce melanin.
  And it is melanin which gives the skin its brown co lour.
  So when you use Bergasol sun tan oil you get brown faster, and as the days pass the difference will become more and more obvious.
  Unfortunately this special formulation isn't cheap to prepare. So Bergasol is rather more expensive than ordinary sun tan oil.
  However, the price looks more attractive as you do.
  Many people imagine that cover up means you don't get a tan. Nothing to show for your holiday. What a shame!
  Not so. With Cover-up, you can get brown if you want to. The point of cover-up is to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun―the ones which, according to the doctors, make your skin look older.
  That's what Solex Cover-up is all about―protection for your skin. It has a Sun Protection Factor of 8,which makes it suitable for anyone.
  Find out how it works for you by consulting(咨询) the Solex Sun Chart.
  With Solex Cover-up, you can tan as slowly as you like as gently as you like, and with much less chance of peeling(脱皮).
  Your tan will look better. Your skin will stay young longer. Solex Cover-up
  Gentle tan...Full protection
  36. The word “tan”which is used several times in the passage is closest in meaning to
  A. brown B protection C. light D. health
  37. Both Bergasol and Solex serve to _______.
  A. treat various kinds of skin disease B. help people enjoy the sun
  C. help people get sun tan without being burnt D. paint the skin with a brown color
  38. What’s special about Bergasol?
  A. It is more expensive than ordinary sun tan oil.
  B. It has a tan accelerator that makes the skin get brown faster.
  C. It has a protection




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