
  [b]TEST 11[/b]
  1. run int o a yeti 2. step up the search for a missing boy 3. put on his favourite CD
  4. make up these amazing stories 5. turn up 6. hard evidence
  7. look into other possibilities 8. land on the moon 9. dream of becoming an astronaut
  10. draw a conclusion 11. attack villagers 12. move with amazing speed and strength
  13. run after 14. nature reserve 15. see a yeti with one’s own eyes.
  1. is full of; that can’t be explained 2. why; call 3. believe in; existence
  4. searched; to see if 5. developed the habit 6. Due to / Because of / Owing to; put off
  7. introduce; to 8. at a speed of 9. on; is similar to mine 10. have been to
  11. has gone to 12. has; made great progress / made great advances
  13. have been cleaning; haven’t 14. haven’t decided; to spend 15. while doing
  1-5 DBDDB 6-10 BCBA A 11-15 ADBAC 16-20 ADACD 21-24 ABAC
  [b]TEST 12 [/b]
  1-5 DAABB 6-10 CAAAD 11-15 ABACB 16-18 CCD
  [b]二、阅读理解 [/b] 1-4 CDBC[b][/b]
  1. 选C。推理判断题。运用排除法。根据第三段第一句排除A项,B项短文中未提及;D项与题干无关。
  2. 选D。细节理解题。根据第三段A、B、C项符合文章内容,D项短文中未提及。
  3. 选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第四句和第五句。
  4. 选C。细节理解题。用排除法。根据第四段,A、B项符合原文;根据第一段,D项符合原文。因而选C.
  1. fish 2. trees 3. waste 4. people 5. crowded 6. worse
  7. Result / Consequence 8.vegetables 9. birth 10. cleaner
  [b] [/b]
  [b]TEST 13[/b]
  1. scary 2. uncomfortable 3. bit 4. arranged 5. altogether 6. rough
  7. published 8. local 9. Whatever 10. surrounding 11. supplies
  12. equipment 13. schedule 14. dawn 15. harmony
  16-20 BCBDA 21-25 BBCBD 26-30 AADAA 31-35 BCDAC
  36-40 CDBCD 41-45 AABDB 46-50 CACDB 51-55 ACABD
  本文讲述了作者在医院给一位八十多岁的老人看病时所听到的故事。这位老人他的妻子得了一种怪病,什么也记不得了,可是老人每天早晨都要准时去疗养院陪她吃早饭。作者很感动,悟出了"The true love is acceptance of all that is."[b][/b]
  36. 选C。因为没有预约,所以护士让老人在候诊室等候。take a seat 坐下。
  37. 选D。tell告诉。persuade劝说; promise答应。
  38. 选B。 it would be at least 40 minutes before someone would be able to see him.“过40分钟才能有人帮他看病。”上文暗示早晨很忙。
  39. 选C。 老人看看手表计算时间,与上文“I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for all appointment(约会) at 9:30 ”呼应。说明老人怕耽误约会时间。
  40. 选D。从下文 “I would examine his wound ”说明我不是很忙,我帮他看病。
  41. 选A。因为我的预约病人没来,我就帮老人看病。turn up “露面、出现“;show off:”“炫耀”;come on“加油”;come on“走开”。
  42. 选A。老人天天都去疗养院陪妻子。老人认为是必需做的事。
  43. 选B。由最后一段感慨婚姻“marriages”,可知上文所叙是与妻子每天有个约会。
  44. 选D。there指上文的“the nursing house".。
  45. 选B。因为老人说是与妻子约好一起吃早饭,所以作者问去迟了会不会着急。
  45. 选C。下文 “she had not been able to 47 him for five years now.”说明老人的妻子不再认得他了。与上文 “she had a special disease. ”呼应。
  47. 选A。recognise辨认;从下文“She doesn’t know me but I know who she is.”
  48. 选C。老人的妻子已经无法认出老人,可他每天都去看她,所以作者很惊讶。
  49. 选D。still “仍然”
  50. 选B。老人的故事让作者很感动。所以hold back tears “抑制住泪水”。
  51. 选A。realize "意识到"。
  52. 选C。“true love is acceptance of all that is"
  53. 选A。not necessarily "未必”
  54. 选B。短语make the most of "充分利用"。
  55. 选D。“Love isn’t about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.” “爱未必要经历风风雨雨,爱是平淡中见真情。”
  [b]TEST 14[/b]
  1. challenge yourself 2. tourist spots 3. amazing adventures
  4. get as close as possible to the animals 5. traval through the desert by camel
  6. on clear nights 7. be busy arranging my holiday 8. explore places of interest
  9. scare the animals away 10. a piece of equipment 11. a place of mystery and beauty
  12. regular flights 13. book tickets in advance 14. a study of my own
  15. watch the beautiful sunrise
  1. supplied / provided with, for free 2. beyond the reach of
  3. formed/ developed the habit of 4. surrounded with / by
  5. In case, remind, of 6. wouldn’t; any longer
  7. Whatever, none of your business 8. so frightening / scary, get close to
  9. gets thinner; feel sick 10. had never met
  11. are covered with; tower over 12. in harmony with; far away from
  13. to visit; when; at its mildest 14. surrounding; are home to
  15. at a loss; what to do
  1-5 DBDCB 6-10 CCADB 11-15 CADBB 16-18 ABD[b][/b]
  [b] [/b]
  [b]TEST 15[/b]
  1-5 CABAB 6-10 BCACC 11-15 CBCAB
  [b]A[/b][b]篇[/b]1-5 CDBCA
  1. 选C。细节题。根据第二段”there have been elephants at London Zoo since 1831”可知选C。
  2. 选D。细节推理题。第五段。
  3. 选B。根据第六段第三句和最后一段可知,it指London Zoo。
  4. 选C。推理判断题。根据第六段第三句。
  5. 选A。用排除法。根据第二段、第四段和第六段。
  [b]B[/b][b]篇[/b]6-8 CDC
  6. 选C。细节理解题。Wednesday:Shanghai Families;Friday:Twin Concert。
  7. 选D。根据Thursday: This film about a tecnage romance is set in Rome。
  8. 选C。细节理解题。根据Wednesday: Hu Yan photographed the Shanghai families from migrant workers to millionaires。
  [b]TEST 16[/b]
  1. Dynasty 2. coincidence 3. curious 4. preserved 5. prove
  6. compared 7. fortune 8. connection 9. scientific 10. disturb
  11. warnings 12. astronaut 13. swallowed 14. indeed 15. required
  16-20 BBBCB 21-25 ADDBC 26-30 BDCBB 31-35 ACDCC
  36-40 BABCC 41-45CDBAD 46-50 BCAAC 51-55 BBBBC
  36. 选B。flat公寓
  37. 选A。…when I first heard a noise from the lift得知,此时那人敲的是电梯的门。
  38. 选B。call out大声叫喊
  39. 选C。根据下文I can’t get out得知(电梯)门关上。
  40. 选C。由下文可知,被关在电梯里的是个女孩。
  41. 选C。join sb. 加入到某人的行列中,和某人一起…。妻子加入(和我一起救那个女孩)。
  42. 选D。go off 走开(去找值班人)。  
  43. 选B。“在告诉她救援就要来之后,……”。on the/one’s way, 即将到来。
  44. 选A。help 救援;assistant 助理,助手
  45. 选D。根据下文I tried hard at forcing open the lift door和my tools were of no use for this purpose可知,我回家拿了工具(tool)。
  46. 选B。talk to sb.和某人谈话。我边试着开电梯门,边和女孩谈话。
  47. 选C。表转折
  48. 选A。很快“我”妻子回来了。
  49. 选A。“我”妻子没有找到值班人,报警了(call the police)。
  50. 选C。接上文,(除了报警之外),她“还”和火警取得联系。
  51. 选B。followed by … 过去分词短语作状语,由…跟随着。这里指两名警察随后也到达了。
  52. 选B。消防队员也到达了。
  53. 选B。“只用了几秒种…”
  54. 选B。get the door open把门打开。
  55. 选C。 “尽管有这次(不愉快的经历),女孩的情绪很好。”
  [b]TEST 17[/b]
  1. change our world for the better 2. make great achievements
  3. win a Nobel Peace Prize 4. be curious about 5. in the 1920s
  6. fall ill with a fever 7. a friend of my father’s 8. die of heart trouble
  9. have something to do with / be connected with / be in connection with
  10. the resting place for the dead 11. sail at full speed
  12. apply to the school for a scholarship 13. in his fifties 14. join the army
  15. set / create a new world record
  [b]二、 [/b][b]根据中文完成句子[/b]
  1. one of; explorers; has ever known 2. At the age; for 3. preserved; which are known as
  4. was believed; in connection with 5. required to; as a punishment
  6. scientific explanation; that; disturbs 7. What; that; remains a riddle
  8. going on/ by; in; grow 9. to fly; across 10. get touch with; had; gone missing
  11. that had; been built 12. result from 13. was fit for; through
  14. heroes; go down in history 15. managed to; looked up to
  1-5 BDDDC 6-10 DDCDD 11-15 ABACB 16-20 ACADC 21-23 DCD
  [b]TEST 18[/b]
  1-5 BBCCD 6-10 DDBCD 11-15 DBBCA
  1-5 BCBDA
  1. 选B。主旨大意题。文章第一句话。
  2. 选C。第二段。
  3. 选B。第四段第六句。
  4. 选D。 推理判断题。由文章结尾作者引用Edwards的话“Home is family. Home is safety. Home is faith.”可推断D正确。
  1. busy 2. harmful 3. weight 4. time 5. lose 6. Disadvantages
  7.money 8, man-made 9. taste 10. Not
  1-5 ADACB 6-10 BABCB 11-15 ADDDD
  16-20 DCDBD 21-25 BDACA 26-30 DACDB 31-35ABDCD
  18.D.年轻人解释他用完汽油了,run out of “用完”
  21.B.根据后面…saying that they were cold可知是因为孩子们冷,冻哭了
  25.A.房子里暖和而且很舒适,孩子们开始在房子里跑来跑去了,run about/ around表示“到处跑动”的意思。
  26.D.根据上句I prepared bread and butter for the children…可知后面的hot chocolate就是给成年人准备的了。
  28.C.年轻人问他欠我多少钱。“欠某人钱”应该使用owe sb. money。
  30.B.根据最后一段In his letter…可知这里是指收到了一封信,故选择letter。
  31.A.考查动词。根据后面的结构及本句意思可知这里是表示“让(使)某人做某事”的短语,可使用get sb to do sth。force表示“强迫”,equip表示“要求”语气都不符,hope不能用于hope sb to do sth的结构中。
  32.B.这里是考查一个固定句型It turns/ turned out that…表示“原来是……”或“后来发现是……”的意思。
  35.D.in this case“在这种情况下”
  36-39 BDDC
  36. 选B。第一段第三句和第四句。
  37. 选D。细节理解题。第一段最后一句。
  38. 选D。第二段最后一句。
  39. 选C。主旨大意题。全文讲述了美国购买路易斯安那的经过。
  40. have; learned 41. had; got; came 42. are preparing 43. saw 44. should be finished
  45. had, gone 46..will be having 47. will be going 48. seeing 49. changing
  50. was leaving
  1-5 BCBBA 6-10 DAA AD 11-12 DB
  [b]A[/b][b]篇[/b]1-5 CCDDB
  1. 选C。细节理解题。根据第四段内容。
  2. 选C。推断题。根据第七段第一句。
  3. 选D。词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句和第二句。
  4. 选D。主旨大意题。文章用对比法,叙述了美国人度周末的方式的变化。
  5. 选B。推理判断题。根据文章中美国人度周末方式的对比可以推断。
  [b]B[/b][b]篇[/b]6-8 ADB
  6. 选A。细节理解题。第二段第二句和第三句。
  7. 选D。根据第四段内容。
  8. 选B。推断题。第五段第一句
  [b]三、[/b][b]书面表达[/b][b] [/b]
  Dear Mayer,
  I’m a student of Xin Hua Middle School. In front of our school gate is a street, on both sides of which are many shops and restaurants. Every day during rush hour, especially at noon, stalls selling everyday goods and food appear on the street, which makes it terribly crowded. First, cars and passersby have difficulty in passing through the street. Thus it makes it dangerous for the students to go in or out of school. Secondly, the street is made dirty with so many plastic bags and waste water everywhere.
  A school, in my opinion, should be a place with clean and quiet surroundings. So I do hope some measures should be taken to improve the situation.
  Yours sincerely
  Li Ping
  [b]Test 19.[/b]
  一.1. observed 2. deserted 3. personally 4. reduce 5. destination 6. frozen 7. lightning 8. attacked 9. attracted 10. volunteers 11. distance 12. treatment 13. panicked 14. ignored 15. darkness
  二.1. wonder whether 2. found himself lying 3. are likely to be invited 4. reached out 5. was frozen with 6. By the time 7. Compared with the past 8. her dog running 9. whether; is related to 10. why; made great progress; make the most of 11. That; pay back 12. look it up in
  三.D B A D C/ C D C B B/ D A
  四.1.C,由第一段可知 2.D,细节题,由第四段可知 3.B,地震时肯定是感觉到震荡,故而选B 4.A 5.C
  [b]Test 20.[/b]
  一.1.step out into 2. glance at 3. stare at 4. in sight 5. set off 6. wish for 7. reach out 8. watch out for 9. be frozen with 10. be related/linked to 11. rather than 12. lose sight of 13. all of a sudden 14. compared to/with 15. feed on 16. find out 17. be likely to do 18. be attracted to 19. hit the shark on the nose 20. stare up at 21. for fear that/of 22. work out 23. affect one another 24. make great achievements 25. make the most of 26. come to my aid 27. observe somebody do something 28. in the distant 29. be grateful to 30. hold her still
  二.1. With time going by 2. nowhere to be found 3. found himself lying 4. The truth is that 5. All of a sudden 6. have been reported 7. that we should do 8. It is likely that 9. had a great effect 10. Once begun 11. lost sight of 12. in common 13. related to 14. with anger 15. made great progress
  三.C D C C A/ C C B C C/ B C D D B/ B B
  Nowadays, more and more people flock into cities in search of jobs or better living conditions. However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities.
  Firstly, cities become more and more crowded, putting much pressure upon transportation, housing, medical treatment, education, employment and so on. Secondly, city services and facilities can’t meet the demands of the increased population and have been stretched to a breaking point. Thirdly, a growing number of private cars produce huge amount of waste gases, leaving the air seriously polluted. Last but not least, the city is also threatened by rising crimes. Not a single day passes without the report of someone being robbed, or having their houses broken into. All these problems have greatly harmed the attractiveness of the city.
  But what can we do to solve these problems? First of all, I think, the government should lay much emphasis on the development of rural areas so that more people will be willing to move or live in the peaceful countryside. Also more improvements should be made in the cities to satisfy people’s need.
  [b]Test 21.[/b]
  一.D C C A C/ A D C B C/ B C B B A
  二.1.选B,突如其来的疾病使她看不见也听不到 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6. 选B,从下文可知 7. 选B,live a normal life指过正常的生活 8. D,通过用不同的方法来敲打她的手来告诉她不同的字母 9. B 10. A,in the open air指在户外 11. B,下文提到:to take water out of the well 12. C 13. B 14. B,水肯定是在她手上流动 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. D
  三.1.C, 由第一段第二句以及下文可才出Karl在父亲去世后变得自闭可知 2.A 3.C 4.B
  [b]Test 22.[/b]
  一.D C C D C/ C C C C A/ C C A
  二.1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B,从前面的自信,可以推断他们已经做好了考试的准备 5.C,从后面可知这场考试可以带任何书和笔记,唯一的要求就是在考试过程中不可以讨论讲话,因此本次考试肯定非常简单 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. A10. C,三小时过后教授才开始收试卷11. B,从前文学生再也没有刚才的自信,脸上流露出害怕的表情可知12. A13. C 14. D,这正是教授的意图,是他所预期到的15. D 16. B 17. C18. A19. A20. D
  三.1. result 2. moral 3. lack 4. responsible 5. society 6. attitudes 7. accumulated/ gathered 8. obey 9. gain/ get 10. duty/ responsibility
  [b]Test 23.[/b]
  一.1. throughout 2. vocabulary 3. eventually 4. indicate 5. confusing 6. official 7. access 8. control 9. banned 10. contribute 11. simplified 12. pronunciation 13. characters 14. opppsite 15. European
  二.1. Throughout history; differernt countries; cultures 2. feel confused about; to use 3. Despite; had an impact on 4. At; worked as servants; raised animals; cooked 5. went through 6. Even today; where; affect; style of speech 7. dialects; depending on where 8. take; into consideration; take action 9. consists of 10. differ from; in that
  三.A A C A C/ A B C B A/ C A A A A
  四.1.B,由第二段和第三段第一句话可推断出 2.C ,由第二段第三句可知3.A,由最后一段可知4. D,纵观全文可知5. D,文章没有提到如何阻止它的发生
  [b]Test 24. [/b]
  一.1. in a broad sense 2. stand for 3. be made up of/ consist of 4. name after 5. apart/aside from 6. play a part in 7. make contributions to 8. take control of 9. lead to 10. on the other hand 11. come into use 12. turn into 13. look up 14. deserve careful thought 15. set a standard for 16. at one time 17. ban somebody from doing something 18. be up to you 19. to the point 20. in conclusion/ in a word 21. consist in/ lie in/ in that 22. as a whole 23. simplified Chinese characters 24. work on 25. pick up 26. contribute to 27. replace something with… 28. result in 29. differ from… in… 30. have access to…
  二.1. consists of 2. contributed to/ led to 3. reached out for 4. Despite; had an impact on 5. differs from 6. in sight 7. to have studied 8. bored with 9. known that 10. simplified
  三.D C C B D/ A A B B A/ C D B B D/ D A B B B
  四.1. 去掉第一个do 2. 改that为what 3. 改what为that 4. 第三个is 前加上that 5. 改is it为it is 6. 改whether为that 7. 改what matters为that matters 8. 改whomever为whoever 9. 改As为It 10. 改that为it
  五.1. which 2. why 3. how 4. What 5. that 6. When; Where 7. who/whom 8. what 9. where 10. whether
  [b]Test 25.[/b]
  一.B C D B C/ D C A B C/ B B C C B
  二.1.A 2.B,从下文可知老师叫我写自己的名字 3.C 4.A ,因为有那么多双眼睛看着我肯定觉得很紧张5.D 6. C,想不起自己的名字,甚至是第一个字母7. B,有人笑我了,所以很紧张 8. C,老师对我微笑来给我鼓励9. A,我小声说10. D,头脑一片空白11. B,我尽力镇定下来12. C13. D,前额靠在冰冷的黑板上14. A15. D,责备自己16. C17. B,毫无疑问我可以读得比他们任何人都好18. D19. A20. C,指我的耳朵脖子因羞愧而红了,像烧起来了
  三.1.C,纵观全文可知全球变暖的危害是致命的2. D,由第二段可知3. A,最后一段第三句可知4. B,从文章最后一句可知
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