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  [00:04.60]Saving the Rainforests for Future Generations
  [00:10.95]Rainforests are being cut and burned from Brazil to Indonesia
  [00:18.91]at such a rate that they could well disappear from the earth's surface before the year 2050.
  [00:27.98]They are being cleared for valuable timber
  [00:33.44]and other resources
  [00:37.28]to speed up the economic growth of the nations in which they are located.
  [00:44.64]The most recent figures
  [00:48.90]show that the area of rainforestdestroyed last year alone
  [00:55.14]was bigger than the size of Great Britain and Ireland.
  [01:01.68]If the present rate of deforestation is allowed to continue
  [01:08.65]the consequences for the earth will be great.
  [01:14.50]We shall see a massive upsetting of ecosystems,
  [01:21.55]very large increases in soil erosion,
  [01:27.61]increases in flooding and in drought,
  [01:33.49]changes in rainfall patterns and regional
  [01:38.95]quite possibly global, changes in climate.
  [01:45.01]We shall also probably lose many rare plant and animal species.
  [01:52.77]According to many scientists,
  [01:57.42]the burning of rainforests is also directly contributing
  [02:04.08]to the so-called greenhouse effect.
  [02:09.25]This effect, they say,
  [02:13.20]is raising average temperatures and sea levels as the polar ice caps recede.
  [02:21.56]The rainforest is essential in other areas also.
  [02:28.32]It is a medicine chest of unlimited potential.
  [02:34.49]The US National Cancer Institute has identified 2,000 rainforest plants
  [02:43.42]which could be beficial in fighting cancer.
  [02:49.20]In today's pharmaceutical market
  [02:53.64]15 of the 125 drugs derived from plants were discovered in the rainforest.
  [03:03.69]Plant species are not the only forms of lifethreatened with extinction in the rainforest.
  [03:12.05]Rare birds and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world
  [03:19.92]have been disappearing at the rate of one a year
  [03:26.26]since the turn of the century.
  [03:30.83]In the face of all these facts,
  [03:35.69]it seems senseless for countries to continuedestroying their rainforests.
  [03:43.35]However, the problem is not so simple.
  [03:48.60]The countries in which the rainforests are located are all
  [03:54.55]quite poor and overpopulated.
  [03:59.52]One of them, Brazil, has a population of 140 million,
  [04:06.78]about half of whom are living in absolute poverty.
  [04:12.84]The governments in these countries are usually also too weak
  [04:19.21]to stop large companies and powerful individuals
  From: http://www.hxen.com/englishlistening/daxueyingyutingli/zixue1/2009-11-19/94851.html
  [04:25.38]from destroying the rainforests.
  [04:30.42]They have no money, so when the poor whom they cannot feed
  [04:37.39]find work cutting down treesor burning forestland,
  [04:43.56]the governments often have no choice but to turn a blind eye
  [04:50.82]Moreover, for many of these countries,
  [04:56.46]the valuable timber and other resources found in the rainforests
  [05:03.12]are also a very important source of foreign exchange,
  [05:09.50]which they badly need to pay off their foreign debts
  [05:15.35]and purchase foreign equipment and other goods.
  [05:21.02]The only solution to the problem, then,
  [05:26.66]seems to befor the richer countries of the world
  [05:32.41]to help the countries where the rainforests are located.
  [05:38.57]One way they could help would beby cancelling the international debts
  [05:46.31]that countries like Brazil owe,
  [05:50.54]while also working together with these countriesto solve their other economic problems.
  [05:58.69]At the same time, they could suppores to teach the local people
  [06:06.05]to regard the rainforests as gardens to be harvested,
  [06:13.42]and not merely as places where the only way for themto make a living
  [06:20.29]is by senselessly cutting down trees and burning
  [06:26.14]Such programmes could teach the local people how to select trees worth exporting
  [06:34.97]and to cut only those trees downwhile leaving the rest,
  [06:42.13]so that the basic make-up of the forest would not be disturbed.
  [06:49.39]This would also mean
  [06:53.34]that the environment needed for the survival of the many rare species of animals and plants
  [07:01.38]as well as of the Indian tribes that live in the rainforest could be preserved.
  [07:10.03]The local people could also be taught to earn more money
  [07:15.91]by cutting the selected trees and making them into furniture on the spot.
  [07:23.35]In addition, they could learn how to harvest other valuable natural materials
  [07:31.60]that are now being wasted,
  [07:35.65]and sell them overseas to earn foreign exchange for their countries
  [07:43.02]Last but not least, people in the richer countries of the world
  [07:49.79]could also help save the rainforests
  [07:55.14]by using wood-derived products such as paper more carefully
  [08:02.19] and by recycling used paper products to help reduce the demand for newly cut wood.
  [08:12.25]Life on the tundra
  [08:16.09]Tundra is the name given to the low,marshy plains of Europe,
  [08:22.05]SiliCa, and North America that border on the Arctic Ocean.
  [08:28.11]In Alaska, the vast, cold region known as the "Northern Slope"
  From: http://www.hxen.com/englishlistening/daxueyingyutingli/zixue1/2009-11-19/94851_2.html
  [08:35.08]is part of the tundra.
  [08:38.43]Nature sets harsh terms for survival in thins land
  [08:43.89]only those plants and animals
  [08:47.44]that are adapted to the hostile environment can survive in it.
  [08:53.32]Long periods of darkness and bitter cold
  [08:57.86]are the major threats to life on the tundra.
  [09:02.54]At the Arctic Circle,
  [09:06.38]the sun cannot be seen above the horizon in December
  [09:11.94]North of the Circle, the darkness lasts even longer.
  [09:17.30]Over the northern reaches of the tundra,
  [09:21.97]no sunlight can be seen at all for several months of the year?
  [09:27.01]The darkness is balanced, to some degree
  [09:31.38]by Continuous daylightduring the summer months.
  [09:36.10]But even in the warrmest month,
  [09:39.58]the temperature only averages about 50 degrees F (10 degrees C).
  [09:46.74]During the dark winter months the average temperature falls to - 16 degrees
  [09:54.10](-27 degrees C),
  [09:58.78]and sometimes to -40 degrees (C and F) and below.
  [10:06.51]Because of the intense cold,
  [10:10.74]the subsoil of the tundraremains permanently frozen to a great depth.
  [10:17.51]During the brief summer,
  [10:21.35]a few feet (about a meter) of soilthaw at the surface.
  [10:27.70]It is this thin layer of active soil
  [10:31.93]that supports all living things on the tundra.
  [10:36.58]For nine months of the year,
  [10:40.13]the tundra is a dark,seemingly lifeless wild land:
  [10:45.77]Then in Juhe,as if by magic,
  [10:50.03]a never-setting summet sun'
  [10:53.79]gives birth to hurtdreds of speciesof arctic plants to cover the ground.
  [11:00.04]A plant that grows more than three feet
  [11:04.69] (about a meter)is unusual on the tundra.
  [11:09.52]There are no tall trees.
  [11:12.97]The frozen subsoil prevents rootsfrom growing deep enough to support them.
  [11:19.03]By the end of August the breath of winter returns
  [11:24.30]and by mid-September the tundra is white again.
  [11:29.45]The animal life on the tundra is unusually rich
  [11:34.20]for an environment that seems so harsh.
  [11:38.78] Herds of arctic deer move from place to place in search of food.
  [11:44.84]Bands of wolves follow them and hunt for the weak or sick ones.
  [11:51.08]Few birds actually live on the tundra.
  [11:56.12]However, a variety of birds migrate to nest and feed during the summer.
  [12:02.60]The wet, marshy land produces a large number of insects
  From: http://www.hxen.com/englishlistening/daxueyingyutingli/zixue1/2009-11-19/94851_3.html
  [12:08.16]that provide food for the smaller birds that,
  [12:12.63]in turn, provide food for the arctic fox and the wolf.
  [12:18.27]The balance of nature is so delicate on the tundra
  [12:22.71]that even minor disturbances
  [12:26.87]may produce major changes in the environment.
  [12:31.23]Any increase or decrease in the population of one species
  [12:36.79]may affect all other species on the tundra.
  [12:41.44]For example,if the number of wolves and foxes decreases,
  [12:47.09]the food chain is upset.
  [12:50.72]Without wolves, the number of grazing animals
  [12:55.68]like the deer--would increase.
  [12:59.62]This increase would result in a food shortage,
  [13:03.99]which would cause death to many smaller animals.
  [13:08.56]A decrease in the number of these smaller animals
  [13:12.82]would in turn decrease the food supply fox the arctic fox and the wolf.
  [13:19.16]In this way, the entire food chain might he affected by a changein the numar
  [13:25.93]of a single species.
  [13:29.69]Until recently, the chaning seasons on the tundra
  [13:34.84]were seen onlyby a few Eskimo hunters and explorers.
  [13:40.72]What would draw men and women to live in such a hostile land?
  [13:46.28]The answer is oil.
  [13:49.52]In 1968, oil was discovered beneath the frozen soilon
  [13:55.58]Alaska's Northern Slope.
  [13:59.55]Now an 800-mile (about 1300 kilometers)
  [14:04.90]pipeline has been builtfrom Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean to Valdes,
  [14:11.96]a port on the south coast of Alaska.
  [14:16.42]The pipeline carries the oil from the Northern Slope
  [14:21.68]across the tundra, to the port.
  [14:25.75]From there, it is shipped to the rest of the United States.
  [14:31.03]Thousands of men and women were needed to build and maintain the pipeline
  [14:37.56]For the first time,
  [14:40.80]large numbers of peoplewere brought into contact with the tundra.
  [14:46.05]Their presence and the presence of the pipeline they built
  [14:51.30]represented a major change in the environment.
  [14:55.87]How will the lifecydes of the tundra be affected?
  [15:00.41]The survival of the United States
  [15:04.07]depends on the abilityto find new sources of energy.
  [15:09.53]Oil from beneath the tundra is very important to the nations' development
  [15:15.49]But the survival of the tundra
  [15:19.33]depends on how carefully people maintain
  [15:23.79]the delicate balance of nature in this environment.
  From: http://www.hxen.com/englishlistening/daxueyingyutingli/zixue1/2009-11-19/94851_4.html




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