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原创 差不多先生

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2008-10-31 23:43:44 123

Find Out 8 Differences Between 2 Pictures

Find Out 8 Differences betwee these 2 Pictures..                                          

2008-10-31 14:17:27 108

Soccer Ball - Funny

A woman and her lover are in the house while the husband is at work. Her nine year old son comes in, and after seeing them making love he hides in the wardrobe and watches them. All of a sudden the hu...

2008-10-31 14:15:48 88

A short Story about Life-Appreciate what u have…

One day . . . a wealthy family man took his son on a trip to the country, so he could have his son see how poor country people live.They stayed one day and one night in the home of a very humble farm...

2008-10-31 14:14:56 108

Interesting Facts

A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds...

2008-10-31 14:14:29 250

A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.

Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling. They find out that the new baby is g...

2008-10-31 14:14:06 102

esting Facts

A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds...

2008-10-31 14:13:34 341

Angry Woman - funny

A woman arrived at the Gates of Heaven. While she was waiting for Saint Peter to greet her, she peeked through the gates.She saw a beautiful banquet table. Sitting all around were her parents and all...

2008-10-31 14:13:02 144

A funny Story

An 80 year old man is having his annual checkup. The doctor asks him how he’s feeling. “I’ve never been better! ” he replies. “I’ve got an eighteen year old bride who’s pregnant and having my child! W...

2008-10-31 14:12:41 140

Chicken and Egg

A chicken and an egg were laying next to each other in bed. The chicken was smoking a cigarette, and with a very pissed-off look the egg said, ”Well…. I guess that answers THAT long-asked question!”...

2008-10-31 14:12:21 150

I.Q Test

Subject: which category are you?Scores: 0 to 1 correct = Complete Imbecile2 to 4 correct = Borderline Idiot5 to 7 correct = College Candidate8 to 9 correct = Super Smart or Psychotic10 correct = ...

2008-10-31 14:11:54 200

Womens English

What They Say — What They MeanYes — NoNo — YesMaybe — NoI’m sorry. — You’ll be sorry.We need — I wantIt’s your decision — The correct decision should be obvious by now.Do what you want — You’ll...

2008-10-31 14:11:18 113

My Heart

my manger really a good girl-hunter,looks how he express his feeling to a beatiful girl.. You live in my heart,i won’t break it apart,even if it makes me to cry,i will love you till i die.Blood doe...

2008-10-31 14:10:19 177

Find the Hiddden Images


2008-10-31 14:08:24 69

find the Hidden Images

great ...paint.. 

2008-10-31 14:07:50 83

This face consists of 30 animals


2008-10-31 14:07:15 64

find 10 faces in it…?


2008-10-31 14:06:35 69

indian language ,can you understand ??

hey,guys , have you seen indian words?? have a look below article, it also copy from my indian manager, I think that he would thanks me ,cuz I did lot of advertisement for friendly indian people..heh....

2008-10-31 14:05:01 85

jokes from my indian manager blog,take a look(4)

Rabbit  The LAPD, The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and ea...

2008-10-31 13:59:46 87

jokes from my indian manager blog,take a look(3)

hunting Dog  He and a friend go duck hunting in winter, and of course all the lakes are frozen. These two guys go out on the lake with their guns, a dog, and of course the new vehicle. They drive ou...

2008-10-31 13:57:18 135

jokes from my indian manager blog,take a look(2)

Tech Support  I worked in technical support at Silicon Graphics about a year ago, and I was part of the group that was first in line to handle problem calls. Oh, joy. Being only eighteen at the time...

2008-10-31 13:56:37 95

jokes from my indian manager blog,take a look

jokes from my manager blog,take a look, indian like make fun,heh, so check it out by yourself,I'll paste it continually, you guys enjoy it. this is first ...joke about zoo...  One day an out of w...

2008-10-31 13:54:52 87

原创 hibernate二级缓存攻略

很多人对二级缓存都不太了解,或者是有错误的认识,我一直想写一篇文章介绍一下hibernate的二级缓存的,今天终于忍不住了。 我的经验主要来自hibernate2.1版本,基本原理和3.0、3.1是一样的,请原谅我的顽固不化。 hibernate的session提供了一级缓存,每个session,对同一个id进行两次load,不会发送两条sql给数据库,但是session关闭的时候,一级缓存就失效...

2008-10-30 17:16:24 51

a good start for jpa

Added by Musachy Barroso, last edited by Ted Husted on Mar 20, 2007  (view change) On this tutorial we will demonstrate how to setup Struts 2 in Eclipse, and make it work with Spring, Java Persiste...

2008-10-30 16:17:11 148

原创 How To Make An Appointment

reference artilce you can find at :http://www.evancarmichael.com/Sales/433/How-To-Make-An-Appointment.html  <script src="http://www.bizsugar.com/evb/button-L.php" type="text/javascript...

2008-10-30 16:00:25 679

原创 股市调整以来蒸发24万亿 五类人赚走了钱

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月29日 00:46  金羊网-新快报图片来源:新快报点击此处查看全部财经新闻图片  股市蒸发24万亿 谁赚走了钱?    新快报记者 高菲 实习生 孔令科 詹岗琳  上证指数从去年10月16日的6124点一泻千里,直到昨日上证指数最低点1664.93点,最大跌幅近73%;而伴随着股指节节下滑,两市市值亦如洪水决堤,一发不...

2008-10-30 07:39:25 252

原创 巴菲特称其正在买入美国股票

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月17日 21:13  新浪财经  新浪财经讯 北京时间10月17日晚消息,亿万富翁投资者沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)今天在《纽约时报》专栏上发表文章称,他正在买进美国股票。  巴菲特称:“我买入美国股票基于一条简单的法则:‘其他人贪婪时要谨慎,其他人恐惧时要贪婪。’”他承认,当前的经济消息不佳,全球金融市场...

2008-10-29 07:55:47 141

原创 中新时评:中国经济亮红灯 宏观调控“下猛药

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月27日 00:15  中国新闻网  中新社北京十月二十六日电 题:中国经济亮红灯 宏观调控“下猛药”   中新社记者 俞岚   自上周末首次承认中国经济亮红灯后,一周内,官方的救市“组合拳”接连挥出,力度之大,为近年所罕见,足见官方对严峻的经济形势已有深刻体察,保增长、促民生成为当前政策取向,扩张性宏调拉开序幕。  此...

2008-10-28 20:22:05 163

原创 第四季度中国经济趋势与宏观政策预测

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年10月28日 17:44 经济观察网  经济观察网 记者 康怡 张斐斐 张斌 孙健芳   《经济观察报》每个季度进行的宏观经济问卷调查,旨在通过对活跃在国内的数十位经济学家就当前中国经济的热点问题进行问卷调查,就未来中国经济走向进行预测和判断。此次参与调研的经济学家有陈兴动,程文卫,董先安,房四海,龚方雄,哈继铭,华尔诚,雷鼎鸣...

2008-10-28 20:21:16 549

原创 央行再发刺激经济信号:将隔周发行一年期央票

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月28日 01:50  新华网  将隔周发行一年央行票据,正回购可能成为公开市场操作主力工具  本报记者 丰和   央行发出刺激经济信号:从今天起,公开市场业务操作室将以每两周一次的频率发行一年央行票据。业内人士认为,此举将减少央行票据的供应量,进一步推动银行积极放贷。  此前,一年央行票据一直保持着每周一次的发行频率。...

2008-10-28 20:20:41 123

原创 Spring中WebApplicationContext的研究

ApplicationContext是Spring的核心,Context我们通常解释为上下文环境,我想用“容器”来表述它更容易理解一些,ApplicationContext则是“应用的容器”了:P,Spring把Bean放在这个容器中,在需要的时候,用getBean方法取出,虽然我没有看过这一部分的源代码,但我想它应该是一个类似Map的结构。 在Web应用中,我们会用到WebApplication...

2008-10-28 16:46:28 69

原创 作用域bean与依赖

作用域bean与依赖能够在HTTP request或者Session(甚至自定义)作用域中定义bean固然很好,但是Spring IoC容器除了管理对象(bean)的实例化,同时还负责协作者(或者叫依赖)的实例化。如果你打算将一个Http request范围的bean注入到另一个bean中,那么需要注入一个AOP代理来替代被注入的作用域bean。也就是说,你需要注入一个代理对象,该对象具有与被代...

2008-10-28 16:13:26 57

原创 主题:spring入门编程问题集锦

ttp://blog.csdn.net/yzhz/archive/2005/01/17/springqa.aspx 我写的一篇文章,希望对spring初学者有所帮助: 1、如何学习Spring? 你可以通过下列途径学习spring: (1) spring下载包中doc目录下的MVC-step-by-step和sample目录下的例子都是比较好的spring开发的例子。 (2) AppFuse集成了...

2008-10-28 13:38:14 79

原创 珠三角制造业老板频现跑路 港资工厂出现倒闭潮

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月27日 07:04  北京晨报图为东莞一家服装厂倒闭,招牌已经被摘了下来。点击此处查看全部财经新闻图片  珠三角制造业困境调查(上)  金融海啸淹没港资工厂   香港业界估计,面对金融海啸和信贷危机,将有超过一万家在珠三角的港资中小企业面临倒闭。  倒闭屡见不鲜 老板频现跑路  “珠三角正面临20年来最严峻的时刻。”...

2008-10-27 21:06:47 595

原创 香港恒生指数全日暴跌12.7% 创11年跌幅记录

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月27日 16:22  新浪财经  新浪财经讯 今日香港恒生指数全日暴跌12.7%大跌1602点,收于11015点成交总额568.69亿元,创11年跌幅记录。  分析员们称,恒指下午下滑的速度是空前的,港股周一跑输多数亚洲股市,许多投资基金为了满足赎回需求,不分青红皂白地卖出。辉立资产管理的陈煜强说,从未见过股价如...

2008-10-27 21:06:24 339

原创 什么是股市里的真正利好

 消息面上今天大传财政部千亿降税、减税方案获批;居民首次购买普通自住房和改善型普通自住房提供贷款,其贷款利率的下限可扩大为贷款基准利率的0.7倍,最低首付款比例调整为20%。同时,下调个人住房公积金贷款利率,各档次利率分别下调0.27个百分点。 一时间,各大舆论上“大好”、“特好”标题纷纷浮现在重要位置。这些是不是股市的利好? 我要说的是,这些并不是股市里的真正的利好,即使你要把这些当...

2008-10-27 07:36:17 330

原创 上海白领用减薪换升职

在许多白领中出现了一种追求“高职低薪”的趋势。他们宁可让出一部分薪水,只求担任公司更高级的职务,对这种现象该如何理解?职场人士做出这种选择,主要是受到发展压力和保值压力的影响。发展压力指在职场上碰到了玻璃天花板,晋升不上去,也没有学习新技能的机会,因此,想换个岗位, 宁可放弃一定的薪水;另一个压力是保值的压力,金饭碗随时不保,所以总想跳到更高的位置上去。 例如,有一个制药公司的人力资源经...

2008-10-25 20:11:59 147

原创 精神胜利法助白领男性轻松瘦身

  关于减肥的一个新观念是——瘦身的成功程度和人心理的积极程度成正比。以乐观的态度看待自己的人,更容易减肥成功,并在瘦身之后长期保持良好的形体。   对号入座:打击四种消极想法  心理学家总结出四种不利于瘦身成功的消极心态,不妨对号入座。如果发现自己正和它们谈着痛苦的恋爱,赶快说分手还来得及。  消极思维之一:绝对二分法  用“对”与“错”,“好”与“坏”这类绝对的词来定义自己的行为。一...

2008-10-25 20:09:44 129

原创 男人的11条健康黄金标准

  什么样的男人才算真正健康?最近,美国十几位健康专家经过长时间的努力,公布了一张榜单。专家称,如果这11条中能达到7条,就够格称为“真正健康”的男人了。   1.他有较高水平的HDL   全球每年约有35.6万名男人死于心脏疾病,是癌症的两倍。“如果血液中有充足的HDL(高密度脂蛋白),就基本上不用担心了。”心血管专家埃克尔特博士指出,“HDL有清理动脉的作用,如果能达到或超过90毫克/分...

2008-10-25 20:06:27 209


浙江省绍兴县教育局最近推出的两个政策,其中之一是这么规定的,为发挥教育在繁荣柯桥新县城中的作用,具有大专学历及以上或初级技术职称及以上的各类人才,在柯桥买房子,其子女参加中考就可加10分。而另外一政策则是教师买房可转正。   我觉得真是无语了,体育好可以加分,计算机好可以加分这些都好理解,为了孩子的全面发展嘛,买不买房关一个中学生什么屁事,以后是不是还要弄个买房可以高考加100分,买两套房可以加5...

2008-10-25 20:04:49 101



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