论文阅读:Hierarchical multi-scale attention for semantic segmentation



本篇论文总体来说有点水,文中首先提出一个如今语义分割任务中存在的一个 问题: 多尺度推理时,只是简单的取平均或者取最大,这样容易把最好的结果和最坏的结果结合在一起,导致得到次优的结果,(先验:大目标在小输入分辨率下结果比较好,小目标在大输入分辨率下结果比较好,但一张图中一般既有小目标和大目标,所以推理时候需要多尺度推理);方法: 训练时候用两张不同尺寸的图片(其中一张是由另一张下采样2倍得到)同时进行训练,然后结合这俩输出结果时用了一个注意力机制(其实就是一个相对的权重,其中一个a,另一个1-a),正是因为这个注意力机制是相对的,所以推理时候,可以同时进行多个尺度的推理(不仅仅是两个尺度的推理),这也就是论文题目中Hierarchical 一次的来由。

文章的第二个内容:就是利用训好的模型在Cityscapes的粗标注数据集上进行伪标签的标注,把粗标注 改的 更加细节了,然后利用这个标注修改过大的数据集 和 fine标注数据集 一起进行训练,这样mIIOU指标就又有提升,两个trick加起来达到Cityscapes榜单第一名。


To address this problem, we adopt an attention mechanism to predict how to combine multi-scale predictions together
at a pixel level, similar to the method proposed by Chen et. al. [1].
(1)We propose a hierarchical attention mechanism
by which the network learns to predict a relative weighting between adjacent scales. In our method, because of it’s
hierarchical nature, we only require to augment the training pipeline with one extra scale whereas other methods such
as [1] require each additional inference scale to be explicitly added during the training phase. For example, when the
target inference scales for multi-scale evaluation are {0.5, 1.0 and 2.0}, other attention methods require the network to
first be trained with all of those scales, resulting in 4.25x (0.52 + 2.02
) extra training cost. Our method only requires
adding an extra 0.5x scale during training, which only adds 0.25x (0.52
) cost. Furthermore, our proposed hierarchical mechanism also provides the flexibility of choosing extra scales at inference time as compared to previous proposed
methods that are limited to only use training scales during inference.
(2)To achieve state-of-the-art results in Cityscapes, we also adopt an auto-labelling strategy of coarse images in order to
increase the variance in the dataset, thereby improving generalization. Our strategy is motivated by multiple recent
works, including [2, 3, 4]. As opposed to the typical soft-labelling strategy, we adopt hard labelling in order to manage
label storage size, which helps to improve training throughput by lowering the disk IO cost.



The task of semantic segmentation is to label all pixels within an image as belonging to one of N classes. There is a
trade off in this task in that certain types of predictions are best handled at lower inference resolution and other tasks better handled at higher inference resolution. Fine detail, such as the edges of objects or thin structures, is often better predicted with scaled up images sizes. And at the same time, predictions of large structures, which requires more global context, is often done better at scaled down image sizes, because the network’s receptive field can observe more of the necessary context. We refer to this latter issue as class confusion. Examples of both of these cases are presented in Figure 1.


Using multi-scale inference is a common practice to address this trade off. Predictions are done at a range of scales,
and the results are combined with averaging or max pooling.
Using averaging to combine multiple scales generally
improves results, but it suffers the problem of combining the best predictions with poorer ones. For example, if for a
given pixel, the best prediction comes from the 2x scale, and a much worse prediction comes from the 0.5x scale, then
averaging will combine these predictions, resulting in sub-par output.
Max-pooling, on the other hand, selects only one
of N scales to use for a given pixel, while the optimal answer may be a weighted combination across the different scales
of predictions


4、Relational context methods 对长方形物体有提升!

Relational context methods. In practice, pyramid pooling techniques attend to fixed, square context regions because
pooling and dilation are typically employed in a symmetric fashion. Furthermore, such techniques tend to be static
and not learned. However, relational context methods build context by attending to the relationship between pixels
and are not bound to square regions. The learned nature of relational context methods allow context to be built
based on image composition. Such techniques can build more appropriate context for non-square semantic regions, such as a long train or a tall thin lamp post. OCRNet [9], DANET [10], CFNet [11], OCNet [12] and other related
work [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] use such relationships to build better context. Auto-labelling.

5、Auto-labelling(hard lable) 与 soft label


While most image classification auto-labelling work use continuous or soft labels, we generate hard thresholded labels,
for storage efficiency and training speed. With soft labels, a teacher network provides a continuous probability for each of N classes for each pixel of an image, whereas for hard labels a threshold is used to pick a single top class per pixel.
Similar to [37, 4] we generate hard dense labels for the coarse Cityscapes images. Examples are shown in Figure 4

A common technique for auto-labelling in image classification is to use soft or continuous labels, whereby a teacher
network provides a target (soft) probability for each of N classes for every pixel of every image. A challenge of this
approach is disk space and training speed: it costs roughly 3.2TB in disk space to store the labels: 20000 images * 2048
w * 1024 h * 19 classes * 4B = 3.2TB. Even if we chose to store such labels, reading such a volume of labels during
training would likely slow training considerably.
Instead, we adopt a hard labelling strategy, whereby for a given pixel, we select the top class prediction of the teacher
network. We threshold the label based on teacher network output probability. Teacher predictions that exceed the
threshold become true labels, otherwise the pixel is labelled as ignore class. In practice we use a threshold of 0.9.

注:soft label就是指 为每个像素存储 属于每个类的概率(比如19类,就存储19个概率,开销很大); hard label就是只存储那个score得分最高的那个类别




7、Ablation study on Cityscapes


8、 loss选择

We apply the “polynomial” learning rate policy [41]. We use RMI [42] as the the primary loss function under default
settings, and we use cross-entropy for the auxiliary loss function.
For Cityscapes, we use a poly exponent of 2.0, an
initial learning rate of 0.01, and train for 175 epochs across 2 DGX nodes. For Mapillary, we use a poly exponent of
1.0, an initial learning rate of 0.02, and train for 200 epochs across 4 DGX nodes. As in [29],
we use class uniform
sampling in the data loader to equally sample from each class, which helps improve results when there is unequal data

注:两个loss选的不一样,还用了class uniform ,对每个类别采样的概率相等


1、语义分割 | 新SOTA,Cityscapes 85.1%mIoU!分层多尺度注意力超越HRNetV2+OCR+SegFix

HIVT(Hierarchical Vector Transformer for Multi-Agent Motion Prediction)是一种用于多智能体运动预测的分层向量变换器。该模型使用了向量变换器(Vector Transformer)的层级架构,用于对多智能体的运动轨迹进行预测。 HIVT模型旨在解决多智能体之间相互影响和合作的问题。在多智能体系统中,智能体之间的运动和行为往往会相互影响,因此准确预测智能体的运动轨迹变得非常重要。传统的方法往往难以捕捉到智能体之间的复杂相互作用和外部环境的影响,而HIVT模型通过分层向量变换器的架构,可以更好地捕捉到多智能体系统中的相互作用。 HIVT模型首先使用一个全局的向量变换器来处理整个多智能体系统的运动轨迹,以捕捉全局的趋势和相互作用。然后,对于每个智能体,模型使用一个局部的向量变换器来预测其个体的运动轨迹,以考虑个体特定的动态特征和周围智能体的影响。 通过分层向量变换器的架构,HIVT模型能够更好地处理多智能体系统中的动态变化和相互作用,提高了运动轨迹预测的准确性。同时,该模型还可以应用于多个领域,如智能交通、无人机团队协作等。 总而言之,HIVT模型是一种基于分层向量变换器的多智能体运动预测方法,通过捕捉多智能体系统中的相互作用和全局趋势,提高了运动轨迹预测的准确性和适用性。该模型在多个领域具有广泛的应用前景。
评论 2




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