今天一觉睡到9点半 ,昨晚睡的太香了 ,好爽啊 ,5分钟洗刷好15分钟到公司 。
using System;
using System.IO;
class Test
public static void Main()
// Specify the directories you want to manipulate.
string path = @"c:\MyDir";
string target = @"c:\TestDir";
// Determine whether the directory exists.
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
// Create the directory it does not exist.
if (Directory.Exists(target))
// Delete the target to ensure it is not there.
Directory.Delete(target, true);
// Move the directory.
Directory.Move(path, target);
// Create a file in the directory.
File.CreateText(target + @"\myfile.txt");
// Count the files in the target directory.
Console.WriteLine("The number of files in {0} is {1}",
target, Directory.GetFiles(target).Length);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", e.ToString());
finally {}