Write Great Emails - Dos and Don'ts

节选自Outlook Best Practices,结合我自己的经历和体会,以下是我觉得比较有用内容。点击查看原文

The Dos

  1. Read your message before you send it. (个人觉得这点相当重要,有可能刚开始想用主动语态,写的时候又想用被动语态,结果造成了有些不需要介词或者连接词没有删掉。)
  2. Make your subject descriptive and action-oriented(主题明确,让收件人看到主题就知道这封信是不是需要关注的,如果主题不明确,很可能邮件就被忽略了。)
  3. Change the subject of the message if the topic of the conversation changes.(相当重要,如果讨论的内容改变了,我习惯采用这种方式"<New subject> was <old subject>")
  4. Consider bolding important information. (这个就不说了)
  5. Put action items or questions on separate lines so that they stand out and get noticed.(如果邮件很长,结合下面的那条,可以起到醒目的作用)
  6. Bold people's names when asking questions. For example: “Ryan: What is the status of the project?” 、
  7. Use To/CC properly
  8. If you want an immediate response, don't send e-mail. (Email只是沟通的一种方式,你还有其他选择,比如,电话,面对面的交流)
  9. Acknowledge messages that require a more extensive response. (如果别人让你办个事,但是这个事情不能立刻搞定,那告诉别人你正在工作在上面,会在某个时候给他回复。要不然别人会等得不耐烦,别人会想你怎么没有响应)
  10. If you are asking a question and there are several people who could respond, choose just one person rather than sending your question to a group(如果你看过《影响力》这本书,就知道为什么会有这种情况发生。明确指定一个人来回答你的问题。)
  11. Follow up: Flagging on send (给收件人设置一个提醒,根据情况使用)
  12. When to use Bcc
  • Do not use Bcc to let a third party (such as your manager) know about a sensitive message. The Bcc recipient may not realize that he or she has received a Bcc and may respond to everyone, exposing that he or she received a Bcc. This may come across as sneaky behavior on your part. Rather than using Bcc to inform a third party of an issue, forward the message after you send it.
  • Sending jokes to people in the list who don't know each other.


The Don'ts

  1. Don't send a message when you are angry. Better to write it, save it to your drafts folder, and come back to it later.
  2. Don't send a follow-up message less than a day after the first message.
  3. Don't use ALL CAPS.
  4. Don't send attachments — send links instead
  5. Don't write something you wouldn't want everyone in your company to read. You never know where your e-mail might end up.
  6. Don't use cursive or "funny" fonts that are hard to read.
  7. Don't use red fonts, because they are hard to read and can be interpreted as being critical.




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