【Rust】1、实战:语法、数据结构、生命周期-所有权-借用、自制 CPU、内存: 指针、栈、堆




fn greet_world() {
    println!("Hello, world!"); // 这里的第一个感叹号表示这是一个宏,这个我们稍后会讨论。
    let southern_germany = "Grüß Gott!"; // Rust中的赋值,更恰当的说法叫作变量绑定,使用let关键字。
    let japan = "ハロー・ワールド"; // 对Unicode的支持,是“开箱即用”的。
    let regions = [southern_germany, japan]; // 数组字面量使用方括号。
    for region in regions.iter() {
        // 很多类型都有iter()方法,此方法会返回一个迭代器。
        println!("{}", &region); // 此处的和符号(&)表示“借用”region的值,用于只读的访问。

fn main() {
    greet_world(); // 调用一个函数。要注意紧跟在函数名后面的圆括号。

println!是宏, 因为在底层做了大量类型检测, 所以才支持任意类型数据类型

fn main() {
    // <1> <2>跳过表头行和只含有空白符的行
    let penguin_data = "\
  common name,length (cm)
  Little penguin,33
  Yellow-eyed penguin,65
  Fiordland penguin,60

    let records = penguin_data.lines();

    for (i, record) in records.enumerate() {
        if i == 0 || record.trim().len() == 0 {
            // 跳过表头行和只含有空白符的行

        let fields: Vec<_> = record // 从一行文本开始
            .split(',') // <5>将record分割(split)为多个子字符串
            .map(|field| field.trim()) // <6>修剪(trim)掉每个字段中两端的空白符
            .collect(); // <7>构建具有多个字段的集合

        // 条件编译: 如果cargo run 添加了 --release 参数则不满足此条件
        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
            // <8>cfg!用于在编译时检查配置
            eprintln!("debug: {:?} -> {:?}", record, fields); // <9>eprintln!用于输出到标准错误(stderr)

        let name = fields[0];
        // 如果无法从上下文推断出类型, 就需要人为指定类型(如下文的f32)
        if let Ok(length) = fields[1].parse::<f32>() {
            // <10>试图把该字段解析为一个浮点数
            println!("{}, {}cm", name, length); // <11>println!用于输出到标准输出(stdout)

// cargo r
debug: "  Little penguin,33" -> ["Little penguin", "33"]
Little penguin, 33cm
debug: "  Yellow-eyed penguin,65" -> ["Yellow-eyed penguin", "65"]
Yellow-eyed penguin, 65cm
debug: "  Fiordland penguin,60" -> ["Fiordland penguin", "60"]
Fiordland penguin, 60cm
debug: "  Invalid,data" -> ["Invalid", "data"]

// cargo r --release
Little penguin, 33cm
Yellow-eyed penguin, 65cm
Fiordland penguin, 60cm

1.1 安全性

1.1.1 垂悬指针

#[derive(Debug)] //  允许使用println! 宏来输出枚举体Cereal(谷类)。
enum Cereal {
    //  enum(枚举体,是enumeration的缩写)是一个具有固定数量的合法变体的类型。

fn main() {
    let mut grains: Vec<Cereal> = vec![]; //  初始化一个空的动态数组,其元素类型为Cereal。
    grains.push(Cereal::Rye); //  向动态数组grains(粮食)中添加一个元素。
    drop(grains); //  删除grains和其中的数据。
    println!("{:?}", grains); //  试图访问已删除的值。
error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `grains`
  --> src/main.rs:16:22
13 |     let mut grains: Vec<Cereal> = vec![]; //  初始化一个空的动态数组,其元素类型为Cereal。
   |         ---------- move occurs because `grains` has type `Vec<Cereal>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
14 |     grains.push(Cereal::Rye); //  向动态数组grains(粮食)中添加一个元素。
15 |     drop(grains); //  删除grains和其中的数据
   |          ------ value moved here
16 |     println!("{:?}", grains); //  试图访问已删除的值。
   |                      ^^^^^^ value borrowed here after move

// 因为 Cerel 没有实现 Copy trait, 所以 Vec<Cerel> 没有实现 Copy trait, 所以 drop(grains) 不会 Copy 而回 move 其所有权, 所以 grains 变量已回收, 所以 println!("{:?}", grains) 访问不到已回收的变量就会编译报错

1.1.2 数据竞争

运行结果不确定, 即main退出时data的值不确定, 因为线程是os调度的故无法保证顺序

use std::thread;    //  把多线程的能力导入当前的局部作用域。
fn main() {
    let mut data = 100;

    thread::spawn(|| { data = 500; });    //  thread::spawn() 接收一个闭包作为参数。
    thread::spawn(|| { data = 1000; });
    println!("{}", data);

1. E0373: 主线程的变量 data, 被线程 thread::spawn() borrow 了, 导致其 outlive 了
2. E0499: 两个 thread::spawn() borrow 了变量 data 两次
3. E0502: 把 mutable 的变量, borrow as immutable 了

1.1.3 迭代器失效

fn main() {
  let fruit = vec!['🥝', '🍌', '🍇'];
  let buffer_overflow = fruit[4];    // <1> Rust 竟然不会在编译期检查出此错误, 而会Rust会让程序崩溃,它而不会把一个无效的内存位置赋值给一个变量
  assert_eq!(buffer_overflow, '🍉')  // <2>

// cargo r 会让程序 panic
thread 'main' panicked at src/main.rs:3:32:
index out of bounds: the len is 3 but the index is 4
fn main() {
  let mut letters = vec![            // <1>
      "a", "b", "c"

  for letter in letters {
      println!("{}", letter);
      letters.push(letter.clone());  // <2>

这段 Rust 代码的错误是因为在 for 循环中,letters 集合的所有权被移动到了循环中,这意味着在 for 循环之后,你就不能再使用 letters 了。然而,在循环体内部,尝试使用 letters.push()letters 添加元素,这会导致编译错误,因为 letters 已经被移动,它的所有权已经不在原来的作用域内了。

如果注释掉一行, 则可正常运行:

在 Rust 中,当你对一个集合使用 for 循环时,会隐式地调用集合的 .into_iter() 方法,这个方法会消耗(取得所有权并移动)集合。为了解决这个问题,你可以通过借用 letters 来避免所有权被移动,即在 for 循环中使用 &letters 而不是 letters


fn main() {
    let mut letters = vec![
        "a", "b", "c",

    for letter in &letters { // 使用借用来避免所有权问题
        println!("{}", letter);
        letters.push(letter.clone()); // 这也会导致无限循环

但是,即便这样修改,代码依然存在逻辑问题。修复所有权问题后,这段代码会产生无限循环,因为它在循环中不断向 letters 中添加元素,循环永远不会结束。通常,你不能在遍历集合的同时修改它,因为这样做会导致不确定的行为或无限循环。


所以, 可以改成如下:

1.2 vscode 設置

DEBUG 設置:rust-analyzer + codelldb


fn main() {
    let a = 10; //<2>
    let b: i32 = 20; //<3>
    let c = 30i32; //<4>
    let d = 30_i32; //<5>
    let e = add(add(a, b), add(c, d));

    println!("( a + b ) + ( c + d ) = {}", e);

fn add(i: i32, j: i32) -> i32 {
    i + j //<7>

// cargo r
( a + b ) + ( c + d ) = 90

宏返回的是代码, 而不是值, 每种数据类型都有自己转换字符串的方式, 而println!()负责找到将参数转换为字符串的确切方法并调用此方法.
f32f64只实现了std::cmp::PartialEq这个trait, 而其他数字类型还实现了std::cmp::Eq, 所以我们尽量避免测试浮点数的相等性.

2.1 循环

for循环的所有权, 默认会转移所有权, &会引用, &mut会可变引用


fn main() {
    for _ in 0..10 {

尽量避免手动管理索引变量, 下例不推荐

  • 从性能角度, 每次collection[i]都需要编译器检查越界
  • 从安全角度, 周期性地访问collection会引入使其改变的可能性
let collection = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for i in 0..collection.len() {
  let item = collection[i];
  // ...


fn main() {
    for n in 0..10 {
        if n % 2 == 0 {
        print!("{}", n)

通过循环, 测试1s能执行多少次加法运算

use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; //<1>

fn main() {
    let mut count = 0;
    let time_limit = Duration::new(1, 0); //<2>
    let start = Instant::now(); //<3>

    while (Instant::now() - start) < time_limit {
        count += 1;
    println!("{}", count);

// cargo r

如果无限循环, 用loop替代while, 当遇到break会停止

loop {

可用标签退出循环, 在for关键词之前加了'outer'标签即可

fn main() {
    'outer: for x in 0.. {
        for y in 0.. {
            for z in 0.. {
                if x + y + z > 1000 {
                    break 'outer;

                println!("{}, {}, {}", x, y, z)

break 可在退出循环的同时, 返回值

fn main() {
    let n = loop {
        break 123;
    println!("{}", n); //  输出“123”。

rust 大部分都是表达式, 不返回值的才不是表达式, 具体有以下3种情况不是表达式

  • 以分号;结尾的是表达式语句
  • 用赋值操作符=绑定一个名字到一个值上, 是声明语句
  • 类型声明, 包括函数fn和用structenum声明的数据类型, 是声明语句

rust中, 没有返回值, 则返回()类型


match item {
  0          => {},---  匹配一个单值。这时是不需要任何运算符的。
  10 ..= 20  => {},---  ..= 语法匹配一个包含范围(inclusive range)。
  40  |  80  => {},---  竖线(|)表示匹配其中任意一个值的情况。
  _          => {},---  下画线(_)在这里代表匹配所有值。

2.2 引用

如果一个变量a是一个大数组, 则r就是变量a的引用, 其实就是存储了变量a的地址.

fn main() {
    let a = 42; // r是对a的引用
    let r = &a; // 实现a与a相加(通过解除引用),并将结果赋值给6
    let b = a + *r;
    let c = a + r;

    println!("a + a = {}", b); // 输出"a + a = 84"
    println!("a + a = {}", c); // 输出"a + a = 84"

// cargo r
a + a = 84
a + a = 84
fn main() {
    let needle = 0o204; // 以 `0o` 或 `0O` 开头的字面量表示八进制数。因此,`0o204` 表示的十进制值为 2*8^2 + 0*8^1 + 1*8^0 = 128+0+4 = 132。
                        // 二进制数以 `0b` 开头,十六进制数以 `0x` 开头。以下是示例:
                        // 二进制表示法:`0b1010` 表示十进制中的 `10`(即 `1*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 0*2^0`)。
                        // 十六进制表示法:`0x1A` 表示十进制中的 `26`(即 `1*16^1 + 10*16^0`)。
    println!("needle is {}", needle);
    let haystack = [1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203, 877, 4140, 21147];

    for item in &haystack {
        // 在数组haystack中遍历数组元素的引用。
        if *item == needle {
            println!("{}", item); // *item,这个语法解引用item,返回它所指向的对象。

// cargo r
needle is 132

2.3 生命周期

在rust无法推断出引用的生命周期时, 就需要手动指明生命周期

fn add_with_lifetimes<'a, 'b>(i: &'a i32, j: &'b i32) -> i32 {
    *i + *j // 加法运算的两个操作数是i和j所指向的值

fn main() {
    let a = 10;
    let b = 20;
    let res = add_with_lifetimes(&a, &b); // &a是对值10的引用,&b是对值20的引用
    println!("{}", res);

// cargo r

2.4 泛型

rust的操作符均是trait方法的语法糖, rust用此支持操作符重载, a+b会转换为a.add(b)

use std::ops::Add; // 从std::ops中导入Add这个trait到当前的局部作用域中。
use std::time::Duration; //  从std::time中导入Duration类型到当前的局部作用域中。
fn add<T: Add<Output = T>>(i: T, j: T) -> T {
    // add() 函数的参数能接收实现了std::ops::Add的任何类型。
    i + j
fn main() {
    let floats = add(1.2, 3.4); // 使用浮点数作为参数调用add()。
    let ints = add(10, 20); // 使用整数作为参数调用add()。
    let durations = add(Duration::new(5, 0), Duration::new(10, 0)); // 使用Duration类型的值作为参数调用add(),Duration类型表示两个时间点之间的时间间隔。
    println!("{}", floats);
    println!("{}", ints);
    println!("{:?}", durations); // std::time::Duration没有实现std::fmt::Display这个trait,所以我们退一步使用Std::fmt::Debug这个trait。

// cargo r

2.5 实战grep项目

rust有很多类型的字符串, 例如String, str

  • 如果初学者分不清就都先用String即可, 它最接近其他语言你认识的字符串类型, 有很多methods
  • str高性能, 但功能较少, 一旦被创建就不能扩大缩小, 比原始内存数组多保证了所有字符都是UTF-8, 通常以&str的引用形式存在, 其内部包含指向str数据的引用和长度.
    • 因为rust编译器需在栈中存固定大小的变量, 而一个str的值可为任意长度, 故只能通过引用来将其存储为局部变量

String是有所有权的类型, 可对数据读/写, 且负责在离开作用域时删除其拥有的值
&str只是一个借用的类型, 只是只读

fn main() {
    let search_term = "picture";
    let quote = "\
Every face, every shop, bedroom window, public-house, and
dark square is a picture feverishly turned--in search of what?
It is the same with books. What do we seek through millions of pages?";

    for (i, line) in quote.lines().enumerate() {
        // <1>
        if line.contains(search_term) {
            let line_num = i + 1; // <2>
            println!("{}: {}", line_num, line);

// cargo r
2: dark square is a picture feverishly turned--in search of what?

2.6 数组

2.6.1 数组和切片

数组类型[T: n]有编译期长度, 切片类型[T]没有
因数组长度不同, [u8; 3][u8; 4]是不同类型, 而为每个数组类型都实现一套方法就太笨重繁琐了, 所以实际使用中, 大多数数组操作都是通过切片类型T执行的, 且常用切片的引用形式&[T]

fn main() {
    let one = [1, 2, 3];
    let two: [u8; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
    let blank1 = [0; 3];
    let blank2: [u8; 3] = [0; 3];

    let arrays = [one, two, blank1, blank2];

    for a in &arrays {
        print!("{:?}: ", a);
        for n in a.iter() {
            print!("\t{} + 10 = {}", n, n + 10);

        let mut sum = 0;
        for i in 0..a.len() {
            sum += a[i];
        println!("\t(Σ{:?} = {})", a, sum);

// cargo r
[1, 2, 3]:      1 + 10 = 11     2 + 10 = 12     3 + 10 = 13     (Σ[1, 2, 3] = 6)
[1, 2, 3]:      1 + 10 = 11     2 + 10 = 12     3 + 10 = 13     (Σ[1, 2, 3] = 6)
[0, 0, 0]:      0 + 10 = 10     0 + 10 = 10     0 + 10 = 10     (Σ[0, 0, 0] = 0)
[0, 0, 0]:      0 + 10 = 10     0 + 10 = 10     0 + 10 = 10     (Σ[0, 0, 0] = 0)

2.6.2 动态数组

fn main() {
  let ctx_lines = 2;
  let needle = "oo";
  let haystack = "\
Every face, every shop,
bedroom window, public-house, and
dark square is a picture
feverishly turned--in search of what?
It is the same with books.
What do we seek
through millions of pages?";

  let mut tags: Vec<usize> = vec![];               // <1>
  let mut ctx: Vec<Vec<(
               usize, String)>> = vec![];          // <2>

  for (i, line) in haystack.lines().enumerate() {  // <3>
    if line.contains(needle) {

      let v = Vec::with_capacity(2*ctx_lines + 1); // <4>

      println!("{}, {}, {:?}, {:?}", line, i, tags, ctx)

  if tags.is_empty() {                             // <5>

  for (i, line) in haystack.lines().enumerate() {  // <6>
    for (j, tag) in tags.iter().enumerate() {
      let lower_bound =
	      tag.saturating_sub(ctx_lines);           // <7>
      let upper_bound =
	      tag + ctx_lines;

      if (i >= lower_bound) && (i <= upper_bound) {
          let line_as_string = String::from(line); // <8>
          let local_ctx = (i, line_as_string);

  println!("{}", ctx);

  for local_ctx in ctx.iter() {
    for &(i, ref line) in local_ctx.iter() {       // <9>
      let line_num = i + 1;
      println!("{}: {}", line_num, line);

// cargo r
bedroom window, public-house, and, 1, [1], [[]]
It is the same with books., 4, [1, 4], [[], []]

	[(0, "Every face, every shop,"), (1, "bedroom window, public-house, and"), (2, "dark square is a picture"), (3, "feverishly turned--in search of what?")], 
	[(2, "dark square is a picture"), (3, "feverishly turned--in search of what?"), (4, "It is the same with books."), (5, "What do we seek"), (6, "through millions of pages?")]

1: Every face, every shop,
2: bedroom window, public-house, and
3: dark square is a picture
4: feverishly turned--in search of what?

3: dark square is a picture
4: feverishly turned--in search of what?
5: It is the same with books.
6: What do we seek
7: through millions of pages?

2.6.3 初始化


fn main() {
    let a = vec![

    let mut grid: [[i32; 3]; 3] = [[1, 3, 1], [1, 5, 1], [4, 2, 1]]; // 初始化 3*3 的数组

2.7 包含第三方库

cargo new grep-lite --vcs none, 其中--vcs none是不进行git init的意思

use regex::Regex; // <1>

fn main() {
    let re = Regex::new("picture").unwrap(); // <2>用unwrap() 解包装一个Result

    let quote = "Every face, every shop, bedroom window, public-house, and
dark square is a picture feverishly turned--in search of what?
It is the same with books. What do we seek through millions of pages?";

    for line in quote.lines() {
        let contains_substring = re.find(line);
        match contains_substring {
            // <3>
            Some(_) => println!("{}", line), // <4>这里的下画线是通配符,匹配所有值
            None => (),                      // <5>

cargo doc可生成本地文档, cargo doc --open可浏览器查看文档

(base)  tree -d -L 1 target/doc
├── aho_corasick
├── grep_lite
├── implementors
├── memchr
├── regex
├── regex_syntax
└── src

rustup doc会在本地打开rust文档

2.8 命令行参数

cargo add clap@2添加依赖库

use clap::{App, Arg};
use regex::Regex; //  导入clap::App和clap::Arg对象到当前的局部作用域。
fn main() {
    let args = App::new("grep-lite") //  逐步构建命令行参数解析器。每个参数对应一个Arg。在本例中,我们只需要一个参数。
        .about("searches for patterns")
            // 必备的参数
                .help("The pattern to search for")
    let pattern = args.value_of("pattern").unwrap(); //  提取pattern参数。
    let re = Regex::new(pattern).unwrap();
    let quote = "Every face, every shop, bedroom window, public-house, and
dark square is a picture feverishly turned--in search of what?
It is the same with books. What do we seek through millions of pages?";
    for line in quote.lines() {
        match re.find(line) {
            Some(_) => println!("{}", line),
            None => (),

// cargo run
error: The following required arguments were not provided:

    grep-lite <pattern>

For more information try --help

// ./target/debug/grep-lite --help
grep-lite 0.1
searches for patterns

    grep-lite <pattern>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <pattern>    The pattern to search for

// cargo r -- picture
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/grep-lite picture`
pattern is picture
dark square is a picture feverishly turned--in search of what?

// cargo r -- o
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/grep-lite o`
pattern is o
Every face, every shop, bedroom window, public-house, and
dark square is a picture feverishly turned--in search of what?
It is the same with books. What do we seek through millions of pages?

2.9 读文件

2.9.1 手动循环读文件

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufReader;
fn main() {
    let f = File::open("readme.md").unwrap(); //  创建一个文件需要一个path(路径)参数,并且还需要处理当文件不存在时的错误情况。本例中如果readme.md不存在,程序会崩溃。
    let mut reader = BufReader::new(f);
    let mut line = String::new(); //  在整个程序的生命周期中,我们将反复重用这个String对象。
    loop {
        let len = reader.read_line(&mut line).unwrap(); //  从磁盘中读取可能会失败,所以我们需要显式地处理错误情况。在本例中,遇到错误情况时程序直接崩溃。
        if len == 0 {
        println!("{} ({} bytes long)", line, len);
        line.truncate(0); //  将String收缩到长度为0,防止有之前行的内容遗留下来。

// 运行效果如下:
// cat readme.md        
// cargo r -q    
 (2 bytes long)
 (3 bytes long)
 (4 bytes long)

2.9.2 迭代器读文件

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufReader;

fn main() {
    let f = File::open("readme.md").unwrap();
    let reader = BufReader::new(f);

    for line_ in reader.lines() {
        // <1>
        let line = line_.unwrap(); // <2>
        println!("{} ({} bytes long)", line, line.len());

// 运行效果如下:
// cat readme.md        
// cargo run -q 
a (1 bytes long)
bc (2 bytes long)
def (3 bytes long)

2.9.3 配合命令行参数读文件

use clap::{App, Arg};
use regex::Regex;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufReader;
fn main() {
    let args = App::new("grep-lite")
        .about("searches for patterns")
                .help("The pattern to search for")
                .help("File to search")
    let pattern = args.value_of("pattern").unwrap();
    let re = Regex::new(pattern).unwrap();
    let input = args.value_of("input").unwrap();
    let f = File::open(input).unwrap();
    let reader = BufReader::new(f);
    for line_ in reader.lines() {
        let line = line_.unwrap();
        match re.find(&line) {
            //  line是String类型,但是re.find() 方法需要 &str类型作为参数。
            Some(_) => println!("{}", line),
            None => (),

// 运行效果如下:
// cat readme.md              

// cargo r -q
error: The following required arguments were not provided:

    grep-lite <pattern> <input>

For more information try --help
// cargo r -q -- picture readme.md
// cargo r -q -- a readme.md
// cargo r -q -- b readme.md
// cargo r -q -- f readme.md

2.10 读 stdin

use clap::{Arg, Command};
use regex::Regex;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufReader;
fn process_lines<T: BufRead + Sized>(reader: T, re: Regex) {
    for line_ in reader.lines() {
        let line = line_.unwrap();
        match re.find(&line) {
            //  line是String类型,但是re.find() 接收类型为 &str的参数。
            Some(_) => println!("{}", line),
            None => (),
fn main() {
    let args = Command::new("grep-lite")
        .about("searches for patterns")
                .help("The pattern to search for")
        .arg(Arg::new("input").help("File to search").required(false))
    let pattern = args.get_one::<String>("pattern").unwrap();
    let re = Regex::new(pattern).unwrap();
    let input = args
        .map(|s| s.as_str())
    if input == "-" {
        let stdin = io::stdin();
        let reader = stdin.lock();
        process_lines(reader, re);
    } else {
        let f = File::open(input).unwrap();
        let reader = BufReader::new(f);
        process_lines(reader, re);

// cargo r -q               
error: The following required arguments were not provided:

    grep-lite <pattern> [input]

For more information try --help

// cargo run -q -- picture          
a picture is good, is it?
a picture is good, is it?


3.1 普通函数

!Never类型, 表示函数永不返回, 如下

#[allow(dead_code)] // <4>放宽一个未使用函数的编译器警告。
fn read(f: &mut File, save_to: &mut Vec<u8>) -> ! { // <5>返回类型会告知Rust编译器,此函数永不返回
    unimplemented!() // <6>如果执行到这个宏,那么程序会崩溃。

若忘记在loop中加break, 则编译器会报错: 不应返回Never类型

fn forever() -> ! {
  loop {    // 除非包含一个break,否则loop将永远不会结束循环。这阻止了此函数返回。
    // break;

3.2 struct

#[derive(Debug)]   // <1>
struct File {
  name: String,
  data: Vec<u8>,   // <2>

fn main() {
  let f1 = File {
    name: String::from("f1.txt"),   // <3>
    data: Vec::new(),               // <4>

  let f1_name = &f1.name;           // <5>
  let f1_length = &f1.data.len();   // <5>

  println!("{:?}", f1);
  println!("{} is {} bytes long", f1_name, f1_length);
#![allow(unused_variables)]       // <1>

#[derive(Debug)]                  // <2>
struct File {
  name: String,
  data: Vec<u8>,

fn open(f: &mut File) -> bool {   // <3>

fn close(f: &mut File) -> bool {   // <3>

fn read(
  f: &File,
  save_to: &mut Vec<u8>,
) -> usize { // <4>
  let mut tmp = f.data.clone();   // <5>
  let read_length = tmp.len();

  save_to.reserve(read_length);   // <6>
  save_to.append(&mut tmp);       // <7>

fn main() {
  let mut f2 = File {
    name: String::from("2.txt"),
    data: vec![114, 117, 115, 116, 33],

  let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec![];

  open(&mut f2);                            // <8>
  let f2_length = read(&f2, &mut buffer);   // <8>
  close(&mut f2);                           // <8>

  let text = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer);   // <9>

  println!("{:?}", f2);
  println!("{} is {} bytes long", &f2.name, f2_length);
  println!("{}", text)   // <10>

// cargo r
File { name: "2.txt", data: [114, 117, 115, 116, 33] }
2.txt is 5 bytes long

3.3 用 impl 为 struct 添加方法

Rust 约定用 new() 初始化,虽然 new() 并不是关键字。

struct File {
  name: String,
  data: Vec<u8>,

impl File {
  fn new(name: &str) -> File { // <1> As `File::new()` is a completely normal function--rather than something blessed by the language--we need to tell Rust that it will be returning a `File` from this function
    File {                      // <2>
      name: String::from(name), // <2> `File::new()` does little more than encapsulate the object creation syntax
      data: Vec::new(),         // <2>

  // fn len(&self) -> usize {  // <3> `File::len()` takes an implicit argument `self`. You'll notice that there is no explicit argument provided on line 25.
  //   self.data.len() // <4> `usize` is the type returned by `Vec<T>::len()`, which is sent directly through to the caller
  // }

fn main() {
  let f3 = File::new("f3.txt");

  let f3_name = &f3.name; // <5> Fields are private by default, but can be accessed within the module that defines the struct. The module system is discussed further on in the chapter.
 //let f3_length = f3.len();
 let f3_length = f3.data.len();

  println!("{:?}", f3);
  println!("{} is {} bytes long", f3_name, f3_length);



struct File {
  name: String,
  data: Vec<u8>,

impl File {
  fn new(name: &str) -> File {
    File {
      name: String::from(name),
      data: Vec::new(),

  fn new_with_data(
    name: &str,
    data: &Vec<u8>,
  ) -> File {                         // <1>
    let mut f = File::new(name);
    f.data = data.clone();

  fn read(
    self: &File,
    save_to: &mut Vec<u8>,
  ) -> usize {                        // <2>
    let mut tmp = self.data.clone();
    let read_length = tmp.len();
    save_to.append(&mut tmp);

fn open(f: &mut File) -> bool {       // <3>

fn close(f: &mut File) -> bool {

fn main() {
  let f3_data: Vec<u8> = vec![ // <3>
    114, 117, 115, 116, 33
  let mut f3 = File::new_with_data("2.txt", &f3_data);

  let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec![];

  open(&mut f3);
  let f3_length = f3.read(&mut buffer);   // <4>
  close(&mut f3);

  let text = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer);

  println!("{:?}", f3);
  println!("{} is {} bytes long", &f3.name, f3_length);
  println!("{}", text);

// cargo run -q
File { name: "2.txt", data: [114, 117, 115, 116, 33] }
2.txt is 5 bytes long

3.4 返回错误信息

3.4.1 unsafe 读写全局变量

use rand::{random};            // <1>

static mut ERROR: isize = 0;   // <2>

struct File;                   // <3>

fn read(f: &File, save_to: &mut Vec<u8>) -> usize {
    if random() && random() && random() {   // <4>
        unsafe {
            ERROR = 1;                      // <5>

    0                          // <6>

#[allow(unused_mut)]           // <7>
fn main() {
    let mut f = File;
    let mut buffer = vec![];

    read(&f, &mut buffer);
    unsafe {   // <8>
        if ERROR != 0 {
            panic!("An error has occurred!")

3.4.2 Result<T, E>

use rand::prelude::*; // <1>

fn one_in(denominator: u32) -> bool {
    // <2>
    thread_rng().gen_ratio(1, denominator) // <3>

struct File {
    name: String,
    data: Vec<u8>,

impl File {
    fn new(name: &str) -> File {
        File {
            name: String::from(name),
            data: Vec::new(),
        } // <4>

    fn new_with_data(name: &str, data: &Vec<u8>) -> File {
        let mut f = File::new(name);
        f.data = data.clone();

    fn read(self: &File, save_to: &mut Vec<u8>) -> usize {
        // <5>
        let mut tmp = self.data.clone();
        let read_length = tmp.len();
        save_to.append(&mut tmp);
        read_length // <6>

fn open(f: File) -> Result<File, String> {
    if one_in(10_000) {
        // <7>
        let err_msg = String::from("Permission denied");
        return Err(err_msg);

fn close(f: File) -> Result<File, String> {
    if one_in(100_000) {
        // <8>
        let err_msg = String::from("Interrupted by signal!");
        return Err(err_msg);

fn main() {
    let f4_data: Vec<u8> = vec![114, 117, 115, 116, 33];
    let mut f4 = File::new_with_data("4.txt", &f4_data);

    let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec![];

    f4 = open(f4).unwrap(); // <9>
    let f4_length = f4.read(&mut buffer); // <9>
    f4 = close(f4).unwrap(); // <9>

    let text = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer);

    println!("{:?}", f4);
    println!("{} is {} bytes long", &f4.name, f4_length);
    println!("{}", text);

// cargo r
File { name: "4.txt", data: [114, 117, 115, 116, 33] }
4.txt is 5 bytes long

3.5 enum

#[derive(Debug)]         // <1>
enum Event {
    Update,              // <2>
    Delete,              // <2>
    Unknown,             // <2>

type Message = String;   // <3>

fn parse_log(line: &str) -> (Event, Message) {   // <4>
  let parts: Vec<_> = line                       // <5>
                      .splitn(2, ' ')
                      .collect();                // <6>
  if parts.len() == 1 {                          // <7>
    return (Event::Unknown, String::from(line))

  let event = parts[0];                // <8>
  let rest = String::from(parts[1]);   // <8>

  match event {
    "UPDATE" | "update" => (Event::Update, rest),  // <9>
    "DELETE" | "delete" => (Event::Delete, rest),  // <9>
    _ => (Event::Unknown, String::from(line)),    // <10>

fn main() {
  let log = "BEGIN Transaction XK342
UPDATE 234:LS/32231 {\"price\": 31.00} -> {\"price\": 40.00}
DELETE 342:LO/22111";

  for line in log.lines() {
    let parse_result = parse_log(line);
    println!("{:?}", parse_result);

// cargo run -q
(Unknown, "BEGIN Transaction XK342")
(Update, "234:LS/32231 {\"price\": 31.00} -> {\"price\": 40.00}")
(Delete, "342:LO/22111")

3.5.1 enum 可带参数

enum Suit {
  Hearts,    // 枚举体中的最后一个元素也可以用逗号结尾,方便以后对代码重构。

enum Card {
  King(Suit),    // 人头牌(通常指扑克牌中的K、Q和J)有花色。
  Pip(Suit, usize),    // 点数牌有花色和点数。

3.5.2 用枚举管理内部状态

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum FileState {

struct File {
  name: String,
  data: Vec<u8>,
  state: FileState,

impl File {
  fn new(name: &str) -> File {
    File {
      name: String::from(name),
      data: Vec::new(),
      state: FileState::Closed,

  fn read(
    self: &File,
    save_to: &mut Vec<u8>,
  ) -> Result<usize, String> {
    if self.state != FileState::Open {
      return Err(String::from("File must be open for reading"));
    let mut tmp = self.data.clone();
    let read_length = tmp.len();
    save_to.append(&mut tmp);

fn open(mut f: File) -> Result<File, String> {
  f.state = FileState::Open;

fn close(mut f: File) -> Result<File, String> {
  f.state = FileState::Closed;

fn main() {
  let mut f5 = File::new("5.txt");

  let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec![];

  if f5.read(&mut buffer).is_err() {
    println!("Error checking is working");

  f5 = open(f5).unwrap();
  let f5_length = f5.read(&mut buffer).unwrap();
  f5 = close(f5).unwrap();

  let text = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer);

  println!("{:?}", f5);
  println!("{} is {} bytes long", &f5.name, f5_length);
  println!("{}", text);

// cargo r -q
Error checking is working
File { name: "5.txt", data: [], state: Closed }
5.txt is 0 bytes long

3.6 trait

3.6.1 创建名为 read 的 trait

#![allow(unused_variables)]       // <1>

struct File;                      // <2>

trait Read {                      // <3>
    fn read(
      self: &Self,
      save_to: &mut Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<usize, String>;   // <4>

impl Read for File {
    fn read(self: &File, save_to: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize, String> {
        Ok(0)                    // <5>

fn main() {
    let f = File{};
    let mut buffer = vec!();
    let n_bytes = f.read(&mut buffer).unwrap();
    println!("{} byte(s) read from {:?}", n_bytes, f);

// cargo r -q
0 byte(s) read from File

3.6.2 为类型实现 std::fmt::Display

#![allow(dead_code)]              // <1>

use std::fmt;                     // <2>
use std::fmt::{Display};          // <3>

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum FileState {

struct File {
  name: String,
  data: Vec<u8>,
  state: FileState,

impl Display for FileState {
   fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
     match *self {
         FileState::Open => write!(f, "OPEN"),      // <4>
         FileState::Closed => write!(f, "CLOSED"),  // <4>

impl Display for File {
   fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
      write!(f, "<{} ({})>", self.name, self.state)              // <5>

impl File {
  fn new(name: &str) -> File {
    File {
        name: String::from(name),
        data: Vec::new(),
        state: FileState::Closed,

fn main() {
  let f6 = File::new("f6.txt");
  println!("{:?}", f6);           // <6>
  println!("{}", f6);             // <7>

// cargo r -q
File { name: "f6.txt", data: [], state: Closed }
<f6.txt (CLOSED)>


  • 基本类型默认实现了 copy trait,则按如下正常运行:

enum StatusMessage {

fn check_status(sat_id: u64) -> StatusMessage {

fn main () {
  let sat_a = 0;      // <1>
  let sat_b = 1;      // <1>
  let sat_c = 2;      // <1>

  let a_status = check_status(sat_a);
  let b_status = check_status(sat_b);
  let c_status = check_status(sat_c);
  println!("a: {:?}, b: {:?}, c: {:?}", a_status, b_status, c_status);

  // "waiting" ...
  let a_status = check_status(sat_a);
  let b_status = check_status(sat_b);
  let c_status = check_status(sat_c);
  println!("a: {:?}, b: {:?}, c: {:?}", a_status, b_status, c_status);
  • 复合类型如 struct 默认未实现 copy trait,则不会正常运行:
#[derive(Debug)]   // <1>
struct CubeSat {
  id: u64,

enum StatusMessage {

fn check_status(
  sat_id: CubeSat
) -> StatusMessage {   // <2>

fn main() {
  let sat_a = CubeSat { id: 0 };   // <3>

  let a_status = check_status(sat_a);
  println!("a: {:?}", a_status);

  // "waiting" ...
  let a_status = check_status(sat_a);
  println!("a: {:?}", a_status);


  • 另一个例子如下:
fn use_value(_val: Demo) {}

struct Demo {
  a: i32,

fn main() {
  let demo = Demo {a: 123};
  println!("{}", demo.a);

4.5 所有权

struct CubeSat {
  id: u64,
  mailbox: Mailbox,

struct Mailbox {
  messages: Vec<Message>,

type Message = String;

struct GroundStation;

impl GroundStation {
    fn send(&self, to: &mut CubeSat, msg: Message) {

impl CubeSat {
    fn recv(&mut self) -> Option<Message> {

fn main() {
    let base = GroundStation {};
    let mut sat_a = CubeSat {
      id: 0,
      mailbox: Mailbox {
        messages: vec![],

    println!("t0: {:?}", sat_a);

	base.send(&mut sat_a,
	          Message::from("hello there!"));    // <1>

    println!("t1: {:?}", sat_a);

    let msg = sat_a.recv();
    println!("t2: {:?}", sat_a);

    println!("msg: {:?}", msg);

// cargo r
t0: CubeSat { id: 0, mailbox: Mailbox { messages: [] } }
t1: CubeSat { id: 0, mailbox: Mailbox { messages: ["hello there!"] } }
t2: CubeSat { id: 0, mailbox: Mailbox { messages: [] } }

4.5.2 引用


struct CubeSat {
  id: u64,

struct Mailbox {
  messages: Vec<Message>,

struct Message {
    to: u64,
    content: String,

struct GroundStation {}

impl Mailbox {
    fn post(&mut self, msg: Message) {

    fn deliver(&mut self, recipient: &CubeSat) -> Option<Message> {
        for i in 0..self.messages.len() {
            if self.messages[i].to == recipient.id {
                let msg = self.messages.remove(i);
                return Some(msg);


impl GroundStation {
    fn connect(&self, sat_id: u64) -> CubeSat {
        CubeSat {
            id: sat_id,

    fn send(&self, mailbox: &mut Mailbox, msg: Message) {

impl CubeSat {
    fn recv(&self, mailbox: &mut Mailbox) -> Option<Message> {

fn fetch_sat_ids() -> Vec<u64> {

fn main() {
  let mut mail = Mailbox { messages: vec![] };

  let base = GroundStation {};

  let sat_ids = fetch_sat_ids();

  for sat_id in sat_ids {
    // let sat = base.connect(sat_id);
    let msg = Message { to: sat_id, content: String::from("hello") };
    base.send(&mut mail, msg);

  let sat_ids = fetch_sat_ids();

  for sat_id in sat_ids {
    let sat = base.connect(sat_id);

    let msg = sat.recv(&mut mail);
    println!("{:?}: {:?}", sat, msg);

// cargo r
CubeSat { id: 1 }: Some(Message { to: 1, content: "hello" })
CubeSat { id: 2 }: Some(Message { to: 2, content: "hello" })
CubeSat { id: 3 }: Some(Message { to: 3, content: "hello" })

4.5.3 Copy 和 Clone

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]   // <1>
struct CubeSat {
  id: u64,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]   // <1>
enum StatusMessage {

fn check_status(sat_id: CubeSat) -> StatusMessage {

fn main () {
  let sat_a = CubeSat { id: 0 };

  let a_status = check_status(sat_a.clone());   // <2>
  println!("a: {:?}", a_status.clone());        // <2>

  let a_status = check_status(sat_a);           // <3>
  println!("a: {:?}", a_status);                // <3>

// cargo r
a: Ok
a: Ok


5.1 位模式和类型


fn main() {
  let a: u16 = 50115;
  let b: i16 = -15421;
  println!("a {:016b} {}", a, a);
  println!("b {:016b} {}", b, b);

// 运行效果如下:
a 1100001111000011 50115
b 1100001111000011 -15421


fn main() {
  let a: f32 = 42.42;
  let frankentype: u32 = unsafe {
    std::mem::transmute(a)                  // <1>

  println!("{}", frankentype);              // <2>
  println!("{:032b}", frankentype);         // <3>

  let b: f32 = unsafe {
  println!("{}", b);
  assert_eq!(a, b);                        // <4>

// 运行效果如下:

5.2 整数的生存范围


fn main() {
  let mut i: u16 = 0;
  println!("{}..", i);
  loop {
    i += 1000;
    print!("{}..", i);
    if i % 10000 == 0 {

// 程序输出如下:
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to add with overflow', src/main.rs:5:5
stack backtrace:
   0: rust_begin_unwind
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/std/src/panicking.rs:578:5
   1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/panicking.rs:67:14
   2: core::panicking::panic
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/panicking.rs:117:5
   3: mandelbrot::main
             at ./src/main.rs:5:5
   4: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/ops/function.rs:250:5
note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.


fn main() {
  let zero: u16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000;
  let one:  u16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0001;
  let two:  u16 = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010;
  // ...
  let sixtyfivethousand_533: u16 = 0b1111_1111_1111_1101;
  let sixtyfivethousand_534: u16 = 0b1111_1111_1111_1110;
  let sixtyfivethousand_535: u16 = 0b1111_1111_1111_1111;

  print!("{}, {}, {}, ..., ", zero, one, two);
  println!("{}, {}, {}", sixtyfivethousand_533, sixtyfivethousand_534, sixtyfivethousand_535);

// code result:
0, 1, 2, ..., 65533, 65534, 65535


fn main() {
  let (a, b) = (200, 200);
  let c: u8 = a + b;
  println!("200 + 200 = {}", c);

// code result:
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to add with overflow', src/main.rs:4:15
stack backtrace:
   0: rust_begin_unwind
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/std/src/panicking.rs:578:5
   1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/panicking.rs:67:14
   2: core::panicking::panic
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/panicking.rs:117:5
   3: mandelbrot::main
             at ./src/main.rs:4:15
   4: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/ops/function.rs:250:5
note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.

通过上例,我们知道尽管 Rust 有很多优点,但 Rust 编写的程序仍有可能崩溃。

5.2.1 字节序

下例可知,同样的二进制位,用大端序 or 小端序解释,有不同的结果:

use std::mem::transmute;

fn main() {
  let big_endian: [u8; 4]    = [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD];
  let little_endian: [u8; 4] = [0xDD, 0xCC, 0xBB, 0xAA];

  let a: i32 = unsafe { transmute(big_endian)    };
  let b: i32 = unsafe { transmute(little_endian) };

  println!("{} vs {}", a, b);

// code result:
-573785174 vs -1430532899
  • 字节之间的布局:20世纪90年代,不同厂商有不同的字节序实现,Inter 选择的小端占了绝大部分市场。
  • 字节内部的布局:称为 位编号(bit numbering)或 位端序(bit endianness),并不影响日常编程,可查自己的计算机平台的最高有效位(most significiant byte)究竟属于哪一端。

5.4 浮点数


5.4.1 观察 f32 的内部

f32 类型的 42.42 编码后的位模式是 01000010001010011010111000010100,即 0x4229AE14,如下图所示:

5.4.2 分离出符号位

5.4.3 分离出指数

5.4.4 分离出尾数

5.4.5 剖析一个浮点数

const BIAS: i32 = 127;     // <1>
const RADIX: f32 = 2.0;    // <1>

fn main() {                // <2>
  let n: f32 = 42.42;

  let (sign, exp, frac) = to_parts(n); // 0 132 2731540
  let (sign_, exp_, mant) = decode(sign, exp, frac); // 1 32 1.32562494
  let n_ = from_parts(sign_, exp_, mant); // 42.4199982

  println!("{} -> {}", n, n_);
  println!("field    |  as bits | as real number");
  println!("sign     |        {:01b} | {}", sign, sign_);
  println!("exponent | {:08b} | {}", exp, exp_);
  println!("mantissa | {:023b} | {}", frac, mant);

fn to_parts(n: f32) -> (u32, u32, u32) {
  let bits = n.to_bits();

  let sign     = (bits >> 31) & 1;    // 使用移位操作移除不需要的31个位数据,只保留符号位
  let exponent = (bits >> 23) & 0xff; // 先移除23个不需要的位数据,然后使用逻辑与掩码操作过滤高位的数据
  let fraction =  bits & 0x7fffff ;   // 使用一个与掩码操作,只保留23个最低有效位

  (sign, exponent, fraction)          // 尾数部分在这里叫作fraction(分数),执行了解码操作后,才管这部分数据叫作尾数

fn decode(
  sign: u32,
  exponent: u32,
  fraction: u32
) -> (f32, f32, f32) {
  let signed_1 = (-1.0_f32).powf(sign as f32); // 把符号位转换成1.0或者-1.0。在这里,−1.0_f32需要用括号括起来,用于表明运算的优先级,这是因为方法调用的优先级高于单目减号运算符的

  let exponent = (exponent as i32) - BIAS;     // 指数必须先转为i32,因为减去BIAS以后的结果有可能是负数。接下来,还需要把它转换为f32,这样才能把它用于指数幂的运算中
  let exponent = RADIX.powf(exponent as f32);  // <8>
  let mut mantissa: f32 = 1.0;

  for i in 0..23 {                             // 用5.4.4节中描述的逻辑来解码尾数
    let mask = 1 << i;                         // <9>
    let one_at_bit_i = fraction & mask;        // <9>
    if one_at_bit_i != 0 {                     // <9>
      let i_ = i as f32;                       // <9>
      let weight = 2_f32.powf( i_ - 23.0 );    // <9>
      mantissa += weight;                      /	·/ <9>
    }                                          // <9>
  }                                            // <9>

  (signed_1, exponent, mantissa)

fn from_parts(                                // 在中间步骤中直接使用了f32的值,有一些“作弊”的意思。希望这个“作弊”行为是可以被原谅的
  sign: f32,
  exponent: f32,
  mantissa: f32,
) -> f32 {
    sign *  exponent * mantissa

// code result:
42.42 -> 42.42
field    |  as bits | as real number
sign     |        0 | 1
exponent | 10000100 | 32
mantissa | 01010011010111000010100 | 1.325625

5.5 定点数格式

pub struct Q7(i8);

impl From<f64> for Q7 {
    fn from (n: f64) -> Self {
        if n >= 1.0 {
        } else if n <= -1.0 {
        } else {
            Q7((n * 128.0) as i8)

impl From<Q7> for f64 {
    fn from(n: Q7) -> f64 {
        (n.0 as f64) * 2f64.powf(-7.0)

impl From<f32> for Q7 {
    fn from (n: f32) -> Self {
        Q7::from(n as f64)

impl From<Q7> for f32 {
    fn from(n: Q7) -> f32 {
        f64::from(n) as f32

mod tests {          // <1>
    use super::*;    // <2>

    fn out_of_bounds() {
        assert_eq!(Q7::from(10.), Q7::from(1.));
        assert_eq!(Q7::from(-10.), Q7::from(-1.));

    fn f32_to_q7() {
        let n1: f32 = 0.7;
        let q1 = Q7::from(n1);

        let n2 = -0.4;
        let q2 = Q7::from(n2);

        let n3 = 123.0;
        let q3 = Q7::from(n3);

        assert_eq!(q1, Q7(89));
        assert_eq!(q2, Q7(-51));
        assert_eq!(q3, Q7(127));

    fn q7_to_f32() {
        let q1 = Q7::from(0.7);
        let n1 = f32::from(q1);
        assert_eq!(n1, 0.6953125);

        let q2 = Q7::from(n1);
        let n2 = f32::from(q2);
        assert_eq!(n1, n2);

// code result:
running 3 tests
test tests::f32_to_q7 ... ok
test tests::out_of_bounds ... ok
test tests::q7_to_f32 ... ok

test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

5.6 从随机字节中生成随机概率

fn mock_rand(n: u8) -> f32 {
    let base: u32 = 0b0_01111110_00000000000000000000000;
    let large_n =  (n as u32) << 15;
    let f32_bits = base | large_n;
    let m = f32::from_bits(f32_bits);
    2.0 * ( m - 0.5 )

fn main() {
    println!("max of input range: {:08b} -> {:?}", 0xff, mock_rand(0xff));
    println!("mid of input range: {:08b} -> {:?}", 0x7f, mock_rand(0x7f));
    println!("min of input range: {:08b} -> {:?}", 0x00, mock_rand(0x00));

// code result:
max of input range: 11111111 -> 0.99609375
mid of input range: 01111111 -> 0.49609375
min of input range: 00000000 -> 0.0

5.7 实现一个 CPU 模拟器

我们可以通过程序,模拟 CPU 的工作方式,了解计算机如何在基础层面运行的。我们将实现一个 CHIP-8 系统的子集。

5.7.1 CPU 原型1:加法器

CPU 需要把数据从内存加载到寄存器,并和 操作码 做运算。

struct CPU {
  current_operation: u16,
  registers: [u8; 2],

impl CPU {
  fn read_opcode(&self) -> u16 {
    self.current_operation // 如果引入了从内存中读取的功能,read_opcode() 会变得更复杂

  fn run(&mut self) {
    // loop {
    let opcode = self.read_opcode(); // 0x8014即32788
	// 操作码的解码过程
    let c = ((opcode & 0xF000) >> 12) as u8; // 8
    let x = ((opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8) as u8; // 0
    let y = ((opcode & 0x00F0) >> 4) as u8; // 1
    let d = ((opcode & 0x000F) >> 0) as u8; // 4

    match (c, x, y, d) {
      (0x8, _, _, 0x4) => self.add_xy(x, y), // 把真正执行此操作的任务,分配到负责执行该操作的“硬件电路”上
      _ => todo!("opcode {:04x}", opcode), // 一个全功能的模拟器,包含许多不同的操作任务
    // }

  fn add_xy(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8) {
    self.registers[x as usize] += self.registers[y as usize];

fn main() {
  let mut cpu = CPU {
    current_operation: 0,
    registers: [0; 2],

  cpu.current_operation = 0x8014;
  cpu.registers[0] = 5;
  cpu.registers[1] = 10;


  assert_eq!(cpu.registers[0], 15);

  println!("5 + 10 = {}", cpu.registers[0]);

// code result:
5 + 10 = 15

CHIP-8 操作码各组成部分如下图:


fn main() {
  let opcode: u16 = 0x71E4;

  let c = (opcode & 0xF000) >> 12;    //  先使用与(&)操作进行过滤,把想要的那个半字节保留下来,然后把这个半字节的位数据右移位到最低有效位的位置上。使用十六进制表示只是出于方便,每个十六进制的数字位表示二进制的4个位。一个0xF的值就选中了单个半字节所有的位数据。
  let x = (opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8;
  let y = (opcode & 0x00F0) >> 4;
  let d = (opcode & 0x000F) >> 0;
  assert_eq!(c, 0x7);   // opcode中的这4个半字节,在处理以后会拆分出4个独立的变量。
  assert_eq!(x, 0x1);
  assert_eq!(y, 0xE);
  assert_eq!(d, 0x4);

  let nnn = opcode & 0x0FFF;    // 若想要多个半字节,可以通过增加过滤器的宽度来一次性选中更多的半字节。为此,在这里向右移位就不是必需的了。
  let kk = opcode & 0x00FF;

  assert_eq!(nnn, 0x1E4);
  assert_eq!(kk, 0xE4);

5.7.3 CPU 原型2:累加器 使 CPU 支持内存访问


struct CPU {
   registers: [u8; 16],
   position_in_memory: usize, // 用usize而不是u16与最初的规范是不同的,但我们用usize,因为Rust允许此类型被用于索引。
   memory: [u8; 0x1000],
} 从内存中读取操作码

从内存读出两个 u8,并合并为一个 u16。

fn read_opcode(&self) -> u16 {
	let p = self.position_in_memory;
	let op_byte1 = self.memory[p] as u16;
	let op_byte2 = self.memory[p + 1] as u16;
	op_byte1 << 8 | op_byte2 // 要创建一个u16类型的操作码,我们使用逻辑或操作,把内存中的两个值合并到一起。这两个值需要先转换为u16,如果不先做这个转换,左移位会将所有的位数据都设为0。
} 处理整数溢出

CHIP-8 中,最后一个寄存器被用作 进位标志,若其被设置,说明有一个操作在 u8 大小的寄存器中产生了溢出。

fn add_xy(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8) {
   let arg1 = self.registers[x as usize];
   let arg2 = self.registers[y as usize];

   let (val, overflow) = arg1.overflowing_add(arg2);----  对于u8类型来说,overflowing_add() 方法的返回类型为 (u8, bool)。如果检测到溢出则返回值中这个布尔类型的值为trueself.registers[x as usize] = val;

   if overflow {
     self.registers[0xF] = 1;
   } else {
     self.registers[0xF] = 0;
} 完整代码
struct CPU {
  registers: [u8; 16],
  position_in_memory: usize,
  memory: [u8; 0x1000],

impl CPU {
  fn read_opcode(&self) -> u16 {
    let p = self.position_in_memory;
    let op_byte1 = self.memory[p] as u16;
    let op_byte2 = self.memory[p + 1] as u16;

    op_byte1 << 8 | op_byte2

  fn run(&mut self) {
    loop {                                        // <1>
      let opcode = self.read_opcode();
      self.position_in_memory += 2;               // 自增position_in_memory,指向下一条指令

      let c = ((opcode & 0xF000) >> 12) as u8;
      let x = ((opcode & 0x0F00) >>  8) as u8;
      let y = ((opcode & 0x00F0) >>  4) as u8;
      let d = ((opcode & 0x000F) >>  0) as u8;

      match (c, x, y, d) {
          (0, 0, 0, 0)     => { return; },        // 当遇到的操作码为0x0000时,此处的短路功能会终止函数的执行
          (0x8, _, _, 0x4) => self.add_xy(x, y),
          _                => todo!("opcode {:04x}", opcode),

  fn add_xy(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8) {
    let arg1 = self.registers[x as usize];
    let arg2 = self.registers[y as usize];

    let (val, overflow) = arg1.overflowing_add(arg2);
    self.registers[x as usize] = val;

    if overflow {
      self.registers[0xF] = 1;
    } else {
      self.registers[0xF] = 0;

fn main() {
  let mut cpu = CPU {
    registers: [0; 16],
    memory: [0; 4096],
    position_in_memory: 0,

  cpu.registers[0] = 5;
  cpu.registers[1] = 10;
  cpu.registers[2] = 10;               // 使用值来初始化几个寄存器
  cpu.registers[3] = 10;               // <4>

  let mem = &mut cpu.memory;
  mem[0] = 0x80; mem[1] = 0x14;        // 加载操作码0x8014,0x8014的意思是把寄存器1的值加到寄存器0上
  mem[2] = 0x80; mem[3] = 0x24;        // 加载操作码0x8024,0x8024的意思是把寄存器2的值加到寄存器0上
  mem[4] = 0x80; mem[5] = 0x34;        // 加载操作码0x8034,0x8034的意思是把寄存器3的值加到寄存器0上


  assert_eq!(cpu.registers[0], 35);

  println!("5 + 10 + 10 + 10 = {}", cpu.registers[0]);

// code result:
5 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 35

5.7.4 CPU 原型3:调用函数

我们几乎快要构建完成模拟器的全部机制了,本节增加调用函数的能力。 给 CPU 扩展出 支持栈 的能力

struct CPU {
  registers: [u8; 16],
  position_in_memory: usize,
  memory: [u8; 4096],
  stack: [u16; 16],      // 栈的最大高度是16。在16次嵌套的函数调用后,此程序将会发生栈溢出。
  stack_pointer: usize,  // 把stack_pointer(栈指针)的类型设为usize,可以让在stack(栈)中索引值的操作变得更容易。
} 定义一个函数并把它加载到内存中
fn main() {
  let mut memory: [u8; 4096] = [0; 4096];
  let mem = &mut memory;

  mem[0x100] = 0x80; mem[0x101] = 0x14;
  mem[0x102] = 0x80; mem[0x103] = 0x14;
  mem[0x104] = 0x00; mem[0x105] = 0xEE;

  println!("{:?}", &mem[0x100..0x106]); // 输出[128, 20, 128, 20, 0, 238]。
} 实现 CALL 和 RETURN 操作码

fn call(&mut self, addr: u16) {
     let sp = self.stack_pointer;
     let stack = &mut self.stack;

     if sp > stack.len() {
         panic!("Stack overflow!")

     stack[sp] = self.position_in_memory as u16; // 把当前position_in_memory的值加入栈。此内存地址比调用位置高两个字节,因为它已在run()方法的方法体中执行了自增。
     self.stack_pointer += 1; // 自增self.stack_pointer。这个操作能防止在栈中已保存的self.position_in_memory被覆盖,在后面函数返回时还需要用到这个值。
     self.position_in_memory = addr as usize; // 修改self.position_in_ memory的值,其作用是跳转到修改后的地址。

fn ret(&mut self) {
     if self.stack_pointer == 0 {
         panic!("Stack underflow");

     self.stack_pointer -= 1;     
     let call_addr = self.stack[self.stack_pointer]; // 跳转到调用之前的地址,也就是在前面函数调用时保存的那个地址。
     self.position_in_memory = call_addr as usize;
} 完整代码
struct CPU {
    registers: [u8; 16],
    position_in_memory: usize,
    memory: [u8; 4096],
    stack: [u16; 16],
    stack_pointer: usize,

  impl CPU {
    fn read_opcode(&self) -> u16 {
      let p = self.position_in_memory;
      let op_byte1 = self.memory[p] as u16;
      let op_byte2 = self.memory[p + 1] as u16;

      op_byte1 << 8 | op_byte2

    fn run(&mut self) {
      loop {
        let opcode = self.read_opcode();
        self.position_in_memory += 2;

        let c = ((opcode & 0xF000) >> 12) as u8;
        let x = ((opcode & 0x0F00) >>  8) as u8;
        let y = ((opcode & 0x00F0) >>  4) as u8;
        let d = ((opcode & 0x000F) >>  0) as u8;

        let nnn = opcode & 0x0FFF;
        // let kk  = (opcode & 0x00FF) as u8;

        match (c, x, y, d) {
            (  0,   0,   0,   0) => { return; },
            (  0,   0, 0xE, 0xE) => self.ret(),
            (0x2,   _,   _,   _) => self.call(nnn),
            (0x8,   _,   _, 0x4) => self.add_xy(x, y),
            _                    => todo!("opcode {:04x}", opcode),

    fn call(&mut self, addr: u16) {
      let sp = self.stack_pointer;
      let stack = &mut self.stack;

      if sp >= stack.len() {
        panic!("Stack overflow!")

      stack[sp] = self.position_in_memory as u16;
      self.stack_pointer += 1;
      self.position_in_memory = addr as usize;

    fn ret(&mut self) {
      if self.stack_pointer == 0 {
        panic!("Stack underflow");

      self.stack_pointer -= 1;
      let addr = self.stack[self.stack_pointer];
      self.position_in_memory = addr as usize;

    fn add_xy(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8) {
      let arg1 = self.registers[x as usize];
      let arg2 = self.registers[y as usize];

      let (val, overflow_detected) = arg1.overflowing_add(arg2);
      self.registers[x as usize] = val;

      if overflow_detected {
        self.registers[0xF] = 1;
      } else {
        self.registers[0xF] = 0;

  fn main() {
    let mut cpu = CPU {
      registers: [0; 16],
      memory: [0; 4096],
      position_in_memory: 0,
      stack: [0; 16],
      stack_pointer: 0,

    cpu.registers[0] = 5;
    cpu.registers[1] = 10;

    let mem = &mut cpu.memory;
    mem[0x000] = 0x21; mem[0x001] = 0x00; // 设置操作码0x2100:在0x100处调用函数
    mem[0x002] = 0x21; mem[0x003] = 0x00; // 设置操作码0x2100:同样是在0x100处调用函数
    mem[0x004] = 0x00; mem[0x005] = 0x00; // 设置操作码0x0000:停止执行(严格意义上并非是必要的,因为cpu.memory是用空字节初始化的)

    mem[0x100] = 0x80; mem[0x101] = 0x14; // 设置操作码0x8014:把寄存器1的值加到寄存器0上
    mem[0x102] = 0x80; mem[0x103] = 0x14; // 设置操作码0x8014:把寄存器1的值加到寄存器0上
    mem[0x104] = 0x00; mem[0x105] = 0xEE; // 设置操作码0x00EE:函数返回


    assert_eq!(cpu.registers[0], 45);
    println!("5 + (10 * 2) + (10 * 2) = {}", cpu.registers[0]);

// code result:
5 + (10 * 2) + (10 * 2) = 45

下图展示了当运行 cpu.run() 时,CPU 内部发生了什么,其中箭头反映了执行程序时 cpu.position_in_memory 的状态变化:


5.7.5 CPU4:添加额外功能


struct CPU {
  registers: [u8; 16],
  position_in_memory: usize, // program counter ("PC")
  memory: [u8; 4096],
  stack: [u16; 16],
  stack_pointer: usize,

impl CPU {
  fn run(&mut self) {
    loop {
      let op_byte1 = self.memory[self.position_in_memory] as u16;
      let op_byte2 = self.memory[self.position_in_memory + 1] as u16;
      let opcode: u16 = op_byte1 << 8 | op_byte2;

      let x = ((opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8) as u8;
      let y = ((opcode & 0x00F0) >> 4) as u8;
      // let n  =       ((opcode & 0x000F) >>  4) as u8;
      let kk = (opcode & 0x00FF) as u8;
      let op_minor = (opcode & 0x000F) as u8;
      let addr = opcode & 0x0FFF;

      self.position_in_memory += 2;

      match opcode {
        0x0000 => {
        0x00E0 => { /* CLEAR SCREEN */ }
        0x00EE => {
        0x1000..=0x1FFF => {
        0x2000..=0x2FFF => {
        0x3000..=0x3FFF => {
          self.se(x, kk);
        0x4000..=0x4FFF => {
          self.sne(x, kk);
        0x5000..=0x5FFF => {
          self.se(x, y);
        0x6000..=0x6FFF => {
          self.ld(x, kk);
        0x7000..=0x7FFF => {
          self.add(x, kk);
        0x8000..=0x8FFF => match op_minor {
          0 => self.ld(x, self.registers[y as usize]),
          1 => self.or_xy(x, y),
          2 => self.and_xy(x, y),
          3 => self.xor_xy(x, y),
          4 => {
            self.add_xy(x, y);
          _ => {
            todo!("opcode: {:04x}", opcode);
        _ => todo!("opcode {:04x}", opcode),

  /// (6xkk) LD sets the value `kk` into register `vx`
  fn ld(&mut self, vx: u8, kk: u8) {
    self.registers[vx as usize] = kk;

  /// (7xkk) Add sets the value `kk` into register `vx`
  fn add(&mut self, vx: u8, kk: u8) {
    self.registers[vx as usize] += kk;

  fn se(&mut self, vx: u8, kk: u8) {
    if vx == kk {
      self.position_in_memory += 2;

  /// () SNE  **S**tore if **n**ot **e**qual
  fn sne(&mut self, vx: u8, kk: u8) {
    if vx != kk {
      self.position_in_memory += 2;

  /// (1nnn) JUMP to `addr`
  fn jmp(&mut self, addr: u16) {
    self.position_in_memory = addr as usize;

  /// (2nnn) CALL sub-routine at `addr`
  fn call(&mut self, addr: u16) {
    let sp = self.stack_pointer;
    let stack = &mut self.stack;

    if sp >= stack.len() {
      panic!("Stack overflow!")

    stack[sp] = self.position_in_memory as u16;
    self.stack_pointer += 1;
    self.position_in_memory = addr as usize;

  /// (00ee) RET return from the current sub-routine
  fn ret(&mut self) {
    if self.stack_pointer == 0 {
      panic!("Stack underflow");

    self.stack_pointer -= 1;
    self.position_in_memory = self.stack[self.stack_pointer] as usize;

  // (7xkk)
  fn add_xy(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8) {
    self.registers[x as usize] += self.registers[y as usize];


  fn and_xy(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8) {
    let x_ = self.registers[x as usize];
    let y_ = self.registers[y as usize];

    self.registers[x as usize] = x_ & y_;

  fn or_xy(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8) {
    let x_ = self.registers[x as usize];
    let y_ = self.registers[y as usize];

    self.registers[x as usize] = x_ | y_;

  fn xor_xy(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8) {
    let x_ = self.registers[x as usize];
    let y_ = self.registers[y as usize];

    self.registers[x as usize] = x_ ^ y_;

fn main() {
  let mut cpu = CPU {
    registers: [0; 16],
    memory: [0; 4096],
    position_in_memory: 0,
    stack: [0; 16],
    stack_pointer: 0,

  cpu.registers[0] = 5;
  cpu.registers[1] = 10;

  cpu.memory[0x000] = 0x21;
  cpu.memory[0x001] = 0x00;
  cpu.memory[0x002] = 0x21;
  cpu.memory[0x003] = 0x00;

  cpu.memory[0x100] = 0x80;
  cpu.memory[0x101] = 0x14;
  cpu.memory[0x102] = 0x80;
  cpu.memory[0x103] = 0x14;
  cpu.memory[0x104] = 0x00;
  cpu.memory[0x105] = 0xEE;


  assert_eq!(cpu.registers[0], 45);

  println!("5 + (10 * 2) + (10 * 2) = {}", cpu.registers[0]);

// code result:
5 + (10 * 2) + (10 * 2) = 45

学习有关CPU和数据的最后一步是了解控制流的工作方式。在CHIP-8中,控制流的工作方式是比较寄存器中的值,然后依据结果的不同来修改 position_in_memory的值。在CPU里是没有 while 循环或 for 循环的,在编程语言中创建出这些控制流的机制是编译器开发者的艺术。


6.2 指针

static B: [u8; 10] = [99, 97, 114, 114, 121, 116, 111, 119, 101, 108];
static C: [u8; 11] = [116, 104, 97, 110, 107, 115, 102, 105, 115, 104, 0];

fn main() {
    let a = 42;
    let b = &B;  
    let c = &C;   

    println!("a: {}, b: {:p}, c: {:p}", a, b, c); 


use std::mem::size_of;

static B: [u8; 10] = [99, 97, 114, 114, 121, 116, 111, 119, 101, 108];
static C: [u8; 11] = [116, 104, 97, 110, 107, 115, 102, 105, 115, 104, 0];

fn main() {
  let a: usize = 42; // usize的实际大小就是内存地址的宽度,而内存地址的宽度取决于编译代码时使用的CPU。所以此CPU又叫作编译目标。
  let b: &[u8; 10] = &B;// &[u8; 10]读作“一个10字节的数组的引用”。此数组存放在内存的静态区域中,而该引用本身(一个宽度为usize字节的指针)是存放在栈上的。
  let c: Box<[u8]> = Box::new(C); // Box<[u8]>类型是一个装箱的字节切片。当程序员把某个值装入一个箱子(box)中后,该值的所有权就被转移给了箱子的所有者。

  println!("a (an unsigned integer):");
  println!("  location: {:p}", &a);
  println!("  size:     {:?} bytes", size_of::<usize>());
  println!("  value:    {:?}", a);

  println!("b (a reference to B):");
  println!("  location:  {:p}", &b);
  println!("  size:      {:?} bytes", size_of::<&[u8; 10]>());
  println!("  points to: {:p}", b);

  println!("c (a box for C):");
  println!("  location:  {:p}", &c);
  println!("  size:      {:?} bytes", size_of::<Box<[u8]>>());
  println!("  points to: {:p}", c);

  println!("B (an array of 10 bytes):");
  println!("  location: {:p}", &B);
  println!("  size:     {:?} bytes", size_of::<[u8; 10]>());
  println!("  value:    {:?}", B);

  println!("C (an array of 11 bytes):");
  println!("  location: {:p}", &C);
  println!("  size:     {:?} bytes", size_of::<[u8; 11]>());
  println!("  value:    {:?}", C);

// cargo r
a (an unsigned integer):
  location: 0x16d121a48
  size:     8 bytes
  value:    42

b (a reference to B):
  location:  0x16d121a50
  size:      8 bytes
  points to: 0x102d14dbd

c (a box for C):
  location:  0x16d121a58
  size:      16 bytes
  points to: 0x125606a10

B (an array of 10 bytes):
  location: 0x102d14dbd
  size:     10 bytes
  value:    [99, 97, 114, 114, 121, 116, 111, 119, 101, 108]

C (an array of 11 bytes):
  location: 0x102d14dc7
  size:     11 bytes
  value:    [116, 104, 97, 110, 107, 115, 102, 105, 115, 104, 0]

CStr 是 Rust 标准库(std)中的一个类型,其完整名称是 std::ffi::CStr。这个类型提供了对以 null 结尾的 C 字符串的表示,通常用在与 C 代码交互时。CStr 类型确保了字符串是以 C 风格的方式结束的(即以 null 字符 \0 结尾),这使得它可以安全地传递到期望 C 字符串的 C API。

CStr 是不可变的,所以你不能修改其中的内容。要创建一个 CStr,你通常需要一个已存在的 C 字符串或者一个 Rust 字符串切片,并使用 CStr::from_bytes_with_nulCStr::from_ptr 方法来创建。因为它代表了一个外部的、可能不受 Rust 所有权规则管理的字符串,所以它不拥有其内容的所有权。

下文是智能指针 Cow 的用法:

use std::borrow::Cow; // 一种智能指针类型,能够从其指针位置读取数据而无须先复制它。
use std::ffi::CStr; // CStr是一个类似于C字符串的类型,它让Rust能够读取以0作为结束标志的字符串。
use std::os::raw::c_char; // c_char是Rust中i8类型的别名,但对于特定的平台,它可能会存在一些细微的差别。

static B: [u8; 10] = [99, 97, 114, 114, 121, 116, 111, 119, 101, 108];
static C: [u8; 11] = [116, 104, 97, 110, 107, 115, 102, 105, 115, 104, 0];
fn main() {
  let a = 42; // 在这里引入了每个变量,在后面的println! 中才能够访问到。假如把创建b和c的两行代码放到下面的unsafe块中,那么在后面超出了作用域后,输出语句那里就访问不到了。
  let b: String; // String是一种智能指针类型。它包含一个指向后端数组的指针和一个用于存储其大小的字段。
  let c: Cow<str>; // Cow接收一个类型参数,即它所指向的数据类型。str是CStr.to_string_lossy() 的返回类型,所以放在这里是合适的。
  unsafe {
    let b_ptr = &B as *const u8 as *mut u8; // 引用不能直接转换为*mut T,而后者正是String::from_raw_parts()所需要的类型。但是,*const T可以转换为*mut T,所以就有了这个二次类型转换的语法。
    b = String::from_raw_parts(b_ptr, 10, 10); // String::from_raw_parts()接收3个参数,一个参数是指向字节数组的指针(*mut T),另两个是大小和容量参数。
    let c_ptr = &C as *const u8 as *const c_char; // 我们把一个*const u8转换为*const i8,后者就是c_char的别名。在这里,转换到i8之所以能够成功,是因为依据ASCII标准,数据一定都是小于128的。
    c = CStr::from_ptr(c_ptr).to_string_lossy(); // 从概念上讲,CStr::from_ptr()负责读取指针指向的数据,直到遇到0为止,然后利用读取到的结果数据生成一个Cow<str>。
    println!("a: {}, b: {}, c: {}", a, b, c);

// cargo r
a: 42, b: carrytowel, c: thanksfish
my-project(34882,0x1e676db40) malloc: *** error for object 0x1020c319c: pointer being freed was not allocated
my-project(34882,0x1e676db40) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
[1]    34882 abort      cargo r

6.2.1 原始指针

原始指针是不安全的(因为可为 NULL),其有两种:* const T* mut T,彼此可自由转换。

引用(& mut T&T)会被向下编译为原始指针,即不需通过 unsafe 块即可获得原始指针的性能。

fn main() {
  let a: i64 = 42;
  let a_ptr = &a as *const i64; // 将a的引用(&a) 转换为 指向i64的常量原始指针(*const i64)
  println!("a: {} ({:p})", a, a_ptr); // 输出a的值(42)以及它在内存中的地址

// cargo r
a: 42 (0x7fff07f217c8)


  • 共同点:都是整数,用于表示虚拟内存中的位置。
  • 不同点:
    • 指针:总是指向 T 的起始字节,且其知道 T 类型的字节宽度。
    • 内存地址:可引用内存中的任意位置。

一个 i64 是 8 bytes(64 bit,即(64/8) bytes),代码如下:

fn main() {
  let a: i64 = 42;
  let a_ptr = &a as *const i64;
  let a_addr: usize = unsafe {
    std::mem::transmute(a_ptr) // 把*const i64解释为usize类型。使用transmute()是非常不安全的,但是这让我们可以暂缓引入更多的语法。

  println!("a: {} ({:p}...0x{:x})", a, a_ptr, a_addr + 7);

// cargo r
a: 42 (0x7ffd5693e388...0x7ffd5693e38f)

从底层实现上来看,引用(&T&mut T)是被实现为原始指针的,但是引用有额外的保证,故应被优先考虑使用。


fn main() {
  let ptr = 42 as *const Vec<String>; // 你可以安全地从任何整数值中创建出指针。很显然,一个i32不是一个Vec<String>,但在这里,Rust很乐意忽略这一点。
  unsafe {
      let new_addr = ptr.offset(4);
      println!("{:p} -> {:p}", ptr, new_addr);

// cargo r
0x2a -> 0x8a

6.2.2 Rust 指针的生态系统



6.2.3 智能指针块构建

6.3 为程序提供存储数据的内存

6.3.1 栈

6.3.2 堆

use std::mem::drop; // 手动导入drop() 到局部作用域。

fn main() {
  let a = Box::new(1); // 在堆上分配值。
  let b = Box::new(1);
  let c = Box::new(1);

  let result1 = *a + *b + *c; // 单目操作符*叫作解引用操作符,它会返回箱子里面的值,result1的值为3。

  drop(a); // 调用drop(),会释放出这部分内存,以便留作他用。
  let d = Box::new(1);
  let result2 = *b + *c + *d;

  println!("{} {}", result1, result2);

// cargo r
3 3


  • 其中【栈上的变量 a】其实是一个指向 Box 的指针,其占 64 bit(因为现在大多数人的电脑都是 64 bit的)即 8Bytes。而 8 Bytes(十进制) = 0x08(十六进制)。
    • 则若 变量 a 的地址为 0xFFF,且 指针 a 指向的【堆上 A】的地址是 0x100。的话
    • 则【栈上的变量 b】的地址是 0xFFF - 0x008 = 0xFF7。且 指针 b 指向的【堆上 B】的地址是 0x100 + 0x008 = 0x108。
    • 则【栈上的变量 c】的地址是 0xFF7 - 0x008 = 0xFEF。且 指针 c 指向的【堆上 C】的地址是 0x108 + 0x008 = 0x110。
    • 则【栈上的变量 result1】的地址是 0xFEF - 0x008 = 0xFE7。且 变量 result1 的值为 3。
    • drop(a) 会标记栈上的 a 无效,并标记堆上的 A 无效。即变量a 的生命周期在此时结束。
    • 则【栈上的变量 d】的地址是 0xFE7- 0x008 = 0xFDF。【堆上 d】的地址是重用了 【原堆上 a 的地址 0x100】。
  • PS:下图左下角的地址空间范围推导过程为:因下图中最大地址是 0xFFF,故地址空间是 0xFFF - 0x000 + 1(B) = 0xF000 = 15 * 16 ^ 3 = 4096 Bytes。

6.3.3 分析【堆】分配动态内存的速度

cd ch6/ch6-particles && cargo run 运行下述代码,得到如下效果:

6.4 虚拟内存

6.4.2 第一步:让一个进程扫描它自己的内存

从直观上来说,一个程序的内存就是一系列的字节,从O的位置开始到n的位置结束。如果一个程序使用了100 KB的RAM,那么n的值大概是100000。接下来,让我们使用示例来进行测试。


fn main() {
  let mut n_nonzero = 0;
  for i in 0..10000 {
    let ptr = i as *const u8; // 把i转换为 *const T类型,一个u8类型的原始指针。原始指针允许程序员去查看原始内存地址。在这里,我们把每个地址视为一个单元,而不考虑实际上大部分的值都是跨越多个字节的。
    let byte_at_addr = unsafe { *ptr }; // 解引用指针,也就是读取地址i处的值。另一种说法是“读取此指针所指向的值”。

    if byte_at_addr != 0 {
      n_nonzero += 1;
  println!("non-zero bytes in memory: {}", n_nonzero);

// code result:
segmentation fault

清单6.12所示程序崩溃的原因是试图去解引用一个 NULL(空)指针。当 i 的值等于 0 时,ptr 根本不可能解引用成功。顺便说一下,这也是所有原始指针解引用的操作必须放在 unsafe 块中的原因。然而 for i in 1…10000 还是会引发 segmentation fault 的错误。

static GLOBAL: i32 = 1000;             // <1>

fn noop() -> *const i32 {
    let noop_local = 12345;            // <2>
    &noop_local as *const i32          // <3>

fn main() {
    let local_str = "a";               // <4>
    let local_int = 123;               // <4>
    let boxed_str = Box::new('b');     // <4>
    let boxed_int = Box::new(789);     // <4>
    let fn_int = noop();               // <4>

    println!("GLOBAL:    {:p}", &GLOBAL as *const i32);
    println!("local_str: {:p}", local_str as *const str);
    println!("local_int: {:p}", &local_int as *const i32);
    println!("boxed_int: {:p}", Box::into_raw(boxed_int));
    println!("boxed_str: {:p}", Box::into_raw(boxed_str));
    println!("fn_int:    {:p}", fn_int);

// code result:
GLOBAL:    0x7ff6d6ec9310
local_str: 0x7ff6d6ec9314
local_int: 0x23d492f91c
boxed_int: 0x18361b78320
boxed_str: 0x18361b78070
fn_int:    0x23d492f8ec

6.4.3 把虚拟地址 翻译为 物理地址

6.4.4 第二步:通过操作系统来扫描地址空间

在 windows 上安装 rust,cargo new ch6-meminfo-win 新建项目,设置 Cargo.toml 如下:

name = "meminfo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Tim McNamara <author@rustinaction.com>"]
edition = "2018"

winapi = "0.2"  # 定义了一些有用的类型别名。
kernel32-sys = "0.2" #  提供了使用KERNEL.DLL来与Windows API进行交互的功能。

main.rs 如下:

use kernel32;
use winapi;

use winapi::{
    DWORD,    // 在Rust里,这个类型叫作u32。
    HANDLE,    // 多个内部API使用的没有关联类型的指针类型(可以接收任何类型的指针)。在Rust里,std::os::raw::c_void定义了void指针。一个HANDLE(句柄)是在Windows中指向一些不透明资源的指针。
    PVOID,    // 在Windows里,数据类型的名称常常会用一个前缀代表类型的缩写。P代表指针,LP代表长指针(例如64位的指针)。
    SIZE_T,    // 
    LPSYSTEM_INFO,    // 指向一个SYSTEM_INFO结构体的指针。
    SYSTEM_INFO,    // 在Windows内部定义的一些结构体。
fn main() {    // 这些变量的初始化代码会放在unsafe块中。为了使其在外部作用域中能够被访问到,所以需要在这里定义。
    let this_pid: DWORD;
    let this_proc: HANDLE;
    let min_addr: LPVOID;
    let max_addr: LPVOID;
    let mut base_addr: PVOID;
    let mut proc_info: SYSTEM_INFO;
    let mut mem_info: MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION;
    const MEMINFO_SIZE: usize = std::mem::size_of::<MEMINFO>();

    unsafe {    // 这个代码块保证了所有内存被初始化。
        base_addr = std::mem::zeroed();
        proc_info = std::mem::zeroed();
        mem_info = std::mem::zeroed();
    unsafe {    // 在这个代码块中,是发起系统调用的代码。
        this_pid = kernel32::GetCurrentProcessId();
        this_proc = kernel32::GetCurrentProcess();
        kernel32::GetSystemInfo(    // 此函数没有使用返回值,而是使用了C的惯用法,来把运行结果提供给调用方。我们提供一个指向某个预定义结构体的指针,然后在函数返回后读取该结构体的新值,以查看其结果。
          &mut proc_info as LPSYSTEM_INFO

    min_addr = proc_info.lpMinimumApplicationAddress;    // 为了方便,此处重命名了这些变量。
    max_addr = proc_info.lpMaximumApplicationAddress;

    println!("{:?} @ {:p}", this_pid, this_proc);
    println!("{:?}", proc_info);
    println!("min: {:p}, max: {:p}", min_addr, max_addr);

    loop {    // 这个循环完成了扫描地址空间的工作。
        let rc: SIZE_T = unsafe {
            kernel32::VirtualQueryEx(    // 这个系统调用,提供了这个正在运行的程序的内存地址空间中一个指定段的信息,此指定段的起始位置的地址是base_addr。
                                    this_proc, base_addr,
                                    &mut mem_info, MEMINFO_SIZE as SIZE_T)
        if rc == 0 {
        println!("{:#?}", mem_info);
        base_addr = ((base_addr as u64) + mem_info.RegionSize) as PVOID;

// code result:
MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION {----  这个结构体是在Windows API中定义的。
    BaseAddress: 0x00007ffbe8d9b000,
    AllocationBase: 0x0000000000000000,
    AllocationProtect: 0,----  这些字段是Windows API中定义的枚举体,它们是用整数来表示的。可以把它们解码为枚举体的变体名,但是如果不向此清单中添加额外的代码,就无法使用这些变体名。
    RegionSize: 17568124928,
    State: 65536,
    Protect: 1,
    Type: 0
    BaseAddress: 0x00007ffffffe0000,
    AllocationBase: 0x00007ffffffe0000,
    AllocationProtect: 2,
    RegionSize: 65536,
    State: 8192,
    Protect: 1,
    Type: 131072

6.4.5 第三步:读取和写入进程内存中的字节数据

操作系统提供了用于读取和写入内存的工具,甚至在其他程序中也可以完成。这是多种工具程序都会用到的一种基础技术,其中包括即时编译器(JIT)、程序调试器,还有帮助人们在游戏中"作弊”的程序。在Windows中,这个过程一般来说看起来像下面这个 Rust 风格的伪代码:

let pid = some_process_id;

loop address space {
    *call* VirtualQueryEx() to access the next memory segment

    *scan* the segment by calling ReadProcessMemory(),
    looking for a selected pattern

    *call* WriteProcessMemory() with the desired value

Linux使用 process_vm_readv()process_vm_writev() 提供了一个更简单的API。它们的功能类似于 Windows中的 ReadProcessMemory()writeProcessMemory()





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