OpenCVSharp 4.5 非线性分布数据支持向量机

用 OpenCVSharp 4.5 跑一遍 OpenCV 官方教程

原 OpenCV官方教程链接:Support Vector Machines for Non-Linearly Separable Data

using System;
using OpenCvSharp;
using OpenCvSharp.ML;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class tutorial41 : ITutorial
        public void Run()
            int NTRAINING_SAMPLES = 100;         // Number of training samples per class
            float FRAC_LINEAR_SEP = 0.9f;        // Fraction of samples which compose the linear separable part
                                                 // Data for visual representation
            int WIDTH = 512, HEIGHT = 512;

            Mat I = Mat.Zeros(HEIGHT, WIDTH, MatType.CV_8UC3);

            //--------------------- 1. Set up training data randomly ---------------------------------------
            Mat trainData = new Mat(2 * NTRAINING_SAMPLES, 2, MatType.CV_32F);
            Mat labels = new Mat(2 * NTRAINING_SAMPLES, 1, MatType.CV_32S);
            RNG rng = new RNG(100); // Random value generation class

            // Set up the linearly separable part of the training data
            int nLinearSamples = (int)(FRAC_LINEAR_SEP * NTRAINING_SAMPLES);

            // Generate random points for the class 1
            Mat trainClass = trainData.RowRange(0, nLinearSamples);

            // The x coordinate of the points is in [0, 0.4)
            Mat c = trainClass.ColRange(0, 1);
            rng.Fill(c, DistributionType.Uniform, new Scalar(0), new Scalar(0.4 * WIDTH));

            // The y coordinate of the points is in [0, 1)
            c = trainClass.ColRange(1, 2);
            rng.Fill(c, DistributionType.Uniform, new Scalar(0), new Scalar(HEIGHT));

            // Generate random points for the class 2
            trainClass = trainData.RowRange(2 * NTRAINING_SAMPLES - nLinearSamples, 2 * NTRAINING_SAMPLES);

            // The x coordinate of the points is in [0.6, 1]
            c = trainClass.ColRange(0, 1);
            rng.Fill(c, DistributionType.Uniform, new Scalar(0.6 * WIDTH), new Scalar(WIDTH));

            // The y coordinate of the points is in [0, 1)
            c = trainClass.ColRange(1, 2);
            rng.Fill(c, DistributionType.Uniform, new Scalar(0), new Scalar(HEIGHT));

            //------------------ Set up the non-linearly separable part of the training data ---------------
            // Generate random points for the classes 1 and 2
            trainClass = trainData.RowRange(nLinearSamples, 2 * NTRAINING_SAMPLES - nLinearSamples);

            // The x coordinate of the points is in [0.4, 0.6)
            c = trainClass.ColRange(0, 1);
            rng.Fill(c, DistributionType.Uniform, new Scalar(0.4 * WIDTH), new Scalar(0.6 * WIDTH));

            // The y coordinate of the points is in [0, 1)
            c = trainClass.ColRange(1, 2);
            rng.Fill(c, DistributionType.Uniform, new Scalar(0), new Scalar(HEIGHT));

            //------------------------- Set up the labels for the classes ---------------------------------
            labels.RowRange(0, NTRAINING_SAMPLES).SetTo(1);  // Class 1
            labels.RowRange(NTRAINING_SAMPLES, 2 * NTRAINING_SAMPLES).SetTo(2);  // Class 2

            //------------------------ 2. Set up the support vector machines parameters --------------------
            Console.WriteLine("Starting training process");

            SVM svm = OpenCvSharp.ML.SVM.Create();

            svm.Type = SVM.Types.CSvc;
            svm.C = 0.1;
            svm.KernelType = SVM.KernelTypes.Linear;
            svm.TermCriteria = new TermCriteria(CriteriaTypes.MaxIter, (int)1e7, 1e-6);

            //------------------------ 3. Train the svm ----------------------------------------------------
            svm.Train(trainData, SampleTypes.RowSample, labels);
            Console.WriteLine("Finished training process");

            //------------------------ 4. Show the decision regions ----------------------------------------
            Vec3b green = new Vec3b(0, 100, 0), blue = new Vec3b(100, 0, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < I.Rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < I.Cols; j++)
                    Mat sampleMat = new Mat(1, 2, MatType.CV_32F, new float[] { j, i });
                    float response = svm.Predict(sampleMat);
                    if (response == 1) I.At<Vec3b>(i, j) = green;
                    else if (response == 2) I.At<Vec3b>(i, j) = blue;

            //----------------------- 5. Show the training data --------------------------------------------
            int thick = -1;
            float px, py;
            // Class 1
            for (int i = 0; i < NTRAINING_SAMPLES; i++)
                px = trainData.At<float>(i, 0);
                py = trainData.At<float>(i, 1);
                Cv2.Circle(I, new Point((int)px, (int)py), 3, new Scalar(0, 255, 0), thick);
            // Class 2
            for (int i = NTRAINING_SAMPLES; i < 2 * NTRAINING_SAMPLES; i++)
                px = trainData.At<float>(i, 0);
                py = trainData.At<float>(i, 1);
                Cv2.Circle(I, new Point((int)px, (int)py), 3, new Scalar(255, 0, 0), thick);
            //------------------------- 6. Show support vectors --------------------------------------------
            thick = 2;

            //下面代码中 svm.GetSupportVectors()似乎有问题,返回的数据不对 --- 暂时没搞定;
            Mat sv = svm.GetSupportVectors();

            for (int i = 0; i < sv.Rows; i++)
                Point2f v = sv.At<Point2f>(i);
                Cv2.Circle(I, new Point((int)v.X, (int)v.Y), 6, new Scalar(128, 128, 128), thick);
            Cv2.ImWrite("result.png", I);                      // save the Image
            Cv2.ImShow("SVM for Non-Linear Training Data", I); // show it to the user


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