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原创 栈和帧指针使用方法

这篇主要是围绕 SP FP PC LR 寄存器进行介绍,不理解的可以一起讨论下,我也是今天才开始学习这些汇编基础知识处理器寄存器被指定为R0、R1等。MOVE指令的源位于左侧,目标位于右侧。伪处理程序中的堆栈从高地址增长到低地址。因此,push会导致堆栈指针的递减。pop会导致堆栈指针的增量。寄存器 sp(stack pointer) 用于指向堆栈。寄存器 fp(frame poi...

2019-05-27 20:32:25 1817

原创 uboot启动阶段分析二

物理基址定义_TEXT_PHY_BASE: .word CFG_PHY_UBOOT_BASEstart.s 中使用 _TEXT_PHY_BASE 存放物理基址。这个变量很重要,因为我们在 u-boot 中使用 MMU ,在 MMU 没有开启之前,需要这个变量来保证程序能在正确的地址运行通过在 u-boot 源码中全局搜索可以发现, CFG_PHY_UBOOT_BASE 定义在 uboot...

2019-05-26 23:27:26 252

原创 uboot启动阶段分析一

从上一章的链接脚本分析中,我们知道了uboot的程序是从*ENTRY(_start)*开始的在整个uboot工程下搜索 _start ,可以找到一个 start.S 文件包含了这个label,因此uboot启动的分析从这个文件开始头文件分析#include <config.h>#include <version.h>#if defined(CONFIG_ENABL...

2019-05-25 21:08:17 224

原创 使用机智云平台远程控制esp8266

F&Q1. 为什么生成的代码编译出错电脑使用的x86编译器生成的机器码是无法在esp8266上运行的,需要交叉编译工具链编译,相关参考官方编译文档2.机智云APP搜索不到esp8266现在找到原因了,可能是在初始化函数 user_init 中做了初始化以外的事情,比如我就是在初始化函数中,使用 i2c 接口控制 led 导致 esp8266 一直重启此外可以使用L...

2019-05-13 21:01:16 4407 1

原创 移植MotionDriver到RTT

这个移植花费了我好多时间…本来是想使用mpu6xxx的软件包的,但是得到的数据抖动太厉害了在网上找到了两种得到稳定的数据的方法 DMP Kalman滤波 看到DMP的效果更好,就选择DMP的方案了解到 InvenSense 公司提供的 MotionDriver 可以用DMP的方式读取mpu,就开始移植 MotionDriver 这个库本项目的地址 https:/...

2019-05-05 13:20:34 824

原创 pid算法的基础应用


2019-05-05 13:17:06 1190


In this research paper we discuss the application of the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) to audio compression, specifically the MP3 standard. MDCT plays a very important role in perceptual audio coding. We also discuss all of the four primary parts of the compression process, namely the f


An introduction to mpeg layer-3.pdf

MPEG Layer-3, otherwise known as MP3, has generated a phenomenal interest among Internet users, or at least among those who want to download highly-compressed digital audio files at near-CD quality. This article provides an introduction to the work of the MPEG group which was, and still is, responsi


Low-Power Implementation of the Bluetooth Subband Audio Codec.pdf

This paper describes a low power implementation of the Bluetooth Subband CODEC (SBC) for high-fidelity wireless audio. The design uses a configurable Weighted Overlap-Add (WOLA) filterbank coprocessor to implement the analysis and synthesis filterbanks. A new method to convert the two-times over-sampled, complex WOLA subband signals to equivalent critically sampled, real-valued SBC subband signals is presented. The WOLA coprocessor allows for an efficient parallel implementation of the filterbank and quantization portions of the SBC algorithm. Details of the overall system design are also presented, including measurements of power consumption and resource requirements. The final real-time, fixed-point implementation is compared to an off-line floating-point reference and found to produce no audible difference in decoded signal quality.



WSL 2 需要更新其内核组件 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/wsl2-will-be-generally-available-in-windows-10-version-2004/



wireshark-2.6.7.tar.xz 源码


App Note 1 - Motion Driver 6.12 Getting Started.pdf

Motion Driver is an embedded software stack of the sensor driver layer that easily configures and leverages many of the features of the InvenSense motion tracking solutions. The motion devices supported are MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9150/MPU9250. Many of the features of the hardware and the on board Digital Motion Processor (DMP) are encapsulated into modular APIs which can be used and referenced. Motion Driver is designed as a solution which can be easily ported to most MCUs. With the release of the Motion Driver 6.0 it includes a 9-axis solution for ARM MCUs and the TI-MSP430. 6-axis only solutions should continue to reference the Motion Driver 5.1.2 for easier understanding of the software. This document details how to set up the hardware and get the default projects up and running. It is recommended as a good way to understand the Motion Driver algorithms, DMP, and MPU HW features.


App Note 3- Motion Driver 6.12 Porting Guide.pdf

Motion Driver is an embedded software stack of the sensor driver layer that easily configures and leverages many of the features of the InvenSense motion tracking solutions. The motion devices supported are MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9150/MPU9250. Many of the features of the hardware and the on board Digital Motion Processor (DMP) are encapsulated into modular APIs which can be used and referenced. Motion Driver is designed as a solution which can be easily ported to most MCUs. With the release of the Motion Driver 6.12 it includes a 9-axis solution for ARM MCUs and the TI-MSP430. 6-axis only solutions should continue to reference the Motion Driver 5.1.2 for easier understanding of the software. This document highlights the fundamental procedure and choices you will encounter when starting to develop an embedded project using the Motion Driver 6.12 as reference. We will go into some of the more details topics like programming the DMP, calibration, and self test.


App Note 2- Motion Driver 6.12 Features Guide.pdf

motion driver 6.12的指南 Motion Driver is an embedded software stack of the sensor driver layer that easily configures and leverages many of the features of the InvenSense motion tracking solutions. The motion devices supported are MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9150/MPU9250. Many of the features of the hardware and the on board Digital Motion Processor (DMP) are encapsulated into modular APIs which can be used and referenced. Motion Driver is designed as a solution which can be easily ported to most MCUs. With the release of the Motion Driver 6.12 it includes a 9-axis solution for ARM MCUs and the TI-MSP430. 6-axis only solutions should continue to reference the Motion Driver 5.1.2 for easier understanding of the software. This document details the various features of MD6.12. It will go into details on the Motion Processor Library algorithm (MPL), the Digital Motion Processor features (DMP), and the MPU hardware capabilities.


Modified anti-windup scheme for PID controllers

Abstract: An anti-windup scheme for proportional-integral-derivative controllers is presented. The approach is based on the combined use of back-calculation and conditional integration anti- windup techniques. In this way, the disadvantages that can hinder previously proposed strategies are overcome. Specifically, the method can guarantee a satisfactory performance for processes with different normalised dead times, without the tuning of additional parameters being required. Therefore, considering its simplicity, it is highly suitable for implementation in industrial regulators.


Analog and Digital Signals and Systems

This book presents a systematic, comprehensive treatment of analog and discrete signal analysis and synthesis and an introduction to analog communication theory. This evolved from my 40 years of teaching at Oklahoma State University (OSU). It is based on three courses, Signal Analysis (a second semester junior level course), Active Filters (a first semester senior level course), and Digital signal processing (a second semester senior level course). I have taught these courses a number of times using this material along with existing texts. The references for the books and journals (over 160 references) are listed in the bibliography section. At the undergraduate level, most signal analysis courses do not require probability theory. Only, a very small portion of this topic is included here



INSIDE Xilinx Rad-Hard FPGA Reaches for the Stars Biometrics App Rides Reconfigurable Hardware How to Maintain Repeatable Results in Xilinx FPGA Designs Timing Constraints Tutorial ISE Design Suite 12.2 Tips 4th-Generation Partial Reconfiguration


Making Embedded Systems

About This Book After seeing embedded systems in medical devices, race cars, airplanes, children's toys, and gunshot location systems, I've found a lot of commonalities. There are a lot of things I wish I knew then on how to go about designing and implementing software for an embedded system. This book contains some of what I've learned. It is a book about good software design in resource constrained environments. It is also a book about understanding what interviewers look for when you apply for an embedded systems job. Each section ends with an interview question. These are generally not language specific; instead they attempt to divine how you think. Good interview questions don't have a single correct answer. Instead of trying to document all the paths, the notes after each question provide hints about what an interviewer might look for in your response. You'll have to get the job (and the answers) on your own merits.


understanding digital signal processing third edition by richard g lyons

数字信号处理入门学习非常合适的一本书 This book is an expansion of previous editions of Understanding Digital Signal Processing. Like those earlier editions, its goals are (1) to help beginning students understand the theory of digital signal processing (DSP) and (2) to provide practical DSP information, not found in other books, to help working engineers/scientists design and test their signal processing systems. Each chapter of this book contains new information beyond that provided in earlier editions. It’s traditional at this point in the preface of a DSP textbook for the author to tell readers why they should learn DSP. I don’t need to tell you how important DSP is in our modern engineering world. You already know that. I’ll just say that the future of electronics is DSP, and with this book you will not be left behind.






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