Reduce risk & accelerate your SAP journey with Red Hat and EPI-USE

Hi, everyone. Thank you for joining us. Appreciate your time.

By way of introduction, my name is JP Silvestri. I am North American SAP ecosystem lead and I have the pleasure of being joined today by Han.

My name is Asha Uh L Man. I am uh from A P US and I am a P US RAD at practice lead.

Just to start off, uh hopefully you're aware of Red Hat um for those in the crowd and a little bit about Red Hat before we jump into the presentation.

So we are the leader from uh enterprise, open source perspective. Uh you may know us from our enterprise leading Linux. Um we have evolved from Linux uh still part of our core foundation, but we now provide customers with an open hybrid cloud and we'll unpack that throughout our 20 minutes today.

And hopefully you're aware that uh from an SAP perspective, we are now the preferred operating system for all net new RISE.

So A P US is a global partner in SAP migrations.

AWS is F EU is also a AWS advanced tier services partner as well as having a strategic collaboration agreement in place with AWS.

And then finally, uh we have our AWS SAP competency partnership in place.

So during our time together, we'll take a look at the customer journeys, uh, see where you folks are at. Uh we'll talk about our joint road map uh for our customers and provide you with some tools for additional learning that you can take home with you afterwards.

Yeah. So to start with, uh a couple of things that were in the news this year, uh from a Red Hat perspective back in February, there was a major announcement between SAP and Red Hat and three things I want to highlight for you as part of that relationship.

Uh number one, I touched on already that we are the preferred operating system for all net new RISE. And if you're familiar with SAP, the RISE is their primary go to market. So you can take that to really see as a large endorsement of Red Hat moving forward.

A second part of this relationship is really around SAP themselves, moving their cloud business on to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. So they themselves are deploying on RHEL moving forward.

And the third part of this agreement is really about helping customers with the hybrid cloud solutions. If he recognizes as customers migrate to AWS or to RISE, there will be workloads and other parts of their environment that will stay on prem and customers need to balance their on prem with their deployments on AWS. So they're looking for a hybrid solution and then after you have a great announcement as well.

Yeah. So from an FP US perspective, uh I think as FP US, we are very proud of the strategic collaboration agreement we signed with AWS. Really, I think it just simply shows that EPU is committed to growing our relationship with AWS. And it also, you know, further bolsters, you know, PU tools that we use uh you know, to assist us in doing these SAP migrations to the cloud.

So as we jointly talk to customers, you know, our experience talking to customers is that there's a lot coming at you. So just a show of hands. How many customers are still on ECC? All right, thank you. How many of them are on HANA? Thank you. You're a bit of both. That's great. That's we see that all the time anyone using WISE today and RISE, you have the trifecta.

So we know there's a lot of information coming at you. A lot of different variables, some customers are using all three, which is fantastic. We should definitely talk it later. Like to understand that migration path. It's a lot of different options. A lot of different questions coming at you and what we're seeing uh in our conversations with customers when they talk about the migration modernization of SAP, it's probably about 30% of a bigger conversation that they're having.

Because if you look at the business case for SAP, it's more compelling when you take a more holistic view of it, your SAP environment doesn't work in a silo anymore. It may have, you know, 1520 years ago, but really it's in a web with other parts of your environment from that application with your customer downloading your latest uh offering, you know, how does that interact with your environment, those custom codes that you created?

So customers are looking really when they talk to FP US and talk to Red Hat is how do I future proof my environment? Not only for the next 2 to 3 years, not only to upgrade to ADA but how do I future proof my network for the next 1015 years? And this is where we come together to offer solutions to you.

So A PU is an advanced AWS partner and SAP gold partner that excels at implementing migrating and managing SAP in the cloud leveraging our S A certified accelerators and tool sets.

And from a half perspective, you know, if you, you have heard me say open hybrid cloud, you'll hear that again and I'll unpack what that looks like moving forward. But our goal is really to help you run simplify and expand your SAP environment while also updating and modernizing your non SAP applications.

And we both have very strong relationships with SAP. So everything we talk about very applicable for your uh AWS workloads and non SAP workloads on AWS.

So P uses SAP cloud migration services enhances productivity, agility and resilience. Our experts bring AWS value to the table. Uh and also we use our SAP certified tools optimizing SAP workloads for cost savings and risk reduction.

We do this through our tried and tested methodologies for implementing and migrating SAP to the cloud. There's a couple of things we can do for our clients and do today for our clients.

We can enable our clients to select only the relevant data to move to the cloud. We reduce and assist our clients to reduce the amount of data in the nonproductive SAP systems.

We as EP US have the ability to secure any sensitive data in nonproductive SAP environments and we can assist you in saving costs on your overall SAP AWS migration project.

We do that through three typical simple steps. We work with our clients to assess their current SAP implementation. We work with our clients to plan and we work with our clients to migrate and modernize their SAP systems.

So our EP US Smart Migration powered by Data Scene Manager is one of our many advanced tools in our SAP toolkit. This tool is what is being used to assist our clients to minimize the the the the set of data on your nonproductive system.

Clients have the benefit of having up to date securely mass data production like data in the nonproductive environments. Our clients enjoy a faster and more efficient migration using these tools and finally, these tools provide the opportunity to synchronize and harmonize your configuration between your productive and nonproductive SAP environments.

And from a Red Hat perspective, as I mentioned earlier, we're trying to help you really run, simplify and expand your network. So what I mean by that and we'll unpack this in the next few slides is from a run perspective is really creating that consistency from edge to co to cloud your non SAP and your SAP environments being consistent from a simplify, we really want to provide you with the tools to simplify management and automation of your en environment infrastructure and then expand is really how do you, what do you do with those third party applications that interact with your SAP system? How do you deploy them? How do you develop them? How do you manage them that scale and we'll go through it fairly quickly. If you have questions, please come by the booth afterwards, get a Red Hat and we have a lot of experts there to answer your questions.

So from a RHEL perspective, RHEL for SAP solutions builds on top of RHEL the leading enterprise uh Linux in the market today. So what we're seeing is a lot of customers today are starting to standardize on RHEL from the non SAP. A lot of customers had a mix in the past of RHEL for non SAP and then something else for SAP. We see a lot of customers now starting to standardize.

And the reason for that is cost savings, reduce costs. You have expertise already with RHEL expand that to your SAP workloads. From a security fostering perspective. If you have the knowledge uh around RHEL, you can extend that to your RHEL and then you have the same patching schedule, same update schedule and then you have the same migration path from RHEL 7 to 8 or 8 to 9. We have tools in place to make it very easy for you to do that for both your non SAP and your SAP environment.

What's unique around RHEL for SAP solutions is what you see across the bottom here. We have high availability built in with Pacemaker. We have extended life cycle, four years for minor release updates, 10 years for your whole life cycle management. We have specific SAP libraries, runtime and automated content as part of the solution and Red Hat insights and Satellite.

So Insights is a proactive tool that we provide to you where we work with you take telemetry, run it across our knowledge base. We take into consideration SAP notes and we proactively provide that to you. We provide remediation to you that you can execute with Satellite. All this is bundled together as part of our RHEL for SAP solutions.

And what we're seeing a lot of customers do is we take those automations that are built in for day one migration included in those libraries and those runtime i mentioned certified content that we built with SAP. And now you can take that and you push that towards Satellite and Satellite can push it towards your servers or if you want to do it on a larger scale, we bring in Ansible Automation.

So Ansible is a leading automation platform. And what we're trying to help you do is really automate your operations across your environment at scale for your SAP and no SAP work environment. This will help you keep in line with all the SAP requirements to really maximize the efficiency of your SAP landscape.

If you're not familiar with, Ansible, encourage you to stop by the booth. We have lots of Ansible experts there, but this is a tool set that you can use on prem or in AWS. We have certified content used by over 3000 different customers. We create this content with our technical partners. You can see we have 55 plus technology partners, a few logos on this screen and then plus 100 different system.

Integrators have created certified content with us that you can take advantage of. And this runs from everything from your networking devices to the cloud, to security to the edge. So you can rest assured that the content has been tested with our partners that you can rely on.

So the content content you can pull from uh the certified content we made it available, you can create your own content within your company and share that with individuals. We know that there's a skills gap as shores in the marketplace. So we see some customers create scripts with their most senior people and then share those scripts across your environment. So you know that they're being deployed correctly the first time.

And what we're doing with uh Ansible is we're bringing in a machine learning to help make it more user friendly. Uh you get people that aren't familiar with scripting in the future will be able to just dictate what kind of script they'd like to see created and that would be part of Ansible. So it's a devolution that you can use today for again, your non SAP your SAP workloads and also move forward, you can bring in machine learning into that platform.

A question we often get is what I do about my third party applications around my SAP environment. So a Red Hat, we're fortunate enough to have the leading um Kubernetes management platform that provides you with the developers, the C I CD pipeline development tools that they want your infrastructure, people with the security and operations management that they want.

In conjunction with AWS, we have what we call ROSA, which is Red Hat OpenShift on AWS. You don't need to set up the OpenShift platform. It's done for you. It's managed and update as part of a managed service that we offer to you. So very quickly you can ramp up and deploy OpenShift on your SAP environment and this is very complimentary to SAP BTP.

So we call it a side by side, right? So you connect your third party applications or you could take your, you know, custom code that you may have created on top. On a BTP, we have some customers that have taken that custom code dropped it. On top of OpenShift virtualization, we know some customers are looking for different uh VM options, let's say. So you can put that on top of OpenShift virtualization.

And over time, you can take that application and start to make it more cloud native using the development platform tools we have in place. So a very strong joint offering with AWS.

So as you look at those third party applications, you connect them to your SAP environment using API management. So again, if you like to learn more about our ROSA offering, our OpenShift offering, please come by the booth happy to connect you with some of our experts to go deeper into it. And our solution again, we're a platform company from a Red Hat perspective. So the three platforms we offer our customers is really the RHEL platform from edge to core to cloud or if you go on to move to RISE, RISE uh moving forward is uh RHEL based.

We have our automation platform uh for automation of non SAP/SAP environments. And of course now our OpenShift platform. So three platforms as part of our open hybrid cloud solution.

One example I'd like to highlight for you, this is a customer out of Spain, SEPSA. This customer started doing automation in little pockets, little test beds. But when they became serious about becoming a company that really embraces automation. Uh they deployed Ansible Automation across their environment, worked closely with us and partners with skill sets like EPI US.

Uh in this case, you can see the results for this customer is in the first year, they saved the equivalent of 18 months of resource time. So this 18 months now frees up this company to focus the resources on more strategic projects, more innovative products within that company.

So huge cost savings, huge ability to innovate more quickly than you would have in the past.

So with that said, we want to leave you with some uh tools that are available for you, tools around EPI US uh tools around Red Hat. Again, we encourage you to come by our Red Hat booth. Uh we can set you up with a beautiful looking Fedora that you can wear for the rest of the event and ask, ask us any questions around the platforms.

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