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[★][glgoo] [★][inspirehep] [★][wikipedia] [sch.g] [sch.g.hk] [g.linkscholar] [guog] [keyan] [G.oldBig] [sci-hub] [gycc] [yandex] [scholarnet] [lib.hit] [arxiv] [★][prc]

2016-08-07 22:33:36 645 5

转载 [c++] c++异步处理和clock函数踩坑

c++异步处理和clock函数踩坑文章目录c++异步处理和clock函数踩坑1. 异步处理1.1 确认或者封装需要异步处理的函数1.2 调用异步处理函数```std::async()```2. ```clock()```函数的坑参考最近在c++异步处理的地方踩了个坑,提前剧透一下,坑来自clock()计时器函数。1. 异步处理异步处理,在本文,只是为了多线程加速程序运行速度。异步处理一般...

2020-04-06 14:49:45 1076

原创 如何python搭建简单的服务,并实现post、get功能


2019-07-07 03:35:11 21363 3

原创 git和github学习笔记

git和github学习笔记仅为学习笔记和重要内容参考,如果想学习git相关知识,请移步廖雪峰的git教程安装gitwindows下下载二进制安装创建git仓库在git bash工具窗口内,切换到某文件夹下,输入git init在该文件夹下生成.git文件夹git常用命令语句含义git status查看状态git log查看日志git reflog...

2019-06-02 17:17:28 440

转载 c++ string 字符串分割


2018-02-05 15:12:02 514

原创 [ProE (Creo) 二次开发] 实现Dialog中Tree的Node节点的展开和折叠

主要是用这两个函数。ProUITreeActivateActionSet()ProUITreeTreecurrentnodeGet()第一个函数 ProUITreeActivateActionSet() 表示,在用户双击Tree的某一个节点(node)的时候,指定调用(callback)的函数func()。 在这个调用的函数func()中,用ProUITreeTreecurrentno

2018-01-15 21:51:14 1012

原创 【MyNote】Latex 普通笔记模版

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article} %\documentclass[eprint,amsmath,amssymb%, %superscriptaddress, %groupedaddress, %unsortedaddress, %runinaddress, %frontmatterverbose, %preprint, %showpacs,

2017-03-27 15:17:03 4390

转载 【windows】 鼠标右键cmd命令窗口打开选项

文件夹鼠标右键 增加cmd选项Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\folder\shell\cmd] @=”在此位置打开CMD” [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\folder\shell\cmd\command] @=”cmd.exe /k cd %1”文件夹鼠标右键 去除已经增加的cmd选项Windows Reg

2017-03-01 16:00:26 1351

原创 【python】 中单引号,双引号,三个双引号的差别

单引号&双引号 print "hello, world" 和 print 'hello, world'是一样的。单引号特殊用途:英语中的单引号的使用。如 print 'hello, dogs' world' 是错误的,而 print "hello, dogs' world"是正确的。三个双引号的用途:可以用真是的回车代替\n。如print "hello, \nbig \nworld" 看起来就不是很

2017-03-01 15:38:18 615

原创 [cernRoot] how to get contours from a TH2D

here, i use a TMultiGraph to save the gotten contours, because the contours may be not closed in a TH2D, with the function TMultiGraph * GetContours(const char * fn, const char * th2dname, int nlevel).

2016-12-02 13:16:53 641

翻译 how to remain a TObject after the corresponding TFile is closed

当一个TFile 被关闭时,在这个文件打开至结束之间产生的任何类,默认都是delete的。其用意相当于,TFile相当于一个目录,当打开这个目录的时候,里面的任何东西都是可以看得到的,但当关闭了这个目录,其中的任何东西都在内存中被清除。这是一个保持文件使用过程中保持内存清洁的做法。但是有的时候,我们可能会连续打开多个文件,并在每一个文件中提取一个TObject。而在这些文件都被关闭后,再使用它们。这

2016-11-25 22:07:13 344

原创 how to calculate the textsize of TLatex in CernRoot

double pad_width_for_textSizeValue0;double pad_height_for_textSizeValue0;double pad_width_for_textSizeValue;double pad_height_for_textSizeValue;double rel_charheight_for_textSizeValue0;double rel_

2016-10-15 16:30:42 520

转载 如何添加网络打印机

此文特定针对L332的HP打印机(很破的那个)控制面板-》硬件和声音-》设备和打印机添加打印机-》我所需要的打印机未列出-》通过手动设置添加本地打印机或网络打印机-》下一步创建新端口(Local Port)输入端口名(\\HP LaserJet 1020)-》下一步厂商:HP-》HP LaserJet 1020-》windows 更新替换当前的驱动程序输入打印

2016-05-30 16:48:22 917

转载 [bash] how to use bash-shell array

how to use bash-shell array#!/bin/bash#echo "### title: b36_run_b35.sh"array=(0 1 2 3 4)for((i=0;i<${#array[@]};i++))do echo ${array[i]}donearray :array=(element_1 element_2 element_3

2016-05-24 20:27:03 512

原创 bash for windows 图形界面显示方法汇总

bash for windows 图形界面显示方法汇总今天是2016年05月26日,这个日期是重要的,因为到这个时候位置我的windows更新到的版本是14342。在我之前的版本上,因为仅仅是一个null的问题我就已经崩溃了(精神崩溃,系统还在那好好的)。言归正传我也就是找了几个大家的帖子,汇总在这而已。如果你觉得我的帖子写的很渣的话,就去看原贴就好(你一定会觉得渣,因为我什么正事都没写)。Win

2016-05-21 16:00:16 6948

原创 paper published at 2016/4/29

Forward-backward multiplicity correlations caused by centrality fluctuations in high-energy heavy-ion collisionshttp://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.93.044918

2016-04-29 12:27:11 368

原创 [bash shell] how to calculate float times float

It is noted for myself, please do check for yourself.#!/bin/bash############################################alpha=0.0for((i=0;i<=10;i++))do alpha=`echo "scale=2;$i*0.1"|bc` echo "#########

2016-04-24 22:03:20 522

转载 read file by bash shell just as getline() in c++

#!/bin/bashcat ../file.list | while read LINEdoecho $LINEdone

2016-04-24 21:24:34 432

原创 [cernRoot] How make a beautiful graph by CernRoot?

double xmin = 0.15, xmax = 1.65, ymin = .0, ymax = .59; double x[3] = {1./8., 4./8., 7./8.}; double y[6] = {1./17., 4./17., 7./17., 10./17., 13./17., 16./17.}; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++)

2015-09-17 19:22:47 1792

转载 [cernRoot]how to get tree name?

TIter nextkey( root_file->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey *key, *oldkey=0; while ( (key = (TKey*)nextkey())) { TObject *obj = key->ReadObj(); if ( obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom( TTree::Class() )

2015-07-11 14:08:05 505

转载 [cernRoot]how to deal with TPavetext->SetTextAngle()?

https://root.cern.ch/root/roottalk/roottalk98/2083.htmlCharles Leggett wrote:> Is SetTextAngle() implemented for TPaveText objects? I can't seem to get it to> work. ie:TPaveText *l1 = new TPa

2015-06-04 22:10:35 638

转载 [cernRoot]Get graphs from TMultiGraph

int ngr = mg[4]->GetListOfGraphs()->GetSize(); TList * gr_list = mg[0]->GetListOfGraphs(); TGraph * gr0 = (TGraph *)gr_list->First(); TGraph * gr1 = (TGraph *)gr0->Clone(); TGraph * gr

2015-06-04 14:13:06 556

转载 [cernRoot] Getting Contours From TH2D

double contours[3] = {chisqmin + 2.3, chisqmin + 6.3, chisqmin + 9};// double contours[1] = {chisqmin + 2.3};h2d->SetContour(3, contours);h2d->Draw("CONT1");cc->cd(5);h2d->Draw("CONT Z LIST");cc

2015-06-04 13:55:47 806

转载 [cernRoot]How to get tree name from root file

TIter nextkey( root_file->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey *key, *oldkey=0; while ( (key = (TKey*)nextkey())) { TObject *obj = key->ReadObj(); if ( obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom( TTree::Class() )

2015-06-04 13:54:14 627

转载 [c++] random number

#include#include#includesrand(unsigned(time(0)));/*use time as random number seed*/double random(double start,double end){ return start+(end-start)*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0);}

2015-06-02 21:46:04 766



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