#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Conditional Random Field
# This code is available under the MIT License.
# (c)2010-2011 Nakatani Shuyo / Cybozu Labs Inc.
import numpy
from scipy import maxentropy
def logdotexp_vec_mat ( loga , logM ):
     return numpy . array ([ maxentropy . logsumexp ( loga + x ) for x in logM . T ], copy = False )
def logdotexp_mat_vec ( logM , logb ):
     return numpy . array ([ maxentropy . logsumexp ( x + logb ) for x in logM ], copy = False )
def flatten ( x ):
     a = []
     for y in x : a . extend ( flatten ( y ) if isinstance ( y , list ) else [ y ])
     return a
class FeatureVector ( object ):
     def __init__ ( self , features , xlist , ylist = None ):
         '''intermediates of features (sufficient statistics like)'''
         flist = features . features_edge
         glist = features . features
         self . K = len ( features . labels )
         # expectation of features under empirical distribution (if ylist is specified)
         if ylist :
             self . Fss = numpy . zeros ( features . size (), dtype = int )
             for y1 , y2 in zip ([ "start" ] + ylist , ylist + [ "end" ]):
                 self . Fss [: len ( flist )] += [ f ( y1 , y2 ) for f in flist ]
             for y1 , x1 in zip ( ylist , xlist ):
                 self . Fss [ len ( flist ):] += [ g ( x1 , y1 ) for g in glist ]
         # index list of ON values of edge features
         self . Fon = [] # (n, #f, indexes)
         # for calculation of M_i
         self . Fmat = [] # (n, K, #f, K)-matrix
         self . Gmat = [] # (n, #g, K)-matrix
         for x in xlist :
             mt = numpy . zeros (( len ( glist ), self . K ), dtype = int )
             for j , g in enumerate ( glist ):
                 mt [ j ] = [ g ( x , y ) for y in features . labels ] # sparse
             self . Gmat . append ( mt )
             #self._calc_fmlist(flist, x) # when fmlist depends on x_i (if necessary)
         # when fmlist doesn't depend on x_i
         self . _calc_fmlist ( features )
     def _calc_fmlist ( self , features ):
         flist = features . features_edge
         fmlist = []
         f_on = [[] for f in flist ]
         for k1 , y1 in enumerate ( features . labels ):
             mt = numpy . zeros (( len ( flist ), self . K ), dtype = int )
             for j , f in enumerate ( flist ):
                 mt [ j ] = [ f ( y1 , y2 ) for y2 in features . labels ] # sparse
                 f_on [ j ] . extend ([ k1 * self . K + k2 for k2 , v in enumerate ( mt [ j ]) if v == 1 ])
             fmlist . append ( mt )
         self . Fmat . append ( fmlist )
         self . Fon . append ( f_on )
     def cost ( self , theta ):
         return numpy . dot ( theta , self . Fss )
     def logMlist ( self , theta_f , theta_g ):
         '''for independent fmlists on x_i'''
         fv = numpy . zeros (( self . K , self . K ))
         for j , fm in enumerate ( self . Fmat [ 0 ]):
             fv [ j ] = numpy . dot ( theta_f , fm )
         return [ fv + numpy . dot ( theta_g , gm ) for gm in self . Gmat ] + [ fv ]
class Features ( object ):
     def __init__ ( self , labels ):
         self . features = []
         self . features_edge = []
         self . labels = [ "start" , "stop" ] + flatten ( labels )
     def start_label_index ( self ):
         return 0
     def stop_label_index ( self ):
         return 1
     def size ( self ):
         return len ( self . features ) + len ( self . features_edge )
     def size_edge ( self ):
         return len ( self . features_edge )
     def id2label ( self , list ):
         return [ self . labels [ id ] for id in list ]
     def add_feature ( self , f ):
         self . features . append ( f )
     def add_feature_edge ( self , f ):
         self . features_edge . append ( f )
class CRF ( object ):
     def __init__ ( self , features , regularity , sigma = 1 ):
         self . features = features
         if regularity == 0 :
             self . regularity = lambda w : 0
             self . regularity_deriv = lambda w : 0
         elif regularity == 1 :
             self . regularity = lambda w : numpy . sum ( numpy . abs ( w )) / sigma
             self . regularity_deriv = lambda w : numpy . sign ( w ) / sigma
         else :
             v = sigma ** 2
             v2 = v * 2
             self . regularity = lambda w : numpy . sum ( w ** 2 ) / v2
             self . regularity_deriv = lambda w : numpy . sum ( w ) / v
     def random_param ( self ):
         return numpy . random . randn ( self . features . size ())
     def logalphas ( self , Mlist ):
         logalpha = Mlist [ 0 ][ self . features . start_label_index ()] # alpha(1)
         logalphas = [ logalpha ]
         for logM in Mlist [ 1 :]:
             logalpha = logdotexp_vec_mat ( logalpha , logM )
             logalphas . append ( logalpha )
         return logalphas
     def logbetas ( self , Mlist ):
         logbeta = Mlist [ - 1 ][:, self . features . stop_label_index ()]
         logbetas = [ logbeta ]
         for logM in Mlist [ - 2 :: - 1 ]:
             logbeta = logdotexp_mat_vec ( logM , logbeta )
             logbetas . append ( logbeta )
         return logbetas [:: - 1 ]
     def likelihood ( self , fvs , theta ):
         '''conditional log likelihood log p(Y|X)'''
         n_fe = self . features . size_edge () # number of features on edge
         t1 , t2 = theta [: n_fe ], theta [ n_fe :]
         stop_index = self . features . stop_label_index ()
         likelihood = 0
         for fv in fvs :
             logMlist = fv . logMlist ( t1 , t2 )
             logZ = self . logalphas ( logMlist )[ - 1 ][ stop_index ]
             likelihood += fv . cost ( theta ) - logZ
         return likelihood - self . regularity ( theta )
     def gradient_likelihood ( self , fvs , theta ):
         n_fe = self . features . size_edge () # number of features on edge
         t1 , t2 = theta [: n_fe ], theta [ n_fe :]
         stop_index = self . features . stop_label_index ()
         start_index = self . features . start_label_index ()
         grad = numpy . zeros ( self . features . size ())
         for fv in fvs :
             logMlist = fv . logMlist ( t1 , t2 )
             logalphas = self . logalphas ( logMlist )
             logbetas = self . logbetas ( logMlist )
             logZ = logalphas [ - 1 ][ stop_index ]
             grad += numpy . array ( fv . Fss , dtype = float ) # empirical expectation
             expect = numpy . zeros_like ( logMlist [ 0 ])
             for i in range ( len ( logMlist )):
                 if i == 0 :
                     expect [ start_index ] += numpy . exp ( logalphas [ i ] + logbetas [ i + 1 ] - logZ )
                 elif i < len ( logbetas ) - 1 :
                     a = logalphas [ i - 1 ][:, numpy . newaxis ]
                     expect += numpy . exp ( logMlist [ i ] + a + logbetas [ i + 1 ] - logZ )
                 else :
                     expect [:, stop_index ] += numpy . exp ( logalphas [ i - 1 ] + logbetas [ i ] - logZ )
             for k , indexes in enumerate ( fv . Fon [ 0 ]):
                 grad [ k ] -= numpy . sum ( expect . take ( indexes ))
             for i , gm in enumerate ( fv . Gmat ):
                 p_yi = numpy . exp ( logalphas [ i ] + logbetas [ i + 1 ] - logZ )
                 grad [ n_fe :] -= numpy . sum ( gm * numpy . exp ( logalphas [ i ] + logbetas [ i + 1 ] - logZ ), axis = 1 )
         return grad - self . regularity_deriv ( theta )
     def inference ( self , fvs , theta ):
         from scipy import optimize
         likelihood = lambda x : - self . likelihood ( fvs , x )
         likelihood_deriv = lambda x : - self . gradient_likelihood ( fvs , x )
         return optimize . fmin_bfgs ( likelihood , theta , fprime = likelihood_deriv )
     def tagging ( self , fv , theta ):
         n_fe = self . features . size_edge () # number of features on edge
         logMlist = fv . logMlist ( theta [: n_fe ], theta [ n_fe :])
         logalphas = self . logalphas ( logMlist )
         logZ = logalphas [ - 1 ][ self . features . stop_label_index ()]
         delta = logMlist [ 0 ][ self . features . start_label_index ()]
         argmax_y = []
         for logM in logMlist [ 1 :]:
             h = logM + delta [:, numpy . newaxis ]
             argmax_y . append ( h . argmax ( 0 ))
             delta = h . max ( 0 )
         Y = [ delta . argmax ()]
         for a in reversed ( argmax_y ):
             Y . append ( a [ Y [ - 1 ]])
         return Y [ 0 ] - logZ , Y [:: - 1 ]
     def tagging_verify ( self , fv , theta ):
         '''verification of tagging'''
         n_fe = self . features . size_edge () # number of features on edge
         logMlist = fv . logMlist ( theta [: n_fe ], theta [ n_fe :])
         N = len ( logMlist ) - 1
         K = logMlist [ 0 ][ 0 ] . size
         ylist = [ 0 ] * N
         max_p = - 1e9
         argmax_p = None
         while True :
             logp = logMlist [ 0 ][ self . features . start_label_index (), ylist [ 0 ]]
             for i in range ( len ( ylist ) - 1 ):
                 logp += logMlist [ i + 1 ][ ylist [ i ], ylist [ i + 1 ]]
             logp += logMlist [ N ][ ylist [ N - 1 ], self . features . stop_label_index ()]
             print ylist , logp
             if max_p < logp :
                 max_p = logp
                 argmax_p = ylist [:]
             for k in range ( N - 1 , - 1 , - 1 ):
                 if ylist [ k ] < K - 1 :
                     ylist [ k ] += 1
                 ylist [ k ] = 0
             else :
         return max_p , argmax_p
def main ():
     def load_data ( data ):
         texts = []
         labels = []
         text = []
         data = " \n " + data + " \n "
         for line in data . split ( " \n " ):
             line = line . strip ()
             if len ( line ) == 0 :
                 if len ( text ) > 0 :
                     texts . append ( text )
                     labels . append ( label )
                 text = []
                 label = []
             else :
                 token , info , chunk = line . split ()
                 text . append (( token , info ))
                 label . append ( chunk )
         return ( texts , labels )
     texts , labels = load_data ( """
This DT B-NP
temblor-prone JJ I-NP
city NN I-NP
dispatched VBD B-VP
inspectors NNS B-NP
, , O
firefighters NNS B-NP
and CC O
other JJ B-NP
earthquake-trained JJ I-NP
personnel NNS I-NP
to TO B-VP
aid VB I-VP
Francisco NNP I-NP
. . O
reckons VBZ B-VP
the DT B-NP
current JJ I-NP
account NN I-NP
deficit NN I-NP
will MD B-VP
narrow VB I-VP
to TO B-PP
only RB B-NP
# # I-NP
1.8 CD I-NP
billion CD I-NP
in IN B-PP
September NNP B-NP
. . O
Meanwhile RB B-ADVP
, , O
overall JJ B-NP
evidence NN I-NP
on IN B-PP
the DT B-NP
economy NN I-NP
remains VBZ B-VP
fairly RB B-ADJP
clouded VBN I-ADJP
. . O
But CC O
consumer NN B-NP
expenditure NN I-NP
data NNS I-NP
released VBD B-VP
Friday NNP B-NP
n't RB I-VP
suggest VB I-VP
that IN B-SBAR
the DT B-NP
economy NN I-NP
slowing VBG I-VP
that DT B-ADVP
quickly RB I-ADVP
. . O
""" )
     test_texts , test_labels = load_data ( """
Rockwell NNP B-NP
said VBD B-VP
the DT B-NP
agreement NN I-NP
calls VBZ B-VP
to TO B-VP
supply VB I-VP
200 CD B-NP
additional JJ I-NP
so-called JJ I-NP
shipsets NNS I-NP
for IN B-PP
the DT B-NP
planes NNS I-NP
. . O
""" )
     features = Features ( labels )
     tokens = dict ([( i [ 0 ], 1 ) for x in texts for i in x ]) . keys ()
     infos = dict ([( i [ 1 ], 1 ) for x in texts for i in x ]) . keys ()
     for label in features . labels :
         for token in tokens :
             features . add_feature ( lambda x , y , l = label , t = token : 1 if y == l and x [ 0 ] == t else 0 )
         for info in infos :
             features . add_feature ( lambda x , y , l = label , i = info : 1 if y == l and x [ 1 ] == i else 0 )
     features . add_feature_edge ( lambda y_ , y : 0 )
     fvs = [ FeatureVector ( features , x , y ) for x , y in zip ( texts , labels )]
     fv = fvs [ 0 ]
     text_fv = FeatureVector ( features , test_texts [ 0 ]) # text sequence without labels
     crf = CRF ( features , 2 )
     theta = crf . random_param ()
     print "features:" , features . size ()
     print "labels:" , len ( features . labels )
     #print "theta:", theta
     print "log likelihood:" , crf . likelihood ( fvs , theta )
     prob , ys = crf . tagging ( text_fv , theta )
     print "tagging:" , prob , features . id2label ( ys )
     theta = crf . inference ( fvs , theta )
     #print "theta:", theta
     print "log likelihood:" , crf . likelihood ( fvs , theta )
     prob , ys = crf . tagging ( text_fv , theta )
     print "tagging:" , prob , zip ( test_texts [ 0 ], test_labels [ 0 ], features . id2label ( ys ))
if __name__ == "__main__" :
     main ()

/home/chenxingyue/anaconda3/envs/py39/bin/python /home/chenxingyue/codes/caopengfei/CMeKG_tools/ Loading a TensorFlow model in PyTorch, requires both PyTorch and TensorFlow to be installed. Please see and for installation instructions. Loading a TensorFlow model in PyTorch, requires both PyTorch and TensorFlow to be installed. Please see and for installation instructions. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/chenxingyue/codes/caopengfei/CMeKG_tools/", line 9, in <module> my_pred=medical_ner() File "/home/chenxingyue/codes/caopengfei/CMeKG_tools/", line 21, in __init__ self.model = BERT_LSTM_CRF('/home/chenxingyue/codes/caopengfei/medical_ner', tagset_size, 768, 200, 2, File "/home/chenxingyue/codes/caopengfei/CMeKG_tools/model_ner/", line 16, in __init__ self.word_embeds = BertModel.from_pretrained(bert_config,from_tf=True) File "/home/chenxingyue/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/transformers/", line 2612, in from_pretrained model, loading_info = load_tf2_checkpoint_in_pytorch_model( File "/home/chenxingyue/anaconda3/envs/py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/transformers/", line 390, in load_tf2_checkpoint_in_pytorch_model import tensorflow as tf # noqa: F401 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow' 这个报错可以是需要把tensorflow安装到本地吗?还是Linux
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


