OV5640 自动对焦摄像模组应用指南
(DVP 接口)
修改日期: Nov. 4th, 2011
文档版本号: 2.13
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1 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
- OV5640 应用指南…4
- 硬件设计…5
2.1 OV5640 照相模组原理图参考设计…5
2.2 主机接口…6
2.1.1 引脚定义…6
2.2 供电设计…6
2.2.1 主机使用 1.8V IO ,OV5640 使用 1.8V IO…7
2.2.2 主机使用 2.8V IO,OV5640 使用 1.8V IO…7
2.2.3 主机使用 2.8V IO OV5640 使用 2.8V IO…8
2.3 与镜头相关参数…9
2.3.1 边角失光…9
2.3.2 暗角…9
2.3.3 分辨率…9
2.3.4 光学对比度…9
2.3.5 保护玻璃…9
2.3.6 Lens 补偿(镜头均匀性补偿)…9 Lens 补偿:…9 Lens 补偿: …9 - 硬件操作…10
3.1 操作模式…10
3.1.1 上电(Power Up)…10
3.1.2 节电模式(Power Down)…11
3.1.3 由节电模式唤醒…11
3.1.4 断电…11
3.1.5 硬件复位…12
3.2 操作流程…12
3.2.1 OV5640 单摄像头, 不使用时断电。…12
3.2.2 OV5640 单摄像头, 不使用时处于节电模式…12
3.2.3 OV5640 与其它摄像头共享 DVP, 不使用时断电…12
3.2.4 OV5640 与其它摄像头共享 DVP, 不使用时进入节电模式…13
3.2.5 OV5640 与其他设备共用 I2C 总线…13 - 软件指南…14
4.1 YCbCr/压缩信号参考设置…14
4.1.1 初始设置…14
4.1.2 VGA 预览…19
4.1.3 800x480 预览…20
4.1.4 854x480 预览…21
4.1.5 720p 视频…23
4.1.6 5 百万 YCbCr 拍照…24
4.1.7 5 百万 压缩格式 拍照…26
4.2 信号极性…27
2 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
4.3 驱动能力…27
4.4 I/O 控制…27
4.5 YUV 序列…28
4.6 镜像和翻转…28
4.7 测试图案…30
4.8 去除灯光条纹…30
4.9 用户界面功能…32
4.9.1 亮度…32
4.9.2 对比度…33
4.9.3 色彩饱和度…34
4.9.4 EV 曝光补偿…37
4.9.5 环境光模式…38
4.9.6 特效…39
4.9.7 夜景模式…41
4.7.8 去除灯光条纹…41
4.10 Auto Focus 自动对焦…42
4.10.1 内置自动对焦…42
4.10.2 I2C 自动对焦命令…42
4.10.3 AF 自动对焦过程…43
4.10.4 下载固件(download firmware)…43
4.10.5 自动对焦…43
4.10.6 释放马达至初始状态 (对焦为无穷远处)…44
4.11 拍照流程…44
4.11.1 Shutter 快门时间…44
4.11.2 Gain 增益…44
增益值设置在寄存器 0x350a 和 0x350b 中。…44
4.11.3 虚拟曝光行(Dummy Lines)及虚拟像素(Dummy Pixels)…44
4.11.4 拍照流程…44 自动对焦…44 读取预览参数…44 改变为拍照图像分辨率…45 读取拍照设置参数…45 转换预览增益和曝光值为拍照增益和曝光值…45 增益值转换为曝光值,拍照参数下灯光条纹过滤…45 写入增益(gain)/曝光值(shutter)…46 拍照…46 返回预览模式…46
4.12 Scale and Zoom 缩放和变焦…46
4.12.1 Scale 缩放…46
4.12.2 DIGITAL ZOOM 数码变焦…47
附录 I 摄像头驱动程序示例 …49
3 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南 - OV5640 应用指南
OV5640 是一款 1/4 英寸 5 百万像素的高性能图像传感器,支持 DVP 和 MIPI 接口。 此
文档内容为 DVP 接口的应用指南。MIPI 接口的文档为“OV5640 自动对焦模组应用指南
(MIPI 接口)”
OV5640 传感器可用于:
手机 5 百万像素主摄像头
平板电脑 5 百万像素主摄像头
4 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南 - 硬件设计
2.1 OV5640 照相模组原理图参考设计
说明: - PWND 引脚,高电平有效。当上拉至和 DOVDD 电压一致的高电平时,使 OV5640 进
入节电模式, 不使用时需在模组外部接地。 - RESETB,低点平有效。置低时复位 OV5640, 不使用时需在模组外部与 DOVDD 连接。
- AVDD 为传感器模拟电源引脚,电压范围为 2.6-3.0V (纹波小)。推荐接入 2.8V 电压。
在 OTP 写入状态时,AVDD 必须接入 2.5V±5%,但是 OPT 读取状态无此要求。 - DVDD 是传感器数字电源引脚,电压 1.5V±5% (纹波小)。强烈建议使用内部 DVDD
稳压器。 - DOVDD 是传感器数字 IO 电源引脚,电压范围 1.7V-3.0V(clean),建议为 1.8V。
- AGND 与 DGND 引脚应在模组内分开,在模组外 PCB 单点连接,不要在模组内连接。
- 电容器的位置需靠近其相应的 OV5640 引脚。
- D[9:0] 为 OV5640 传感器 10 bit RGB RAW 输出,D[9:2] 为传感器 8-bit YUV/RGB/压
5 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
2.2 主机接口
2.1.1 引脚定义
OV5640 的视频输出接口共有 10 位,D[9:0]。当输出为 10-bit RGB raw 格式时 , 使用
D[9:0]。 当输出格式为 8-bit YCbCr 或 8-bit RGB raw 和 8-bit RGB 565 时, 使用 D[9:2]。
同步信号 Href 和 Hsync 使用同一引脚 Href。通过 SCCB 设置可选择此引脚为 Href 或
Hsync 信号。
SIO_C 以及 SIO_D 总线需外接上拉电阻, 标准上拉电阻阻值为 5.1K 欧姆。
RESETB 引脚低有效,且内置上拉电阻。RESETB 引脚需由后端芯片控制以得到合适的上
PWDN 引脚高有效,且内置下拉电阻 。PWDN 引脚需由后端芯片控制以得到合适的上电
2.2 供电设计
当 DOVDD 引脚电压为 1.8V 时,DVDD 引脚的电压由 OV5640 传感器内部的稳压器生成。
所以需要 2 组稳压器来为 OV5640 供电。如下图:
6 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
2.2.1 主机使用 1.8V IO ,OV5640 使用 1.8V IO
2.2.2 主机使用 2.8V IO,OV5640 使用 1.8V IO
然而,某些较老的手机或基带芯片只接受 2.8V 的 IO 信号,在这种情况下,我们建议
OV5640 使用 1.8V 电压,并且在主机和 OV5640 之间所有的视频信号传输中增加电平转换器。
OV5640 工作在 1.8V IO, 主机工作在 2.8V IO。对于这种情况:
- 当 OV5640 处于待机模式(PWDN 引脚在高位)时,输出引脚(HREF/HSYNC,
VSYNC, DATA0~9, PCLK, FREX, STROBE, GPIO1~2) 处在三态。请确认此时不会因
产生影响,可在所有三态引脚接 10k 欧姆的下拉电阻。
7 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南 - 所有视频信号引脚加电平转换器 – HREF/HSYNC, VSYNC, DATA0~9, PCLK.
- 传感器的 SCL 和 SDA 可以忍受较高电压。所以 OV5640 使用 1.8V IO 并且 I2C 上拉
电阻接入 2.8V 电压是没有问题的。 - 传感器 PWDN 和 XCLK 可以在 2.8V 信号电压下工作,PWDN 可以直接接 2.8V 电压
使传感器处于节电模式(power down)。如果有额外的电平转换引脚,将这两个引脚
也接入电平转换器。 - 对 RESETB 请不要接入 2.8V 的信号电压,因为 OV5640 在此引脚已内置上拉电阻到
IO 电源。如接入 2.8V 电压,会导致漏电(从 2.8V 信号通过上拉电阻和二极管到传感
器 1.8V IO 电源)。 以下为两种替代解决办法:
a) 主机先驱动 RESETB 为低电平(复位模式),然后在操作模式时再改变其为浮动或者
b) 为 RESETB 引脚接入电平转换器。
如果 DOVDD 为 2.8V, 那么 DVDD 由外部电源供电,所以需使用 3 套稳压器供电,此时
Power down 模式并不能用作省电。
2.2.3 主机使用 2.8V IO OV5640 使用 2.8V IO
OV5640 同样支持 2.8V IO。在使用 2.8V IO 时, 1.5V DVDD 引脚必须由外接电源供电。并
且建议使用断电模式(power off 模式)以省电。注意此时节电模式(power down 模式)并
8 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
2.3 与镜头相关参数
2.3.1 边角失光
OV5640 的镜头均匀性补偿功能来对图片周边的亮度进行补偿,使得整个图片的亮度看上去
2.3.2 暗角
2.3.3 分辨率
有关系 。其中调焦质量是摄像模组组装时非常重要的指标。
2.3.4 光学对比度
2.3.5 保护玻璃
玻璃必须由光学玻璃制造并且双面镀增透膜(AR coating)。否则会导致灵敏度损失或者严
2.3.6 Lens 补偿(镜头均匀性补偿)
所有模组都必须做镜头均匀性补偿补偿,请联络 OVT 取得由 OVT FAE 工程师为不同镜
头优化过的 Lens 补偿设置的详细参数。 Lens 补偿: Lens 补偿:
请联络 OVT FAE 工程师取得模组 Lens 设置的参数。
9 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
- 硬件操作
3.1 操作模式
3.1.1 上电(Power Up)
t0: >= 0 毫秒. 从 DOVDD 稳定到 AVDD 稳定之间的时间。
t2: >= 5 毫秒. 从 AVDD 稳定到传感器上电稳定之间的时间。
t3: >= 1 毫秒. 传感器上电稳定到 ResetB 拉高之间的延迟。
t4: >=20 毫秒. ResetB 拉高到 SCCB 初始化之间的延迟。
步骤 1:
ResetB 拉低,复位 OV5640。 PWDN 引脚拉高。
步骤 2:
DOVDD 和 AVDD 上电。这两路最好同时上电,如果不能同时上电,那么必须使 DOVDD
上电在先,AVDD 上电在后。
步骤 3:
等 AVDD 稳定 5 毫秒后,拉低 PWDN。
步骤 4:
PWDN 置低 1 毫秒后, 拉高 ResetB。
步骤 5:
20 毫秒后, 初始化 OV5640 的 SCCB 寄存器设置。寄存器设置可参考第四章的 OV5640 软
10 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
3.1.2 节电模式(Power Down)
步骤 1:
拉高 PWDN 引脚。
步骤 2:
0.1 毫秒后拉低 XCLK 。在 PWDN 拉高以后 XCLK 必须至少保持 0.1 毫秒高电平。
3.1.3 由节电模式唤醒
步骤 1:
加上 XCLK 时钟。
步骤 2:
0.1 毫秒后, 拉低 PWDN。
可选步骤 3:
初始化 SCCB 寄存器。寄存器参数请见第四章。
3.1.4 断电
步骤 1.
拉低 XCLK。
步骤 2.
切断 AVDD, DVDD 和 DOVDD。 这三路电源应同时切断,如无法同时切断,则必须做到
11 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
步骤 3.
3.1.5 硬件复位
OV5640 传感器的 RESETB 引脚在拉低时(接地)可以实现硬件复位。此时 OV5640 清
空所有寄存器并使其恢复到初始值。通过 SCCB 接口向寄存器 0x12 的[7]位写“1”,同样可以
低位有效且基于异步设计,复位的脉冲时间必须等于 1 毫秒或更长。
3.2 操作流程
3.2.1 OV5640 单摄像头, 不使用时断电。
模式 操作流程
连接电池 无
打开相机 上电
退出相机 断电
3.2.2 OV5640 单摄像头, 不使用时处于节电模式
模式 操作流程
连接电池 上电
打开相机 从节电模式唤醒
退出相机 回到节电模式
3.2.3 OV5640 与其它摄像头共享 DVP, 不使用时断电
模式 操作流程
连接电池 无
打开 OV5640 全部上电, 保持其它摄像头的 PWDN 为高, 而 OV5640 PWDN 为低
12 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
初始化 OV5640
打开其他 camera 全部上电, 保持 OV5640 PWDN 为高, 而其它 camera 的 PWDN 为低
从 OV5640 切换到其它摄像
OV5640 进入节电模式
唤醒 OV5640
初始化 OV5640
退出相机 全部断电
3.2.4 OV5640 与其它摄像头共享 DVP, 不使用时进入节电模式
模式 操作流程
连接电池 全部上电, 保持 OV5640 PWDN 为高, 而其它摄像头的 PWDN 为低
拉高其它摄像头的 PWDN 引脚, 拉低 OV5640 PWDN 引脚
初始化 OV5640
拉高 OV5640 PWND 引脚
打开 OV5640 唤醒 OV5640
初始化 OV5640
关闭 OV5640 OV5640 进入节电模式
打开其它摄像头 唤醒其它摄像头
关闭其它摄像头 其它涉摄像头进入节电模式
3.2.5 OV5640 与其他设备共用 I2C 总线
其他设备接入 I
2C 其他设备无法接入 I
2C 总线
13 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南 - 软件指南
4.1 YCbCr/压缩信号参考设置
4.1.1 初始设置
//15fps VGA YUV output
// 24MHz input clock, 24MHz PCLK
write_i2c(0x3103, 0x11); // system clock from pad, bit[1]
write_i2c(0x3008, 0x82); // software reset, bit[7]
// delay 5ms
write_i2c(0x3008, 0x42); // software power down, bit[6]
write_i2c(0x3103, 0x03); // system clock from PLL, bit[1]
write_i2c(0x3017, 0xff); // FREX, Vsync, HREF, PCLK, D[9:6] output enable
write_i2c(0x3018, 0xff); // D[5:0], GPIO[1:0] output enable
write_i2c(0x3034, 0x1a); // MIPI 10-bit
write_i2c(0x3037, 0x13); // PLL root divider, bit[4], PLL pre-divider, bit[3:0]
write_i2c(0x3108, 0x01); // PCLK root divider, bit[5:4], SCLK2x root divider, bit[3:2]
// SCLK root divider, bit[1:0]
write_i2c(0x3630, 0x36);
write_i2c(0x3631, 0x0e);
write_i2c(0x3632, 0xe2);
write_i2c(0x3633, 0x12);
write_i2c(0x3621, 0xe0);
write_i2c(0x3704, 0xa0);
write_i2c(0x3703, 0x5a);
write_i2c(0x3715, 0x78);
write_i2c(0x3717, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x370b, 0x60);
write_i2c(0x3705, 0x1a);
write_i2c(0x3905, 0x02);
write_i2c(0x3906, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x3901, 0x0a);
write_i2c(0x3731, 0x12);
write_i2c(0x3600, 0x08); // VCM control
write_i2c(0x3601, 0x33); // VCM control
write_i2c(0x302d, 0x60); // system control
write_i2c(0x3620, 0x52);
write_i2c(0x371b, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x471c, 0x50);
write_i2c(0x3a13, 0x43); // pre-gain = 1.047x
write_i2c(0x3a18, 0x00); // gain ceiling
write_i2c(0x3a19, 0xf8); // gain ceiling = 15.5x
write_i2c(0x3635, 0x13);
write_i2c(0x3636, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x3634, 0x40);
14 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x3622, 0x01);
// 50/60Hz detection 50/60Hz 灯光条纹过滤
write_i2c(0x3c01, 0x34); // Band auto, bit[7]
write_i2c(0x3c04, 0x28); // threshold low sum
write_i2c(0x3c05, 0x98); // threshold high sum
write_i2c(0x3c06, 0x00); // light meter 1 threshold[15:8]
write_i2c(0x3c07, 0x08); // light meter 1 threshold[7:0]
write_i2c(0x3c08, 0x00); // light meter 2 threshold[15:8]
write_i2c(0x3c09, 0x1c); // light meter 2 threshold[7:0]
write_i2c(0x3c0a, 0x9c); // sample number[15:8]
write_i2c(0x3c0b, 0x40); // sample number[7:0]
write_i2c(0x3810, 0x00); // Timing Hoffset[11:8]
write_i2c(0x3811, 0x10); // Timing Hoffset[7:0]
write_i2c(0x3812, 0x00); // Timing Voffset[10:8]
write_i2c(0x3708, 0x64);
write_i2c(0x4001, 0x02); // BLC start from line 2
write_i2c(0x4005, 0x1a); // BLC always update
write_i2c(0x3000, 0x00); // enable blocks
write_i2c(0x3004, 0xff); // enable clocks
write_i2c(0x300e, 0x58); // MIPI power down, DVP enable
write_i2c(0x302e, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x4300, 0x30); // YUV 422, YUYV
write_i2c(0x501f, 0x00); // YUV 422
write_i2c(0x440e, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x5000, 0xa7); // Lenc on, raw gamma on, BPC on, WPC on, CIP on
// AEC target 自动曝光控制
write_i2c(0x3a0f, 0x30); // stable range in high
write_i2c(0x3a10, 0x28); // stable range in low
write_i2c(0x3a1b, 0x30); // stable range out high
write_i2c(0x3a1e, 0x26); // stable range out low
write_i2c(0x3a11, 0x60); // fast zone high
write_i2c(0x3a1f, 0x14); // fast zone low
// Lens correction for ? 镜头补偿
write_i2c(0x5800, 0x23);
write_i2c(0x5801, 0x14);
write_i2c(0x5802, 0x0f);
write_i2c(0x5803, 0x0f);
write_i2c(0x5804, 0x12);
write_i2c(0x5805, 0x26);
write_i2c(0x5806, 0x0c);
write_i2c(0x5807, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x5808, 0x05);
write_i2c(0x5809, 0x05);
write_i2c(0x580a, 0x08);
15 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x580b, 0x0d);
write_i2c(0x580c, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x580d, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x580e, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x580f, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x5810, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x5811, 0x09);
write_i2c(0x5812, 0x07);
write_i2c(0x5813, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x5814, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x5815, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x5816, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x5817, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x5818, 0x0d);
write_i2c(0x5819, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x581a, 0x05);
write_i2c(0x581b, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x581c, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x581d, 0x0e);
write_i2c(0x581e, 0x29);
write_i2c(0x581f, 0x17);
write_i2c(0x5820, 0x11);
write_i2c(0x5821, 0x11);
write_i2c(0x5822, 0x15);
write_i2c(0x5823, 0x28);
write_i2c(0x5824, 0x46);
write_i2c(0x5825, 0x26);
write_i2c(0x5826, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x5827, 0x26);
write_i2c(0x5828, 0x64);
write_i2c(0x5829, 0x26);
write_i2c(0x582a, 0x24);
write_i2c(0x582b, 0x22);
write_i2c(0x582c, 0x24);
write_i2c(0x582d, 0x24);
write_i2c(0x582e, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x582f, 0x22);
write_i2c(0x5830, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x5831, 0x42);
write_i2c(0x5832, 0x24);
write_i2c(0x5833, 0x26);
write_i2c(0x5834, 0x24);
write_i2c(0x5835, 0x22);
write_i2c(0x5836, 0x22);
write_i2c(0x5837, 0x26);
write_i2c(0x5838, 0x44);
write_i2c(0x5839, 0x24);
write_i2c(0x583a, 0x26);
16 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x583b, 0x28);
write_i2c(0x583c, 0x42);
write_i2c(0x583d, 0xce); // lenc BR offset
// AWB 自动白平衡
write_i2c(0x5180, 0xff); // AWB B block
write_i2c(0x5181, 0xf2); // AWB control
write_i2c(0x5182, 0x00); // [7:4] max local counter, [3:0] max fast counter
write_i2c(0x5183, 0x14); // AWB advanced
write_i2c(0x5184, 0x25);
write_i2c(0x5185, 0x24);
write_i2c(0x5186, 0x09);
write_i2c(0x5187, 0x09);
write_i2c(0x5188, 0x09);
write_i2c(0x5189, 0x75);
write_i2c(0x518a, 0x54);
write_i2c(0x518b, 0xe0);
write_i2c(0x518c, 0xb2);
write_i2c(0x518d, 0x42);
write_i2c(0x518e, 0x3d);
write_i2c(0x518f, 0x56);
write_i2c(0x5190, 0x46);
write_i2c(0x5191, 0xf8); // AWB top limit
write_i2c(0x5192, 0x04); // AWB bottom limit
write_i2c(0x5193, 0x70); // red limit
write_i2c(0x5194, 0xf0); // green limit
write_i2c(0x5195, 0xf0); // blue limit
write_i2c(0x5196, 0x03); // AWB control
write_i2c(0x5197, 0x01); // local limit
write_i2c(0x5198, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x5199, 0x12);
write_i2c(0x519a, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x519b, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x519c, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x519d, 0x82);
write_i2c(0x519e, 0x38); // AWB control
// Gamma 伽玛曲线
write_i2c(0x5480, 0x01); // Gamma bias plus on, bit[0]
write_i2c(0x5481, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x5482, 0x14);
write_i2c(0x5483, 0x28);
write_i2c(0x5484, 0x51);
write_i2c(0x5485, 0x65);
write_i2c(0x5486, 0x71);
write_i2c(0x5487, 0x7d);
write_i2c(0x5488, 0x87);
write_i2c(0x5489, 0x91);
17 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x548a, 0x9a);
write_i2c(0x548b, 0xaa);
write_i2c(0x548c, 0xb8);
write_i2c(0x548d, 0xcd);
write_i2c(0x548e, 0xdd);
write_i2c(0x548f, 0xea);
write_i2c(0x5490, 0x1d);
// color matrix 色彩矩阵
write_i2c(0x5381, 0x1e); // CMX1 for Y
write_i2c(0x5382, 0x5b); // CMX2 for Y
write_i2c(0x5383, 0x08); // CMX3 for Y
write_i2c(0x5384, 0x0a); // CMX4 for U
write_i2c(0x5385, 0x7e); // CMX5 for U
write_i2c(0x5386, 0x88); // CMX6 for U
write_i2c(0x5387, 0x7c); // CMX7 for V
write_i2c(0x5388, 0x6c); // CMX8 for V
write_i2c(0x5389, 0x10); // CMX9 for V
write_i2c(0x538a, 0x01); // sign[9]
write_i2c(0x538b, 0x98); // sign[8:1]
// UV adjust UV 色彩饱和度调整
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x06); // saturation on, bit[1]
write_i2c(0x5583, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x5584, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x5589, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x558a, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x558b, 0xf8);
write_i2c(0x501d, 0x40); // enable manual offset of contrast
// CIP 锐化和降噪
write_i2c(0x5300, 0x08); // CIP sharpen MT threshold 1
write_i2c(0x5301, 0x30); // CIP sharpen MT threshold 2
write_i2c(0x5302, 0x10); // CIP sharpen MT offset 1
write_i2c(0x5303, 0x00); // CIP sharpen MT offset 2
write_i2c(0x5304, 0x08); // CIP DNS threshold 1
write_i2c(0x5305, 0x30); // CIP DNS threshold 2
write_i2c(0x5306, 0x08); // CIP DNS offset 1
write_i2c(0x5307, 0x16); // CIP DNS offset 2
write_i2c(0x5309, 0x08); // CIP sharpen TH threshold 1
write_i2c(0x530a, 0x30); // CIP sharpen TH threshold 2
write_i2c(0x530b, 0x04); // CIP sharpen TH offset 1
write_i2c(0x530c, 0x06); // CIP sharpen TH offset 2
write_i2c(0x5025, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3008, 0x02); // wake up from standby, bit[6]
18 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
4.1.2 VGA 预览
VGA 30 帧/秒
// YUV VGA 30fps, night mode 5fps
// Input Clock = 24Mhz, PCLK = 56MHz
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x11); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3036, 0x46); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3c07, 0x08); // light meter 1 threshold [7:0]
write_i2c(0x3820, 0x41); // Sensor flip off, ISP flip on
write_i2c(0x3821, 0x07); // Sensor mirror on, ISP mirror on, H binning on
write_i2c(0x3814, 0x31); // X INC
write_i2c(0x3815, 0x31); // Y INC
write_i2c(0x3800, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3801, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3802, 0x00); // VS
write_i2c(0x3803, 0x04); // VS
write_i2c(0x3804, 0x0a); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3805, 0x3f); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3806, 0x07); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3807, 0x9b); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x02); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x80); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x01); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380b, 0xe0); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380c, 0x07); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380d, 0x68); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380e, 0x03); // VTS
write_i2c(0x380f, 0xd8); // VTS
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x06); // Timing Voffset
write_i2c(0x3618, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3612, 0x29);
write_i2c(0x3709, 0x52);
write_i2c(0x370c, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x3a02, 0x17); // 60Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a03, 0x10); // 60Hz max exposure
// banding filters are calculated automatically in camera driver
//write_i2c(0x3a08, 0x01); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a09, 0x27); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0a, 0x00); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0b, 0xf6); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0e, 0x03); // 50Hz max band
//write_i2c(0x3a0d, 0x04); // 60Hz max band
write_i2c(0x3a14, 0x17); // 50Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a15, 0x10); // 50Hz max exposure
19 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x4004, 0x02); // BLC 2 lines
write_i2c(0x3002, 0x1c); // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPEG
write_i2c(0x3006, 0xc3); // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
write_i2c(0x4713, 0x03); // JPEG mode 3
write_i2c(0x4407, 0x04); // Quantization scale
write_i2c(0x460b, 0x35);
write_i2c(0x460c, 0x22);
write_i2c(0x4837, 0x22); // DVP CLK divider
write_i2c(0x3824, 0x02); // DVP CLK divider
write_i2c(0x5001, 0xa3); // SDE on, scale on, UV average off, color matrix on, AWB on
write_i2c(0x3503, 0x00); // AEC/AGC on
VGA 15 帧/秒
// YUV VGA 15fps, night mode 5fps
// Input Clock = 24Mhz, PCLK = 28MHz
//same settings as VGA 30fps, except the following settings
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x21); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3a02, 0x0b); // 60Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a03, 0x88); // 60Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x3a14, 0x0b); // 50Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a15, 0x88); // 50Hz max exposure
4.1.3 800x480 预览
800x480 15 帧/秒
// 800x480 15fps, night mode 5fps
// input clock 24Mhz, PCLK 45.6Mhz
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x41); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3036, 0x72); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3c07, 0x08); // light meter 1 threshold[7:0]
write_i2c(0x3820, 0x41); // flip
write_i2c(0x3821, 0x07); // mirror
write_i2c(0x3814, 0x31); // timing X inc
write_i2c(0x3815, 0x31); // timing Y inc
write_i2c(0x3800, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3801, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3802, 0x00); // VS
write_i2c(0x3803, 0xbe); // VS
write_i2c(0x3804, 0x0a); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3805, 0x3f); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3806, 0x06); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3807, 0xe4); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x03); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x20); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x01); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380b, 0xe0); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380c, 0x07); // HTS
20 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x380d, 0x69); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380e, 0x03); // VTS
write_i2c(0x380f, 0x21); // VTS
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x06); // timing V offset
write_i2c(0x3618, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3612, 0x29);
write_i2c(0x3709, 0x52);
write_i2c(0x370c, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x3a02, 0x09); // 60Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a03, 0x63); // 60Hz max exposure
// banding filters are calculated automatically in camera driver
//write_i2c(0x3a08, 0x00); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a09, 0x78); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0a, 0x00); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0b, 0x64); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0e, 0x06); // 50Hz max band
//write_i2c(0x3a0d, 0x08); // 60Hz max band
write_i2c(0x3a14, 0x09); // 50Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a15, 0x63); // 50Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x4004, 0x02); // BLC line number
write_i2c(0x3002, 0x1c); // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPG
write_i2c(0x3006, 0xc3); // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
write_i2c(0x4713, 0x03); // JPEG mode 3
write_i2c(0x4407, 0x04); // Quantization sacle
write_i2c(0x460b, 0x35);
write_i2c(0x460c, 0x22);
write_i2c(0x4837, 0x22); // MIPI global timing
write_i2c(0x3824, 0x02); // PCLK manual divider
write_i2c(0x5001, 0xa3); // SDE on, CMX on, AWB on
write_i2c(0x3503, 0x00); // AEC/AGC on
800x480 30 帧/秒
// YUV 800x480 30fps, night mode 5fps
// Input Clock = 24Mhz, PCLK = 91.2MHz
//same settings as 800x480 15fps, except the following settings
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x21); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3a02, 0x12); // 60Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a03, 0xc6); // 60Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x3a14, 0x12); // 50Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a15, 0xc6); // 50Hz max exposure
4.1.4 854x480 预览
854x480 15 帧/秒
// 854x480 15fps, night mode 5fps
// input clock 24Mhz, PCLK 42Mhz
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x41); // PLL
21 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x3036, 0x69); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3c07, 0x07); // light meter 1 threshold[7:0]
write_i2c(0x3820, 0x41); // flip
write_i2c(0x3821, 0x07); // mirror
write_i2c(0x3814, 0x31); // timing X inc
write_i2c(0x3815, 0x31); // timing Y inc
write_i2c(0x3800, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3801, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3802, 0x00); // VS
write_i2c(0x3803, 0xfa); // VS
write_i2c(0x3804, 0x0a); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3805, 0x3f); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3806, 0x06); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3807, 0xa9); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x03); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x56); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x01); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380b, 0xe0); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380c, 0x07); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380d, 0x64); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380e, 0x02); // VTS
write_i2c(0x380f, 0xe4); // VTS
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x04); // timing V offset
write_i2c(0x3618, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3612, 0x29);
write_i2c(0x3709, 0x52);
write_i2c(0x370c, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x3a02, 0x08); // 60Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a03, 0xac); // 60Hz max exposure
// banding filters are calculated automatically in camera driver
//write_i2c(0x3a08, 0x00); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a09, 0x6f); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0a, 0x00); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0b, 0x5c); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0e, 0x06); // 50Hz max band
//write_i2c(0x3a0d, 0x08); // 60Hz max band
write_i2c(0x3a14, 0x08); // 50Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a15, 0xac); // 50Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x4004, 0x02); // BLC line number
write_i2c(0x3002, 0x1c); // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPG
write_i2c(0x3006, 0xc3); // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
write_i2c(0x4713, 0x03); // JPEG mode 3
write_i2c(0x4407, 0x04); // Quantization sacle
write_i2c(0x460b, 0x37);
write_i2c(0x460c, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x4837, 0x16); // MIPI global timing
write_i2c(0x3824, 0x04); // PCLK manual divider
write_i2c(0x5001, 0xa3); // SDE on, scale on, CMX on, AWB on
22 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x3503, 0x00); // AEC/AGC on
854x480 30 帧/秒
// YUV 854x480 30fps, night mode 5fps
// Input Clock = 24Mhz, PCLK = 84MHz
//same settings as 854x480 15fps, except the following settings
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x21); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3a02, 0x11); // 60Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a03, 0x58); // 60Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x3a14, 0x11); // 50Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
write_i2c(0x3a15, 0x58); // 50Hz max exposure
4.1.5 720p 视频
720p 15 帧/秒
// 1280x720, 15fps
// input clock 24Mhz, PCLK 42Mhz
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x41); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3036, 0x69); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3c07, 0x07); // lightmeter 1 threshold[7:0]
write_i2c(0x3820, 0x41); // flip
write_i2c(0x3821, 0x07); // mirror
write_i2c(0x3814, 0x31); // timing X inc
write_i2c(0x3815, 0x31); // timing Y inc
write_i2c(0x3800, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3801, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3802, 0x00); // VS
write_i2c(0x3803, 0xfa); // VS
write_i2c(0x3804, 0x0a); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3805, 0x3f); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3806, 0x06); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3807, 0xa9); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x05); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x00); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x02); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380b, 0xd0); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380c, 0x07); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380d, 0x64); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380e, 0x02); // VTS
write_i2c(0x380f, 0xe4); // VTS
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x04); // timing V offset
write_i2c(0x3618, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3612, 0x29);
write_i2c(0x3709, 0x52);
write_i2c(0x370c, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x3a02, 0x02); // 60Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x3a03, 0xe0); // 60Hz max exposure
23 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
// banding filters are calculated automatically in camera driver
//write_i2c(0x3a08, 0x00); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a09, 0x6f); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0a, 0x00); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0b, 0x5c); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0e, 0x06); // 50Hz max band
//write_i2c(0x3a0d, 0x08); // 60Hz max band
write_i2c(0x3a14, 0x02); // 50Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x3a15, 0xe0); // 50Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x4004, 0x02); // BLC line number
write_i2c(0x3002, 0x1c); // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPG
write_i2c(0x3006, 0xc3); // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
write_i2c(0x4713, 0x03); // JPEG mode 3
write_i2c(0x4407, 0x04); // Quantization scale
write_i2c(0x460b, 0x37);
write_i2c(0x460c, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x4837, 0x16); // MIPI global timing
write_i2c(0x3824, 0x04); // PCLK manual divider
write_i2c(0x5001, 0x83); // SDE on, CMX on, AWB on
write_i2c(0x3503, 0x00); // AEC/AGC on
720p 30 帧/秒
// YUV 1280x720 30fps
// Input Clock = 24Mhz, PCLK = 84MHz
//same settings as 1280x720 15fps, except the following settings
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x21); // PLL
4.1.6 5 百万 YCbCr 拍照
YUV 5M 3.75 帧/秒
// YUV 2592x1944, 3.75fps
// input clock 24Mhz, PCLK 42Mhz
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x41); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3036, 0x69); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3c07, 0x07); // lightm eter 1 threshold[7:0]
write_i2c(0x3820, 0x40); // flip
write_i2c(0x3821, 0x06); // mirror
write_i2c(0x3814, 0x11); // timing X inc
write_i2c(0x3815, 0x11); // timing Y inc
write_i2c(0x3800, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3801, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3802, 0x00); // VS
write_i2c(0x3803, 0x00); // VS
write_i2c(0x3804, 0x0a); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3805, 0x3f); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3806, 0x07); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3807, 0x9f); // VH (VE)
24 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x0a); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x20); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x07); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380b, 0x98); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380c, 0x0b); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380d, 0x1c); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380e, 0x07); // VTS
write_i2c(0x380f, 0xb0); // VTS
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x04); // timing V offset
write_i2c(0x3618, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3612, 0x2b);
write_i2c(0x3709, 0x12);
write_i2c(0x370c, 0x00);
// banding filters are calculated automatically in camera driver
//write_i2c(0x3a02, 0x07); // 60Hz max exposure
//write_i2c(0x3a03, 0xae); // 60Hz max exposure
//write_i2c(0x3a08, 0x01); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a09, 0x27); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0a, 0x00); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0b, 0xf6); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0e, 0x06); // 50Hz max band
//write_i2c(0x3a0d, 0x08); // 60Hz max band
//write_i2c(0x3a14, 0x07); // 50Hz max exposure
//write_i2c(0x3a15, 0xae); // 50Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x4004, 0x06); // BLC line number
write_i2c(0x3002, 0x1c); // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPG
write_i2c(0x3006, 0xc3); // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
write_i2c(0x4713, 0x02); // JPEG mode 3
write_i2c(0x4407, 0x0c); // Quantization sacle
write_i2c(0x460b, 0x37);
write_i2c(0x460c, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x4837, 0x2c); // MIPI global timing
write_i2c(0x3824, 0x01); // PCLK manual divider
write_i2c(0x5001, 0x83); // SDE on, CMX on, AWB on
write_i2c(0x3503, 0x03);
YUV 5M 5 帧/秒
// YUV 2592x1944 5fps
// Input Clock = 24Mhz, PCLK = 56MHz
//same settings as 2592x1944 3.75fps, except the following settings
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x21); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3036, 0x46); // PLL
YUV 5M 7.5 帧/秒
// YUV 2592x1944 7.5fps
// Input Clock = 24Mhz, PCLK = 84MHz
//same settings as 2592x1944 3.75fps, except the following settings
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x21); // PLL
25 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x3036, 0x69); // PLL
4.1.7 5 百万 压缩格式 拍照
// JPEG, 2592x1944 fixed size, 15fps
// Input clock = 24Mhz, PCLK = 42 MHz
write_i2c(0x3035, 0x11); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3036, 0x69); // PLL
write_i2c(0x3c07, 0x07); // lightmeter 1 threshold[7:0]
write_i2c(0x3820, 0x40); // flip
write_i2c(0x3821, 0x26); // mirror
write_i2c(0x3814, 0x11); // timing X inc
write_i2c(0x3815, 0x11); // timing Y inc
write_i2c(0x3800, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3801, 0x00); // HS
write_i2c(0x3802, 0x00); // VS
write_i2c(0x3803, 0x00); // VS
write_i2c(0x3804, 0x0a); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3805, 0x3f); // HW (HE)
write_i2c(0x3806, 0x07); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3807, 0x9f); // VH (VE)
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x0a); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x20); // DVPHO
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x07); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380b, 0x98); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x380c, 0x0b); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380d, 0x1c); // HTS
write_i2c(0x380e, 0x07); // VTS
write_i2c(0x380f, 0xb0); // VTS
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x04); // timing V offset
write_i2c(0x3618, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3612, 0x2b);
write_i2c(0x3709, 0x12);
write_i2c(0x370c, 0x00);
/// banding filters are calculated automatically in camera driver
/write_i2c(0x3a02, 0x07); // 60Hz max exposure
//write_i2c(0x3a03, 0xae); // 60Hz max exposure
//write_i2c(0x3a08, 0x01); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a09, 0x27); // B50 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0a, 0x00); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0b, 0xf6); // B60 step
//write_i2c(0x3a0e, 0x06); // 50Hz max band
//write_i2c(0x3a0d, 0x08); // 60Hz max band
//write_i2c(0x3a14, 0x07); // 50Hz max exposure
//write_i2c(0x3a15, 0xae); // 50Hz max exposure
write_i2c(0x4004, 0x06); // BLC line number
write_i2c(0x3002, 0x00); // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPG
write_i2c(0x3006, 0xff); // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
26 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x4713, 0x02); // JPEG mode 2
write_i2c(0x4407, 0x04); // Quantization sacle
write_i2c(0x460b, 0x35);
write_i2c(0x460c, 0x22);
write_i2c(0x4837, 0x16); // MIPI global timing
write_i2c(0x3824, 0x04); // PCLK manual divider
write_i2c(0x5001, 0x83); // SDE on, CMX on, AWB on
write_i2c(0x3503, 0x03);
4.2 信号极性
为得到正确的图像,OV5640 传感器的视频信号极性与基带芯片或 ISP 必须设置成一致。
信号 寄存器 功能
VSYNC 0x4740[0] 1 – Vsync 为高时输出数据有效
0 – Vsync 为低时输出数据有效
PCLK 0x4740[5] 1 – 数据在下降沿输出
0 – 数据在上升沿输出
HREF 0x4740[1] 0 – Href 为高时输出数据有效
1 – Href 为低时输出数据有效
4.3 驱动能力
寄存器 功能
0x302c[7:6] 00 – 1x
01 – 2x
10 – 3x
11 – 4x
4.4 I/O 控制
信号 输入/高阻态 输出数据路径 输出 - 0 输出 - 1
D[9:0] 0x3017[3:0]=0x0
Vsync 0x3017[6]=0 0x3017[6]=1
Href 0x3017[5]=0 0x3017[5]=1
27 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
PCLK 0x3017[4]=0 0x3017[4]=1
Strobe 0x3016[1]=0 0x3016[1]=1
FREX 0x3017[7]=0 0x3017[7]=1
GPIO1 0x3018[1]=0 0x3018[1]=1
0x301b[1]= 0
0x301b[1]= 0
GPIO0 0x3018[0]=0 0x3018[0]=1
0x301b[0]= 0
0x301b[0]= 0
注: - 如果任引脚在模组或系统中开路,引脚状态须设置为输出。
- 如果任何引脚与其他设备共用总线,当 OV5640 处于低功耗状态而由其他设备控制总线
时,引脚须设置为输入/高阻态;当 OV5640 和其他设备都处于低功耗状态时,其中须有一个
4.5 YUV 序列
为得到正确的图像,OV5640 输出图像的 YUV 序列必须与基带芯片或 ISP 匹配。
0x4300[0:1] 控制 YUV 输出顺序
//Y U Y V
write_i2c(0x4300, 0x30);
//Y V Y U
write_i2c(0x4300, 0x31);
//V Y U Y
write_i2c(0x4300, 0x33);
//U Y V Y
write_i2c(0x4300, 0x32);
4.6 镜像和翻转
因为 OV5640 是一款 BSI 图像传感器, 成像光线是从芯片背面射入的,所以原始生成的图
28 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
i2c_salve_Address = 0x78;
MIRROR (default) 镜像(默认)
reg3820 = read_i2c(0x3820);
reg3820 = reg3820 & 0xf9; // flip off
write_i2c(0x3820, reg3820);
reg3821 = read_i2c(0x3821);
reg3821 = reg3821 | 0x06; // mirror on
write_i2c(0x3821, reg3821);
reg3820 = read_i2c(0x3820);
reg3820 = reg3820 | 0x06; // flip on
write_i2c(0x3820, reg3820);
reg3821 = read_i2c(0x3821);
reg3821 = reg3821 & 0xf9; // mirror off
write_i2c(0x3821, reg3821);
reg3820 = read_i2c(0x3820);
reg3820 = reg3820 | 0x06; // flip on
write_i2c(0x3820, reg3820);
reg3821 = read_i2c(0x3821);
reg3821 = reg3821 | 0x06; // mirror on
write_i2c(0x3821, reg3821)
Normal 正常
reg3820 = read_i2c(0x3820);
reg3820 = reg3820 & 0xf9; // flip off
write_i2c(0x3820, reg3820);
reg3821 = read_i2c(0x3821);
reg3821 = reg3821 & 0xf9; // mirror off
write_i2c(0x3821, reg3821);
29 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
4.7 测试图案
Color bar 彩色条
write_i2c(0x503d, 0x80);
write_i2c(0x4741, 0x00);
Color square 彩色四方形
write_i2c(0x503d, 0x82);
write_i2c(0x4741, 0x0);
4.8 去除灯光条纹
OV5640_set_bandingfilter() 功能可在 camera 驱动中自动设置 banding filters(灯光条纹过
去除灯光条纹是通过将 OV5640 曝光时间设置为 n
100 (
120 当交流电频率为 60Hz 时)
秒来实现的。banding filter 数值明确了 OV5640 为得到 n
100 (
120 60Hz) 秒的曝光时间
Banding _ filter _50hz=
line _ period
HTS×sysclk =
Banding _ filter _ 60hz=
line _ period =
HTS×sysclk =
HTS = register {0x380c, 0x380d}
30 OmniVision 公司机密
Color bar
Color square
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
sysclk 需由 OV5640_get_sysclk() 功能算得。
31 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
4.9 用户界面功能
4.9.1 亮度
亮度 +4
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5587, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x5588, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
亮度 +3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5587, 0x30);
write_i2c(0x5588, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
亮度 +2
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5587, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x5588, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
亮度 +1
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5587, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x5588, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5587, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x5588, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
亮度 -1
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5587, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x5588, 0x09);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
32 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
亮度 -2
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5587, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x5588, 0x09);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
亮度 -3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5587, 0x30);
write_i2c(0x5588, 0x09);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
亮度 -4
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5587, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x5588, 0x09);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
4.9.2 对比度
对比度 +3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5586, 0x2c);
write_i2c(0x5585, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
对比度 +2
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5586, 0x28);
write_i2c(0x5585, 0x18);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
对比度 +1
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5586, 0x24);
write_i2c(0x5585, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
33 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5586, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x5585, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
对比度 -1
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5586, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x5585, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
对比度 -2
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5586, 0x18);
write_i2c(0x5585, 0x18);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
对比度 -3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5586, 0x14);
write_i2c(0x5585, 0x14);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
4.9.3 色彩饱和度
色彩饱和度 +3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5381, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x5382, 0x5a);
write_i2c(0x5383, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x5384, 0x2b);
write_i2c(0x5385, 0xab);
write_i2c(0x5386, 0xd6);
write_i2c(0x5387, 0xda);
write_i2c(0x5388, 0xd6);
write_i2c(0x5389, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x538b, 0x98);
write_i2c(0x538a, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
34 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
色彩饱和度 +2
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5381, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x5382, 0x5a);
write_i2c(0x5383, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x5384, 0x24);
write_i2c(0x5385, 0x8f);
write_i2c(0x5386, 0xb3);
write_i2c(0x5387, 0xb6);
write_i2c(0x5388, 0xb3);
write_i2c(0x5389, 0x03);
write_i2c(0x538b, 0x98);
write_i2c(0x538a, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
色彩饱和度 +1
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5381, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x5382, 0x5a);
write_i2c(0x5383, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x5384, 0x1f);
write_i2c(0x5385, 0x7a);
write_i2c(0x5386, 0x9a);
write_i2c(0x5387, 0x9c);
write_i2c(0x5388, 0x9a);
write_i2c(0x5389, 0x02);
write_i2c(0x538b, 0x98);
write_i2c(0x538a, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5381, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x5382, 0x5a);
write_i2c(0x5383, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x5384, 0x1a);
write_i2c(0x5385, 0x66);
write_i2c(0x5386, 0x80);
write_i2c(0x5387, 0x82);
write_i2c(0x5388, 0x80);
write_i2c(0x5389, 0x02);
write_i2c(0x538b, 0x98);
write_i2c(0x538a, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
35 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
色彩饱和度 -1
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5381, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x5382, 0x5a);
write_i2c(0x5383, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x5384, 0x15);
write_i2c(0x5385, 0x52);
write_i2c(0x5386, 0x66);
write_i2c(0x5387, 0x68);
write_i2c(0x5388, 0x66);
write_i2c(0x5389, 0x02);
write_i2c(0x538b, 0x98);
write_i2c(0x538a, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
色彩饱和度 -2
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5381, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x5382, 0x5a);
write_i2c(0x5383, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x5384, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x5385, 0x3d);
write_i2c(0x5386, 0x4d);
write_i2c(0x5387, 0x4e);
write_i2c(0x5388, 0x4d);
write_i2c(0x5389, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x538b, 0x98);
write_i2c(0x538a, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
色彩饱和度 -3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5381, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x5382, 0x5a);
write_i2c(0x5383, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x5384, 0x0c);
write_i2c(0x5385, 0x30);
write_i2c(0x5386, 0x3d);
write_i2c(0x5387, 0x3e);
write_i2c(0x5388, 0x3d);
write_i2c(0x5389, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x538b, 0x98);
write_i2c(0x538a, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
36 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
4.9.4 EV 曝光补偿
EV +3
write_i2c(0x3a0f, 0x60);
write_i2c(0x3a10, 0x58);
write_i2c(0x3a11, 0xa0);
write_i2c(0x3a1b, 0x60);
write_i2c(0x3a1e, 0x58);
write_i2c(0x3a1f, 0x20);
EV +2
write_i2c(0x3a0f, 0x50);
write_i2c(0x3a10, 0x48);
write_i2c(0x3a11, 0x90);
write_i2c(0x3a1b, 0x50);
write_i2c(0x3a1e, 0x48);
write_i2c(0x3a1f, 0x20);
EV +1
write_i2c(0x3a0f, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x3a10, 0x38);
write_i2c(0x3a11, 0x71);
write_i2c(0x3a1b, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x3a1e, 0x38);
write_i2c(0x3a1f, 0x10);
EV Standard
write_i2c(0x3a0f, 0x38);
write_i2c(0x3a10, 0x30);
write_i2c(0x3a11, 0x61);
write_i2c(0x3a1b, 0x38);
write_i2c(0x3a1e, 0x30);
write_i2c(0x3a1f, 0x10);
EV -1
write_i2c(0x3a0f, 0x30);
write_i2c(0x3a10, 0x28);
write_i2c(0x3a11, 0x61);
write_i2c(0x3a1b, 0x30);
write_i2c(0x3a1e, 0x28);
write_i2c(0x3a1f, 0x10);
EV -2
write_i2c(0x3a0f, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x3a10, 0x18);
write_i2c(0x3a11, 0x41);
write_i2c(0x3a1b, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x3a1e, 0x18);
37 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x3a1f, 0x10);
EV -3
write_i2c(0x3a0f, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x3a10, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3a1b, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x3a1e, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3a11, 0x20);
write_i2c(0x3a1f, 0x10);
4.9.5 环境光模式
Auto 自动
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x3406, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3400, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3401, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3402, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3403, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3404, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3405, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // lanuch group 3
Sunny 日光
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x3406, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3400, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x3401, 0x1c);
write_i2c(0x3402, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3403, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3404, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3405, 0xf3);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // lanuch group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x3406, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3400, 0x05);
write_i2c(0x3401, 0x48);
write_i2c(0x3402, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3403, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3404, 0x07);
write_i2c(0x3405, 0xcf);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // lanuch group 3
38 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
Cloudy 阴天
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x3406, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3400, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x3401, 0x48);
write_i2c(0x3402, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3403, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3404, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3405, 0xd3);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // lanuch group 3
Home 室内
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x3406, 0x01);
write_i2c(0x3400, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3401, 0x10);
write_i2c(0x3402, 0x04);
write_i2c(0x3403, 0x00);
write_i2c(0x3404, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3405, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // lanuch group 3
4.9.6 特效
Normal (off) 正常
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x5583, 0x40); // sat U
write_i2c(0x5584, 0x10); // sat V
write_i2c(0x5003, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
Blueish (cool light) 冷色
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x1e);
write_i2c(0x5583, 0xa0);
write_i2c(0x5584, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x5003, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
39 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
Redish (warm)
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x1e);
write_i2c(0x5583, 0x80);
write_i2c(0x5584, 0xc0);
write_i2c(0x5003, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
Black and white 黑白
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x1e);
write_i2c(0x5583, 0x80);
write_i2c(0x5584, 0x80);
write_i2c(0x5003, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
Sepia 泛黄
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x1e);
write_i2c(0x5583, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x5584, 0xa0);
write_i2c(0x5003, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x40);
write_i2c(0x5003, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x5583, 0x40); // sat U
write_i2c(0x5584, 0x10); // sat V
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
Greenish 偏绿
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x1e);
write_i2c(0x5583, 0x60);
write_i2c(0x5584, 0x60);
write_i2c(0x5003, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
Overexposure 过曝
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
40 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x1e);
write_i2c(0x5583, 0xf0);
write_i2c(0x5584, 0xf0);
write_i2c(0x5003, 0x08);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
Solarize 正负片叠加
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x5580, 0x06);
write_i2c(0x5583, 0x40); // sat U
write_i2c(0x5584, 0x10); // sat V
write_i2c(0x5003, 0x09);
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
4.9.7 夜景模式
进入夜景模式时,将自动加入 dummy lines(虚拟曝光行)以降低帧率。插入 dummy
line(虚拟曝光行)的总行数根据光源不同分别由以下寄存器控制:0x3a02, 0x3a03(60hz 光
源),0x3a14, 0x3a15(50hz 光源)。寄存器 0x3a00 bit[2] 用来控制夜景模式的开/关切换。
temp = read_i2c(0x3a00);
temp = temp | 0x04;
write_i2c(0x3a00, temp);
temp = read_i2c(0x3a00);
temp = temp & 0xfb;
write_i2c(0x3a00, temp);
4.7.8 去除灯光条纹
OV5640 相机驱动支持自动计算灯光条纹过滤参数(banding filter),所以不用再进行手动
Off 关闭
temp = read_i2c(0x3a00);
temp = temp & 0xdf; // turn off banding filter
write_i2c(0x3a00, temp);
Manual 50Hz 手动设置 50Hz 光源
write_i2c(0x3c00, 04); // set to 50Hz
write_i2c(0x3c01, 80); // manual banding filter
41 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
temp = read_i2c(0x3a00);
temp = temp | 0x20; // turn on banding filter
write_i2c(0x3a00, temp);
Manual 60Hz 手动设置 60Hz 光源
write_i2c(0x3c00, 00); // set to 60Hz
write_i2c(0x3c01, 80); // manual banding filter
temp = read_i2c(0x3a00);
temp = temp | 0x20; // turn on banding filter
write_i2c(0x3a00, temp);
Auto Detection 自动侦测
write_i2c(0x3c01, 00); // auto banding filter
temp = read_i2c(0x3a00);
temp = temp & 0xdf; // turn off banding filter
write_i2c(0x3a00, temp);
自动侦测功能参数与输入时钟相关,如果输入时钟不是 24Mhz,请联络 OmniVision 当地
的 FAE 取得正确的设置参数。
4.10 Auto Focus 自动对焦
4.10.1 内置自动对焦
OV5640 由内置微型控制器完成自动对焦,并且 VCM 驱动器也已集成在传感器内部。微
型控制器的控制固件(firmware)从主机下载。当固件运行后,内置微型控制器从 OV5640
传感器读得自动对焦所需的信息,计算并驱动 VCM 马达带动镜头到达正确的对焦位置。主
机可以通过 I2C 命令控制微型控制器的各种功能。
4.10.2 I2C 自动对焦命令
寄存器名 地址 描述 值
CMD_MAIN 0x3022 AF 主命令寄存器 0x03 - 触发自动对焦过程
0x06 - 暂停对焦过程
0x08 - 释放马达回初始状态
0x12 - 重设对焦区域
0x00 – 命令完成
CMD_ACK 0x3023 ACK of command
0x00 - 命令完成
0x01 - 命令运行中
FW_STATUS 0x3029 Status of focus
固件已下载完毕但未运行 可能由以下
42 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
0x70 - S_IDLEIdle 状态,
注: 微程序控制器(MCU)收到自动对焦命令后会自动将 CMD_MAIN(0x3022)寄存器数据
清零。当命令完成后会将 CMD_ACK(0x3023)寄存器数据清零。
4.10.3 AF 自动对焦过程
当使用 OV5640 自动对焦固件进行操作的流程,寄存器读写。
自动对焦流程如下: - 第一次进入图像预览时 下载固件(firmware)
- 拍照时 自动对焦
- 拍照完毕并回到图像预览时 释放马达至初始状态(对焦为无穷远处)
4.10.4 下载固件(download firmware)
OV5640 初始化完成后,就可以下载 AF 自动对焦固件了,其操作和下载初始化参数是一
样的。建议使用 I2C 多字节写入来加快固件的下载速度。
MCU on:0x3000 BIT6=0 BIT5=0 0x3004 BIT6=1 BIT5=1
AFC on :0x3001 BIT6=0 0x3005 BIT6=1
4.10.5 自动对焦
在拍摄图片流程开始之前,自动对焦必须已经完成,才能得到清晰的图像。 - 将 0x3022 寄存器写为 0x03,开始单点对焦过程。
- 读取寄存器 0x3029 的状态,如果返回值为 0x10,代表对焦已完成。
- 写寄存器 0x3022 为 0x06,暂停对焦过程,使镜头将保持在此对焦位置。
43 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
4.10.6 释放马达至初始状态 (对焦为无穷远处)
拍照完毕以后,写寄存器 0x3022 为 0x08,释放马达,镜头回到初始状态(对焦无穷远处)。
4.11 拍照流程
4.11.1 Shutter 快门时间
OV5640 传感器快门时间用来控制曝光时间,其单位为行频周期(line period),在每一种
分辨率下曝光行都是有限制的,最大能达到的快门时间值为 VTS(0x380e, 0x380f) - 4 。
快门时间对应寄存器的值为实际曝光行数的 16 倍,寄存器为:0x3500,0x3501,0x3502。
快门时间 = (reg0x3500<<12) + (reg0x3501<<4) + (reg3502>>4);
4.11.2 Gain 增益
增益值设置在寄存器 0x350a 和 0x350b 中。
增益 = ((reg0x350a & 03)<<4) + (reg0x350b>>4);
4.11.3 虚拟曝光行(Dummy Lines)及虚拟像素(Dummy Pixels)
如果自动夜景模式开启,OV5640 会自动增加虚拟曝光行。插入 dummy line(虚拟曝光
行)的总行数根据光源不同分别由以下寄存器控制:0x3a02[3:0], 0x3a03(60hz 光源),
0x3a14[3:0], 0x3a15(50hz 光源)。
Dummy pixel(虚拟像素)用来调整时序,调整 HTS 寄存器 0x380c, 0x380d 可增加 dummy
4.11.4 拍照流程 自动对焦
暂停自动对焦过程 (保持镜头处在正确的对焦位置) 读取预览参数
Read preview_shutter 读取预览_shutter
Read preview_gain 读取预览_gain
44 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
Read preview_HTS 读取预览_HTS
Read preview_sysclk 读取预览_sysclk
Read preview_binning_factor B 读取预览_binning_factor B 改变为拍照图像分辨率
下载拍照设置参数。关闭 AGC/AEC(自动增益控制/自动曝光控制)。 读取拍照设置参数
Read capture _HTS 读取拍照_HTS
Read capture _VTS 读取拍照_VTS
Read capture_banding_filter 读取拍照_banding filter
Read capture SYSCLK 读取拍照 SYSCLK 转换预览增益和曝光值为拍照增益和曝光值
拍照 _快门时间 =预览 _快门时间 ×
拍照 _ PCLK
预览 _ PCLK
预览 _ HTS
拍照 _ HTS
拍照 _增益 =预览 _增益
其中 B 是像和并参数。OV5640 中 B 值为 1。
在光照较强的情况下,'当预览_快门时间’为 1,由于整数计算的误差,会得到’拍照_快门
时间’等于 0。为避免这种情况,可以用以下公式计算:
拍照 _快门时间 =预览 _快门时间
拍照 _增益 =预览 _增益 ×
拍照 _ PCLK
预览 _ PCLK
预览 _ HTS
拍照 _ HTS
×B 增益值转换为曝光值,拍照参数下灯光条纹过滤
gain_exposure = capture_shuttercapture_gain;
If ( gain_exposure < capture_banding_filter) {
// capture_shutter < 1/100
capture_shutter = gain_exposure;
capture_gain = gain_exposure/capture_shutter;
else {
if ( gain_exposure > (capture_VTS -4)) {
// exposure reach maximum
capture_shutter = capture_VTS -4;
capture_gain = gain_exposure/capture_shutter;
45 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
else {
// 1/100 < exposure < max, capture_shutter = N * capture_banding_filter
capture_shutter = int (gain_exposure/capture_banding_filter) * capture_banding_filter;
capture_gain = gain_exposure/capture_shutter;
} 写入增益(gain)/曝光值(shutter)
Write capture_gain 写入拍照_gain
Write capture_shutter 写入拍照_shutter 拍照
等待两个 Vsync 后。
抓取第三帧图像。 返回预览模式
// 释放马达,使镜头回到初始状态(对焦无穷远处)。
//开启 AGC/AEC。
write_i2c(0x3503, 0); 写寄存器 0x3503 为 0。
4.12 Scale and Zoom 缩放和变焦
使用缩放和变焦功能,OV5640 ISP 寄存器 0x5001[5] 必须设置为 ‘1’。为保证缩放/变焦
过程比较平滑,建议使用 I2C 群写入指令。
4.12.1 Scale 缩放
OV5640 ISP 支持图像缩小,可以得到任何小于 2592x1944 像素的图像尺寸。如果是按照
与全尺寸图像宽高比(4:3)相同的比例进行缩小,那么调整寄存器 DVPHO 和 DVPVO 即
可得到想要的尺寸。例如,要想得到分辨率为 2048x1536 的输出,其设置如下:
DVPHO = 2048
DVPVO = 1536
H offset = 16
Y offset = 4
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x08); // DVPHO = 2048
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x00); // DVP HO
46 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x06); // DVPVO = 1536
write_i2c(0x380b, 0x00); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x3810, 0x00); // H offset = 16
write_i2c(0x3811, 0x10); // H offset
write_i2c(0x3812, 0x00); // V offset = 4
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x04); // V offset
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
如果缩小尺寸与全尺寸图像宽高比(4:3)不同,那么还需调整 X offset 和 Y offset ,对初
始图像进行修剪以得到想要的图像尺寸。比如,要得到分辨率为 1280x1024 的输出:
DVPHO = 1280
DVPVO = 1024
input image height = 1944
input image width = 1944 * 1280/1024 = 2430
X offset = 16
Y offset = 4 + (2592 - 2430)/2 = 85
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x05); // DVPHO = 1280
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x00); // DVP HO
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x04); // DVPVO = 1024
write_i2c(0x380b, 0x00); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x3810, 0x00); // H offset = 16
write_i2c(0x3811, 0x10); // H offset
write_i2c(0x3812, 0x00); // V offset = 85
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x55); // V offset
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
4.12.2 DIGITAL ZOOM 数码变焦
对于任何小于 2592x1944 尺寸的图像,在保持图像宽高比与当前一致的情况下增加 X
offset 和 Y offset,即可得到数码变焦的效果。比如当输出图像尺寸为 1600x1200 像素时:
Digital Zoom 1x (1 倍)
DVPHO = 1600
DVPVO = 1200
X offset = 16
Y offset = 4
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x06); // DVPHO = 1600
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x40); // DVP HO
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x04); // DVPVO = 1200
47 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
write_i2c(0x380b, 0xb0); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x3810, 0x00); // H offset = 16
write_i2c(0x3811, 0x10); // H offset
write_i2c(0x3812, 0x00); // V offset = 4
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x04); // V offset
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
Digital Zoom 1.5x (1.5 倍)
DVPHO = 1600
DVPVO = 1200
input image width = 2592/1.5 = 1728 > 1600
input image height = 1944/1.5 = 1296 > 1200
X offset = 16 + (2592 – 1728)/2 = 448
Y offset = 4 + (1944 – 1296)/2 = 328
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x03); // start group 3
write_i2c(0x3808, 0x06); // DVPHO = 1600
write_i2c(0x3809, 0x40); // DVP HO
write_i2c(0x380a, 0x04); // DVPVO = 1200
write_i2c(0x380b, 0xb0); // DVPVO
write_i2c(0x3810, 0x01); // H offset = 448
write_i2c(0x3811, 0xc0); // H offset
write_i2c(0x3812, 0x01); // V offset = 328
write_i2c(0x3813, 0x48); // V offset
write_i2c(0x3212, 0x13); // end group 3
write_i2c(0x3212, 0xa3); // launch group 3
48 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
附录 I 摄像头驱动程序示例
int m_iCombo_NightMode = 0;
int XVCLK = 2400; // real clock/10000
int preview_sysclk, preview_HTS, preview_VTS;
int AE_Target = 52;
int AE_high, AE_low;
int OV5640_init_setting()
// initialize OV5640
int regInit[] =
//OV5640 setting Version History
//dated 04/08/2010 A02
//–Based on v08 release
//dated 04/20/2010 A03
//–Based on V10 release
//dated 04/22/2010 A04
//–Based on V10 release
//–updated ccr & awb setting
//dated 04/22/2010 A06
//–Based on A05 release
//–Add pg setting
//dated 05/19/2011 A09
//–changed pchg 3708 setting
0x3008, 0x42, // software power down
0x3103, 0x03, // sysclk from pll
0x3017, 0xff, // Frex, Vsync, Href, PCLK, D[9:6] output
0x3018, 0xff, // D[5:0], GPIO[1:0] output
0x3034, 0x1a, // PLL, MIPI 10-bit
0x3037, 0x13, // PLL
0x3108, 0x01, // clock divider
0x3630, 0x36,
0x3631, 0x0e,
0x3632, 0xe2,
0x3633, 0x12,
0x3621, 0xe0,
0x3704, 0xa0,
0x3703, 0x5a,
0x3715, 0x78,
0x3717, 0x01,
0x370b, 0x60,
0x3705, 0x1a,
0x3905, 0x02,
0x3906, 0x10,
0x3901, 0x0a,
0x3731, 0x12,
0x3600, 0x08, // VCM debug
0x3601, 0x33, // VCM debug
0x302d, 0x60, // system control
0x3620, 0x52,
0x371b, 0x20,
0x471c, 0x50,
49 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
0x3a13, 0x43, // pre-gain = 1.05x
0x3a18, 0x00, // AEC gain ceiling = 7.75x
0x3a19, 0x7c, // AEC gain ceiling
0x3635, 0x13,
0x3636, 0x03,
0x3634, 0x40,
0x3622, 0x01,
//50/60Hz detection
0x3c01, 0x34, // sum auto, band counter enable, threshold = 4
0x3c04, 0x28, // threshold low sum
0x3c05, 0x98, // threshold high sum
0x3c06, 0x00, // light meter 1 threshold H
0x3c07, 0x07, // light meter 1 threshold L
0x3c08, 0x00, // light meter 2 threshold H
0x3c09, 0x1c, // light meter 2 threshold L
0x3c0a, 0x9c, // sample number H
0x3c0b, 0x40, // sample number L
0x3810, 0x00, // X offset
0x3811, 0x10, // X offset
0x3812, 0x00, // Y offset
0x3708, 0x64,
0x4001, 0x02, // BLC start line
0x4005, 0x1a, // BLC always update
0x3000, 0x00, // enable MCU, OTP
0x3004, 0xff, // enable BIST, MCU memory, MCU, OTP, STROBE, D5060, timing, array clock
0x300e, 0x58, // MIPI 2 lane? power down PHY HS TX, PHY LP RX, DVP enable
0x302e, 0x00,
0x4300, 0x30, // YUV 422, YUYV
0x501f, 0x00, // ISP YUV 422
0x440e, 0x00,
0x5000, 0xa7, // LENC on, raw gamma on, BPC on, WPC on, CIP on
//AEC target
0x3a0f, 0x30, // stable in high
0x3a10, 0x28, // stable in low
0x3a1b, 0x30, // stable out high
0x3a1e, 0x26, // stable out low
0x3a11, 0x60, // fast zone high
0x3a1f, 0x14, // fast zone low
0x5800, 0x23,
0x5801, 0x14,
0x5802, 0x0f,
0x5803, 0x0f,
0x5804, 0x12,
0x5805, 0x26,
0x5806, 0x0c,
0x5807, 0x08,
0x5808, 0x05,
0x5809, 0x05,
0x580a, 0x08,
0x580b, 0x0d,
0x580c, 0x08,
0x580d, 0x03,
0x580e, 0x00,
0x580f, 0x00,
0x5810, 0x03,
0x5811, 0x09,
0x5812, 0x07,
0x5813, 0x03,
0x5814, 0x00,
0x5815, 0x01,
50 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
0x5816, 0x03,
0x5817, 0x08,
0x5818, 0x0d,
0x5819, 0x08,
0x581a, 0x05,
0x581b, 0x06,
0x581c, 0x08,
0x581d, 0x0e,
0x581e, 0x29,
0x581f, 0x17,
0x5820, 0x11,
0x5821, 0x11,
0x5822, 0x15,
0x5823, 0x28,
0x5824, 0x46,
0x5825, 0x26,
0x5826, 0x08,
0x5827, 0x26,
0x5828, 0x64,
0x5829, 0x26,
0x582a, 0x24,
0x582b, 0x22,
0x582c, 0x24,
0x582d, 0x24,
0x582e, 0x06,
0x582f, 0x22,
0x5830, 0x40,
0x5831, 0x42,
0x5832, 0x24,
0x5833, 0x26,
0x5834, 0x24,
0x5835, 0x22,
0x5836, 0x22,
0x5837, 0x26,
0x5838, 0x44,
0x5839, 0x24,
0x583a, 0x26,
0x583b, 0x28,
0x583c, 0x42,
0x583d, 0xce, // LENC BR offset
0x5180, 0xff, // AWB B block
0x5181, 0xf2, // AWB control
0x5182, 0x00, // [7:4] max local counter, [3:0] max fast counter
0x5183, 0x14, // AWB advance
0x5184, 0x25,
0x5185, 0x24,
0x5186, 0x09,
0x5187, 0x09,
0x5188, 0x09,
0x5189, 0x75,
0x518a, 0x54,
0x518b, 0xe0,
0x518c, 0xb2,
0x518d, 0x42,
0x518e, 0x3d,
0x518f, 0x56,
0x5190, 0x46,
0x5191, 0xf8, // AWB top limit
0x5192, 0x04, // AWB botton limit
0x5193, 0x70, // Red limit
0x5194, 0xf0, // Green Limit
0x5195, 0xf0, // Blue limit
51 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
0x5196, 0x03, // AWB control
0x5197, 0x01, // local limit
0x5198, 0x04,
0x5199, 0x12,
0x519a, 0x04,
0x519b, 0x00,
0x519c, 0x06,
0x519d, 0x82,
0x519e, 0x38, // AWB control
0x5480, 0x01, // BIAS plus on
0x5481, 0x08,
0x5482, 0x14,
0x5483, 0x28,
0x5484, 0x51,
0x5485, 0x65,
0x5486, 0x71,
0x5487, 0x7d,
0x5488, 0x87,
0x5489, 0x91,
0x548a, 0x9a,
0x548b, 0xaa,
0x548c, 0xb8,
0x548d, 0xcd,
0x548e, 0xdd,
0x548f, 0xea,
0x5490, 0x1d,
//color matrix
0x5381, 0x1e, // CMX1 for Y
0x5382, 0x5b, // CMX2 for Y
0x5383, 0x08, // CMX3 for Y
0x5384, 0x0a, // CMX4 for U
0x5385, 0x7e, // CMX5 for U
0x5386, 0x88, // CMX6 for U
0x5387, 0x7c, // CMX7 for V
0x5388, 0x6c, // CMX8 for V
0x5389, 0x10, // CMX9 for V
0x538a, 0x01, // sign[9]
0x538b, 0x98, // sign[8:1]
//UV adjust
0x5580, 0x06, // brightness on, saturation on
0x5583, 0x40, // Sat U
0x5584, 0x10, // Sat V
0x5589, 0x10, // UV adjust th1
0x558a, 0x00, // UV adjust th2[8]
0x558b, 0xf8, // UV adjust th2[7:0]
0x501d, 0x40, // enable manual offset in contrast
0x5300, 0x08, // sharpen-MT th1
0x5301, 0x30, // sharpen-MT th2
0x5302, 0x10, // sharpen-MT off1
0x5303, 0x00, // sharpen-MT off2
0x5304, 0x08, // De-noise th1
0x5305, 0x30, // De-noise th2
0x5306, 0x08, // De-noise off1
0x5307, 0x16, // De-noise off2
0x5309, 0x08, // sharpen-TH th1
0x530a, 0x30, // sharpen-TH th2
0x530b, 0x04, // sharpen-TH off1
0x530c, 0x06, // sharpen-TH off2
52 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
0x5025, 0x00,
0x3008, 0x02, // wake up from software power down
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3103, 0x11); // sysclk from pad
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3008, 0x82); // software reset
// delay 5ms
// Write initialization table
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(regInit)/sizeof(int); i+=2)
OV5640_write_i2c(regInit[i], regInit[i+1]);
return 0;
int OV5640_preview_setting()
// set OV5640 to preview mode
int regPreview[] =
// 640x480 15fps, night mode 5fps
// Input CLock = 24Mhz
// PCLK = 17Mhz
0x3035, 0x21, // PLL
0x3036, 0x46, // PLL
0x3c07, 0x08, // lightmeter 1 threshold[7:0]
0x3820, 0x41, // flip
0x3821, 0x07, // mirror
0x3814, 0x31, // timing X inc
0x3815, 0x31, // timing Y inc
0x3800, 0x00, // HS
0x3801, 0x00, // HS
0x3802, 0x00, // VS
0x3803, 0x04, // VS
0x3804, 0x0a, // HW (HE)
0x3805, 0x3f, // HW (HE)
0x3806, 0x07, // VH (VE)
0x3807, 0x9b, // VH (VE)
0x3808, 0x02, // DVPHO
0x3809, 0x80, // DVPHO
0x380a, 0x01, // DVPVO
0x380b, 0xe0, // DVPVO
0x380c, 0x07, // HTS
0x380d, 0x68, // HTS
0x380e, 0x03, // VTS
0x380f, 0xd8, // VTS
0x3813, 0x06, // timing V offset
0x3618, 0x00,
0x3612, 0x29,
0x3709, 0x52,
0x370c, 0x03,
0x3a02, 0x0b, // 60Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
0x3a03, 0x88, // 60Hz max exposure
0x3a14, 0x0b, // 50Hz max exposure, night mode 5fps
0x3a15, 0x88, // 50Hz max exposure
0x4004, 0x02, // BLC line number
0x3002, 0x1c, // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPG
0x3006, 0xc3, // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
0x4713, 0x03, // JPEG mode 3
53 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
0x4407, 0x04, // Quantization sacle
0x460b, 0x35,
0x460c, 0x22,
0x4837, 0x22, // MIPI global timing
0x3824, 0x02, // PCLK manual divider
0x5001, 0xa3, // SDE on, CMX on, AWB on
0x3503, 0x00, // AEC/AGC on
// Write preview table
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(regPreview)/sizeof(int); i+=2)
OV5640_write_i2c(regPreview[i], regPreview[i+1]);
return 0;
int OV5640_video_setting()
// set OV5640 to video mode
int regVideo[] =
// input clock 24Mhz
// PCLK 42Mhz
0x3035, 0x41, // PLL
0x3036, 0x69, // PLL
0x3c07, 0x07, // lightmeter 1 threshold[7:0]
0x3820, 0x41, // flip
0x3821, 0x07, // mirror
0x3814, 0x31, // timing X inc
0x3815, 0x31, // timing Y inc
0x3800, 0x00, // HS
0x3801, 0x00, // HS
0x3802, 0x00, // VS
0x3803, 0xfa, // VS
0x3804, 0x0a, // HW (HE)
0x3805, 0x3f, // HW (HE)
0x3806, 0x06, // VH (VE)
0x3807, 0xa9, // VH (VE)
0x3808, 0x05, // DVPHO
0x3809, 0x00, // DVPHO
0x380a, 0x02, // DVPVO
0x380b, 0xd0, // DVPVO
0x380c, 0x07, // HTS
0x380d, 0x64, // HTS
0x380e, 0x02, // VTS
0x380f, 0xe4, // VTS
0x3813, 0x04, // timing V offset
0x3618, 0x00,
0x3612, 0x29,
0x3709, 0x52,
0x370c, 0x03,
0x3a02, 0x02, // 60Hz max exposure
0x3a03, 0xe0, // 60Hz max exposure
0x3a08, 0x00, // B50 step
0x3a09, 0x6f, // B50 step
0x3a0a, 0x00, // B60 step
0x3a0b, 0x5c, // B60 step
0x3a0e, 0x06, // 50Hz max band
0x3a0d, 0x08, // 60Hz max band
0x3a14, 0x02, // 50Hz max exposure
0x3a15, 0xe0, // 50Hz max exposure
0x4004, 0x02, // BLC line number
54 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
0x3002, 0x1c, // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPG
0x3006, 0xc3, // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
0x4713, 0x03, // JPEG mode 3
0x4407, 0x04, // Quantization sacle
0x460b, 0x37,
0x460c, 0x20,
0x4837, 0x16, // MIPI global timing
0x3824, 0x04, // PCLK manual divider
0x5001, 0x83, // SDE on, CMX on, AWB on
0x3503, 0x00, // AEC/AGC on
// Write preview table
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(regVideo)/sizeof(int); i+=2)
OV5640_write_i2c(regVideo[i], regVideo[i+1]);
return 0;
int OV5640_capture_setting()
// set OV5640 to capture mode
int regCapture[] =
// YUV Capture
// 2592 x 1944 3.75fps
// 24 MHz input clock, 42Mhz PCLK
0x3035, 0x71, // PLL
0x3036, 0x69, // PLL
0x3c07, 0x07, // lightmeter 1 threshold[7:0]
0x3820, 0x40, // flip
0x3821, 0x06, // mirror
0x3814, 0x11, // timing X inc
0x3815, 0x11, // timing Y inc
0x3800, 0x00, // HS
0x3801, 0x00, // HS
0x3802, 0x00, // VS
0x3803, 0x00, // VS
0x3804, 0x0a, // HW (HE)
0x3805, 0x3f, // HW (HE)
0x3806, 0x07, // VH (VE)
0x3807, 0x9f, // VH (VE)
0x3808, 0x0a, // DVPHO
0x3809, 0x20, // DVPHO
0x380a, 0x07, // DVPVO
0x380b, 0x98, // DVPVO
0x380c, 0x0b, // HTS
0x380d, 0x1c, // HTS
0x380e, 0x07, // VTS
0x380f, 0xb0, // VTS
0x3813, 0x04, // timing V offset
0x3618, 0x04,
0x3612, 0x2b,
0x3709, 0x12,
0x370c, 0x00,
0x4004, 0x06, // BLC line number
0x3002, 0x1c, // reset JFIFO, SFIFO, JPG
0x3006, 0xc3, // disable clock of JPEG2x, JPEG
0x4713, 0x02, // JPEG mode 2
0x4407, 0x0c, // Quantization sacle
0x460b, 0x37,
0x460c, 0x20,
55 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
0x4837, 0x2c, // MIPI global timing
0x3824, 0x01, // PCLK manual divider
0x5001, 0x83, // SDE on, CMX on, AWB on, scale off
0x3503, 0x03, // AEC/AGC off
// Write capture table
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(regCapture)/sizeof(int); i+=2)
OV5640_write_i2c(regCapture[i], regCapture[i+1]);
return 0;
int OV5640_af_init()
// download firmware
// if supported, multiple bytes I2C writes are highly recommended.
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(af_firmware)/sizeof(int); i+=2)
OVPantherDemo::WriteSCCB(0x78, af_firmware[i], af_firmware[i+1]);
return 0;
int OV5640_auto_focus()
int temp;
// focus
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3022, 0x03);
// check status
temp = OV5640_read_i2c(0x3029);
if (temp ==0x10) return 0; // focus completed
return 1;
int OV5640_get_sysclk()
// calculate sysclk
int temp1, temp2;
int Multiplier, PreDiv, VCO, SysDiv, Pll_rdiv, Bit_div2x, sclk_rdiv, sysclk;
int sclk_rdiv_map[] = {
1, 2, 4, 8};
temp1 = OV5640_read_i2c(0x3034);
temp2 = temp1 & 0x0f;
if (temp2 == 8 || temp2 == 10) {
Bit_div2x = temp2 / 2;
temp1 = OV5640_read_i2c(0x3035);
SysDiv = temp1>>4;
if(SysDiv == 0) {
SysDiv = 16;
56 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
temp1 = OV5640_read_i2c(0x3036);
Multiplier = temp1;
temp1 = OV5640_read_i2c(0x3037);
PreDiv = temp1 & 0x0f;
Pll_rdiv = ((temp1 >> 4) & 0x01) + 1;
temp1 = OV5640_read_i2c(0x3108);
temp2 = temp1 & 0x03;
sclk_rdiv = sclk_rdiv_map[temp2];
VCO = XVCLK * Multiplier / PreDiv;
sysclk = VCO / SysDiv / Pll_rdiv * 2 / Bit_div2x / sclk_rdiv;
return sysclk;
int OV5640_get_HTS()
// read HTS from register settings
int HTS;
HTS = OV5640_read_i2c(0x380c);
HTS = (HTS<<8) + OV5640_read_i2c(0x380d);
return HTS;
int OV5640_get_VTS()
// read VTS from register settings
int VTS;
VTS = OV5640_read_i2c(0x380e);
VTS = (VTS<<8) + OV5640_read_i2c(0x380f);
return VTS;
int OV5640_set_VTS(int VTS)
// write VTS to registers
int temp;
temp = VTS & 0xff;
OV5640_write_i2c(0x380f, temp);
temp = VTS>>8;
OV5640_write_i2c(0x380e, temp);
return 0;
int OV5640_get_shutter()
// read shutter, in number of line period
int shutter;
shutter = (OV5640_read_i2c(0x03500) & 0x0f);
shutter = (shutter<<8) + OV5640_read_i2c(0x3501);
shutter = (shutter<<4) + (OV5640_read_i2c(0x3502)>>4);
57 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
return shutter;
int OV5640_set_shutter(int shutter)
// write shutter, in number of line period
int temp;
shutter = shutter & 0xffff;
temp = shutter & 0x0f;
temp = temp<<4;
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3502, temp);
temp = shutter & 0xfff;
temp = temp>>4;
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3501, temp);
temp = shutter>>12;
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3500, temp);
return 0;
int OV5640_get_gain16()
// read gain, 16 = 1x
int gain16;
gain16 = OV5640_read_i2c(0x350a) & 0x03;
gain16 = (gain16<<8) + OV5640_read_i2c(0x350b);
return gain16;
int OV5640_set_gain16(int gain16)
// write gain, 16 = 1x
int temp;
gain16 = gain16 & 0x3ff;
temp = gain16 & 0xff;
OV5640_write_i2c(0x350b, temp);
temp = gain16>>8;
OV5640_write_i2c(0x350a, temp);
return 0;
int OV5640_get_light_frequency()
// get banding filter value
int temp, temp1, light_frequency;
temp = OV5640_read_i2c(0x3c01);
if (temp & 0x80) {
// manual
temp1 = OV5640_read_i2c(0x3c00);
if (temp1 & 0x04) {
// 50Hz
light_frequency = 50;
58 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
else {
// 60Hz
light_frequency = 60;
else {
// auto
temp1 = OV5640_read_i2c(0x3c0c);
if (temp1 & 0x01) {
// 50Hz
light_frequency = 50;
else {
// 60Hz
return light_frequency;
void OV5640_set_bandingfilter()
int preview_VTS;
int band_step60, max_band60, band_step50, max_band50;
// read preview PCLK
preview_sysclk = OV5640_get_sysclk();
// read preview HTS
preview_HTS = OV5640_get_HTS();
// read preview VTS
preview_VTS = OV5640_get_VTS();
// calculate banding filter
// 60Hz
band_step60 = preview_sysclk * 100/preview_HTS * 100/120;
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a0a, (band_step60 >> 8));
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a0b, (band_step60 & 0xff));
max_band60 = int((preview_VTS-4)/band_step60);
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a0d, max_band60);
// 50Hz
band_step50 = preview_sysclk * 100/preview_HTS;
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a08, (band_step50 >> 8));
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a09, (band_step50 & 0xff));
max_band50 = int((preview_VTS-4)/band_step50);
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a0e, max_band50);
int OV5640_set_AE_target(int target)
// stable in high
int fast_high, fast_low;
AE_low = target * 23 / 25; // 0.92
AE_high = target * 27 / 25; // 1.08
fast_high = AE_high<<1;
fast_high = 255;
fast_low = AE_low>>1;
59 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a0f, AE_high);
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a10, AE_low);
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a1b, AE_high);
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a1e, AE_low);
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a11, fast_high);
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3a1f, fast_low);
return 0;
int OV5640_init()
// initialize OV5640
return 0;
int OV5640_preview()
// set OV5640 to preview mode
// calculate banding filter
// set ae_target
// update night mode setting
// download auto focus firmware
return 0;
int OV5640_return_to_preview()
// release focus
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3022, 0x08);
// set OV5640 to preview mode
// calculate banding filter
// set ae_target
// update night mode setting
// re-launch auto focus zones
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3022, 0x12);
return 0;
int OV5640_video()
60 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
// set OV5640 to video mode
// calculate banding filter
// set ae_target
// turn off night mmode
return 0;
int OV5640_capture()
// set OV5640 to capture mode
int preview_shutter, preview_gain16, average;
int capture_shutter, capture_gain16;
int capture_sysclk, capture_HTS, capture_VTS;
int light_frequency, capture_bandingfilter, capture_max_band;
long capture_gain16_shutter;
//auto focus
// read preview shutter
preview_shutter = OV5640_get_shutter();
// read preview gain
preview_gain16 = OV5640_get_gain16();
// get average
average = OV5640_read_i2c(0x56a1);
// turn off night mode for capture
// turn off overlay
OV5640_write_i2c(0x3022, 0x06);
// Write capture setting
// read capture VTS
capture_VTS = OV5640_get_VTS();
capture_HTS = OV5640_get_HTS();
capture_sysclk = OV5640_get_sysclk();
// calculate capture banding filter
light_frequency = OV5640_get_light_frequency();
if (light_frequency == 60) {
// 60Hz
capture_bandingfilter = capture_sysclk * 100 / capture_HTS * 100 / 120;
else {
// 50Hz
capture_bandingfilter = capture_sysclk * 100 / capture_HTS;
capture_max_band = int((capture_VTS - 4)/capture_bandingfilter);
// calculate capture shutter/gain16
61 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
if (average > AE_low && average < AE_high) {
// in stable range
capture_gain16_shutter = preview_gain16 * preview_shutter * capture_sysclk/preview_sysclk *
preview_HTS/capture_HTS * AE_Target / average;
else {
capture_gain16_shutter = preview_gain16 * preview_shutter * capture_sysclk/preview_sysclk *
// gain to shutter
if(capture_gain16_shutter < (capture_bandingfilter * 16)) {
// shutter < 1/100
capture_shutter = capture_gain16_shutter/16;
if(capture_shutter <1)
capture_shutter = 1;
capture_gain16 = capture_gain16_shutter/capture_shutter;
if(capture_gain16 < 16)
capture_gain16 = 16;
else {
if(capture_gain16_shutter > (capture_bandingfiltercapture_max_band16)) {
// exposure reach max
capture_shutter = capture_bandingfiltercapture_max_band;
capture_gain16 = capture_gain16_shutter / capture_shutter;
else {
// 1/100 < capture_shutter =< max, capture_shutter = n/100
capture_shutter = (int (capture_gain16_shutter/16/capture_bandingfilter)) * capture_bandingfilter;
capture_gain16 = capture_gain16_shutter / capture_shutter;
// write capture gain
// write capture shutter
if (capture_shutter > (capture_VTS - 4)) {
capture_VTS = capture_shutter + 4;
// skip 2 vysnc
// start capture at 3rd vsync
return 0;
62 OmniVision 公司机密
OV5640 自动对焦成像模组应用指南
Rev 2.01
合并“OV5640 模组软件应用指南”和“OV5640 模组硬件应用指南”。
Rev 2.10
Rev 2.11
更新对比度设置参数 (基于 DB 文件 A10 或者 AM10)。
增加 “4.10 自动对焦”章节。
升级演示驱动。将驱动代码从“Form1.h” 移动至“PantherDemo.cpp”。
R 2.12
修正驱动代码中拍照曝光部分的程序 bug。
在初始化参数中加入“write_i2c(0x4005, 0x1a); // BLC 总是更新”。
增加“4.3 驱动能力”和“4.4 I/O 控制”。
63 OmniVision 公司机密