操作系统是什么?它的本质是什么?操作系统是集策略和机制( policy and mechanism)、法则与无法则(algorithm and heuristic)和思想理论与实践经验于一身的高度复杂的混合物(mixtures)。本手册(vade mecum)尝试揉合对操作系统的各种不同观点,一步一步地引导初学者掌握这个计算机科学最复杂的主题。
操作系统主题内容之广以及独立内容之多,以致于学生和教师常常只关注局部而忽视统览全局的思想。我希望通过本书提出的双重思想——资源管理思想(resource management )和美化思想(beautification),矫正这种情况。
To unify disparate threads of discussion, I have taken the liberty(随意, 冒失, 冒昧, 失礼 ) introducing names for recurrent themes and glorifying( 赞美, 赞扬, 美化) them with the title "principles", I hope that this organization and nomenclature(命名法, 术语, 专门语) will help the reader to understand the subject better and to integrate new ideas into the same framework.
I have striven to use a consistent nomenclature throughout the book. At times this nomenclature is at odds(可能的机会; 优势; 成败