Concurrent Requests - Parameters


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Concurrent Requests - Parameters

Posted on Monday 9th May 2016 | Category: SysAdmin | Link

Often when you're analysing a concurrent request via SQL, you might want to see the parameters which were used when that request was submitted. You can see basic information via the argument_text on the fnd_concurrent_requests table - for example, for a run of Gather Schema Statistics you might see something like ALL, 10, 3, NOBACKUP, , LASTRUN, GATHER, , Y.

You can see the same values in the argument1argument2argument3 fields on the same fnd_concurrent_requests table:

Screenshot showing argument fields

What this doesn't tell you is the name of the parameter which the argument text relates to.

Half way there

You can extract the parameters linked to a concurrent request definition via SQL - e.g. taking Gather Schema Statistics as our example job, whose concurrent_program_name isFNDGSCST:

     SELECT cp.concurrent_program_name CP_Name           -- The Concurrent Program name
          , dfcu.end_user_column_name Column_name        -- The real argument name
          , lv.meaning data_type                         -- The data type of argument
          , ffv.maximum_size                             -- The length of the argument
          , dfcu.required_flag                           -- The argument required or not
          , dfcu.display_flag                            -- The argument displayed or not on Oracle Form
          , dfcu.default_value                           -- The default value of the argument
          , dfcu.column_seq_num                          -- The argument sequence number 
     FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl cp
     JOIN apps.fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl dfcu ON dfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = '$SRS$.' ||cp.concurrent_program_name
     JOIN apps.fnd_flex_value_sets ffv ON ffv.flex_value_set_id = dfcu.flex_value_set_id
     JOIN apps.fnd_lookup_values_vl lv ON lv.lookup_code = ffv.format_type AND lv.lookup_type = 'FIELD_TYPE' AND lv.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND lv.security_group_id = 0 AND lv.view_application_id = 0
   WHERE  cp.concurrent_program_name = 'FNDGSCST'
ORDER BY cp.concurrent_program_name
        , dfcu.column_seq_num;

That returns this:

Screenshot of parameters SQL output

That's useful in that we can see the parameters linked to the job definition.

The Answer

Ideally we want to be able to see the list of parameters on a job, and the values entered against them for any given request_id. The SQL below allows you to do that. This is sample output:

Screenshot of parameters and values against a concurrent job

-- ##########################################################################################################
-- Concurrent Requests - accessing parameter data
-- ##########################################################################################################
     WITH tbl_job_data AS ( SELECT fcr.argument1
                                , fcr.argument2
                                , fcr.argument3
                                , fcr.argument4
                                , fcr.argument5
                                , fcr.argument6
                                , fcr.argument7
                                , fcr.argument8
                                , fcr.argument9
                                , fcr.argument10
                                , fcr.argument11
                                , fcr.argument12
                                , fcr.argument13
                                , fcr.argument14
                                , fcr.argument15
                                , fcr.argument16
                                , fcr.argument17
                                , fcr.argument18
                                , fcr.argument19
                                , fcr.argument20
                                , fcr.argument21
                                , fcr.argument22
                                , fcr.argument23
                                , fcr.argument24
                                , fcr.argument25
                             FROM applsys.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
                            WHERE fcr.request_id = :reqid)
        , tbl_params   AS ( SELECT dfcu.column_seq_num col_seq
                                , dfcu.end_user_column_name col_prompt
                                , fcr.request_id
                                , fcr.completion_text
                                , cp.user_concurrent_program_name job_name
                                , dfcu.display_flag
                                , '' col_data
                                , '' col_attrib 
                             FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl cp
                             JOIN apps.fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl dfcu ON dfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = '$SRS$.' || cp.concurrent_program_name
                             JOIN apps.fnd_flex_value_sets ffv          ON ffv.flex_value_set_id           = dfcu.flex_value_set_id
                             JOIN apps.fnd_lookup_values_vl lv          ON lv.lookup_code                  = ffv.format_type
                             JOIN applsys.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr   ON fcr.concurrent_program_id       = cp.concurrent_program_id
                              AND lv.lookup_type = 'FIELD_TYPE'
                              AND lv.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                              AND lv.security_group_id = 0
                              AND lv.view_application_id = 0
                            WHERE fcr.request_id = :reqid
                         ORDER BY dfcu.column_seq_num)
     SELECT y.request_id
          , y.job_name
          , y.col_seq seq
          , y.col_prompt param
          , x.col_attrib job_value
          , y.completion_text
               FROM ( SELECT row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY LPAD (REGEXP_SUBSTR (d.col_data, '\d+' ), 3, '0' )) AS r_num
                          , NULL AS col_prompt 
                          , d.col_data 
                          , d.col_attrib 
                       FROM tbl_job_data 
                           UNPIVOT INCLUDE NULLS 
                              FOR col_data IN (argument1
                                             , argument2
                                             , argument3
                                             , argument4
                                             , argument5
                                             , argument6
                                             , argument7
                                             , argument8
                                             , argument9
                                             , argument10
                                             , argument11
                                             , argument12
                                             , argument13
                                             , argument14
                                             , argument15
                                             , argument16
                                             , argument17
                                             , argument18
                                             , argument19
                                             , argument20
                                             , argument21
                                             , argument22
                                             , argument23
                                             , argument24
                                             , argument25)
                                  ) d
                     ) x
                 , ( SELECT   request_id
                           , job_name
                           , completion_text
                           , col_seq 
                           , col_prompt
                           , ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY col_seq)  AS r_num
                       FROM tbl_params
                   ) y
             WHERE x.r_num  = y.r_num
          ORDER BY x.r_num;

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