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转载 Interview Summary


2014-06-22 08:23:48 815

转载 Class

//constructorfunction Car(color, title){   this.color = color;   this.title = title;   this.start = start;} var car1 = new Car("red", "BMW");var car2 = new Car("yellow"

2014-06-17 16:36:07 609

转载 MVC Framework Search View Path

When the MVC Framework calls the ExecuteResult method of the ViewResult object, a search willbegin for the view that you have specified. If you are using areas in your project, then the framework wi

2014-06-12 09:17:15 806

转载 Friendly URL Guide Line

1. Design URLs to describe their content, not the implementation details of yourapplication. Use /Articles/AnnualReport rather than /Website_v2/CachedContentServer/FromCache/AnnualReport.

2014-06-09 19:58:38 642

转载 C# and ASP.NET Interview Question and Answers

1. What is the significance of Finalize method in .NET?非托管资源(文件,数据库,COM)不能释放,需要手动调用object.Finalize()方法。But unmanaged resources (example: Windows API created objects, File, Database connection obje

2014-02-14 15:22:32 823

原创 Modern JavaScript

Object-Oriented JavaScriptA fundamental aspect of JavaScript is the concept of references. A reference is a pointer to an actual location of an object.+操作会创建一个新的对象// Set item equal to a new

2014-01-27 14:33:10 828

原创 字串 codepage 轉碼處理

CodePage:foreach (EncodingInfo ei in Encoding.GetEncodings()) { Encoding e = ei.GetEncoding(); Console.WriteLine("Name:{0},CodePage:{1}",ei.Name, e.CodePage); }936-gb2312

2014-01-26 14:27:41 815

原创 The CLR’s Execution Model

1.Depending on the platform switch, the C# compiler will emit an assembly that contains eithera PE32 or PE32+ header (运行32位/64位), and the compiler will also emit the desired CPU architecture (or

2014-01-09 15:58:09 1152

原创 A single Microsoft Windows process that has the CLR loaded into it

A singleMicrosoft Windows process that has the CLR loaded into it In this processthere may be many threads.When athread is created, it is allocated a 1-MB stack.This stackspace is used for pas

2013-12-13 13:36:42 630

原创 The CLR’s Execution Model

1.Depending on the platform switch, the C# compiler will emit an assembly that contains eithera PE32 or PE32+ header (运行32位/64位), and the compiler will also emit the desired CPU architec

2013-12-12 10:34:36 1063

原创 Defining Classes and Objects

1. Factory:function showColor(color) {        alert(this.color);    }    function createCar(color, doors, mpg) {        var a = new Object();        a.color = color;        a.doors = d

2012-07-17 12:04:59 411

原创 函数,脚本

1.无参function:缺省数组参数为$args,输出时各个参数默认以空格为间隔;可以定义$OFS来指定间隔符号;PS (3) > function hello { "Hello there $args, how are you?" }PS (4) > hello BobHello there Bob, how are you?PS (5) > hello Bob Alice

2012-01-10 10:02:25 420

转载 I, Interface

http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/i-interface.aspx一个介绍interface的好文章Let's take a simple interface and see what we can do with it.  Collapse | Copy Codepublic interface ITask(){ vo

2012-01-05 16:02:22 653

原创 TypeConverter in PropertyGrid & Datagrid

自定义TypeConverter:可以用在Propertygrid或者Datagrid中1. public class UnitTypeConverter : TypeConverter    {        public override bool CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType)

2011-11-24 17:01:14 1130

原创 Access to the path 'Global\.net clr networking' is denied

http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/387419/access-to-the-path-global-net-clr-networking-is-denied-via-ipaddress-tryparseThis issue has been fixed in the next version of

2011-11-15 16:47:06 1515

原创 Access to the path 'Global\.net data provider for sqlserver' is denied.

It works fine with a normal (admin) WinXP user. P.S.: I use nhibernate 1.0.2, .net 2.0, SQl Server 2005 Express Edition Solution is to ReInstall .netFrame work or SQL Server......EDIT:

2011-11-15 16:40:02 1193

转载 How can I get the local group name for guests/administrators?

The names of groups are localised depending on system language.For 'well known' groups like 'Administrators' and 'Guests' you should retrieve based on the SID. The SID for Guests is:S-1-5-32-546

2011-11-15 16:36:18 624

原创 openfiledialog control locks folder

XP下在打开OpenFileDialog后,不能修改目录的名称,提示 "The action can't be completed because the folder is open in another program. Close the folder and try again."解决方法:var dlg = new OpenFileDialog;          dlg

2011-11-09 14:33:37 450

转载 Context-Sensitive Help Provider in Wpf

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mikehillberg/archive/2007/07/26/a-context-sensitive-help-provider-in-wpf.aspxThe main idea is to simply use the built-in ApplicationCommands.Help command.  This command is al

2011-11-08 15:50:01 894

原创 Why the shortcut created by my MSI install start the setup process again each time?

MSI comes with an auto-repair feature that checks whether all components installed by MSI are still present when you launch your application using the shortcut.In your case, probably one (or more)

2011-11-08 10:59:10 869

原创 RTF Builder

http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/RtfConverter.aspx在RTF中,中文等特殊字符的转换,需要添加Unicode的标记(\ucN, \uN);the current RTF Specification 1.9.1,附件:Unicode RTFFrom Word 97 onward, Word is based

2011-11-03 10:45:20 1206

原创 Extension Methods

Extension methods enable you to "add" methods to existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or otherwise modifying the original type. Extension methods are a special kind of st

2011-11-01 13:57:43 445

转载 How to automatically select all text on focus in WPF TextBox?

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/660554/how-to-automatically-select-all-text-on-focus-in-wpf-textboxWhy is focus in WPF so tricky? [managing and understanding focus in a WPF application]

2011-10-26 16:51:15 1553

原创 WPF Datagrid Tooltip

常见设置:private ObservableCollection _parameterList;public ObservableCollection ParameterDisplay        {            get            {                if (_parameterList == null)

2011-10-19 17:10:48 4534

原创 How to create installation patches for VS.NET deployment projects

(下载后改扩展名为zip文件,包括Patch.pcp,patch.cmd)如何为VS 安装文件MSI 制作更新补丁MSP计算机 2010-03-09 11:08:56 阅读23 评论0 字号:大中小(此文转自互联网)Net 部署二三事之一——如何为VS 安装文

2011-10-18 15:32:10 849

原创 visual studio setup project custom action ole calls and show dialog support

有用的Default Context.Parameters("assemblypath").比如:string assemblyPath = Context.Parameters["assemblypath"];来得到安装后的CustomAction的Dll路径。在Visual Studio Setup Project,如果需要OLE calls的操作(比如: Copy to clip

2011-10-18 15:04:26 1075

转载 How Browsers Work: Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers

http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/internals/howbrowserswork/As a web developer, learning the internals of browser operations helps yo

2011-08-29 09:20:23 2131

转载 Convert XAML Flow Document to XPS with Style (multiple page, page size, header, margin)


2011-08-11 14:06:07 1416

原创 Flow Document in WPF

<FlowDocument xmlns=’http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation’ xmlns:x=’http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml’>

2011-08-11 13:49:32 5575

原创 操作符号,表达式,流程控制

1.算术运算符+-*/%(和.NET的不太一样,不仅在数字上面,也可以放在String,数组上面执行)+: 2+4->6;  "hi"+"there"->"hithere"* 2*3->6 ; "2"*3->"222"加法运算符号:符合“左手系规则”:即 a+b不一定等于b+aThe “left-hand” rule for arithmetic operators:

2011-07-19 16:46:01 547

原创 How to remove the VBA Project Password

Create a new simple excel file.In the VBA part, set a simple password (say - 1234).Save the file and exit. Then check the file size - see St

2011-07-19 14:43:59 591

原创 Power Shell 基本概念

命令的语法:command(命令的名称) -parameter1(Switch Parameter,不需要Argument) -parameter2 arg1(含有Argument的Parameter) arg2(Positional Argument)命令的4种分类:1)cmd

2011-07-18 11:10:09 1052

原创 Repository Pattern

Repository Pattern:Mediates between the domain and data mapping layers using a collection-like interface for accessing domain objects.When t

2011-07-15 15:21:26 473

原创 Repository Pattern

Repository Pattern:Mediates between the domain and data mapping layers using a collection-like interface for accessing domain objects.When t

2011-07-15 15:20:33 661

原创 Business Layer

1. Difference between BO and DTOA business object contains both data and behavior, and it can be considered a full-fledged active object par

2011-07-14 13:25:48 802

转载 Anti Pattern

什么是 AntiPatterns为了提高软件项目成功的比率,专家学者提出许多先进的软件开发技术,例如 Iterative development process、对象导向技术、设计模式 (design patterns)、软件组件、平台与框架 (Platform & Framew

2011-07-14 10:14:36 732

原创 Behavioral Pattern Summary


2011-07-13 16:25:20 367

原创 Template Design Pattern

1.意图:定义一个算法的框架,把一些步骤延迟到子类中去实现;2.适用:一次性实现一个算法的不变的部分,并且把可变的实现延迟到子类中去;子类的公共部分应该放在父类中去;参与者:1.抽象类AbstractClass:1)定义原语操作Primitive operation,需要子类去实

2011-07-13 15:40:26 418

原创 Strategy Design Pattern

1. 意图:定义一系列的算法,把他们封装起来,并且可以相互替换;2. Strategy:策略;定义公共算法的抽象接口abstract class Strategy  {    public abstract void AlgorithmInterface();  }3. Conc

2011-07-13 15:31:41 652

原创 State Design Pattern


2011-07-13 14:09:58 789

Analysis Pattern

Martin Flower, very good book.



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深度探索 C++ 对象模型.pdf

深度探索 C++ 对象模型.pdf Very good E-Book about C++


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