
#ifndef __AllocatedObject_H__

#define __AllocatedObject_H__

#include "OgrePrerequisites.h"  //平台定义,包含所有调试模式,引擎版本,VC++版本,常用基本类型重定义,




#ifdef new
#  undef new
#ifdef delete
#  undef delete

namespace Ogre

 template <class Alloc>
class _OgreExport AllocatedObject

explicit AllocatedObject()
{ }

{ }

  /// operator new, with debug line info
void* operator new(size_t sz, const char* file, int line, const char* func)
return Alloc::allocateBytes(sz, file, line, func);

 void* operator new(size_t sz)
return Alloc::allocateBytes(sz);

 /// placement operator new  使用方法见我博客new专题
void* operator new(size_t sz, void* ptr)
(void) sz;
return ptr;

/// array operator new, with debug line info
void* operator new[] ( size_t sz, const char* file, int line, const char* func )
return Alloc::allocateBytes(sz, file, line, func);


void* operator new[] ( size_t sz )
return Alloc::allocateBytes(sz);

 void operator delete( void* ptr )


 // Corresponding operator for placement delete (second param same as the first)
void operator delete( void* ptr, void* )


 // only called if there is an exception in corresponding 'new'
void operator delete( void* ptr, const char* , int , const char*  )


void operator delete[] ( void* ptr )

void operator delete[] ( void* ptr, const char* , int , const char*  )





class _OgreExport  NedPoolingPolicy
static inline void* allocateBytes(size_t count, const char* file = 0, int line = 0, const char* func = 0)
return NedPoolingImpl::allocBytes(count, file, line, func);

static inline void deallocateBytes(void* ptr)

/// Get the maximum size of a single allocation
static inline size_t getMaxAllocationSize()
return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

// No instantiation
{ }

  class _OgreExport NedPoolingImpl
static void* allocBytes(size_t count, const char* file, int line, const char* func);

static void deallocBytes(void* ptr);

static void* allocBytesAligned(size_t align, size_t count, const char* file, int line, const char* func);

static void deallocBytesAligned(size_t align, void* ptr);


     // include ned implementation 

     #include <nedmalloc.c> 

      namespace Ogre
namespace _NedPoolingIntern
const size_t s_poolCount = 14; // Needs to be greater than 4

void* s_poolFootprint = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xBB1AA45A);

nedalloc::nedpool* s_pools[s_poolCount + 1] = { 0 };

nedalloc::nedpool* s_poolsAligned[s_poolCount + 1] = { 0 };

size_t poolIDFromSize(size_t a_reqSize)
// Requests size 16 or smaller are allocated at a 4 byte granularity.
// Requests size 17 or larger are allocated at a 16 byte granularity.
// With a s_poolCount of 14, requests size 177 or larger go in the default pool.

// spreadsheet style =IF(B35<=16; FLOOR((B35-1)/4;1); MIN(FLOOR((B35-1)/16; 1) + 3; 14))

size_t poolID = 0;

if (a_reqSize > 0)
if (a_reqSize <= 16)
poolID = (a_reqSize - 1) >> 2;
poolID = std::min<size_t>(((a_reqSize - 1) >> 4) + 3, s_poolCount);

return poolID;

void* internalAlloc(size_t a_reqSize)
size_t poolID = poolIDFromSize(a_reqSize);
nedalloc::nedpool* pool(0); // A pool pointer of 0 means the default pool.

if (poolID < s_poolCount)
if (s_pools[poolID] == 0)
// Init pool if first use

s_pools[poolID] = nedalloc::nedcreatepool(0, 8);
nedalloc::nedpsetvalue(s_pools[poolID], s_poolFootprint); // All pools are stamped with a footprint

pool = s_pools[poolID];

return nedalloc::nedpmalloc(pool, a_reqSize);

void* internalAllocAligned(size_t a_align, size_t a_reqSize)
size_t poolID = poolIDFromSize(a_reqSize);
nedalloc::nedpool* pool(0); // A pool pointer of 0 means the default pool.

if (poolID < s_poolCount)
if (s_poolsAligned[poolID] == 0)
// Init pool if first use

s_poolsAligned[poolID] = nedalloc::nedcreatepool(0, 8);
nedalloc::nedpsetvalue(s_poolsAligned[poolID], s_poolFootprint); // All pools are stamped with a footprint

pool = s_poolsAligned[poolID];

return nedalloc::nedpmemalign(pool, a_align, a_reqSize);

void internalFree(void* a_mem)
if (a_mem)
nedalloc::nedpool* pool(0);

// nedalloc lets us get the pool pointer from the memory pointer
void* footprint = nedalloc::nedgetvalue(&pool, a_mem);

// Check footprint
if (footprint == s_poolFootprint)
// If we allocated the pool, deallocate from this pool...
nedalloc::nedpfree(pool, a_mem);
// ...otherwise let nedalloc handle it.

void* NedPoolingImpl::allocBytes(size_t count, 
const char* file, int line, const char* func)
void* ptr = _NedPoolingIntern::internalAlloc(count);
MemoryTracker::get()._recordAlloc(ptr, count, 0, file, line, func);
// avoid unused params warning
file = func = "";
        line = 0;
return ptr;

void NedPoolingImpl::deallocBytes(void* ptr)
// deal with null
if (!ptr)

void* NedPoolingImpl::allocBytesAligned(size_t align, size_t count, 
const char* file, int line, const char* func)
// default to platform SIMD alignment if none specified
void* ptr =  align ? _NedPoolingIntern::internalAllocAligned(align, count)
: _NedPoolingIntern::internalAllocAligned(OGRE_SIMD_ALIGNMENT, count);
MemoryTracker::get()._recordAlloc(ptr, count, 0, file, line, func);
// avoid unused params warning
file = func = "";
        line = 0;
return ptr;

void NedPoolingImpl::deallocBytesAligned(size_t align, void* ptr)
// deal with null
if (!ptr)




template <MemoryCategory Cat> class CategorisedAllocPolicy : public NedPoolingPolicy{};之一

typedef CategorisedAllocPolicy<Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL> GeneralAllocPolicy;之二

typedef AllocatedObject<GeneralAllocPolicy> GeneralAllocatedObject;之三

typedef GeneralAllocatedObject ArchiveAlloc;之四

除了AllocatorObject定义的operator new 和 operator delete



/// Allocate a block of raw memory, and indicate the category of usage
# define OGRE_MALLOC(bytes, category) ::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(bytes, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)

/// Allocate a block of memory for a primitive type, and indicate the category of usage

# define OGRE_ALLOC_T(T, count, category) static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__))

/// Free the memory allocated with OGRE_MALLOC or OGRE_ALLOC_T. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used

# define OGRE_FREE(ptr, category) ::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr)

/// Allocate space for one primitive type, external type or non-virtual type with constructor parameters
# define OGRE_NEW_T(T, category) new (::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)) T

/// Allocate a block of memory for 'count' primitive types - do not use for classes that inherit from AllocatedObject

# define OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T(T, count, category) ::Ogre::constructN(static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)), count) 

/// Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_T. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used

# define OGRE_DELETE_T(ptr, T, category) if(ptr){(ptr)->~T(); ::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr);}

/// Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used, count and type to call destructor

# define OGRE_DELETE_ARRAY_T(ptr, T, count, category) if(ptr){for (size_t b = 0; b < count; ++b) { (ptr)[b].~T();} ::Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes((void*)ptr);}

// aligned allocation
/// Allocate a block of raw memory aligned to SIMD boundaries, and indicate the category of usage
# define OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(bytes, category) ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(bytes, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)

/// Allocate a block of raw memory aligned to user defined boundaries, and indicate the category of usage

# define OGRE_MALLOC_ALIGN(bytes, category, align) ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::allocateBytes(bytes, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)

/// Allocate a block of memory for a primitive type aligned to SIMD boundaries, and indicate the category of usage

# define OGRE_ALLOC_T_SIMD(T, count, category) static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__))

/// Allocate a block of memory for a primitive type aligned to user defined boundaries, and indicate the category of usage

# define OGRE_ALLOC_T_ALIGN(T, count, category, align) static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__))

/// Free the memory allocated with either OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD or OGRE_ALLOC_T_SIMD. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used

# define OGRE_FREE_SIMD(ptr, category) ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes(ptr)

/// Free the memory allocated with either OGRE_MALLOC_ALIGN or OGRE_ALLOC_T_ALIGN. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used

# define OGRE_FREE_ALIGN(ptr, category, align) ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::deallocateBytes(ptr)

/// Allocate space for one primitive type, external type or non-virtual type aligned to SIMD boundaries
# define OGRE_NEW_T_SIMD(T, category) new (::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)) T

/// Allocate a block of memory for 'count' primitive types aligned to SIMD boundaries - do not use for classes that inherit from AllocatedObject

# define OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T_SIMD(T, count, category) ::Ogre::constructN(static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)), count) 

/// Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_T_SIMD. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used

# define OGRE_DELETE_T_SIMD(ptr, T, category) if(ptr){(ptr)->~T(); ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes(ptr);}

/// Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T_SIMD. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used, count and type to call destructor

# define OGRE_DELETE_ARRAY_T_SIMD(ptr, T, count, category) if(ptr){for (size_t b = 0; b < count; ++b) { (ptr)[b].~T();} ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category>::deallocateBytes(ptr);}

/// Allocate space for one primitive type, external type or non-virtual type aligned to user defined boundaries

# define OGRE_NEW_T_ALIGN(T, category, align) new (::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)) T

/// Allocate a block of memory for 'count' primitive types aligned to user defined boundaries - do not use for classes that inherit from AllocatedObject

# define OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T_ALIGN(T, count, category, align) ::Ogre::constructN(static_cast<T*>(::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::allocateBytes(sizeof(T)*(count), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)), count) 

/// Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_T_ALIGN. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used

# define OGRE_DELETE_T_ALIGN(ptr, T, category, align) if(ptr){(ptr)->~T(); ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::deallocateBytes(ptr);}

/// Free the memory allocated with OGRE_NEW_ARRAY_T_ALIGN. Category is required to be restated to ensure the matching policy is used, count and type to call destructor

# define OGRE_DELETE_ARRAY_T_ALIGN(ptr, T, count, category, align) if(ptr){for (size_t _b = 0; _b < count; ++_b) { (ptr)[_b].~T();} ::Ogre::CategorisedAlignAllocPolicy<category, align>::deallocateBytes(ptr);}

// new / delete for classes deriving from AllocatedObject (alignment determined by per-class policy)
// Also hooks up the file/line/function params
// Can only be used with classes that derive from AllocatedObject since customised new/delete needed

# define OGRE_NEW new (__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)

# define OGRE_DELETE delete

namespace Ogre

       /** \addtogroup Core
*  @{
/** \addtogroup Memory
*  @{

/** Utility function for constructing an array of objects with placement new,
without using new[] (which allocates an undocumented amount of extra memory
and so isn't appropriate for custom allocators).
template<typename T>
T* constructN(T* basePtr, size_t count)
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
new ((void*)(basePtr+i)) T();
return basePtr;
/** @} */
/** @} */

/** Function which invokes OGRE_DELETE on a given pointer. 
Useful to pass custom deletion policies to external libraries (e. g. boost).

template<typename T>
void deletePtr(T* ptr)






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