Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python 笔记一

Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python 一书,主要对当前火热的AI技术做了简单介绍,适合了解一下当下最流行的AI技术,没有很复杂的数学知识,有一些简单的代码,可以测试。本文主要摘录第一章对AI技术的简介和AI发展的历史。



  1. 1950s–1970s, neural networks (NNs): During this period, neural networks, also called artificial neural networks (ANNs), were developed based on human brains that mimic the human biological neural networks. An NN usually has three layers: an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. To use an NN, you need to train the NN with a large amount of given data. After training, the NN can then be used to predict results for unseen data. NNs attracted a lot of attention during this period. After the 1970s, when NNs failed to live up to their promises, known as AI hype, funding and research activities were dramatically cut. This was called an AI winter.
  2. 1980s–2010s, machine learning (ML): This is the period when machine learning flourished. ML is a subset of AI and consists of a set of mathematical algorithms that can automatically analyze data. Classic ML can be divided into supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning examples include speech recognition and image recognition. Unsupervised learning examples include customer segmentation, defect detection, and fraud detection. Classic ML algorithms are support vector machine (SVM), K-means clustering, decision tree, naïve Bayes, and so on.


  1. 2010s–present, deep learning (DL): This is the period when deep learning (DL) was developed. DL is a special type of neural network that has more than one layer of hidden layers. This is possible only with the increase of computing power, especially graphical processing units (GPUs), and improved algorithms. DL is a subset of ML. DL has so far outperformed many other algorithms on a large dataset. But is DL hype or reality? That remains to be seen.



  1. Narrow AI, also called weak AI or artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), refers to the AI that is used to solve a specific problem. Almost all AI applications we have today are narrow AI. For example, image classification, object detection, speech recognition (such as Amazon’s Alexa, iPhone’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google Assistant), translation, natural language processing, weather forecasting, targeted advertisements, sales predictions, email spam detection, fraud detection, face recognition, and computer vision are all narrow AI.


  1. General AI, also called strong AI or artificial general intelligence (AGI), refers to the AI that is for solving general problems. It is more like a human being, which is able to learn, think, invent, and solve more complicated problems. The singularity, also called technological singularity, is when AI overtakes human intelligence, as illustrated in Figure 1.8. According to Google’s Ray Kurzweil, an American author, inventor, and futurist, AI will pass the Turing test in 2029 and reach the singularity point in 2045. Narrow AI is what we have achieved so far, and general AI is what we expect in the future.

根据谷歌的Ray Kurzweil,美国作家、发明家和人工智能未来学家指出

  1. Super AI, also called superintelligence, refers to the AI after the singularity
    point. Nobody knows what will happen with super AI. One vision is
    human and machine integration through a brain chip interface. In August
    2020, Elon Musk, the most famous American innovative entrepreneur,
    has already demonstrated a pig with a chip in its brain. While some people
    are more pessimistic about the future of AI, others are more optimistic.
    We cannot predict the future, but we can prepare for it.


AI applications can be run either on the large remote servers, called cloud AI, or on the local machines, called edge AI.




GPT-3代表Generative Pre-trainedTransformer 3是一种语言预测模型,是深度学习的一种形式神经网络。






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Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world where everything is driven by data and automation. It is used extensively across many fields such as image recognition, robotics, search engines, and self-driving cars. In this book, we will explore various real-world scenarios. We will understand what algorithms to use in a given context and write functional code using this exciting book. We will start by talking about various realms of artificial intelligence. We’ll then move on to discuss more complex algorithms, such as Extremely Random Forests, Hidden Markov Models, Genetic Algorithms, Artificial Neural Networks, and Convolutional Neural Networks, and so on. This book is for Python programmers looking to use artificial intelligence algorithms to create real-world applications. This book is friendly to Python beginners, but familiarity with Python programming would certainly be helpful so you can play around with the code. It is also useful to experienced Python programmers who are looking to implement artificial intelligence techniques. You will learn how to make informed decisions about the type of algorithms you need to use and how to implement those algorithms to get the best possible results. If you want to build versatile applications that can make sense of images, text, speech, or some other form of data, this book on artificial intelligence will definitely come to your rescue! What this book covers Chapter 1, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, teaches you various introductory concepts in artificial intelligence. It talks about applications, branches, and modeling of Artificial Intelligence. It walks the reader through the installation of necessary Python packages. Chapter 2, Classification and Regression Using Supervised Learning, covers various supervised learning techniques for classification and regression. You will learn how to analyze income data and predict housing prices. Chapter 3, Predictive Analytics with Ensemble Learning, explains predictive modeling techniques using Ensemble Learning, particularly focused on Random Forests. We will learn how to apply these techniques to predict traffic on the roads near sports stadiums. Chapter 4, Detecting Patterns with Unsupervised Learning, covers unsupervised learning algorithms including K-means and Mean Shift Clustering. We will learn how to apply these algorithms to stock market data and customer segmentation. Chapter 5, Building Recommender Systems, illustrates algorithms used to build recommendation engines. You will learn how to apply these algorithms to collaborative filtering and movie recommendations. Chapter 6, Logic Programming, covers the building blocks of logic programming. We will see various applications, including expression matching, parsing family trees, and solving puzzles. Chapter 7, Heuristic Search Techniques, shows heuristic search techniques that are used to search the solution space. We will learn about various applications such as simulated annealing, region coloring, and maze solving. Chapter 8, Genetic Algorithms, covers evolutionary algorithms and genetic programming. We will learn about various concepts such as crossover, mutation, and fitness functions. We will then use these concepts to solve the symbol regression problem and build an intelligent robot controller. Chapter 9, Building Games with Artificial Intelligence, teaches you how to build games with artificial intelligence. We will learn how to build various games including Tic Tac Toe, Connect Four, and Hexapawn. Chapter 10, Natural Language Processing, covers techniques used to analyze text data including tokenization, stemming, bag of words, and so on. We will learn how to use these techniques to do sentiment analysis and topic modeling. Chapter 11, Probabilistic Reasoning for Sequential Data, shows you techniques used to analyze time series and sequential data including Hidden Markov models and Conditional Random Fields. We will learn how to apply these techniques to text sequence analysis and stock market predictions. Chapter 12, Building A Speech Recognizer, demonstrates algorithms used to analyze speech data. We will learn how to build speech recognition systems. Chapter 13, Object Detection and Tracking, It covers algorithms related to object detection and tracking in live video. We will learn about various techniques including optical flow, face tracking, and eye tracking. Chapter 14, Artificial Neural Networks, covers algorithms used to build neural networks. We will learn how to build an Optical Character Recognition system using neural networks. Chapter 15, Reinforcement Learning, teaches the techniques used to build reinforcement learning systems. We will learn how to build learning agents that can learn from interacting with the environment. Chapter 16, Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks, covers algorithms used to build deep learning systems using Convolutional Neural Networks. We will learn how to use TensorFlow to build neural networks. We will then use it to build an image classifier using convolutional neural networks.




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