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原创 Day 60 | 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

Day 60 | 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

2023-08-13 16:09:51 428

原创 Day 59 | 503. Next Greater Element II | 42. Trapping Rain Water

Day 59 | 503. Next Greater Element II | 42. Trapping Rain Water

2023-08-11 23:27:00 387

原创 Day 58 | 739. Daily Temperatures | 496. Next Greater Element I

Day 58 | 739. Daily Temperatures | 496. Next Greater Element I

2023-08-10 17:38:03 205

原创 Day 57 | 647. Palindromic Substrings | 516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence

Day 56 | 647. Palindromic Substrings | 516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence

2023-08-08 21:06:05 180

原创 Day 56 | 583. Delete Operation for Two Strings | 72. Edit Distance

Day 56 | 583. Delete Operation for Two Strings | 72. Edit Distance

2023-08-07 12:37:27 137

原创 Day 55 | 392. Is Subsequence | 115. Distinct Subsequences

Day 55 | 392. Is Subsequence | 115. Distinct Subsequences

2023-08-05 00:47:39 178

原创 Day 53 | 1143. Longest Common Subsequence | 1035. Uncrossed Lines | 53. Maximum Subarray

Day 53 | 1143. Longest Common Subsequence | 1035. Uncrossed Lines | 53. Maximum Subarray

2023-08-03 17:59:56 136

原创 Day 52 | 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence | 674. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence | 718.

Day 52 | 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence | 674. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence | 718. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray

2023-08-03 11:35:49 75

原创 Day 51 | 309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown | 714. with Transaction Fee

Day 51 | 309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown | 714. with Transaction Fee

2023-08-01 21:15:17 58

原创 Day 50 | 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV

Day 50 | 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV

2023-08-01 16:18:18 65

原创 Day 49 | 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock I | 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

Day 49 | 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock I | 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

2023-08-01 14:34:33 67

原创 Day 48 | 198. House Robber | 213. House Robber II | 337. House Robber III

Day 48 | 198. House Robber | 213. House Robber II | 337. House Robber III

2023-07-25 21:14:43 158

原创 Day 46 | 139. Word Break | Backpack Question Summary

Day 46 | 139. Word Break | Backpack Question Summary

2023-07-23 18:42:12 625

原创 Day 45 | 70. Climbing Stairs | 322. Coin Change | 279. Perfect Squares

Day 45 | 70. Climbing Stairs | 322. Coin Change | 279. Perfect Squares

2023-07-20 01:03:18 121

原创 Day 44 | Full Backpack Basic Theory | 518. Coin Change II | 377. Combination Sum IV

Day 44 | Full Backpack Basic Theory | 518. Coin Change II | 377. Combination Sum IV

2023-07-19 13:48:37 110

原创 Day 43 | 1049. Last Stone Weight II | 494. Target Sum | 474. Ones and Zeroes

Day 43 | 1049. Last Stone Weight II | 494. Target Sum | 474. Ones and Zeroes |

2023-06-12 17:48:18 673

原创 Day 42 | 0-1 Backpack Basic Theory(一)| 0-1 Backpack Basic Theory(二)| 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum

Day 42 | 0-1 Backpack Basic Theory(一)| 0-1 Backpack Basic Theory(二)|416. Partition Equal Subset Sum

2023-05-22 06:25:56 88 1

原创 Homework 2 - Security Analytics - Decision Tree

【代码】Homework 2 - Security Analytics - Decision Tree。

2023-03-24 05:30:05 182 1

原创 Homework 1 - Security Analytics - A simple task using Jupyter Notebook

A simple task using Jupyter Notebook

2023-03-24 04:47:30 76

原创 Day 41 | 343. Integer Break | 96. Unique Binary Search Trees

Day 41 | 343. Integer Break | 96. Unique Binary Search Trees

2023-01-30 14:51:01 215

原创 Day 39 | 62. Unique Paths | 63. Unique Paths II

Day 39 | 62. Unique Paths | 63. Unique Paths II

2023-01-21 14:20:33 1346

原创 Day 38 | 509. Fibonacci Number | 70. Climbing Stairs | 746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs

Day 38 | 509. Fibonacci Number | 70. Climbing Stairs | 746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs

2023-01-20 15:20:06 119

原创 Day 37 | 738. Monotone Increasing Digits | 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | 968. BT Camera

Day 37 | 738. Monotone Increasing Digits | 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | 968. BT Camera

2023-01-19 14:26:04 115

原创 Day 36 | 435. Non-overlapping Intervals | 763. Partition Labels | 56. Merge Intervals

Day 36 | 435. Non-overlapping Intervals | 763. Partition Labels | 56. Merge Intervals

2023-01-18 15:09:04 102

原创 Day 35 | 860. Lemonade Change | 406. Queue Reconstruction by Height | 452. Minimum Number of Arrows

Day 35 | 860. Lemonade Change | 406. Queue Reconstruction by Height | 452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons

2023-01-17 14:07:05 105

原创 Day 34 | 1005. Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations | 134. Gas Station | 135. Candy

Day 34 | 1005. Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations | 134. Gas Station | 135. Candy

2023-01-16 13:51:33 109

原创 Day 32 | 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | 55. Jump Game | 45. Jump Game II

Day 32 | 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | 55. Jump Game | 45. Jump Game II

2023-01-15 13:49:34 113

原创 Day 31 | 455. Assign Cookies | 376. Wiggle Subsequence | 53. Maximum Subarray

Day 31 | 455. Assign Cookies | 376. Wiggle Subsequence | 53. Maximum Subarray

2023-01-15 05:55:47 697

原创 Day 30 | 332. Reconstruct Itinerary | 51. N-Queens | 37. Sudoku Solver

Day 30 | 332. Reconstruct Itinerary | 51. N-Queens | 37. Sudoku Solver

2023-01-14 13:14:36 510

原创 Day 29 | 491. Non-decreasing Subsequences | 46. Permutations | 47. Permutations II

Day 29 | 491. Non-decreasing Subsequences | 46. Permutations | 47. Permutations II

2023-01-10 13:15:04 260

原创 Day 28 | 93. Restore IP Addresses | 78. Subsets | 90. Subsets II

Day 28 | 93. Restore IP Addresses | 78. Subsets | 90. Subsets II

2023-01-09 13:07:04 325

原创 Day 27 | 39. Combination Sum | 40. Combination Sum II | 131. Palindrome Partitioning

Day 27 | 39. Combination Sum | 40. Combination Sum II | 131. Palindrome Partitioning

2023-01-08 14:50:32 103

原创 Day 25 | 216. Combination Sum III | 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

Day 25 | 216. Combination Sum III | 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

2023-01-07 14:39:35 463

原创 Day 24 | 77. Combinations

Day 24 | 77. Combinations

2023-01-06 13:37:58 313

原创 Day 23 | 669. Trim a BST | 108. Convert Sorted Array to BST | 538. Convert BST to Greater Tree

Day 23 | 669. Trim a BST | 108. Convert Sorted Array to BST | 538. Convert BST to Greater Tree

2023-01-05 05:08:07 124

原创 Day 22 | 235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a BST | 701. Insert into a BST | 450. Delete Node in a BST

Day 22 | 235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a BST | 701. Insert into a BST | 450. Delete Node in a BST

2022-12-30 10:04:41 142

原创 Day 21 | 530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST | 501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree | 236. Lowes

Day 21 | 530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST | 501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree | 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

2022-12-29 12:25:14 191

原创 Day 20 | 654. Maximum Binary Tree | 617. Merge Two Binary Trees | 700.Search in a Binary Search Tree

Day 20 | 654. Maximum Binary Tree | 617. Merge Two Binary Trees | 700.Search in a Binary Search Tree | 98. Validate Binary Search Tree

2022-12-28 15:18:15 271

原创 Day 18 | 513. Find Bottom Left Tree Value | 112. Path Sum | 105&106. Construct Binary Tree

Day 18 | 513. Find Bottom Left Tree Value | 112. Path Sum | 105&106. Construct Binary Tree

2022-12-27 16:05:35 344

原创 Day 17 | 110. Balanced Binary Tree | 257. Binary Tree Paths | 404. Sum of Left Leaves

Day 17 | 110. Balanced Binary Tree | 257. Binary Tree Paths | 404. Sum of Left Leaves

2022-12-25 09:53:48 321



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