SIGGRAPH 2013 papers on the web

SIGGRAPH 2013 papers on the web

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ACM Digital Library: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 32, Issue 4 (July 2013) Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2013

ACM DOI ACM Digital Library (DOI) Link for the paper   Paper Abstract Paper Abstract   Author version Author Preprint   Paper Video Paper Video  

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Color & Compositing

User-Assisted Image Compositing for Photographic Lighting  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Ivaylo Boyadzhiev ( Cornell University),  Sylvain Paris ( Adobe Research),  Kavita Bala ( Cornell University)
Probabilistic Color-by-Numbers: Suggesting Pattern Colorizations Using Factor Graphs  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Sharon LinDaniel RitchieMatthew FisherPat Hanrahan ( Stanford University)
Optimizing Color Consistency in Photo Collections  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Yoav HaCohen ( Hebrew University of Jerusalem),  Eli Shechtman ( Adobe Research),  Dan Goldman ( Adobe Systems Incorporated),  Dani Lischinski ( Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Example-Based Video Color Grading  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Nicolas Bonneel ( Harvard University),  Kalyan SunkavalliSylvain Paris ( Adobe Research),  Hanspeter Pfister ( Harvard University)

Faces & Hands

Online Modeling For Realtime Facial Animation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Sofien Bouaziz, ( EPFL),  Yangang Wang, ( Tsinghua University, Beijing and  EPFL),  Mark Pauly ( EPFL)
3D Shape Regression for Real-time Facial Animation  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Chen Cao, Yanlin Weng ( Zhejiang University, China),  Stephen Lin ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Kun Zhou ( Zhejiang University, China)
Realtime Facial Animation with On-the-fly Correctives  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Hao Li ( Industrial Light & Magic /  University of Southern California),  Jihun YuYuting Ye ( Industrial Light & Magic),  Chris Bregler ( Industrial Light & Magic /  New York University)
Video-based Hand Manipulation Capture Through Composite Motion Control  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Yangang Wang, ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Jianyuan Min ( Texas A&M University), Jianjie Zhang,  Yebin LiuFeng XuQionghai Dai ( Tsinghua University, Beijing), Jinxiang Chai ( Texas A&M University)

Geometry & Topology

An Efficient Computation of Handle and Tunnel Loops via Reeb Graphs  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Tamal K. Dey, Fengtao Fan,  Yusu Wang ( Ohio State University)
Robust Inside-Outside Segmentation using Generalized Winding Numbers  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Alec Jacobson ( ETH Zurich),  Ladislav Kavan ( University of Pennsylvania),  Olga Sorkine-Hornung ( ETH Zurich)
Putting Holes in Holey Geometry: Topology Change for Arbitrary Surfaces  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Demo Program or Source Code
Gilbert BernsteinChris Wojtan ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
MeshGit: Diffing and merging meshes for polygonal modeling  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Jon DenningFabio Pellacini ( Dartmouth College)

Computational Light Capture

Femto-Photography: Capturing and Visualizing the Propagation of Light  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Andreas Velten ( MIT Media Lab), Di Wu ( MIT Media Lab and  Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Adrian Jarabo ( University of Zaragoza),  Belen Masia ( MIT Media Lab and  University of Zaragoza),  Christopher Barsi ( MIT Media Lab),  Chinmaya Joshi ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Everett Lawson ( MIT Media Lab),  Moungi Bawendi ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology),  Diego Gutierrez ( University of Zaragoza>),  Ramesh Raskar ( MIT Media Lab)
Low-budget Transient Imaging using Photonic Mixer Devices  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Felix HeideMatthias HullinJames GregsonWolfgang Heidrich ( University of British Columbia)
High-Quality Computational Imaging Through Simple Lenses  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data ( TOG Paper)
Felix HeideMushfiqur RoufMatthias B. Hullin ( University of British Columbia),  Bjorn Labitzke ( University of Siegen),  Wolfgang Heidrich ( University of British Columbia),  Andreas Kolb ( University of Siegen)
Compressive Light Field Photography using Overcomplete Dictionaries and Optimized Projections ( Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video) ( Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video)
Kshitij Marwah  Gordon Wetzstein, Yosuke Ban,  Ramesh Raskar ( MIT Media Lab)
A Reconfigurable Camera Add-On for High-Dynamic-Range, Multi-Spectral, Polarization, and Light-Field Imaging  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Alkhazur Manakov ( Universitat des Saarlandes and  Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik), John Restrepo ( Universitat des Saarlandes),  Oliver Klehm, Ramon Hegedus ( Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik),  Elmar Eisemann ( TU Delft),  Hans-Peter Seidel ( Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik),  Ivo Ihrke ( Universitat des Saarlandes and  Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik)

Line Drawing

Handwriting Beautification Using Token Means  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Larry Zitnick ( Microsoft Research)
Real-Time Drawing Assistance Through Crowdsourcing  Author Preprint
Alex LimpaecherNicolas FeltmanAdrien Treuille ( Carnegie Mellon University),  Michael Cohen ( Microsoft Research)
Style and Abstraction in Portrait Sketching  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Itamar BergerAriel Shamir ( Interdisciplinary Center),  Moshe Mahler ( Disney Research Pittsburgh), Elizabeth Carter ( Carnegie Mellon University),  Jessica Hodgins( Carnegie Mellon University and  Disney Research Pittsburgh)
Topology-Driven Vectorization of Clean Line Drawings  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Gioacchino Noris ( ETH Zurich and  Disney Research Zurich),  Alexander Sorkine-HornungRobert W. Sumner ( Disney Research Zurich),  Markus Gross ( ETH Zurich and  Disney Research Zurich)
Interpreting Concept Sketches  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Tianjia Shao ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Wilmot Li ( Adobe Research),  Kun Zhou ( Zhejiang University, China),  Weiwei Xu ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Baining Guo( Microsoft Research Asia),  Niloy J. Mitra ( University College London (UCL))
Stereoscopic 3D Line Drawing  Author Preprint
Yongjin Kim ( POSTECH),  Yunjin Lee ( Ajou University),  Henry Kang ( University of Missouri - St. Louis),  Seungyong Lee ( POSTECH)

Rods & Shells

Super Space Clothoids  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Romain CasatiFlorence Bertails-Descoubes ( Inria / LJK, Grenoble, France)
Thin Skin Elastodynamics  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Duo Li ( University of British Columbia),  Shinjiro Sueda ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology),  Debanga Raj NeogDinesh K. Pai ( University of British Columbia)
Embedded Thin Shells for Wrinkle Simulation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Paul KryOlivier Remillard ( McGill University)
Folding and Crumpling Adaptive Sheets  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Rahul NarainTobias PfaffJames O'Brien ( University of California at Berkeley)
Adaptive Fracture Simulation of Multi-Layered Thin Plates  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Oleksiy BusaryevTamal K. DeyHuamin Wang ( Ohio State University)


Exposing Photo Manipulation with Inconsistent Shadows  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data ( TOG Paper)
Eric Kee ( Dartmouth College),  James O'Brien ( University of California at Berkeley),  Hany Farid ( Dartmouth College)
Gloss Perception in Painterly and Cartoon Rendering  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Adrien Bousseau ( REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), James P. O Shea ( University of California at Berkeley), ( University of California, Berkeley),  Fredo Durand ( MIT CSAIL), Ravi RamamoorthiManeesh Agrawala ( University of California at Berkeley)
Perception of Perspective Distortions in Image-Based Rendering  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Peter Vangorp ( REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis /  University of Giessen /  MPI Informatik),  Christian Richardt ( REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis),  Emily A. Cooper ( University of California, Berkeley),  Gaurav Chaurasia ( REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis),  Martin S. Banks ( University of California, Berkeley),  George Drettakis ( REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
Understanding the Role of Phase Function in Translucent Appearance  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Ioannis Gkioulekas ( Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences),  Bei Xiao ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology),  Shuang Zhao ( Cornell University),  Edward H. Adelson ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology),  Todd Zickler ( Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences),  Kavita Bala ( Cornell University)

Surfaces & Differential Geometry

Globally Optimal Direction Fields  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Felix Knoppe,  Keenan Crane ( California Institute of Technology),  Ulrich Pinkall ( TU Berlin),  Peter Schroder ( California Institute of Technology)
Geodesics in Heat: A New Approach to Computing Distance Based on Heat Flow  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Keenan Crane ( California Institute of Technology), Clarisse Weischedel,  Max Wardetzky ( University of Gottingen)
Weighted Averages on Surfaces  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Daniele Panozzo, ( ETH Zurich),  Ilya Baran ( Belmont Technology, Inc.),  Olga DiamantiOlga Sorkine-Hornung ( ETH Zurich)
Robust Fairing via Conformal Curvature Flow  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Keenan Crane ( California Institute of Technology),  Ulrich Pinkall ( TU Berlin),  Peter Schroder ( California Institute of Technology)

Fluid Grids & Meshes

Subspace Fluid Re-Simulation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Theodore Kim, John Delaney ( University of California, Santa Barbara)
Synthesizing Waves From Animated Height Fields  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Michael Nielsen ( Aarhus University), Andreas Soderstrom ( Weta Digital),  Robert Bridson ( University of British Columbia)
A New Grid Structure for Domain Extension  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Bo Zhu, Wenlong Lu,  Matthew Cong ( Stanford University),  Byungmoon Kim ( Adobe Research),  Ronald Fedkiw ( Stanford University)
Simulating Liquids and Solid-Liquid Interactions with Lagrangian Meshes  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Pascal ClausenMartin WickeJonathan ShewchukJames O'Brien ( University of California at Berkeley)


Edge-Aware Point Set Resampling  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Hui Huang ( Shenzhen Key Lab of Visual Computing and Visual Analytics/SIAT), Shihao Wu ( South China University of Technology, China),  Minglun Gong ( Memorial University of Newfoundland),  Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel-Aviv University, Israel),  Uri Ascher ( University of British Columbia),  Hao (Richard) Zhang ( Simon Fraser University)
Mesh Denoising Via L0 Minimization  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Lei He  Scott Schaefer ( Texas A&M University)
L1-Medial Skeleton of Point Cloud  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data  Demo Program or Source Code
Hui Huang ( VisuCA / SIAT),  Shihao Wu ( SCUT),  Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel-Aviv University, Israel),  Minglun GongHao (Richard) Zhang ( Simon Fraser University), Guiqing Li ( SCUT),  Baoquan Chen ( VisuCA/SIAT)
Semantic Decomposition and Reconstruction of Residential Scenes from LiDAR Data  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Hui Lin*,  Jizhou Gao* ( University of Kentucky), Yu Zhou, Guiliang Lu ( Nanjing University), Mao Ye, Chenxi Zhang ( University of Kentucky),  Ligang Liu ( University of Science and Technology of China),  Ruigang Yang ( University of Kentucky) (* joint 1st authors)

Image-Based Reconstruction

Scene Reconstruction From High Spatio-Angular Resolution Light Fields  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Changil Kim ( ETH Zurich and  Disney Research Zurich),  Henning Zimmer ( ETH Zurich),  Yael PritchAlexander Sorkine-Hornung ( Disney Research Zurich),  Markus Gross ( ETH Zurich and  Disney Research Zurich)
Image-Based Reconstruction and Synthesis of Dense Foliage  Paper Abstract
Derek Bradley ( Disney Research Zurich),  Derek Nowrouzezahrai ( University of Montreal),  Paul Beardsley ( Disney Research Zurich)
Dynamic Hair Manipulation in Images and Videos  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Menglei Chai ( Zhejiang University, China),  Lvdi Wang ( Microsoft Research Asia), Yanlin Weng,  Xiaogang JinKun Zhou ( Zhejiang University, China)
Structure-Aware Hair Capture  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Linjie Luo ( Princeton University),  Hao Li ( Industrial Light & Magic),  Szymon Rusinkiewicz ( Princeton University)

Shape Analysis

Co-Hierarchical Analysis of Shape Structures  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Oliver van Kaick ( Simon Fraser University),  Kai Xu ( National University of Defense Technology),  Hao Zhang ( Simon Fraser University),  Yanzhen Wang ( National University of Defense Technology),  Shuyang Sun ( Simon Fraser University),  Ariel Shamir ( Interdisciplinary Center),  Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University)
Learning Part-based Templates from Large Collections of 3D Shapes  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data  Demo Program or Source Code
Vladimir G. Kim ( Princeton University),  Wilmot Li ( Adobe Research),  Niloy J. Mitra ( University College London (UCL)),  Siddhartha Chaudhuri ( Princeton University),  Stephen DiVerdi ( Adobe Research),  Tom Funkhouser ( Princeton University)
Qualitative Organization of Collections of Shapes via Quartet Analysis  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Shi-Sheng Huang ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Ariel Shamir ( The Interdisciplinary Center),  Chao-Hui Shen ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Hao Zhang ( Simon Fraser University),  Alla Sheffer ( University of British Columbia),  Shi-Min Hu ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University)
Map-Based Exploration of Intrinsic Shape Differences and Variability  Author Preprint
Raif Rustamov ( Stanford University),  Maks Ovsjanikov ( Ecole Polytechnique),  Omri AzencotMirela Ben-Chen ( Technion - Israel Institute of Technology),  Frederic Chazal( INRIA Saclay),  Leonidas Guibas ( Stanford University)

Voxels & Liquids

VDB: High-Resolution Sparse Volumes With Dynamic Topology  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Ken Museth ( DreamWorks Animation)
A Two-Continua Approach to Eulerian Simulation of Water Spray  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Michael Nielsen,  Ole Osterby ( Aarhus University)
Liquid Surface Tracking with Error Compensation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Morten Bojsen-HansenChris Wojtan ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
Closest Point Turbulence for Liquid Surfaces  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Theodore Kim ( University of California, Santa Barbara),  Jerry Tessendorf ( Clemson University),  Nils Thurey ( Scanline VFX)

Data-Driven Animation

Non-Polynomial Galerkin Projection on Deforming Meshes  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Matt StantonYu Sheng ( Carnegie Mellon University), Martin Wicke ( Otherlab),  Federico Perazzi ( ETH Zurich and  Disney Research Zurich), Amos Yuen,  Srinivasa Narasimhan Adrien Treuille ( Carnegie Mellon University)
Near-exhaustive Precomputation of Secondary Cloth Effects  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Doyub Kim ( Carnegie Mellon University),  Woojong KohRahul Narain ( University of California at Berkeley),  Kayvon FatahalianAdrien Treuille ( Carnegie Mellon University), James O'Brien ( University of California at Berkeley)
Modeling Friction and Air Effects between Cloth and Deformable Bodies  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Zhili ChenRenguo FengHuamin Wang ( Ohio State University)
Dynamic-Element Textures  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Chongyang Ma ( University of British Columbia and  Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Li-Yi Wei ( University of Hong Kong and  Microsoft Research),  Sylvain Lefebvre ( INRIA),  Xin Tong ( Microsoft Research Asia)

Design & Authoring

Make It Stand: Balancing Shapes for 3D Fabrication  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Romain PrevostEmily Whiting ( ETH Zurich),  Sylvain Lefebvre ( INRIA),  Olga Sorkine-Hornung ( ETH Zurich)
Computational Design of Actuated Deformable Characters  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Melina Skouras ( ETH Zurich),  Bernhard ThomaszewskiStelian CorosBernd Bickel ( Disney Research Zurich),  Markus Gross ( ETH Zurich and  Disney Research Zurich)
Computational Design of Mechanical Characters  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Stelian CorosBernhard ThomaszewskiGioacchino Noris ( Disney Research Zurich),  Shinjiro SuedaMoira Forberg ( Disney Research),  Robert Sumner, ( Disney Research Zurich), Wojciech Matusik ( Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyBernd Bickel ( Disney Research Zurich)
Interactive Authoring of Simulation-Ready Plants  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Yili ZhaoJernej Barbic ( University of Southern California)
Parsing Sewing Patterns Into 3D Garments  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Floraine Berthouzoz ( University of California at Berkeley),  Akash GargDanny KaufmanEitan Grinspun ( Columbia University),  Maneesh Agrawala ( University of California at Berkeley)

Video & Warping

Automated Video Looping with Progressive Dynamism  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Zicheng Liao ( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),  Neel JoshiHugues Hoppe ( Microsoft Research)
Bundled Camera Paths for Video Stabilization  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Shuaicheng Liu ( National University of Singapore),  Lu Yuan ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Ping Tan ( National University of Singapore),  Jian Sun ( Microsoft Research Asia)
Rectangling Panoramic Images via Warping  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Presentation
Kaiming He, Huiwen Chang,  Jian Sun ( Microsoft Research Asia)
Phase-based Video Motion Processing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Neal WadhwaMichael Rubinstein ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology),  Fredo Durand ( MIT CSAIL),  William T. Freeman ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Depth Synthesis and Local Warps for Plausible Image-based Navigation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Gaurav ChaurasiaSylvain Duchene ( REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis),  Olga Sorkine-Hornung ( ETH Zurich),  George Drettakis ( REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)

Building Structures & Layouts

Designing Unreinforced Masonry Models  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Daniele PanozzoPhilippe BlockOlga Sorkine-Hornung ( ETH Zurich)
Computing Self-Supporting Surfaces By Regular Triangulation  Author Preprint
Yang Liu ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Pan Hao ( University of Hong Kong),  John Snyder ( Microsoft Research),  Wenping Wang ( University of Hong Kong),  Baining Guo ( Microsoft Research Asia)
On the Equilibrium of Simplicial Masonry Structures  Author Preprint
Fernando de Goes ( California Institute of Technology),  Pierre Alliez ( Inria Sophia-Antipolis),  Houman OwhadiMathieu Desbrun ( California Institute of Technology)
Reciprocal Frame Structures Made Easy  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Peng Song*,  Chi-Wing Fu*, Prashant Goswami,  Jianmin Zheng ( Nanyang Technological University),
Niloy J. Mitra ( University College London),  Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University). (* joint 1st authors)

Global Illumination

Robust Adaptive Photon Tracing using Photon Path Visibility  ACM DOI  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Toshiya Hachisuka  Henrik Wann Jensen ( University of California, San Diego)
Adaptive Progressive Photon Mapping  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Anton S. KaplanyanCarsten Dachsbacher ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Gradient-Domain Metropolis Light Transport  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Jaakko Lehtinen ( NVIDIA Research /  Aalto University), Tero Karras,  Samuli Laine ( NVIDIA Research),  Fredo Durand ( MIT CSAIL),  Miika Aittala ( NVIDIA Research /  Aalto University),  Timo Aila ( NVIDIA Research)
Axis-Aligned Filtering for Interactive Physically Based Diffuse Indirect Lighting  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Soham Uday MehtaBrandon Wang  Ravi Ramamoorthi ( University of California at Berkeley),  Fredo Durand ( MIT CSAIL)

Advanced Rendering

A4: Asynchronous Adaptive Anti-Aliasing Using Shared Memory  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Rasmus Barringer ( Lund University),  Tomas Akenine-Moller ( Lund University and  Intel Corporation)
High-Resolution Sparse Voxel DAGs  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Viktor KampeErik SintornUlf Assarsson ( Chalmers University of Technology)
5D Covariance Tracing for Efficient Depth of Field and Motion Blur  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Laurent Belcour ( Grenoble Universite),  Cyril Soler ( INRIA Rhone-Alpes),  Kartic Subr ( University College London),  Nicolas Holzschuch ( INRIA Rhone-Alpes),  Fredo Durand ( MIT CSAIL)
Spectral Appearance Changes Induced by Light Exposure  ACM DOI  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Bradley KimmelGladimir V. G. BaranoskiT. Francis ChenDaniel YimErik Miranda ( University of Waterloo)

Quads & Meshing

Sketch-Based Generation and Editing of Quad Meshes  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Kenshi TakayamaDaniele Panozzo ( ETH Zurich),  Alexander Sorkine-Hornung ( Disney Research Zurich),  Olga Sorkine-Hornung ( ETH Zurich)
Integer-Grid Maps for Reliable Quad Meshing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data
David Bommes ( Inria Sophia-Antipolis),  Marcel CampenHans-Christian Ebke ( RWTH Aachen University),  Pierre Alliez ( Inria Sophia-Antipolis),  Leif Kobbelt ( RWTH Aachen University)
Particle-Based Anisotropic Surface Meshing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Zichun ZhongXiaohu Guo ( University of Texas at Dallas),  Wenping Wang ( University of Hong Kong),  Bruno Levy ( Inria-Nancy Grand-Est), Feng Sun ( University of Hong Kong), Yang Liu ( NVIDIA Corporation),  Weihua Mao ( University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas)
Anisotropic Delaunay Meshes of Surfaces  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat ( Inria Sophia-Antipolis),  Kan-Le Shi ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Jane Tournois ( GeometryFactory),  Mariette Yvinec ( Inria Sophia-Antipolis)

Water & Snow With Particles

A Material-Point Method for Snow Simulation  Author Preprint 
Alexey StomakhinCraig Schroeder ( University of California, Los Angeles), Lawrence Chai ( Walt Disney Animation Studios),  Joseph Teran ( University of California, Los Angeles),  Andrew Selle ( Walt Disney Animation Studios)
Highly Adaptive Liquid Simulations on Tetrahedral Meshes  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Ryoichi Ando ( Kyushu Universit),  Nils Thurey ( Scanline VFX),  Chris Wojtan ( Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
Position-Based Fluids  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Miles MacklinMatthias Mueller Fischer ( NVIDIA)
Reconstructing Surfaces of Particle-Based Fluids Using Ansotropic Kernels  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Jihun Yu ( Industrial Light and Magic),  Greg Turk ( Georgia Institute of Technology)

Deformation & Distortion

Controlled-Distortion Constrained Global Parametrization  Author Preprint
Ashish MylesDenis Zorin ( New York University)
Injective and Bounded Distortion Mappings in 3D  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data  Demo Program or Source Code
Noam Aigerman,  Yaron Lipman ( Weizmann Institute of Science)
Subspace Integration With Local Deformations  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
David HarmonDenis Zorin ( New York University)
Planar Shape Interpolation with Bounded Distortion  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Renjie Chen ( Technion - Israel Institute of Technology),  Ofir WeberDaniel Keren ( University of Haifa),  Mirela Ben-Chen ( Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)


A Practical Microcylinder Appearance Model for Cloth Rendering  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Iman SadeghiOleg BiskerJoachim De DekenHenrik Wann Jensen ( University of California, San Diego)
Acquiring Reflectance and Shape From Continuous Spherical Harmonic Illumination  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Related Links
Borom TunwattanapongGraham Fyffe, Paul Graham, Jay Busch, Xueming Yu ( USC Institute for Creative Technologies),  Abhijeet Ghosh ( Imperial College London),  Paul Debevec( USC Institute for Creative Technologies)
Practical SVBRDF Capture in the Frequency Domain  Author Preprint
Miika Aittala ( NVIDIA Research /  Aalto University),  Tim Weyrich ( University College London),  Jaakko Lehtinen ( NVIDIA Research /  Aalto University)
OpenSurfaces: A Richly Annotated Catalog of Surface Appearance  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Sean Bell, Paul Upchurch,  Noah SnavelyKavita Bala ( Cornell University)

Surface Reconstruction

Screened Poisson-Surface Reconstruction  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Michael Kazhdan ( Johns Hopkins University),  Hugues Hoppe ( Microsoft Research)
A Benchmark for Surface Reconstruction  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data  Demo Program or Source Code ( TOG Paper)
Matthew Berger ( University of Utah),  Joshua A. Levine ( Clemson University), Luis Gustavo Nonato ( Universidade de Sao Paulo),  Gabriel Taubin ( Brown University),  Claudio Silva ( Polytechnic Institute of New York University)
Dense Scene Reconstruction with Points of Interest  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data
Qian-Yi ZhouVladlen Koltun ( Stanford University)
Scalable Real-time Volumetric Surface Reconstruction  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Jiawen ChenDennis BautembachShahram Izadi ( Microsoft Research, Cambridge (UK))

Artistic Rendering & Stylization

Painting by Feature: Texture Boundaries for Example-based Image Creation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Michal Lukáč, Jakub Fišer ( CTU in Prague),  Jean-Charles Bazin ( ETH Zurich), Ondřej Jamriška ( CTU in Prague),  Alexander Sorkine-Hornung ( Disney Research Zurich),  Daniel Sýkora ( CTU in Prague)
RealBrush: Painting with Examples of Physical Media  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data
Jingwan Lu ( Princeton University),  Connelly BarnesStephen DiVerdi ( Adobe Research),  Adam Finkelstein ( Princeton University)
Depicting Stylized Materials with Vector Shade Trees  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Jorge Lopez-MorenoStefan PopovAdrien Bousseau ( REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis),  Maneesh Agrawala ( University of California at Berkeley),  George Drettakis ( REVES/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis)
Stylizing Animation By Example ( Paper Abstract  Author Preprint) ( Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video)
Pierre Benard ( Pixar Animation Studios and  University of Toronto),  Forrester ColeMichael Kass ( Pixar Animation Studios),  Igor Mordatch ( Pixar Animation Studios and University of Washington),  James Hegarty ( Pixar Animation Studios and  Stanford University), Martin Sebastian Senn, Kurt Fleischer, Davide Pesare ( Pixar Animation Studios),  Katherine Breeden ( Pixar Animation Studios and  Stanford University)
Opacity Optimization for 3D Line Fields  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Tobias GuntherChristian RosslHolger Theisel ( University of Magdeburg)

Sounds & Solids

Wave-Based Sound Propagation in Large Open Scenes using an Equivalent Source Formulation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Ravish Mehra ( University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill),  Nikunj Raghuvanshi ( Microsoft Research),  Lakulish AntaniAnish ChandakSean CurtisDinesh Manocha( University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Example-Guided Physically Based Modal Sound Synthesis  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Zhimin RenHengchin YehMing C. Lin ( University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill )
Eulerian-on-Lagrangian Simulation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Ye Fan, Joshua Litven ( University of British Columbia),  David I.W. Levin ( MIT CSAIL),  Dinesh K. Pai ( University of British Columbia)
Radial View Based Culling for Continuous Self-Collision Detection of Skeletal Models  Paper Abstract  Paper Video
Sai-Keung WongWen-Chieh Lin, Chun-Hung Hung, Yi-Jheng Huang, Lii Shing-Yeu ( National Chiao Tung University)
Real Time Dynamic Fracture with Volumetric Approximate Convex Decompositions  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Matthias Muller, Nuttapong Chentanez,  Tae-Yong Kim ( NVIDIA)

Structures, Faces & Building

Layered Analysis of Irregular Facades via Symmetry Maximization  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Data  Demo Program or Source Code
Hao Zhang ( Simon Fraser University),  Kai Xu ( VisuCA/SIAT and  National University of Defense Technology), Wei Jiang ( National University of Defense Technology),  Jinjie Lin( VisuCA/SIAT),  Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University),  Baoquan Chen ( VisuCA/SIAT)
Procedural Facade Variations from a Single Layout  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Fan Bao, Michael Schwarz,  Peter Wonka ( Arizona State University)
Generating and Exploring Good Building Layouts  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Fan Bao ( Arizona State University),  Dong-Ming Yan ( KAUST),  Niloy J. Mitra ( University College London),  Peter Wonka ( Arizona State University)
Sketch2Scene: Sketch-Based Co-Retrieval and Co-Placement of 3D Models  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Kun Xu, Kang Chen ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Hongbo Fu ( CIty University of Hong Kong), Wei-Lun Sun,  Shi-Min Hu ( Tsinghua University, Beijing)
O-Snap: Optimization-Based Snapping for Modeling Architecture  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Murat Arikan ( Vienna University of Technology),  Michael Schwarzler ( VRVis Research Center),  Simon FloryMichael Wimmer ( Vienna University of Technology),  Stefan Maierhofer ( VRVis Research Center)


Line Segment Sampling with Blue-Noise Properties  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Data
Xin Sun ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Kun Zhou ( Zhejiang University, China), Jie Guo,  Guofu Xie ( Chinese Academy of Sciences), Jingui Pan, Wencheng Wang,  Baining Guo( Microsoft Research Asia),
Blue Noise Sampling with Controlled Aliasing  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Daniel HeckThomas SchlomerOliver Deussen ( University of Konstanz)
Gap Processing for Adaptive Maximal Poisson-Disk Sampling  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Dong-Ming Yan ( KAUST),  Peter Wonka ( Arizona State University)
Fourier Analysis of Stochastic Sampling Strategies for Assessing Bias and Variance in Integration  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Kartic SubrJan Kautz ( University College London)

Skinning & Deformation

Two-Layer Sparse Compression of Dense-Weight Blend Skinning  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Binh H. Le,  Zhigang Deng ( University of Houston)
Implicit Skinning: Real-Time Skin Deformation with Contact Modeling  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Rodolphe Vaillant ( IRIT, Universite de Toulouse /  University of Victoria),  Loic Barthe ( IRIT, Universite de Toulouse),  Gael Guennebaud ( INRIA),  Marie-Paule Cani ( LJK, Grenoble Universites, INRIA),  Damien Rhomer ( CPE Lyon, INRIA),  Brian Wyvill ( University of Victoria),  Olivier Gourmel, ( Mathias Paulin) ( IRIT, Universite de Toulouse)
*Cages: A multi-level, multi-cage based system for mesh deformation  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Francisco GonzalezTeresa ParadinasNarcis CollGustavo Patow ( Universitat de Girona)
Cubic Mean Value Coordinates  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Demo Program or Source Code
Xian-Ying Li ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Tao Ju ( Washington University in St. Louis),  Shi-Min Hu ( Tsinghua University, Beijing)

Display Hardware

Adaptive Image Synthesis for Compressive Displays  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Felix Heide ( University of British Columbia),  Gordon WetzsteinRamesh Raskar ( MIT Media Lab),  Wolfgang Heidrich ( University of British Columbia)
Content-adaptive Lenticular Prints  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video  Paper Presentation
James Tompkin ( Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik),  Simon Heinzle ( Disney Research Zurich),  Jan Kautz ( University College London),  Wojciech Matusik ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
3D + 2D TV: 3D Displays With no Ghosting for Viewers Without Glasses  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Steven Scher, Jing Liu,  Rajan Vaish ( University of California, Santa Cruz),  Prabath Gunawardane ( Google),  James Davis ( University of California, Santa Cruz)
AIREAL: Interactive Tactile Experiences in Free Air  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Rajinder Sodhi ( University of Illinois),  Ivan Poupyrev, Matthew Glisson,  Ali Israr ( Disney Research Pittsburgh)

Precomputed Rendering

Path-Space Manipulation of Physically-Based Light Transport  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Thorsten-Walther SchmidtJan NovakJohannes MengAnton KaplanyanTim Reiner ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology),  Derek Nowrouzezahrai ( University of Montreal), Carsten Dachsbacher ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Interactive Albedo Editing in Path-Traced Volumetric Materials  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Milos Hasan ( Autodesk Inc.),  Ravi Ramamoorthi ( University of California at Berkeley)
Global Illumination with Radiance Regression Functions  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Peiran Ren ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Jiaping WangMinmin GongStephen LinXin Tong ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Baining Guo ( Microsoft Research Asia and  Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Modular Flux Transfer: Efficient Rendering of High-Resolution Volumes with Repeated Structures  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Shuang Zhao ( Cornell University),  Milos HasanRavi Ramamoorthi ( University of California at Berkeley),  Kavita Bala ( Cornell University)

Surface Modeling

Toric Degenerations of Bezier Patches  ACM DOI  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Luis David Garcia-Puente ( Sam Houston State University),  Frank Sottile ( Texas A&M University),  Chungang Zhu ( Dalian University of Technology)
A Unified Interpolary Subdivision Scheme for Quadrilateral Meshes
Chongyang Deng ( Hangzhou Dianzi University),  Weiyin Ma ( CIty University of Hong Kong)
A Gradient-Based Implicit Blend  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video ( TOG Paper)
Olivier GourmelLoic Barthe ( IRIT, Universite de Toulouse),  Marie-Paule Cani ( LJK, Grenoble Universites, INRIA),  Brian Wyvill ( University of Victoria), Adrien Bernhardt University of Grenoble INP-Ensimag and  Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann), ( Mathias Paulin) ( IRIT, Universite de Toulouse), Herbert Grasberger ( University of Victoria)

3D Printing

Spec2Fab: A Reducer-Tuner Model for Translating Specifications to 3D Prints  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Desai ChenDavid LevinPitchaya Sitthi-AmornPiotr DidykWojciech Matusik ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
OpenFab: A Programmable Pipeline for Multi-Material Fabrication  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Kiril Vidimce, Szu-Po Wang,  Jonathan Ragan-KelleyWojciech Matusik ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Worst-Case Structural Analysis  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Presentation  Paper Data
Qingnan ZhouJulian PanettaDenis Zorin ( New York University)
InfraStructs: Fabricating Information Inside Physical Objects for Imaging in the Terahertz Region  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Karl Willis ( Carnegie Mellon University),  Andrew Wilson ( Microsoft Research)

Hardware Rendering

A Hardware Unit for Fast SAH-optimised BVH Construction
Michael DoyleColin FowlerMichael Manzke ( Trinity College Dublin)
Cardinality-Constrained Texture Filtering  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Josiah MansonScott Schaefer ( Texas A&M University)
Analytic Displacement Mapping Using Hardware Tessellation  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Matthias Niesner ( Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg),  Charles Loop ( Microsoft Research)
A Sort-Based Deferred Shading Architecture for Decoupled Sampling  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Petrik Clarberg, Robert Toth,  Jacob Munkberg ( Intel Corporation)

Laplacians, Light Field & Layouts

Efficient Preconditioning of Laplacian Matrices for Computer Graphics  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Dilip Krishnan ( New York University),  Raanan Fattal ( Hebrew University of Jerusalem),  Richard Szeliski ( Microsoft Research)
Near-Invariant Blur for Depth and 2D Motion via Time-Varying Light Field Analysis  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Yosuke Bando ( TOSHIBA Corporation and  MIT Media Lab),  Henry HoltzmanRamesh Raskar ( MIT Media Lab)
Terrain Generation Using Procedural Models Based on Hydrology  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Jean-David GenevauxEric GalinEric GuerinAdrien Peytavie ( LIRIS / Universite de Lyon),  Bedrich Benes ( Purdue University)
Synthesis of Tiled Patterns using Factor Graphs  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint ( TOG Paper)
Yi-ting YehKatherine BreedenLingfeng YangMatthew FisherPat Hanrahan ( Stanford University)

Appearance Fabrication

Fabricating BRDFs at High Spatial Resolution Using Wave Optics  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Anat LevinDaniel Glasner ( Weizmann Institute of Science),  Ying Xiong ( Harvard University),  Fredo DurandWilliam T. FreemanWojciech Matusik ( MIT CSAIL),  Todd Zickler( Harvard University)
Bi-Scale Appearance Fabrication  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint  Paper Video
Yanxiang Lan ( Tsinghua University, Beijing),  Yue Dong ( Microsoft Research Asia),  Fabio Pellacini ( Dartmouth College),  Xin Tong ( Microsoft Research Asia)
Fabricating Translucent Materials Using Continuous Pigment Mixtures  Paper Abstract  Author Preprint
Marios Papas ( ETH Zurich and  Disney Research Zurich), Christian Regg,  Wojciech JaroszBernd Bickel ( Disney Research Zurich), Philip Jackson ( Walt Disney Imagineering), Wojciech Matusik ( MIT CSAIL),  Steve Marschner ( Cornell University),  Markus Gross ( ETH Zurich and  Disney Research Zurich)
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