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原创 Ruby meta programming 4(eval/class_eval/module_eval/instance_eval)

之所以有不同的eval方法,只是因为在不同的上下文中;你也可以使用eval+bind参数完全替换class_eval/module_eval/instance_eval的# "#{exp}" evaluates it as a string and not as an expression, whereas eval( exp ) evaluates a string as an expressi

2016-08-18 13:04:54 388

原创 Ruby meta programming 3(closure)

# closure10.times{ |i| print("=")}puts("closure")x = "hello world"ablock = Proc.new { puts( x ) }def aMethod( aBlockArg ) x = "goodbye" aBlockArg.callendputs( x )ablock.call#this will out

2016-08-18 12:55:24 487

转载 Ruby meta programming 2(define_method/attr_accessor)

下面是使用四种方式来完成同一个类的方法。 第一种是直接定义get和set方法; 第二种是通过define_method来动态的定义; 第三种是通过attr_accessor来动态的定义; 第四种也是通过attr_accessor来动态的定义,只是去除了冗余;10.times{ |i| print("=")}puts("Writing Code That Writes Code")clas

2016-08-18 12:47:56 501

原创 Ruby meta programming 1(binding/send/freeze/remove_method)

#binding#like Dependency Injection in java 10.times{ |i| print("=")}puts("binding")class Demo def initialize(n) @secret = n end def get_binding return binding() endendk1 = Demo.new

2016-08-18 12:42:08 464

原创 Ruby的method_missing可以定义client调用不存在的方法时的行为

class X def method_missing( methodname, *args ) puts( "Class #{self.class} does not understand: #{methodname}( #{args.inspect} )" ) end endclass Y < X def aaa puts( "aaa me

2016-08-18 11:30:53 601

原创 Ruby的Block

一般来说,用花括号括起来的代码段,称之为blockSome codes segmetn in “The Book for Ruby” can’t run successful in Ruby 2.3 like below code: a = “hello world”.split(//).each{ |x| newstr << x.capitalize } will throw undefi

2016-08-18 11:28:16 389

原创 Ruby中的 class method, instance method, singleton method/class

singleton method/class 从效果来说,两者没有什么区别# class method10.times{ |i| print("=")}puts("class/instance method")class MyClass def MyClass.classMethod puts( "This is a class method" ) end

2016-08-18 11:17:35 975

原创 Ruby中的Symbol

A symbol is an identifier whose first character is a colon ( : ), so :this is a symbol and so is :that. symbol是以:开头的。 A symbol is not: it is not a string, it is not a constant and it is not a variab

2016-08-18 11:12:48 393

原创 Ruby 中的各种变量(local/instance/class/global variable and assignment method)

从注释中可以看出每段代码中使用的变量类型# local variable10.times{ |i| print("=")}puts("local variable")1.times do a = 1 b = "a" puts "local variables in the block: #{local_variables.join ", "}"endputs "no local

2016-08-18 11:06:17 590

原创 PHP post combine

if you post as below, PHP will parse below post as array[0] == Country, Country has three propertyCountry%5Bcode%5D=1&Country%5Bname%5D=2&Country%5Bpopulation%5D=1Country[code]:1Country[name]:2Count

2016-08-12 08:26:03 247

原创 attention when you debug bootstrap's form layout

debug bootstrap’s form layout, need close developer’s view, or the bootstrap’s layout will difference with full screen layout, because it’s responsive layout

2016-08-12 08:25:03 166

原创 PHP self:: vs static::

PHP self:: vs static:: self just means current method’s container class’s context static means the caller’s context, it will set when you real call it with get_called_class method

2016-08-12 08:24:25 208 1

原创 553 Requested action not taken: Local user only

553 Requested action not taken: Local user only SMTP类型的机器只允许发信人是本站用户; For example: the sender must be xxx@126.com if you use 126’s smtp

2016-08-12 08:23:42 2612

原创 fop's font

what’s fop: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/ 1. using TTF reader to generate metric xml file and let fop using itcd to fop's main directory,java -cp "build/*;lib/*" org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFRe

2016-08-12 08:22:05 935

原创 mpdf export chinese character

mpdf export chinese char: vendor/mpdf/mpdf/config.php, change below two line to true, for v6$this->autoScriptToLang = true;$this->autoLangToFont = true;autoScriptToLang is variable to indicate whethe

2016-08-11 15:51:24 778

原创 some method in PHP

php is_null: use === intstead of is_null isset($var) and is_null($var) 是相反的;is_null只有在变量是NULL或者变量声明了但是没有赋值时返回true is_callable: if the application could call a method on the object, from the curren

2016-08-11 15:49:06 240

原创 debug codeception in Eclipse

config eclipse’s php cli’s debug to using xdebugcopy file to codeceptioncp vendor\codeception\codeception\codecept to vendor\codeception\codeception\codecept.phpthen add this file to eclipse’s cli ru

2016-08-11 15:48:01 269

原创 Yii2 UT

run below command to instanll codeception:composer require "codeception/codeception=2.1.*"composer require "codeception/specify=*"composer require "codeception/verify=*"add project/vendor/bin to you

2016-08-11 15:44:52 231

原创 change composer's repo to china's mirror

change composer’s repo to china’s mirror project config: composer config repo.packagist composer https://packagist.phpcomposer.com global config: composer config -g repo.packagist composer https://

2016-08-11 15:42:57 235

原创 how to solve git detached HEAD

how to solve git detached HEAD 1. checkout to other branch 2. or create a new branch with : git checkout -b branch_name 3. or prevent to use git checkout commit_id, this will cause detac

2016-08-11 15:42:36 263

原创 .htaccess file not work

.htaccess file not work 1. check AllowOverride option; 2. or just add the rewrite content to httpd.conf file to prevent use .htaccess file

2016-08-11 15:42:00 195

原创 Change Yii2 language

you can using request header/cookie to change Yii’s language dynamic or using below code:// change target language to Chinese\Yii::$app->language = 'zh-CN';

2016-08-11 15:41:24 245

原创 change MySQL's config file and let it use utf-8 by default

change MySQL’s config file and let it use utf-8 by default for xampp, the config file is under bin\my.ini[mysqld]character-set-server=utf8collation-server=utf8_general_ci

2016-08-11 15:40:23 220

原创 change charset of existed MySQL db

change charset of existed dbALTER/CREATE DATABASE `yii2basic` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

2016-08-11 15:39:46 364

原创 using yii command extract message which need i18n

using yii command extract message which need i18n first you should create a config file for yii command:.\yii message/config-template path/to/config.php`such as messages/config.php made some modify t

2016-08-11 15:39:13 351

原创 change eclipse default text encoding to UTF-8 to support php i18n

change eclipse default text encoding to UTF-8 to support php i18n Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace : Text file encoding

2016-08-11 15:37:46 343

原创 install Composer fail from xampp in windows

you should change below config in php.ini to absolute path for you xampp:extension_dir = "E:\xampp\php\ext"browscap = "E:\xampp\php\extras\browscap.ini"

2016-08-11 15:37:13 313

原创 some valuable Yii2 extension

Yii2 extension http://codemix.github.io/yii2-bs3activeform/horizontal.html http://demos.krajee.com/

2016-08-11 15:36:18 248

原创 xampp can't start MySQL

xampp can’t start MySQL, using xampp_stop.bat clear env, then retry

2016-08-11 15:35:38 264

原创 php xdebug php5.dll missing

php xdebug php5.dll missing make sure your xdebug is nts or ts version dlldisplay static variable in Eclipse’s variable view self::$aliases

2016-08-11 15:34:34 631

原创 Yii2 alias

Alias You can find below default alias in yii2\BaseYii.php’s $alias:$aliases variable's init:@yii D:\xampp\htdocs\basic\vendor\yiisoft\yii2basic\vendor\yiisoft\extensions.php file add extension path

2016-08-11 15:28:23 673

原创 Yii2 use spl_autoload_register to create autoload feature

Yii2 use spl_autoload_register to create autoload feature yii2\Yii.php:spl_autoload_register(['Yii', 'autoload'], true, true);Yii::$classMap = require(__DIR__ . '/classes.php');Yii::$container = ne

2016-08-11 15:27:17 537

原创 Yii2 componet list and where init it

yii2\base\Application.php:[ 'log' => ['class' => 'yii\log\Dispatcher'], 'view' => ['class' => 'yii\web\View'], 'formatter' => ['class' => 'yii\i18n\Formatter'], 'i18n' => ['class' => 'y

2016-08-11 15:26:19 205

原创 yii2 mail config

change web.php file to support php send file'useFileTransport' => true,'fileTransportPath' => '@app/mail',send with transport'transport' => [ 'class' => 'Swift_SmtpTransport', 'host'

2016-08-11 15:25:08 234


Soft-Test sample ADC_tutorial DFT_TOC DSPSampling FunctionalTest RF_Test ScanSample SRAM





RF engineering basic concepts the Smith chart.pdf

The Smith chart is a very valuable and important tool that facilitates interpretation of S-parameter measurements. This paper will give a brief overview on why and more importantly on how to use the chart. Its definition as well as an introduction on how to navigate inside the chart are illustrated. Useful examples show the broad possibilities for use of the chart in a variety of applications.


Waveform Generation Language from Fluence Technology, Inc

The Waveform Generation Language (WGL) is a data description language. It is used to convey an editable ASCII representation of the data contained in a Waveform DataBase (WDB), allowing you to use your system’s text editor to fully customize the database


Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) for Digital Test Vectors原版

Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) for Digital Test Vectors原版



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