PowerPC 汇编编程入门


1. r3-r10寄存器存储函数的第一个到第8个参数,同时r3还存储返回值,试验:


2. 函数调用,参数为结构体,如下图所示:

This isn’t work out so cleanly because pointers have to be at an address that is divisible by 4, same with integers. So all primitive types in C and C++ need to be at an address that is divisible by it’s size in bytes. So a bool and a character can be at any address since they are only one byte. Shorts must be at an even address since they are 2 bytes, pointers, integers, and longs (on most computers) need to be at an address divisible by 4 since all those types are 4 bytes in size. Lastly, long longs need to be at an address divisible by 8 since they are eight bytes long. So back to our struct. Let’s say that the address of the first field is 0x7004fd20. The first field is a bool, so it only takes up one byte. The next byte in memory that can be written over is 0x7004fd21, and we need to put a char pointer there. Well we can’t because the address 0x7004fd21 isn’t divisible by 4, the size of a character pointer. So what it does, is skip over 3 bytes, so it goes to the next address that is divisible by 4,which would be 0x7004fd24. Then when it needs to put down the next character pointer, the last name pointer, it has no problem because 0x7004fd28 is divisible by 4. Following the last name char* is a single character, which screws things up. It puts that character down at the address 0x7004fd2C, making the next available address 0x7004fd2D, which isn’t divisible by 4. We need to put down an integer, so we need something divisible by 4. Just like before, it’ll skip over 3 bytes so that it can put down the integer at an address divisible by 4. So if we were to create an instance of our struct, it would look like this:

Now let’s just go ahead and write a function that takes a person pointer. This function will return a bool indication whether or not the person can legally buy/consume alcohol in the US. So in other words, if the person’s age is less than 21, then this function will return false, otherwise it’ll return true. So we know from looking at the diagram above that the person’s age is at the address of the struct plus 16 bytes. Creating this function is really simple now that we have this diagram. So the function would look something like this:

This function is really easy to write now that you know how to get to the age in memory. Once we load the age from memory, we compare it to 21. Then we branch to the returnTrue label if the value in r4, the person’s age, is greater than or equal to 21. Otherwise we load r3 with false, and return.

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汇编带符号表的32位/64位ELF目标文件,CPU类型:ARM PowerPC MIPS X86 操作菜单选择:文件解析 Alx+P ELF文件解析 Alt+E 另有文本比较等杂项功能。V1.25.07相对上一版本,增加二进制反汇编、IQ数据解析功能,完善MIPS反汇编,修复小BUG;V1.25.05相对上一版本,增加内存数据按数据类型解析功能;V1.25.04相对上一版本,完善X86反汇编,修复小BUG;V1.25.02相对上一版本,COREDUMP统计、匹配目标文件等相关功能优化,修复小BUG;V1.25.00相对上一版本,相关功能支持动态库文件,查询代码支持无符号目标文件+有符号目标文件,COREDUMP统计、与问题单关联、目标文件/CORE文件/问题单同步;V1.24.02相对上一版本,针对进程主动捕捉异常的信息定制处理进一步完善COREDUMP文件解析与应用,增强软件管理;V1.24.01相对上一版本,进一步完善COREDUMP文件解析与应用,提供部分ARM Thumb指令反汇编;V1.24.00相对上一版本,进一步完善COREDUMP文件解析与应用,提供堆栈调用关系分析;V1.23.03相对上一版本,提供32位X86反汇编;V1.23.02相对上一版本,提供源代码行查询指令地址,OBJ/COREDUMP文件解析,sprintf函数参数特定检查, 完善文件拖放操作,修复小BUG;V1.23.01相对上一版本,提供ELF文件指令修改,修复ARM MLS指令反汇编错误等BUG;V1.23.00相对上一版本,提供程序地址对应源代码行查询,修复MIPS调试信息错误;另部分增强功能的菜单操作设有密码,如有兴趣欢迎咨询。欢迎大家反馈相关软件使用过程中的问题!




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