UVA537 Artificial Intelligence?







  Artificial Intelligence? 

Physics teachers in high school often think that problems given as text are more demanding than pure computations. After all, the pupils have to read and understand the problem first!

So they don't state a problem like ``U=10V, I=5A, P=?" but rather like ``You have an electrical circuit that contains a battery with a voltage of U=10V and a light-bulb. There's an electrical current of I=5A through the bulb. Which power is generated in the bulb?".

However, half of the pupils just don't pay attention to the text anyway. They just extract from the text what is given: U=10V, I=5A. Then they think: ``Which formulae do I know? Ah yes, P=U*I. Therefore P=10V*5A=500W. Finished."

OK, this doesn't always work, so these pupils are usually not the top scorers in physics tests. But at least this simple algorithm is usually good enough to pass the class. (Sad but true.)

Today we will check if a computer can pass a high school physics test. We will concentrate on the P-U-I type problems first. That means, problems in which two of power, voltage and current are given and the third is wanted.


Your job is to write a program that reads such a text problem and solves it according to the simple algorithm given above.



The first line of the input file will contain the number of test cases.

Each test case will consist of one line containing exactly two data fields and some additional arbitrary words. A data field will be of the form I=xA, U=xV or P=xW, where x is a real number.

Directly before the unit (A, V or W) one of the prefixes m (milli), k (kilo) and M (Mega) may also occur. To summarize it: Data fields adhere to the following grammar:


DataField ::= Concept '=' RealNumber [Prefix] Unit
Concept   ::= 'P' | 'U' | 'I'
Prefix    ::= 'm' | 'k' | 'M'
Unit      ::= 'W' | 'V' | 'A'

Additional assertions:


  • The equal sign (`=') will never occur in an other context than within a data field.
  • There is no whitespace (tabs,blanks) inside a data field.
  • Either P and U, P and I, or U and I will be given.



For each test case, print three lines:


  • a line saying ``Problem #k" where k is the number of the test case
  • a line giving the solution (voltage, power or current, dependent on what was given), written without a prefix and with two decimal places as shown in the sample output
  • a blank line


Sample Input 


If the voltage is U=200V and the current is I=4.5A, which power is generated?
A light-bulb yields P=100W and the voltage is U=220V. Compute the current, please.
bla bla bla lightning strike I=2A bla bla bla P=2.5MW bla bla voltage?


Sample Output 


Problem #1

Problem #2

Problem #3



Miguel A. Revilla


 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<math.h>
 3 char s[1000];
 4 int main()
 5 {
 6     int t;
 7     scanf("%d",&t);
 8     getchar();
 9     int now=0;
10     while(t--)
11     {
12         fgets(s,sizeof(s),stdin);
13         printf("Problem #%d\n",++now);
14         int i,j,w=0;
15         double shu,U=0,I=0,P=0;
16         for(i=0;s[i]!='\0';i++)
17         {
18             shu=0;
19             if(s[i]=='=')
20             {
21                 int fu=0;
22                 for(j=i+1;s[j]!='V'&&s[j]!='A'&&s[j]!='W';j++)
23                 {
24                     if(s[j]=='M') shu*=1000000;
25                     else if(s[j]=='k') shu*=1000;
26                     else if(s[j]=='m') shu*=0.001;
27                     else if(s[j]=='.') fu=j;
28                     else
29                     {
30                         if(fu==0)
31                             shu=shu*10+s[j]-'0';
32                         else
33                             shu+=(s[j]-'0')*(pow(10,(fu-j)));
34                     }
35                 }
36                 if(s[j]=='V') U=shu;
37                 else if(s[j]=='A') I=shu;
38                 else P=shu;
39                 if(w==0)
40                 {
41                     w=1;
42                     i=j;
43                 }
44                 else break;
45             }
46         }
47         if(U==0)
48             printf("U=%.2lfV\n\n",P/I);
49         else if(P==0)
50             printf("P=%.2lfW\n\n",I*U);
51         else if(I==0)
52             printf("I=%.2lfA\n\n",P/U);
53     }
54     return 0;
55 }


### 回答1: 人工智能的最重要特征是: 1. 机器学习:通过对大量数据的分析和模式识别,使得计算机能够在没有明确编程指令的情况下学习和改进。 2. 自然语言处理:涵盖了语音识别、语音合成、文本理解和生成等技术,使得人工智能能够理解和生成人类语言。 3. 计算机视觉:使得人工智能能够识别和理解图像和视频内容。 4. 强化学习:通过不断试错和学习,使得人工智能能够在没有明确目标的情况下获得最优策略。 5. 关系推理:使得人工智能能够理解复杂的对象之间的关系,并基于这些关系进行推理和决策。 ### 回答2: 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)的最重要特征有以下几点: 首先是智能性。人工智能有能力模仿和模拟人类的智能思维和决策能力。它可以通过学习和适应环境来完成复杂的任务,如图像识别、自然语言处理和问题解决。智能性是人工智能的核心特征,使其能够具有学习、适应和改进的能力。 其次是学习能力。人工智能能够通过大量的数据和经验进行学习,并根据学习结果来优化自身的性能。它可以通过训练和反馈机制来改进自己的模型和算法,从而不断提升自己的智能水平。学习能力使得人工智能具有自主学习和不断进化的能力。 再次是适应性。人工智能可以根据不同的情境和需求进行灵活的适应和调整。它能够应对各种复杂的环境和任务,并根据实际需要进行决策和行动。适应性使得人工智能可以在不同领域和行业中应用,并具有广泛的应用价值。 最后是交互能力。人工智能能够与人类进行自然而智能的交互。它可以理解人类的语言、姿态和情感,并作出相应的反应和回应。交互能力使得人工智能可以成为人类的智能助手和伙伴,为人类提供个性化的服务和支持。 总之,智能性、学习能力、适应性和交互能力是人工智能最重要的特征。这些特征使得人工智能能够模拟和超越人类的智能水平,为人类带来更多的便利和创新。 ### 回答3: 人工智能的最重要特点有以下几点: 首先,人工智能的重要特点之一是自主学习与适应能力。人工智能系统具备自主学习的能力,能够通过不断地获取和分析大量数据,从中提取有用的信息并自动调整自己的算法和模型,以适应新的情境和需求。这种自主学习和适应能力使得人工智能能够不断改进和提升自己的性能,从而更好地应对各种挑战和问题。 其次,人工智能具有高效的问题解决能力。通过模仿人类的思维方式和智能行为,人工智能能够快速地处理和解决复杂的问题。它能够在短时间内分析大量的数据,并通过机器学习和模式识别等算法找到解决问题的最佳方法。这种高效的问题解决能力使得人工智能在许多领域,如医疗、交通、金融等,发挥着重要作用。 第三,人工智能具备智能决策能力。由于人工智能系统能够根据自身学习和分析的结果自主调整算法和模型,它能够做出智能决策,并根据实际情况进行优化和改进。这种智能决策能力使得人工智能能够自主地应对复杂的决策情况,并在不同的环境中做出最佳的决策。 最后,人工智能还具备与人类进行交互的能力。通过自然语言处理、图像识别和语音识别等技术,人工智能能够与人类进行沟通和交互。这种交互能力使得人工智能能够更好地理解人类的需求和指令,并提供相应的反馈和解决方案。在实际应用中,人工智能的交互能力使得它能够与人类合作完成各种任务,如语音助手、智能机器人等。 总之,人工智能的最重要特点包括自主学习与适应能力、高效的问题解决能力、智能决策能力以及与人类的交互能力。这些特点使得人工智能成为一个强大而有用的工具,在许多领域都具有广阔的应用前景。
评论 1




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