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转载 Quartz conTrigger 定时器表达式大全

CronTrigger配置格式:格式: [秒] [分] [小时] [日] [月] [周] [年] 序号说明  是否必填 允许填写的值允许的通配符  1 秒 是 0-59   , - * / 2 分 是 0-59   , - * / 3小时 是 0-23  , - * /

2017-08-14 11:16:37 477 1

转载 mybatis "There is no getter for property named 'xx' in 'class java.lang.String"问题

用mybatis查询时,传入一个字符串参数,且进行判断时,会报There is no getter for property named 'xx' in 'class java.lang.String的错误.例: SELECT a.id, c.coa_name, c.stu_name, c.cou_name, c.station, c.grade, c.clazz

2016-05-19 13:08:31 1332

转载 leetcode难度及面试频率

转载自:LeetCode Question Difficulty Distribution       1Two Sum25arraysort    setTwo Pointe

2016-04-19 15:48:15 703

转载 操作系统面试题总结

转自  http://blog.csdn.net/zz198808/article/details/78877351.什么是进程(Process)和线程(Thread)?有何区别?进程是具有一定独立功能的程序关于某个数据集合上的一次运行活动,进程是系统进行资源分配和调度的一个独立单位。线程是进程的一个实体,是CPU调度和分派的基本单位,它是比进程更小的能独立运行的基本单

2016-04-12 22:58:58 511

转载 Java面试宝典2015版(绝对值得收藏超长版)(一)


2016-03-30 10:48:03 522

原创 mysql导入导出sql文件

导出无需进入数据库mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p [导出数据库名] > [导出路径 + sql文件名]例:mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p dbTest >home/myDbTest.sql导入先建好数据库后source [sql文件路径]例:source /home/myDbTest.s

2016-03-29 18:53:37 411 1



2016-03-25 11:10:53 361

原创 远程连接Mysql服务器问题

当出现 Can"t connect to MYSQL server on 'IP地址'; 问题时:1.检查服务器mysql服务是否打开  service mysql start2.若已经打开,在etc/mysql/my.cnf 中将  bind-address = 注释掉3.重启mysql服务后,mysql -h IP地址 -P 3306 -u ro

2016-03-16 11:58:44 346

转载 IntelliJ IDEA 中文乱码问题解决办法(转)

转自   http://www.cnblogs.com/xingma0910/p/4651889.html自己最近在使用IntelliJ IDEA,发现总是出现中文乱码的问题,在网上找了很多教程,发现真是“天下文章一大抄”。还不如自己动手试着解决一下。1、编辑器以及调试信息中文乱码问题解决方案:选择:File->settings->Editor->File Encodi

2016-03-04 16:47:11 2133

原创 标签id为字符串形式,如何通过该字符串寻找标签

$("标签类型[id="+字符串+"]").内容 $("td[id="+idD+"]").css("background-color", "#ff6347");

2016-02-28 22:04:59 560

原创 Css弹出菜单样式

.tishi{ position:relative; /*这个是关键*/ z-index:2; font-size: 80% ;}.tishi:hover{ z-index:3; background:none; /*没有这个在IE中不可用*/}.tishi span{ display: none;}.tishi:hover span{ /

2016-02-24 17:16:06 564

原创 ubuntu向服务器发送下载文件命令scp

scp -r [本地文件路径] root@[服务器IP地址]:[服务器接受文件路径]

2016-01-03 19:49:49 589

原创 codeforces 585A Gennady the Dentist

Gennady is one of the best child dentists in Berland. Today n children got an appointment with him, they lined up in front of his office.All children love to cry loudly at the reception at the dentist.

2015-10-13 21:35:48 737

原创 codeforces 556A Case of the Zeros and Ones

Andrewid the Android is a galaxy-famous detective. In his free time he likes to think about strings containing zeros and ones.Once he thought about a string of length n consisting of zeroes and ones. C

2015-10-11 19:57:35 1048

原创 codeforces 556B Case of Fake Numbers

Andrewid the Android is a galaxy-famous detective. He is now investigating a case of frauds who make fake copies of the famous Stolp’s gears, puzzles that are as famous as the Rubik’s cube once was.Its

2015-10-11 19:54:31 523

原创 codeforces 551B ZgukistringZ

Professor GukiZ doesn’t accept string as they are. He likes to swap some letters in string to obtain a new one.GukiZ has strings a, b, and c. He wants to obtain string k by swapping some letters in a,

2015-10-11 19:44:52 730

原创 codeforces 581C Developing Skills

Petya loves computer games. Finally a game that he’s been waiting for so long came out!The main character of this game has n different skills, each of which is characterized by an integer ai from 0 to

2015-10-10 19:15:42 386

原创 codeforces 581D Three Logos

Three companies decided to order a billboard with pictures of their logos. A billboard is a big square board. A logo of each company is a rectangle of a non-zero area.Advertisers will put up the ad onl

2015-10-10 19:10:04 532

原创 codeforces 583C GCD Table

The GCD table G of size n × n for an array of positive integers a of length n is defined by formula Let us remind you that the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two positive integers x and y is the g

2015-10-10 19:03:27 897

原创 codeforces 584B Kolya and Tanya

Kolya loves putting gnomes at the circle table and giving them coins, and Tanya loves studying triplets of gnomes, sitting in the vertexes of an equilateral triangle.More formally, there are 3n gnomes

2015-10-10 18:55:57 945

原创 codeforces 584C Marina and Vasya

Marina loves strings of the same length and Vasya loves when there is a third string, different from them in exactly t characters. Help Vasya find at least one such string.More formally, you are given

2015-10-10 18:45:31 644

原创 codeforces 584D Dima and Lisa

Dima loves representing an odd number as the sum of multiple primes, and Lisa loves it when there are at most three primes. Help them to represent the given number as the sum of at most than three prim

2015-10-10 18:35:11 863

原创 codeforces 577A Multiplication Table

Let’s consider a table consisting of n rows and n columns. The cell located at the intersection of i-th row and j-th column contains number i × j. The rows and columns are numbered starting from 1.You

2015-10-10 17:06:03 1106

原创 uva 1151 Buy or Build (最小生成树)

uva 1151 Buy or Build题目大意:给出n个点以及m种套餐,每种套餐的数据包括改套餐所包含点的数量,该套餐的费用,以及改套餐所包含的具体的点的编号。点与点之间的费用是他们的欧几里得距离的平方。现在问,在使用套餐的情况下连接所有点的最小费用。套餐可以叠加。解题思路:先求出不用套餐构造最小生成树的最小费用。然后开始枚举用或不用改套餐构造最小生成树的费用(二进制枚举子集),维护该费用,最小

2015-10-10 16:50:05 545

原创 uva 11324 The Largest Clique(强连通分量 + DAG)

uva 11324 The Largest Clique题目大意:给出一个有向图,要求出该图中的最大结点集。结点集满足下列条件,结点集中的每两个点u, v,要么u可以到达v,要么v可以到达u,要么互相可达。解题思路:在原图的基础上,先求一次强连通分量。然后把每个强连通分量都缩成点之后,可以得到一个有向无环图,然后可以用dp,求出最大嵌套。#include <cstdio>#include <cst

2015-09-16 14:17:45 381

原创 uva 12167 Proving Equivalences(强连通分量 + 缩点)

uva 12167 Proving EquivalencesDescription Consider the following exercise, found in a generic linear algebra textbook.Let A be an n × n matrix. Prove that the following statements are equivalent:A is

2015-09-15 21:10:23 478

原创 uva 10816 Travel in Desert (最小生成树 + 最短路)

uva 10816 Travel in DesertDescriptionThere is a group of adventurers who like to travel in the desert. Everyone knows travelling in desert can be very dangerous. That’s why they plan their trip careful

2015-09-12 14:15:10 634

原创 uva 11183 Teen Girl Squad (最小树形图)

uva 11183 Teen Girl Squad题目大意:你有一个好消息要告诉你的n-1个朋友,不过你们不在同一个地方,因此只能靠打电话。给出m个三元组(u, v, w)表示u打电话给v要花w的钱(v不能给u打电话),你的任务是用最少的总费用把这个好消息通知到所有人。解题思路:有向的最小生成树。最小树形图,用朱刘算法。#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#in

2015-09-11 16:53:07 454

原创 poj 1679 The Unique MST (次小生成树)

poj 1679 The Unique MSTDescription Given a connected undirected graph, tell if its minimum spanning tree is unique.Definition 1 (Spanning Tree): Consider a connected, undirected graph G = (V, E). A sp

2015-09-09 17:03:34 361

原创 uva 1494 Qin Shi Huang's National Road System (次小生成树)

uva 1494 Qin Shi Huang's National Road SystemDescriptionDuring the Warring States Period of ancient China(476 BC to 221 BC), there were seven kingdoms in China ---- they were Qi, Chu

2015-09-09 16:34:49 635

原创 uva 10600 ACM Contest and Blackout (次小生成树)

uva 10600 ACM Contest and Blackout题目大意:给你一张图,求最小生成树和次小生成树。解题思路:次小生成树。#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;typedef long long

2015-09-08 21:12:58 429

原创 uva 1359 poj 3522 Slim Span(最小生成树)

uva 1359 poj 3522 Slim SpanDescriptionGiven an undirected weighted graph G, you should find one of spanning trees specified as follows.The graph G is an ordered pair (V, E), wher

2015-09-07 21:21:18 551

原创 uva 1317 poj 2047 Concert Hall Scheduling(费用流)

uva 1317 ,poj 2047 Concert Hall SchedulingDescription You are appointed director of a famous concert hall, to save it from bankruptcy. The hall is very popular, and receives many requests to use its t

2015-09-06 11:23:21 691

原创 uva 10740 Not the Best (最短路 A*算法)

uva 10740 Not the Best题目大意:求第K短路。解题思路:A*算法。这题数据量比较小,也可以暴力。A*算法#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <cmath>#include <cstdlib>#include <queue>using namespace std;typedef

2015-09-05 11:00:38 563

原创 uva 1516 Smoking gun(差分约束系统)

uva 1516 Smoking gunDescription Smoking gunAndy: ”Billy the Kid fired first!” Larry: ”No, I’m sure I heard the first shot coming from John!” The arguments went back and forth during the trial after th

2015-09-04 11:04:40 184

原创 uva 1515 Pool construction(最大流)

uva 1515 Pool construction题目大意:给一块n×m的地皮,上面有草地‘#’和洞‘.’ 。草地转换成洞需要d的费用,把洞填上种上草需要f的费用,在草地和洞之间加一道墙需要b的费用。现在问把这块n×m的地皮变成池子的最小费用是多少。(池子:边缘必须都是草地,每块草地与洞之间都有墙隔开)解题思路:建图方式非常巧妙。先把所有边界上的洞全部变成草地,并记录费用sum。设置超级源点,连向

2015-09-03 16:24:57 587

原创 uva 12092 Paint the Roads(费用流)

uva 12092 Paint the Roads(最大流)题目大意:某国有n个城市,用m条单向道路相连。你的任务是粉刷其中一些道路,使得被粉刷的道路组成一些没有公共边的回路,且每个城市恰好要在其中的k条回路上。被粉刷的所有道路的总长度要尽量小。求最小粉刷长度。解题思路:将每个城市拆成a, b两个点。设置超级源点,连向所有城市的a点,容量为k,费用为0。设置超级汇点,使所有城市的b点连向超级汇点,容

2015-09-03 14:48:22 492

原创 uva 11396 Claw Decomposition(二分图判定 BFS)

uva 11396 Claw Decomposition A claw is defined as a pointed curved nail on the end of each toe in birds, some reptiles, and some mammals. However, if you are a graph theory enthusiast, you may under

2015-09-01 20:20:45 471

原创 uva 10779 Collectors Problem(最大流)

uva 10779 Collectors ProblemSome candy manufacturers put stickers into candy bar packages. Bob and his friends are collecting these stickers. They all want as many different stickers as possible, but

2015-09-01 16:20:36 649

原创 uva 11613 Acme Corporation(费用流)

uva 11613 Acme Corporation题目大意:Acme公司生产一种X元素。给出该元素在未来M个月中每个月的生产成本,最大产量,单位售价,最大销售量,以及最大储存时间。你的任务是计算出公司能够赚到的最大利润。解题思路:把每个月,拆成a, b两点。设置一个超级源点,连向所有月份的a,容量为该月份最大产量,费用为该月单位生产成本。设置一个超级汇点,使所有的月份的b连向它,容量为该月的最大销

2015-09-01 13:55:00 782



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