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转载 57个机器人流程自动化应用场景:RPA深入指南[2019更新]

转载于https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39206293/article/details/87992943之前我们解释过机器人过程自动化。RPA有一个奇特的名字,市场上超过50个解决方案提供商, 但与我交谈过的人很少能回答可以应用RPA的确切领域。因此,我们准备了所有RPA用例/应用领域的最完整列表,并将它们分为5个大类供您参考:常见的业务流程和场景 商业场景...

2019-04-03 18:06:55 15760

原创 RPA技术可行性方案确认-辅助手册

如下为基于个人经验整理的流程RPA技术确认分享,仅供参考。也期待朋友们更好的建议。Rule No.1 没有不能做的RPA项目,只有不能承受做RPA成本的项目Rule No.2 切记,尽量不Touch的案例1 扫描件,尤其是手写扫描件 OCR不能识别扫描件,尤其是手写扫描件,RPA不能从文字识别上来自动化,仅能通过案件管理,连带录入速度,网络导致的图片显示速度,案件分配,...

2019-04-02 16:06:58 4588

原创 Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, UiPath, Pega, 码栈功能对比大全

如下为基于个人经验整理的流程RPA的功能对比图,仅供参考。Function AA BP UiPath Pega 码栈 开发逻辑 通过动作级别的模块组装,拖拽后,选配置参数,再以代码的模式呈现 系统内置诸多配置好的功能点,通过衔接的方式相互调用,对于未提供的功能点,通过Code功能自己书写vb,java等代码来实现 基于元素来分类和组装,对于未...

2019-04-02 15:04:52 6626

原创 Pega(Open Span) 在线入门课程申请详解及入门了解

Robotic automation is the application of software to automate tasks and processes otherwise performed by humans. Simply, robotic automation is software automating software. Software robots can fully a...

2019-03-29 09:57:03 3163

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-13. Further Application Types

Blue Prism is capable of interfacing with other application types, but so far we have only looked at the default option of Windows based and Browser based applications.This section provides an overvi...

2019-03-29 09:21:32 440

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-12. Advanced Features

12.1. Undefined CollectionsUntil recently, the Collections we have used have been defined, meaning that their column names and data types have been set up by us in advance.When using a Collection to...

2019-03-29 09:21:21 1434

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-11. Consolidation Exercise

Now we have learnt the basics of Blue Prism configuration, let’s put this into practice by building and running a Process end-to-end.11.1. Order System ProcessThe following exercises will guide you ...

2019-03-29 09:21:13 712

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-10. Additional Features

This section deals with some of the aspects of Blue Prism we have not yet looked at.10.1. Safe StopWhen a process is running in Control Room you can stop the process by selecting the process session...

2019-03-29 09:21:02 664

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-9. Case Management

Almost every Blue Prism Process will make use of a work queue, which is essentially a list of jobs, or cases. New cases can be fed into the queue, and the queue can be updated with results as each cas...

2019-03-29 09:20:47 756

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-8. Error Management

There are two main features of Error Management:First, the occurrence of unexpected events in a Process or Business Object can be identified (or to use a programming analogy, caught). This gives the ...

2019-03-28 13:17:55 750

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-7. Overview of Error and Case Management

As the next two chapters, Error Management and Case Management, are related, it is useful to look briefly at the theory behind them. Error Management looks at the way Blue Prism can deal with problems...

2019-03-28 13:05:12 277

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-6. Object Studio

As we have seen, Business Objects encapsulate the functionality of applications. A Business Object is only intended to be used via a Process and cannot be exposed to Control Room.6.1. Creating a Busi...

2019-03-28 11:34:53 1362

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-5. Business Objects

So far, our exercises have been theoretical examples intended to explain the mechanics of a Process diagram. A real Process would be required to do some useful tasks, and in order to do so it would in...

2019-03-28 11:04:53 693

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-4. Input & Output

Referring back to the Circular Path Exercises Process, the limitation of the circuit on Page 1 is that it will do the same number of cycles both times. It would be useful if the Main Page could tell P...

2019-03-28 10:21:20 589

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-3. Process Flow

We have seen how Decision stages are used to create alternate paths in a Process. If you have any programming knowledge, you may like to relate a Decision stage as to an IF THEN ELSE statement. The ex...

2019-03-28 10:02:53 816

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-2. Process Studio

A Blue Prism Process is created as a diagram that looks much like a common business flow diagram.Processes are created in an area of Blue Prism named Process Studio which, as we will see, looks simil...

2019-03-28 09:51:12 742

原创 BulePrism进阶教程-1. Introduction

1.1. Blue Prism’s Robotic AutomationRobotic Automation refers to process automations where computer software drives existing enterprise application software in the same way that a user does. This mea...

2019-03-28 09:35:55 1726

原创 UIPath进阶教程-6. Architecture & Publishing flow

There are various ways of designing the architecture and project flow - depending on the infrastructure setup, concerns about the segregation of roles etc.In this proposed model UiPath developers can...

2019-03-28 09:21:19 648

原创 UIPath进阶教程-5-Orchestrator

5.1 Multi-tenant-ExperimentalUiPath Orchestrator offers a multi-tenant option. Using more than one tenant, users can split a single instance of Orchestrator to multiple environments, each one having...

2019-03-28 09:21:11 4743

原创 UIPath进阶教程-4-Automation Lifecycle

4.1 PrerequisitesSome important aspects should be clear before starting Robot development to evaluate their impact on the project, especially if it comes to scaling. These include, but are not limit...

2019-03-27 15:57:36 703

原创 UIPath进阶教程-3-Project Organization

3.1 Understanding the processFOR or BOR? Deciding between an automation for front office robots (FOR) or back office robots (BOR) is the first important decision that impacts how developers will bui...

2019-03-27 15:53:33 1614

原创 UIPath进阶教程-2-UI Automation

Sometimes the usual manual routine is not the optimal way for automation. Carefully explore the application’s behavior and UiPath’s integration/features before committing to a certain approach.2.1 D...

2019-03-27 15:34:53 2200

原创 UIPath进阶教程-1-Workflow Design

UiPath offers three diagrams for integrating activities into a working structure when developing a workflow file: Flowchart Sequence State Machine1.1 Layout Diagrams1.1.1. SequenceSequences...

2019-03-27 15:30:26 3414

原创 Automation Anywhere进阶培训-4. Advanced Topics

SAP Integration While use SAP application in automation anywhere, require validating type of SAP application.Web InterfaceFor SAP web interface, we can use all commands whatever using for norma...

2019-03-27 13:45:58 2301

原创 Automation Anywhere进阶培训-3. Working With Control Room

The Control Room is the main dashboard from which you can administer all server related activities such as changing the server status, managing your clients, processing file and user requests etc....

2019-03-27 13:37:00 1699

原创 Automation Anywhere进阶培训-2. Working with Developer & Runtime Clients

How to record - simple, object and web Task and run it? Automation Anywhere provides several ways to create automation tasks. To ensure that we create a reliable task, you should select the right ...

2019-03-27 13:34:09 1809

原创 Automation Anywhere进阶培训-1-1. Introduction to Automation Anywhere (AA)

What is Automation Anywhere (AA)? Automation Anywhere is a automation software that captures and executes your most time-consuming, repetitive tasks with flawless precision, leveraging built-in techn...

2019-03-27 13:17:25 2919 1

原创 Automation Anywhere进阶培训-1-AA简介

2019-03-27 11:48:55 8200 2








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