Android Animation


 * 可应用于View,Surfaces,Object的抽象动画类
public abstract class Animation implements Cloneable {
     * 无限期重复动画
    public static final int INFINITE = -1;

     * 当动画到达结尾并且重复计数设为INFINITE_REPEAT,或者到达某个固定值时,动画重新开始。
    public static final int RESTART = 1;

     * 当动画到达结尾并且重复计数设为INFINITE_REPEAT,或者到达某个固定值时,动画倒序执行。 
    public static final int REVERSE = 2;

     * 当getTransformation(long, Transformation)调用第一帧动画时,用来记录当前时间,在短动画中比较有用
    public static final int START_ON_FIRST_FRAME = -1;

     * 以绝对像素量作为基准尺寸
    public static final int ABSOLUTE = 0;

     * 指定浮动维度,相对自身变化,应该以一个float类型浮点数乘以自身的width和height
    public static final int RELATIVE_TO_SELF = 1;

     * 相对于父窗口的变化,应该以float类型乘以父窗口的width和height
    public static final int RELATIVE_TO_PARENT = 2;

     * 当前正在播放的动画保持Z轴顺序
    public static final int ZORDER_NORMAL = 0;
     * 指定正在播放的动画位于其他动画上方(在屏幕最前方)
    public static final int ZORDER_TOP = 1;
     * 指定正在播放的动画位于其他动画下方(在屏幕最后方)
    public static final int ZORDER_BOTTOM = -1;

    private static final boolean USE_CLOSEGUARD
            = SystemProperties.getBoolean("log.closeguard.Animation", false);

     * Set by {@link #getTransformation(long, Transformation)} when the animation ends.
    boolean mEnded = false;

     * Set by {@link #getTransformation(long, Transformation)} when the animation starts.
    boolean mStarted = false;

    boolean mCycleFlip = false;

     * 这个值必须通过initialize函数设置为真,表明动画已经初始化完毕并且可以开始演示
    boolean mInitialized = false;

     * 当动画播放完毕时是否回到动画执行前的状态,只有mFillEnable为真时才考虑该值的状态,其默认值为真
    boolean mFillBefore = true;

    boolean mFillAfter = false;

     * 表面fillbefore是否应该被考虑
    boolean mFillEnabled = false;    

     * 动画开始时间(毫秒级)
    long mStartTime = -1;

     * 动画开始后的延迟时间(毫秒级),如果延迟时间>0,那么动画实际的开始时间是startTime+startOffset
    long mStartOffset;

     * 动画播放时间(毫秒级)
    long mDuration;

     * 动画重复次数,默认是一直重复
    int mRepeatCount = 0;

     * 动画已经重复了多少次
    int mRepeated = 0;

     * 重复模式 RESTART 或者 REVERSE
    int mRepeatMode = RESTART;

     * Interpolartor接口,
    Interpolator mInterpolator;

     * 监听动画的开始,结束,重复
    AnimationListener mListener;

     * 设置Z轴方向的顺序模式
    private int mZAdjustment;

     * 设置动画背景颜色
    private int mBackgroundColor;

     * 缩放因子
     * value via getScaleFactor().
    private float mScaleFactor = 1f;

     * Don't animate the wallpaper.
    private boolean mDetachWallpaper = false;

    private boolean mMore = true;
    private boolean mOneMoreTime = true;

    RectF mPreviousRegion = new RectF();
    RectF mRegion = new RectF();
    Transformation mTransformation = new Transformation();
    Transformation mPreviousTransformation = new Transformation();

    private final CloseGuard guard = CloseGuard.get();

    private Handler mListenerHandler;
    private Runnable mOnStart;
    private Runnable mOnRepeat;
    private Runnable mOnEnd;

     * 声明一个新的动画,持续时间为0,默认的interpolator接口,fillbefore模式
    public Animation() {

     * 用指定上下文和参数集创建一个动画
     * @param context the application environment
     * @param attrs the set of attributes holding the animation parameters
    public Animation(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,;

        setDuration((long) a.getInt(, 0));
        setStartOffset((long) a.getInt(, 0));
        setFillEnabled(a.getBoolean(, mFillEnabled));
        setFillBefore(a.getBoolean(, mFillBefore));
        setFillAfter(a.getBoolean(, mFillAfter));

        setRepeatCount(a.getInt(, mRepeatCount));
        setRepeatMode(a.getInt(, RESTART));

        setZAdjustment(a.getInt(, ZORDER_NORMAL));
        setBackgroundColor(a.getInt(, 0));

        setDetachWallpaper(a.getBoolean(, false));

        final int resID = a.getResourceId(, 0);


        if (resID > 0) {
            setInterpolator(context, resID);


    protected Animation clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        final Animation animation = (Animation) super.clone();
        animation.mPreviousRegion = new RectF();
        animation.mRegion = new RectF();
        animation.mTransformation = new Transformation();
        animation.mPreviousTransformation = new Transformation();
        return animation;

     * 重置动画初始状态
     * @see #initialize(int, int, int, int)
    public void reset() {
        mInitialized = false;
        mCycleFlip = false;
        mRepeated = 0;
        mMore = true;
        mOneMoreTime = true;
        mListenerHandler = null;

     * 取消动画,如果设置了监听器,则监听会通知动画结束的动作。
     * 如果手动取消动画,那么下次开始动画之前必须调用reset方法 
     * @see #reset() 
     * @see #start() 
     * @see #startNow() 
    public void cancel() {
        if (mStarted && !mEnded) {
            mEnded = true;
        // Make sure we move the animation to the end
        mStartTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        mMore = mOneMoreTime = false;

     * @hide
    public void detach() {
        if (mStarted && !mEnded) {
            mEnded = true;

     * 动画是否初始化完成
     * @return Has this animation been initialized.
     * @see #initialize(int, int, int, int)
    public boolean isInitialized() {
        return mInitialized;

     * 初始化动画对象和其父对象的尺寸
     * @param width 动画对象的宽度
     * @param height 动画对象的高度
     * @param parentWidth 父控件的宽度
     * @param parentHeight 父控件的高度
    public void initialize(int width, int height, int parentWidth, int parentHeight) {
        mInitialized = true;

     * 设置监听器句柄
     * @hide
    public void setListenerHandler(Handler handler) {
        if (mListenerHandler == null) {
            mOnStart = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (mListener != null) {
            mOnRepeat = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (mListener != null) {
            mOnEnd = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (mListener != null) {
        mListenerHandler = handler;

     * @param context The application environment
     * @param resID The resource identifier of the interpolator to load
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_interpolator
    public void setInterpolator(Context context, int resID) {
        setInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context, resID));

     * 设置加速曲线,使用默认的线性插值器
     * @param i The interpolator which defines the acceleration curve
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_interpolator
    public void setInterpolator(Interpolator i) {
        mInterpolator = i;

     * 设置动画开始的偏移时间,用于多个动画在不同时间开始的复杂情况
     * @param startOffset When this Animation should start, in milliseconds from
     *                    the start time of the root AnimationSet.
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_startOffset
    public void setStartOffset(long startOffset) {
        mStartOffset = startOffset;

     * 设置动画持续时间,不能是负值。
     * @param durationMillis Duration in milliseconds
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the duration is < 0
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_duration
    public void setDuration(long durationMillis) {
        if (durationMillis < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Animation duration cannot be negative");
        mDuration = durationMillis;

     * 调整运行时间,确保动画持续时间不会比设置的durationMills还长,同时也确保重复计数的运行时间也小鱼durationMills
     * @param durationMillis The maximum duration the animation is allowed
     * to run.
    public void restrictDuration(long durationMillis) {
        // If we start after the duration, then we just won't run.
        if (mStartOffset > durationMillis) {
            mStartOffset = durationMillis;
            mDuration = 0;
            mRepeatCount = 0;
        long dur = mDuration + mStartOffset;
        if (dur > durationMillis) {
            mDuration = durationMillis-mStartOffset;
            dur = durationMillis;
        // If the duration is 0 or less, then we won't run.
        if (mDuration <= 0) {
            mDuration = 0;
            mRepeatCount = 0;
        // Reduce the number of repeats to keep below the maximum duration.
        // The comparison between mRepeatCount and duration is to catch
        // overflows after multiplying them.
        if (mRepeatCount < 0 || mRepeatCount > durationMillis
                || (dur*mRepeatCount) > durationMillis) {
            // Figure out how many times to do the animation.  Subtract 1 since
            // repeat count is the number of times to repeat so 0 runs once.
            mRepeatCount = (int)(durationMillis/dur) - 1;
            if (mRepeatCount < 0) {
                mRepeatCount = 0;
     * 按照一定比例缩放运行时间
     * @param scale The amount to scale the duration.
    public void scaleCurrentDuration(float scale) {
        mDuration = (long) (mDuration * scale);
        mStartOffset = (long) (mStartOffset * scale);

     * 设置动画的开始时间,如果时间设置为START_ON_FIRST_FRAME,那么动画将在getTransformation调用时第一次启动
     * @param startTimeMillis the start time in milliseconds
    public void setStartTime(long startTimeMillis) {
        mStartTime = startTimeMillis;
        mStarted = mEnded = false;
        mCycleFlip = false;
        mRepeated = 0;
        mMore = true;

     * 当动画开始时间是START_ON_FIRST_FRAME时的快捷启动方法
    public void start() {

     * 在当前时间播放动画,播放的一种快捷使用方法
    public void startNow() {

     * 设置重复模式 
     * @param repeatMode {@link #RESTART} or {@link #REVERSE}
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_repeatMode
    public void setRepeatMode(int repeatMode) {
        mRepeatMode = repeatMode;

     * 设置重复次数,0表示不重复.
     * @param repeatCount the number of times the animation should be repeated
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_repeatCount
    public void setRepeatCount(int repeatCount) {
        if (repeatCount < 0) {
            repeatCount = INFINITE;
        mRepeatCount = repeatCount;

     * If fillEnabled is true, this animation will apply the value of fillBefore.
     * @return true if the animation will take fillBefore into account
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_fillEnabled
    public boolean isFillEnabled() {
        return mFillEnabled;

     * If fillEnabled is true, the animation will apply the value of fillBefore.
     * Otherwise, fillBefore is ignored and the animation
     * transformation is always applied until the animation ends.
     * @param fillEnabled true if the animation should take the value of fillBefore into account
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_fillEnabled
     * @see #setFillBefore(boolean)
     * @see #setFillAfter(boolean)
    public void setFillEnabled(boolean fillEnabled) {
        mFillEnabled = fillEnabled;

     * If fillBefore is true, this animation will apply its transformation
     * before the start time of the animation. Defaults to true if
     * {@link #setFillEnabled(boolean)} is not set to true.
     * Note that this applies when using an {@link
     * android.view.animation.AnimationSet AnimationSet} to chain
     * animations. The transformation is not applied before the AnimationSet
     * itself starts.
     * @param fillBefore true if the animation should apply its transformation before it starts
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_fillBefore
     * @see #setFillEnabled(boolean)
    public void setFillBefore(boolean fillBefore) {
        mFillBefore = fillBefore;

     * If fillAfter is true, the transformation that this animation performed
     * will persist when it is finished. Defaults to false if not set.
     * Note that this applies to individual animations and when using an {@link
     * android.view.animation.AnimationSet AnimationSet} to chain
     * animations.
     * @param fillAfter true if the animation should apply its transformation after it ends
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_fillAfter
     * @see #setFillEnabled(boolean) 
    public void setFillAfter(boolean fillAfter) {
        mFillAfter = fillAfter;

     * 设置Z方向顺序
     * @param zAdjustment The desired mode, one of {@link #ZORDER_NORMAL},
     * {@link #ZORDER_TOP}, or {@link #ZORDER_BOTTOM}.
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_zAdjustment
    public void setZAdjustment(int zAdjustment) {
        mZAdjustment = zAdjustment;
     * 设置背景颜色
     * @param bg The background color.  If 0, no background.  Currently must
     * be black, with any desired alpha level.
    public void setBackgroundColor(int bg) {
        mBackgroundColor = bg;

     * The scale factor is set by the call to <code>getTransformation</code>. Overrides of 
     * {@link #getTransformation(long, Transformation, float)} will get this value
     * directly. Overrides of {@link #applyTransformation(float, Transformation)} can
     * call this method to get the value.
     * @return float The scale factor that should be applied to pre-scaled values in
     * an Animation such as the pivot points in {@link ScaleAnimation} and {@link RotateAnimation}.
    protected float getScaleFactor() {
        return mScaleFactor;

     * 是否带墙纸播放
     * @param detachWallpaper true if the wallpaper should be detached from the animation
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_detachWallpaper
    public void setDetachWallpaper(boolean detachWallpaper) {
        mDetachWallpaper = detachWallpaper;

     * Gets the acceleration curve type for this animation.
     * @return the {@link Interpolator} associated to this animation
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_interpolator
    public Interpolator getInterpolator() {
        return mInterpolator;

     * 获取动画开始播放的时间,如果动画还没有开始播放,返回START_ON_FIRST_FRAME
     * @return the time in milliseconds when the animation should start or
     *         {@link #START_ON_FIRST_FRAME}
    public long getStartTime() {
        return mStartTime;

     * 获取动画播放的持续时间
     * @return the duration in milliseconds of the animation
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_duration
    public long getDuration() {
        return mDuration;

     * 获取偏移时间
     * @return the start offset in milliseconds
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_startOffset
    public long getStartOffset() {
        return mStartOffset;

     * 获取重复模式
     * @return either one of {@link #REVERSE} or {@link #RESTART}
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_repeatMode
    public int getRepeatMode() {
        return mRepeatMode;

     * 获取重复次数,默认为0
     * @return the number of times the animation should repeat, or {@link #INFINITE}
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_repeatCount
    public int getRepeatCount() {
        return mRepeatCount;

     * If fillBefore is true, this animation will apply its transformation
     * before the start time of the animation. If fillBefore is false and
     * {@link #isFillEnabled() fillEnabled} is true, the transformation will not be applied until
     * the start time of the animation.
     * @return true if the animation applies its transformation before it starts
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_fillBefore
    public boolean getFillBefore() {
        return mFillBefore;

     * If fillAfter is true, this animation will apply its transformation
     * after the end time of the animation.
     * @return true if the animation applies its transformation after it ends
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_fillAfter
    public boolean getFillAfter() {
        return mFillAfter;

     * Returns the Z ordering mode to use while running the animation as
     * previously set by {@link #setZAdjustment}.
     * @return Returns one of {@link #ZORDER_NORMAL},
     * {@link #ZORDER_TOP}, or {@link #ZORDER_BOTTOM}.
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_zAdjustment
    public int getZAdjustment() {
        return mZAdjustment;

     * Returns the background color behind the animation.
    public int getBackgroundColor() {
        return mBackgroundColor;

     * Return value of {@link #setDetachWallpaper(boolean)}.
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#Animation_detachWallpaper
    public boolean getDetachWallpaper() {
        return mDetachWallpaper;

     * 指示该动画是否会影响转换矩阵,例如淡出效果的动画不会影响矩阵
     * @return true if this animation will change the transformation matrix
    public boolean willChangeTransformationMatrix() {
        // assume we will change the matrix
        return true;

     * @return true if this animation will change the view's bounds
    public boolean willChangeBounds() {
        // assume we will change the bounds
        return true;

     * 设置监听
     * @param listener the animation listener to be notified
    public void setAnimationListener(AnimationListener listener) {
        mListener = listener;

     * 确保动画有一个插值器,如果用户没有设置插值器,该函数将会设置插值器为AccelerateDecelerate
    protected void ensureInterpolator() {
        if (mInterpolator == null) {
            mInterpolator = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator();

     * 计算动画可能持续的时间。可以将时间设置为与该时间不同的时间,通常这个计算出来的时间是比较准确的
    public long computeDurationHint() {
        return (getStartOffset() + getDuration()) * (getRepeatCount() + 1);
     * 获取当前时间的转换对象。该方法的实现需要一直将当前对象的转换对象赋值给Transformation。
     * 将当前时间转换为占durationMills的百分比,传递给Transformation。
     * @param currentTime Where we are in the animation. This is wall clock time.
     * @param outTransformation A transformation object that is provided by the
     *        caller and will be filled in by the animation.
     * @return True if the animation is still running
    public boolean getTransformation(long currentTime, Transformation outTransformation) {
        if (mStartTime == -1) {
            mStartTime = currentTime;

        final long startOffset = getStartOffset();
        final long duration = mDuration;
        float normalizedTime;
        if (duration != 0) {
            normalizedTime = ((float) (currentTime - (mStartTime + startOffset))) /
                    (float) duration;
        } else {
            // time is a step-change with a zero duration
            normalizedTime = currentTime < mStartTime ? 0.0f : 1.0f;

        final boolean expired = normalizedTime >= 1.0f;
        mMore = !expired;

        if (!mFillEnabled) normalizedTime = Math.max(Math.min(normalizedTime, 1.0f), 0.0f);

        if ((normalizedTime >= 0.0f || mFillBefore) && (normalizedTime <= 1.0f || mFillAfter)) {
            if (!mStarted) {
                mStarted = true;
                if (USE_CLOSEGUARD) {
          "cancel or detach or getTransformation");

            if (mFillEnabled) normalizedTime = Math.max(Math.min(normalizedTime, 1.0f), 0.0f);

            if (mCycleFlip) {
                normalizedTime = 1.0f - normalizedTime;

            final float interpolatedTime = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(normalizedTime);
            applyTransformation(interpolatedTime, outTransformation);

        if (expired) {
            if (mRepeatCount == mRepeated) {
                if (!mEnded) {
                    mEnded = true;
            } else {
                if (mRepeatCount > 0) {

                if (mRepeatMode == REVERSE) {
                    mCycleFlip = !mCycleFlip;

                mStartTime = -1;
                mMore = true;


        if (!mMore && mOneMoreTime) {
            mOneMoreTime = false;
            return true;

        return mMore;

    private void fireAnimationStart() {
        if (mListener != null) {
            if (mListenerHandler == null) mListener.onAnimationStart(this);
            else mListenerHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(mOnStart);

    private void fireAnimationRepeat() {
        if (mListener != null) {
            if (mListenerHandler == null) mListener.onAnimationRepeat(this);
            else mListenerHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(mOnRepeat);

    private void fireAnimationEnd() {
        if (mListener != null) {
            if (mListenerHandler == null) mListener.onAnimationEnd(this);
            else mListenerHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(mOnEnd);

     * Gets the transformation to apply at a specified point in time. Implementations of this
     * method should always replace the specified Transformation or document they are doing
     * otherwise.
     * @param currentTime Where we are in the animation. This is wall clock time.
     * @param outTransformation A transformation object that is provided by the
     *        caller and will be filled in by the animation.
     * @param scale Scaling factor to apply to any inputs to the transform operation, such
     *        pivot points being rotated or scaled around.
     * @return True if the animation is still running
    public boolean getTransformation(long currentTime, Transformation outTransformation,
            float scale) {
        mScaleFactor = scale;
        return getTransformation(currentTime, outTransformation);

     * <p>Indicates whether this animation has started or not.</p>
     * @return true if the animation has started, false otherwise
    public boolean hasStarted() {
        return mStarted;

     * <p>Indicates whether this animation has ended or not.</p>
     * @return true if the animation has ended, false otherwise
    public boolean hasEnded() {
        return mEnded;

     *  getTransformation助手,子类应该通过给出插值器来实现这个方法.
     * @param interpolatedTime The value of the normalized time (0.0 to 1.0)
     *        after it has been run through the interpolation function.
     * @param t The Transformation object to fill in with the current
     *        transforms.
    protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {

     * Convert the information in the description of a size to an actual
     * dimension
     * @param type One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or
     *             Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.
     * @param value The dimension associated with the type parameter
     * @param size The size of the object being animated
     * @param parentSize The size of the parent of the object being animated
     * @return The dimension to use for the animation
    protected float resolveSize(int type, float value, int size, int parentSize) {
        switch (type) {
            case ABSOLUTE:
                return value;
            case RELATIVE_TO_SELF:
                return size * value;
            case RELATIVE_TO_PARENT:
                return parentSize * value;
                return value;

     * @param left
     * @param top
     * @param right
     * @param bottom
     * @param invalidate
     * @param transformation
     * @hide
    public void getInvalidateRegion(int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
            RectF invalidate, Transformation transformation) {

        final RectF tempRegion = mRegion;
        final RectF previousRegion = mPreviousRegion;

        invalidate.set(left, top, right, bottom);
        // Enlarge the invalidate region to account for rounding errors
        invalidate.inset(-1.0f, -1.0f);


        final Transformation tempTransformation = mTransformation;
        final Transformation previousTransformation = mPreviousTransformation;


     * @param left
     * @param top
     * @param right
     * @param bottom
     * @hide
    public void initializeInvalidateRegion(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        final RectF region = mPreviousRegion;
        region.set(left, top, right, bottom);
        // Enlarge the invalidate region to account for rounding errors
        region.inset(-1.0f, -1.0f);
        if (mFillBefore) {
            final Transformation previousTransformation = mPreviousTransformation;
            applyTransformation(mInterpolator.getInterpolation(0.0f), previousTransformation);

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        try {
            if (guard != null) {
        } finally {

     * Return true if this animation changes the view's alpha property.
     * @hide
    public boolean hasAlpha() {
        return false;

     * Utility class to parse a string description of a size.
    protected static class Description {
         * One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or
         * Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.
        public int type;

         * The absolute or relative dimension for this Description.
        public float value;

         * Size descriptions can appear inthree forms:
         * <ol>
         * <li>An absolute size. This is represented by a number.</li>
         * <li>A size relative to the size of the object being animated. This
         * is represented by a number followed by "%".</li> *
         * <li>A size relative to the size of the parent of object being
         * animated. This is represented by a number followed by "%p".</li>
         * </ol>
         * @param value The typed value to parse
         * @return The parsed version of the description
        static Description parseValue(TypedValue value) {
            Description d = new Description();
            if (value == null) {
                d.type = ABSOLUTE;
                d.value = 0;
            } else {
                if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION) {
                    d.type = ( & TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK) ==
                            TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_FRACTION_PARENT ?
                                    RELATIVE_TO_PARENT : RELATIVE_TO_SELF;
                    d.value = TypedValue.complexToFloat(;
                    return d;
                } else if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_FLOAT) {
                    d.type = ABSOLUTE;
                    d.value = value.getFloat();
                    return d;
                } else if (value.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT &&
                        value.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
                    d.type = ABSOLUTE;
                    d.value =;
                    return d;

            d.type = ABSOLUTE;
            d.value = 0.0f;

            return d;

     * <p>An animation listener receives notifications from an animation.
     * Notifications indicate animation related events, such as the end or the
     * repetition of the animation.</p>
    public static interface AnimationListener {
         * <p>Notifies the start of the animation.</p>
         * @param animation The started animation.
        void onAnimationStart(Animation animation);

         * <p>Notifies the end of the animation. This callback is not invoked
         * for animations with repeat count set to INFINITE.</p>
         * @param animation The animation which reached its end.
        void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation);

         * <p>Notifies the repetition of the animation.</p>
         * @param animation The animation which was repeated.
        void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation);


INFINITE: 无限重复动画

RESTART: 当动画需要重复播放时,正向重复










boolean mEnded = false; 动画结束时由getTransformation方法设定

boolean mStarted = false;动画开始时由getTransformation方法设定

boolean mCycleFlip = false;当动画重复模式为REVERSE时,由getTransformation方法设定

boolean mInitialized = false;这个值必须由initialize设置为true,表示动画完成初始化可以播放了

boolean mFillBefore = true;动画播放完成(动画开始播放时)是否回到动画开始播放的那一帧,当mFillEnabled=true时才关注这个值

boolean mFillAfter = false;动画播放完成时保持在最后一帧(保持最后状态)

boolean mFillEnabled = false;    决定mFillBefore是否被考虑


long mStartTime = -1;动画开始的毫秒级时间

long mStartOffset; 动画开始的偏移时间

long mDuration;动画播放的持续时间

int mRepeatCount = 0;动画重复次数,默认为一直重复

int mRepeated = 0;动画已经重复了多少次

int mRepeatMode = RESTART;重复模式,RESTART或者REVERSE

private int mZAdjustment;设置z轴模式

private int mBackgroundColor;动画的背景颜色

private float mScaleFactor = 1f;缩放因子

Interpolator mInterpolator;插值器

AnimationListener mListener;监听器,当动画开始,重复,结束是会得到通知



相关方法  setDetachWallpaper(Boolean)



相关方法  setDuration(long)



相关方法  setFillAfter(boolean)



相关方法  setFillBefore(boolean)



相关方法  setFillEnable(boolean)



相关方法  setInterpolator(Interpolator)



相关方法 setRepeatCount(int)



相关方法 setRepeatMode(int)



相关方法 setStartOffset(long)



相关方法 setZAdjustment(int)



public boolean getTransformation(long currentTime, Transformation outTransformation)


private void reset()


private void cancel()


public boolean isInitialized()

public void initialize(int width, int height, int parentWidth, int parentHeight)






public void setListenerHandler(Handler handler)


public void restrictDuration(long durationMillis)


public void setStartTime(long startTimeMillis)


public void start()


public void startNow()


public void setAnimationListener(AnimationListener listener)


详细看一下getTransformation 方法

public boolean getTransformation(long currentTime, Transformation outTransformation) {
        if (mStartTime == -1) {
            mStartTime = currentTime;

        final long startOffset = getStartOffset();
        final long duration = mDuration;
        float normalizedTime;
        if (duration != 0) {
            normalizedTime = ((float) (currentTime - (mStartTime + startOffset))) /
                    (float) duration;

        } else {
            // time is a step-change with a zero duration
            normalizedTime = currentTime < mStartTime ? 0.0f : 1.0f;

        final boolean expired = normalizedTime >= 1.0f;
        mMore = !expired;

        if (!mFillEnabled) normalizedTime = Math.max(Math.min(normalizedTime, 1.0f), 0.0f);

        if ((normalizedTime >= 0.0f || mFillBefore) && (normalizedTime <= 1.0f || mFillAfter)) {
            if (!mStarted) {
                mStarted = true;
                if (USE_CLOSEGUARD) {
          "cancel or detach or getTransformation");

            if (mFillEnabled) normalizedTime = Math.max(Math.min(normalizedTime, 1.0f), 0.0f);

            if (mCycleFlip) {
                normalizedTime = 1.0f - normalizedTime;

            final float interpolatedTime = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(normalizedTime);
            applyTransformation(interpolatedTime, outTransformation);


        if (expired) {
            if (mRepeatCount == mRepeated) {
                if (!mEnded) {
                    mEnded = true;
            } else {
                if (mRepeatCount > 0) {

                if (mRepeatMode == REVERSE) {
                    mCycleFlip = !mCycleFlip;

                mStartTime = -1;
                mMore = true;


        if (!mMore && mOneMoreTime) {
            mOneMoreTime = false;
            return true;

        return mMore;

    private void fireAnimationStart() {
        if (mListener != null) {
            if (mListenerHandler == null) mListener.onAnimationStart(this);
            else mListenerHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(mOnStart);

    private void fireAnimationRepeat() {
        if (mListener != null) {
            if (mListenerHandler == null) mListener.onAnimationRepeat(this);
            else mListenerHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(mOnRepeat);

    private void fireAnimationEnd() {
        if (mListener != null) {
            if (mListenerHandler == null) mListener.onAnimationEnd(this);
            else mListenerHandler.postAtFrontOfQueue(mOnEnd);





protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
        float degrees = mFromDegrees + ((mToDegrees - mFromDegrees) * interpolatedTime);
        float scale = getScaleFactor();
        if (mPivotX == 0.0f && mPivotY == 0.0f) {
        } else {
            t.getMatrix().setRotate(degrees, mPivotX * scale, mPivotY * scale);



相关方法  setFillAfter(boolean)



相关方法  setFillAfter(boolean)


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