





  p1 = [0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1  0 1 1 1 1 0] '

       使用Hebb规则,则有 W=p1*p1'+p2*p2'+p3*p3'



'作    者: laviewpbt
'QQ:     33184777
'版本:Version 1.2.0

'***********************************  矩阵求逆  ***********************************
'函 数 名: Inv
'参    数: mtx  -  要转置的矩阵
'返 回 值: 返回转求逆后的矩阵
'作    者: 常用工程算法
'时    间: 2006-11-14
'***********************************  矩阵求逆  ***********************************

Public Function Inv(mtx() As Double) As Double()
    ' 局部变量
    Dim n As Integer
    n = UBound(mtx)
    ReDim nIs(n) As Integer, nJs(n) As Integer, Temp(1 To n, 1 To n) As Double
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
    Dim d As Double, P As Double

    For i = 1 To n
        For j = 1 To n
            Temp(i, j) = mtx(i, j)
    ' 全选主元,消元
    For k = 1 To n
        d = 0#
        For i = k To n
            For j = k To n
                P = Abs(mtx(i, j))
                If (P > d) Then
                    d = P
                    nIs(k) = i
                    nJs(k) = j
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
        ' 求解失败
        If (d + 1# = 1#) Then
            Exit Function
        End If

        If (nIs(k) <> k) Then
            For j = 1 To n
                P = mtx(k, j)
                mtx(k, j) = mtx(nIs(k), j)
                mtx(nIs(k), j) = P
            Next j
        End If

        If (nJs(k) <> k) Then
            For i = 1 To n
                P = mtx(i, k)
                mtx(i, k) = mtx(i, nJs(k))
                mtx(i, nJs(k)) = P
            Next i
        End If

        mtx(k, k) = 1# / mtx(k, k)
        For j = 1 To n
            If (j <> k) Then mtx(k, j) = mtx(k, j) * mtx(k, k)
        Next j
        For i = 1 To n
            If (i <> k) Then
                For j = 1 To n
                    If (j <> k) Then mtx(i, j) = mtx(i, j) - mtx(i, k) * mtx(k, j)
                Next j
            End If
        Next i
        For i = 1 To n
            If (i <> k) Then mtx(i, k) = -mtx(i, k) * mtx(k, k)
        Next i
    Next k

    ' 调整恢复行列次序
    For k = n To 1 Step -1
        If (nJs(k) <> k) Then
          For j = 1 To n
              P = mtx(k, j)
              mtx(k, j) = mtx(nJs(k), j)
              mtx(nJs(k), j) = P
          Next j
        End If
        If (nIs(k) <> k) Then
          For i = 1 To n
              P = mtx(i, k)
              mtx(i, k) = mtx(i, nIs(k))
              mtx(i, nIs(k)) = P
          Next i
        End If
    Next k
    Inv = mtx
    For i = 1 To n
        For j = 1 To n
            mtx(i, j) = Temp(i, j)
End Function

'***********************************  矩阵的秩  ***********************************
'函 数 名: Rank
'参    数: mtx  -  存放待求秩的矩阵
'返 回 值: 返回矩阵的秩
'说    明: 用全选主元高斯消去法求矩阵的秩
'作    者: 常用工程算法
'时    间: 2006-11-14
'***********************************  矩阵的秩  ***********************************

Public Function Rank(mtx() As Double) As Integer
    ' 局部变量
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer, nIs As Integer, nJs As Integer, nn As Integer
    Dim q As Double, d As Double
    Dim m As Integer, n As Integer
    m = UBound(mtx, 1): n = UBound(mtx, 2)
    ReDim Temp(1 To m, 1 To n) As Double
    For i = 1 To m
        For j = 1 To n
            Temp(i, j) = mtx(i, j)
    ' 基数
   k = 0
    For l = 1 To nn
        q = 0#
        For i = 2 To m
            For j = 2 To n
                d = Abs(mtx(i, j))
                If (d > q) Then
                    q = d
                    nIs = i
                    nJs = j
                End If
            Next j
        Next i

        ' 求解失败
        If (q + 1# = 1#) Then
            MRank = k
            Exit Function
        End If

        k = k + 1
        If (nIs <> l) Then
            For j = l To n
                d = mtx(l, j)
                mtx(l, j) = mtx(nIs, j)
                mtx(nIs, j) = d
            Next j
        End If

        If (nJs <> l) Then
            For i = l To m
                d = mtx(i, nJs)
                mtx(i, nJs) = mtx(i, l)
                mtx(i, l) = d
             Next i
        End If

        For i = l + 1 To n
            d = mtx(i, l) / mtx(l, l)
            For j = l + 1 To n
                mtx(i, j) = mtx(i, j) - d * mtx(l, j)
            Next j
        Next i
    Next l
    ' 求解成功
    Rank = k
    For i = 1 To m
        For j = 1 To n
            mtx(i, j) = Temp(i, j)

End Function

'***********************************  求矩阵的Moore_Penrose逆  ***********************************
'函 数 名: Moore_Penrose
'参    数: mtx  -  待求矩阵
'返 回 值: 返回Moore_Penrose逆
'作    者: laviewpbt
'时    间: 2006-11-14
'***********************************  求矩阵的Moore_Penrose逆  ***********************************

Public Function Moore_Penrose(mtx() As Double) As Double()
    Dim m As Integer, n As Integer
    m = UBound(mtx, 1): n = UBound(mtx, 2)
    ReDim Temp(1 To n, 1 To m) As Double
    If Rank(mtx) = m Then
        Temp = Mul(Trans(mtx), Inv(Mul(mtx, Trans(mtx))))
    Else    'If Rank(mtx) = n Then
        Temp = Mul(Inv(Mul(Trans(mtx), mtx)), Trans(mtx))
    End If
    Moore_Penrose = Temp
End Function

'***********************************  硬极限传输函数  ***********************************
'函 数 名: Hardlim
'参    数: mtx  -  待求矩阵
'返 回 值: 返回硬极限处理后的矩阵
'作    者: laviewpbt
'时    间: 2006-11-14
'***********************************  硬极限传输函数  ***********************************

Public Function Hardlims(mtx() As Double) As Double()
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
    m = UBound(mtx, 1): n = UBound(mtx, 2)
    ReDim result(m, n) As Double
    For i = 1 To m
        For j = 1 To n
            If mtx(i, j) <= 0 Then
                result(i, j) = -1
                result(i, j) = 1
            End If
    Hardlims = result
End Function

    Option Base 1
    Private Const Row = 6
    Private Const Col = 5
    Dim P() As Double
    Dim W() As Double
    Dim T() As Double
    Dim PTest() As Double

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ReDim P(Row * Col, 3) As Double
    ReDim PTest(Row * Col, 1) As Double
    ReDim W(Row * Col, Row * Col) As Double
    ReDim T(Row * Col, 1) As Double
    PicStandard(1).Scale (0, 0)-(5.02, 6.02)
    PicStandard(2).Scale (0, 0)-(5.02, 6.02)
    PicStandard(3).Scale (0, 0)-(5.02, 6.02)
    PicTest(1).Scale (0, 0)-(5.02, 6.02)
    PicResult(1).Scale (0, 0)-(5.02, 6.02)
    P(1, 1) = -1: P(2, 1) = 1: P(3, 1) = 1: P(4, 1) = 1: P(5, 1) = 1: P(6, 1) = -1  '初始数据
    P(7, 1) = 1: P(8, 1) = -1: P(9, 1) = -1: P(10, 1) = -1: P(11, 1) = -1: P(12, 1) = 1
    P(13, 1) = 1: P(14, 1) = -1: P(15, 1) = -1:  P(16, 1) = -1: P(17, 1) = -1: P(18, 1) = 1
    P(19, 1) = 1: P(20, 1) = -1:   P(21, 1) = -1: P(22, 1) = -1: P(23, 1) = -1: P(24, 1) = 1
    P(25, 1) = -1: P(26, 1) = 1: P(27, 1) = 1: P(28, 1) = 1: P(29, 1) = 1: P(30, 1) = -1
    P(1, 2) = -1: P(2, 2) = -1: P(3, 2) = -1: P(4, 2) = -1: P(5, 2) = -1: P(6, 2) = -1
    P(7, 2) = 1: P(8, 2) = -1: P(9, 2) = -1: P(10, 2) = -1: P(11, 2) = -1: P(12, 2) = -1
    P(13, 2) = 1: P(14, 2) = 1: P(15, 2) = 1:  P(16, 2) = 1: P(17, 2) = 1: P(18, 2) = 1
    P(19, 2) = -1: P(20, 2) = -1:   P(21, 2) = -1: P(22, 2) = -1: P(23, 2) = -1: P(24, 2) = -1
    P(25, 2) = -1: P(26, 2) = -1: P(27, 2) = -1: P(28, 2) = -1: P(29, 2) = -1: P(30, 2) = -1
    P(1, 3) = 1: P(2, 3) = -1: P(3, 3) = -1: P(4, 3) = -1: P(5, 3) = -1: P(6, 3) = -1
    P(7, 3) = 1: P(8, 3) = -1: P(9, 3) = -1: P(10, 3) = 1: P(11, 3) = 1: P(12, 3) = 1
    P(13, 3) = 1: P(14, 3) = -1: P(15, 3) = -1:  P(16, 3) = 1: P(17, 3) = -1: P(18, 3) = 1
    P(19, 3) = 1: P(20, 3) = -1:   P(21, 3) = -1: P(22, 3) = 1: P(23, 3) = -1: P(24, 3) = 1
    P(25, 3) = -1: P(26, 3) = 1: P(27, 3) = 1: P(28, 3) = -1: P(29, 3) = -1: P(30, 3) = 1
    For i = 1 To 30
        PTest(i, 1) = -1
    RefreshGrid PicStandard(1), P
    RefreshGrid PicStandard(2), P
    RefreshGrid PicStandard(3), P
    RefreshGrid PicTest(1), PTest
    RefreshGrid PicResult(1), T
    W = Mul(P, Trans(P))
End Sub

'***********************************  刷新网格  ***********************************
'函 数 名: Hardlim
'参    数: pic  -  要刷新的图片框
'           Data -  刷新中用到的数据
'作    者: laviewpbt
'时    间: 2006-11-14
'***********************************  刷新网格  ***********************************

Private Sub RefreshGrid(pic As PictureBox, Data() As Double)
    Dim i As Integer, Index As Integer
    Dim m As Integer, n As Integer
    Index = pic.Index
    For i = 1 To Row * Col
        m = Int((i - 1) / Row) + 1
        n = ((i - 1) Mod Row) + 1
        If Data(i, Index) = 1 Then
            pic.Line (m - 1, n - 1)-(m, n), vbRed, BF
            pic.Line (m - 1, n - 1)-(m, n), vbWhite, BF  '填充网格,注意顺序
        End If
    For i = 0 To Row
        pic.Line (0, i)-(Col, i), vbBlue   '画网格线
    For i = 0 To Col
        pic.Line (i, 0)-(i, Row), vbBlue
End Sub

Private Sub OptHebb_Click()
    W = Mul(P, Trans(P))
    T = Hardlims(Mul(W, PTest))
    RefreshGrid PicResult(1), T
End Sub

Private Sub OptMp_Click()
    W = Mul(P, Moore_Penrose(P))
    T = Hardlims(Mul(W, PTest))
    RefreshGrid PicResult(1), T
End Sub

Private Sub PicStandard_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    Dim i As Integer
    i = Int(X) * Row + Int(Y) + 1
    If P(i, Index) = 1 Then
        P(i, Index) = -1            '更新数据
        P(i, Index) = 1
    End If
    RefreshGrid PicStandard(Index), P
    If OptHebb.Value = True Then
        W = Mul(P, Trans(P))      '求权值矩阵
        W = Mul(P, Moore_Penrose(P))
    End If
    T = Hardlims(Mul(W, PTest))
    RefreshGrid PicResult(1), T
End Sub

Private Sub PicTest_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    Dim i As Integer
    i = Int(X) * Row + Int(Y) + 1
    If PTest(i, Index) = 1 Then
        PTest(i, Index) = -1
        PTest(i, Index) = 1
    End If
    RefreshGrid PicTest(Index), PTest
    If OptHebb.Value = True Then
        W = Mul(P, Trans(P))
        W = Mul(P, Moore_Penrose(P))
    End If
    T = Hardlims(Mul(W, PTest))
    RefreshGrid PicResult(1), T
End Sub







2 、带有噪音的识别

3  、简单Hebb和仿逆规则的比较:



4 、 其他数字的识别


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