select year(t1.docdate) as iyear, Month(t1.docdate) as imonth, t1.docentry,'应收贷项凭证' type1, t1.docdate,
t0.itemcode, t0.dscription, t0.quantity ,--isnull(t2.avgprice,0) avgprice
when year(odln.docdate)=2010 and month(odln.docdate)=7
then (select isnull(AvgPrice,0) as AvgPrice from [t_ZKMCAVGCOST] where iYear=2010 and iMonth=8 and ItemCode=t0.ItemCode)
else isnull(t2.avgprice,0)
end as avgprice
from rin1 t0 inner join orin t1 on t0.docentry = t1.docentry
inner join inv1 on t0.baseentry = inv1.docentry and t0.baseline =inv1.lineNum --应收发票子表
inner join oinv on oinv.docentry = inv1.docentry --应收发票
inner join dln1 on inv1.baseEntry = dln1.docentry and inv1.Baseline = dln1.lineNum --交货子表
inner join odln on dln1.docentry = odln.docentry
inner join oitm on oitm.itemcode =t0.itemcode
left join [t_ZKMCAVGCOST] t2 on t0.itemcode=t2.itemcode
and t2.iyear= year(odln.docdate) and t2.imonth=month(odln.docdate)
where year(t1.docdate) ='2010' and month(t1.docdate) ='9'
and month(odln.docdate)<>month(t1.docdate) and ItmsGrpCod =101 --不是本月发货的
t2.iyear= year(odln.docdate) and t2.imonth=month(odln.docdate)
在追贷项凭证的时候 追到发货月是 7月份 , 而 ZKMCAVGCOST表的内容是从8月份开始的没有7月份的值, 有7月份的值的时候看成8月份的值。
when year(odln.docdate)=2010 and month(odln.docdate)=7
then (select isnull(AvgPrice,0) as AvgPrice from [t_ZKMCAVGCOST] where iYear=2010 and iMonth=8 and ItemCode=t0.ItemCode)
else isnull(t2.avgprice,0)
end as avgprice