上电后bios把bootsect放到了0x7c00的的地方;然后他自己又把自己移到了0x90000的地方,它是磁盘引导块程序,在磁盘的第一个扇区中的程序(0磁道 0磁头 1扇区 );将后续的setup.s代码从磁盘中加载到紧接着bootsect.s的地方;在显示屏上显示loading system 再将system模块加载到0x10000的地方;最后跳转到setup.s中去运行。
! 由BIOS把bootsect从某个固定的地址(0xFFFF0)拿到了内存中的某个固定地址(0x90000)
! 并且进行了一系列初始化操作
! 这个文件的作用:将后续的setup.s从磁盘中加载到紧接着执行的内存位置
! 在显示屏上显示loading,再将system加载到0x10000,最后跳转到setup中去操作
! SYS_SIZE is the number of clicks (16 bytes) to be loaded.
! 0x3000 is 0x30000 bytes = 196kB, more than enough for current
! versions of linux
SYSSIZE = 0x3000
! bootsect.s (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
! bootsect.s is loaded at 0x7c00 by the bios-startup routines, and moves
! iself out of the way to address 0x90000, and jumps there.
! It then loads 'setup' directly after itself (0x90200), and the system
! at 0x10000, using BIOS interrupts.
! NOTE! currently system is at most 8*65536 bytes long. This should be no
! problem, even in the future. I want to keep it simple. This 512 kB
! kernel size should be enough, especially as this doesn't contain the
! buffer cache as in minix
! The loader has been made as simple as possible, and continuos
! read errors will result in a unbreakable loop. Reboot by hand. It
! loads pretty fast by getting whole sectors at a time whenever possible.
首先解析BIOS/BOOTLOADER传递来的参数。设置系统内核运行的LDT(局部描述符) IDT(中断描述符寄存器) 全局描述符GDT(设置全局描述符寄存器)。设置中断控制芯片,进入保护模式运行(svc32保护模式 设置寄存器中的值)跳转到system模块的最前面的head.s代码运行。
! 1. 解析BIOS/BOOTLOADER中传递来的参数
! 2. 设置系统内核运行的LDT 和IDT 全局描述符 各寄存器
! 3. 设置中断控制芯片 进入保护模式运行(svc32)
! 4. 跳转到system模块的最前面的代码运行(head.s)
! setup.s (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
! setup.s is responsible for getting the system data from the BIOS,
! and putting them into the appropriate places in system memory.
! both setup.s and system has been loaded by the bootblock.
! This code asks the bios for memory/disk/other parameters, and
! puts them in a "safe" place: 0x90000-0x901FF, ie where the
! boot-block used to be. It is then up to the protected mode
! system to read them from there before the area is overwritten
! for buffer-blocks.
! NOTE! These had better be the same as in bootsect.s!
//1. 加载内核运行时的各数据段寄存器,重新设置中断描述符表
//2. 开启内核正常运行时的协处理器等资源
//3. 设置内存管理的分页机制
//4. 跳转到main.c开始运行
* linux/boot/head.s
* (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
* head.s contains the 32-bit startup code.
* NOTE!!! Startup happens at absolute address 0x00000000, which is also where
* the page directory will exist. The startup code will be overwritten by
* the page directory.
1 设置内存、缓存大小,进行内存、陷阱门、字符设备等的初始化
2 初始化做完后打开中断
3 从内核态转为用户态 move_to_user_mode
4 利用fork创建进程0,在进程0中调用init函数,打开以终端控制台作为标准输入,之后创建标准输出、标准错误输出。
5 调用fork创建进程1,关闭文件句柄0,以/etc/rc作为标准输入,调用execve跳转到shell代码。
6 父进程再次运行wait()等待
* linux/init/main.c
* (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
#define __LIBRARY__
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
* we need this inline - forking from kernel space will result
* in NO COPY ON WRITE (!!!), until an execve is executed. This
* is no problem, but for the stack. This is handled by not letting
* main() use the stack at all after fork(). Thus, no function
* calls - which means inline code for fork too, as otherwise we
* would use the stack upon exit from 'fork()'.
* Actually only pause and fork are needed inline, so that there
* won't be any messing with the stack from main(), but we define
* some others too.
static inline _syscall0(int,fork)
static inline _syscall0(int,pause)
static inline _syscall1(int,setup,void *,BIOS)
static inline _syscall0(int,sync)
#include <linux/tty.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/head.h>
#include <asm/system.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
static char printbuf[1024];
extern int vsprintf();
extern void init(void);
extern void blk_dev_init(void);
extern void chr_dev_init(void);
extern void hd_init(void);
extern void floppy_init(void);
extern void mem_init(long start, long end);
extern long rd_init(long mem_start, int length);
extern long kernel_mktime(struct tm * tm);
extern long startup_time;
* This is set up by the setup-routine at boot-time
全局变量 都是在boot阶段读入的,然后放到宏定义中
#define EXT_MEM_K (*(unsigned short *)0x90002)
#define DRIVE_INFO (*(struct drive_info *)0x90080)
#define ORIG_ROOT_DEV (*(unsigned short *)0x901FC)
* Yeah, yeah, it's ugly, but I cannot find how to do this correctly
* and this seems to work. I anybody has more info on the real-time
* clock I'd be interested. Most of this was trial and error, and some
* bios-listing reading. Urghh.
#define CMOS_READ(addr) ({ \
outb_p(0x80|addr,0x70); \
inb_p(0x71); \
#define BCD_TO_BIN(val) ((val)=((val)&15) + ((val)>>4)*10)
static void time_init(void)//这一段代码起到从CMOS中读取时间信息的作用
struct tm time;
do {
time.tm_sec = CMOS_READ(0);
time.tm_min = CMOS_READ(2);
time.tm_hour = CMOS_READ(4);
time.tm_mday = CMOS_READ(7);
time.tm_mon = CMOS_READ(8);
time.tm_year = CMOS_READ(9);
} while (time.tm_sec != CMOS_READ(0));
startup_time = kernel_mktime(&time);//存在startup_time这个全局变量中,并且之后会被JIFFIES使用
static long memory_end = 0;
static long buffer_memory_end = 0;
static long main_memory_start = 0;
struct drive_info { char dummy[32]; } drive_info;
//main函数 linux引导成功后就从这里开始运行
void main(void) /* This really IS void, no error here. */
{ /* The startup routine assumes (well, ...) this */
* Interrupts are still disabled. Do necessary setups, then
* enable them
ROOT_DEV = ORIG_ROOT_DEV;//设置操作系统的根文件
drive_info = DRIVE_INFO;//设置操作系统驱动参数
memory_end = (1<<20) + (EXT_MEM_K<<10);
memory_end &= 0xfffff000;
if (memory_end > 16*1024*1024)//控制操作系统的最大内存为16M
memory_end = 16*1024*1024;
if (memory_end > 12*1024*1024)
buffer_memory_end = 4*1024*1024;//设置高速缓冲区的大小,跟块设备有关,跟设备交互的时候,充当缓冲区,写入到块设备中的数据先放在缓冲区里,只有执行sync时才真正写入;这也是为什么要区分块设备驱动和字符设备驱动;块设备写入需要缓冲区,字符设备不需要是直接写入的
else if (memory_end > 6*1024*1024)
buffer_memory_end = 2*1024*1024;
buffer_memory_end = 1*1024*1024;
main_memory_start = buffer_memory_end;
#ifdef RAMDISK
main_memory_start += rd_init(main_memory_start, RAMDISK*1024);
if (!fork()) { //创建0号进程 fork函数就是用来创建进程的函数 /* we count on this going ok */
* NOTE!! For any other task 'pause()' would mean we have to get a
* signal to awaken, but task0 is the sole exception (see 'schedule()')
* as task 0 gets activated at every idle moment (when no other tasks
* can run). For task0 'pause()' just means we go check if some other
* task can run, and if not we return here.
//0号进程永远不会结束,他会在没有其他进程调用的时候调用,只会执行for(;;) pause();
for(;;) pause();
static int printf(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
int i;
va_start(args, fmt);
write(1,printbuf,i=vsprintf(printbuf, fmt, args));
return i;
static char * argv_rc[] = { "/bin/sh", NULL };
static char * envp_rc[] = { "HOME=/", NULL };
static char * argv[] = { "-/bin/sh",NULL };
static char * envp[] = { "HOME=/usr/root", NULL };
void init(void)
int pid,i;
setup((void *) &drive_info);
//打开标准输入控制台 句柄为0
(void) open("/dev/tty0",O_RDWR,0);
(void) dup(0);//打开标准输入控制台 这里是复制句柄的意思
(void) dup(0);//打开标准错误控制台
printf("%d buffers = %d bytes buffer space\n\r",NR_BUFFERS,
printf("Free mem: %d bytes\n\r",memory_end-main_memory_start);
if (!(pid=fork())) {//这里创建1号进程
if (open("/etc/rc",O_RDONLY,0))//如果1号进程创建成功打开/etc/rc这里面保存的大部分是系统配置文件 开机的时候要什么提示信息全部写在这个里面
if (pid>0)//如果这个是0号进程
while (pid != wait(&i))//就等待子进程退出
/* nothing */;
while (1) {
if ((pid=fork())<0) {//如果创建失败
printf("Fork failed in init\r\n");
continue;//重新创建 继续 走到pid=fork()
if (!pid) {//子进程中执行
(void) open("/dev/tty0",O_RDWR,0);
(void) dup(0);
(void) dup(0);//重新打开
while (1)
if (pid == wait(&i))
printf("\n\rchild %d died with code %04x\n\r",pid,i);
_exit(0); /* NOTE! _exit, not exit() */
linux 0.11 进程,《Linux0.11内核完全注释》读书笔记之内核启动方式总结_暗夜猎手 Vayne的博客-CSDN博客Linux 内核初始化过程_~怎么回事啊~的博客-CSDN博客_linux 内核初始化